Selbstisolation in eigener Unterkunft. Die Einreisebestimmungen für Saudi-Arabien sind für alle Reisenden gleich, unabhängig vom COVID-19-Impfstatus.
Self-isolation at own accommodation. Travellers from countries where cases of the new strain have been registered are required to quarantine at home for 7 days, and undergo a PCR test on the 6th day before ending quarantine. Travellers from all other countries are required to quarantine at home for 7 days, or 3 days followed by a negative PCR test. The Saudi authorities require anyone who is travelling from a country where the new strain of COVID-19 has spread to spend at least 14 days outside the affected country before entering the Kingdom. This includes travellers from the UK. Please check the General Authority of Civil Aviation and Saudia websites for further details on travel and local quarantine requirements.