En De
Total doses
People fully
% Fully
Pre-travel testing (vaccinated):
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated):
Test on arrival (vaccinated):
Test on arrival (unvaccinated):


Covid-19 Quarantine
Not required

Quarantine requirement at government designated site. From 6 May onwards, fully vaccinated visitors to Brunei from will not need to isolate on arrival. Only unvaccinated travellers will need to undergo self-isolation at a suitable accommodation (home residence or hotel accommodation) until their receive a negative result for the post arrival RT-PCR test.

From 1 April 2022, travellers who have recovered from COVID-19 in the past 90 days will be exempted from undergoing mandatory self-isolation. They must provide proof of recovery from COVID-19 in the past 90 days.

On arrival in Brunei, it is mandatory to use the BruHealth app to record test results.

Travellers who are not fully-vaccinated are only permitted to enter Brunei if they can verify that they are medically exempted from receiving a COVID-19 vaccination. Unvaccinated travellers will need to follow the non-Travel Green List Countries travel protocols (see Entry from a non-green list country below).

They are required to perform an ART upon arrival and RT-PCR test on Day 3. They are also required to undergo self-isolation until a negative RT-PCR result is obtained. Travellers will be charged $100 BND for both ART and RT-PCR.

See the Brunei Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) website for further information, or contact the Brunei High Commission.


Quarantine requirement at government designated site. you will need to go into quarantine on arrival at a government designated facility (usually a local hotel). Travellers are responsible for booking directly with hoteliers and must secure your accommodation before arrival. Currently quarantine is between 2 and 14 days.

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