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Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner

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Latest News: Government to permit quarantine-free travel between Hungary and Serbia and Montenegro for holders of COVID-19 immunity cards; will allow access to hotels, other venues for vaccinated individuals from 2 May (AP, 30.04.2021).

International Restrictions:

*From within the EU:

Hungary adopts its own national classification of risk areas, hence travel restrictions for Hungary are not based on the common "EU Traffic Lights" map.

Hungary has closed its border to all foreign nationals for an indefinite period due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Only Hungarian nationals, non-Hungarian nationals who are permanently resident in Hungary or non-Hungarian nationals who have permission to remain longer than 90 days, are allowed entry into the country.

Foreign nationals can enter Hungary only for the following reasons:

  • taking part in a Hungarian court procedure;
  • carrying out business or other activity justified by a letter of invitation issued by a central government body, an individual regulatory body, or an autonomous state body;
  • receiving health care service, certified by a document issued by the health care institution;
  • carrying out study or exam duty required by an educational institution, certified by a document issued by the educational institution;
  • taking part in cargo-related passenger traffic if the aim of the travel is either to get to the cargo transport’s point of departure, or to get home after carrying out such cargo transport duty, if certified by a document issued by the employer;
  • participation in family events (wedding, funeral, christening);
  • taking care of a relative;
  • taking part in an international sports-, cultural or religious event of a special significance.

Upon entry, individuals must agree to undergo a medical examination (temperature check). In case a suspicion of COVID-19 infection arises during the health examination, the individual will be refused entry.

Citizens of neighbouring states and Hungarian citizens living there may enter the territory within a distance of 30 kilometres from the state border for a maximum of 24 hours, but they may not leave this lane. Hungarians living in this 30-kilometre lane can also enter if they have stayed in the 30-kilometre lane from the border of the neighbouring state for less than 24 hours.

Those who can prove with either a Hungarian or English language document that they have recovered from COVID-19 in the past 6 months (e.g.: PCR test results, verification by a health service provider or authority) can enter Hungary without restrictions.

Is a quarantine required?

All travellers must complete a 10-day mandatory quarantine.

If the person has no place of residency in Hungary, they must enter a government-designated place of quarantine.
Hungarian citizens returning from abroad are required to quarantine unless they undergo a double testing procedure.

Is a coronavirus test required?

The quarantine period may be shortened by taking a PCR test no less than 5 days after arrival, followed by a second PCR test no less than 48 hours after the first one. If the result of these tests is negative, the period of quarantine can end.

Mandatory Travel Documentation

Foreign nationals wishing to enter Hungary for the reasons listed above must apply for an exemption at
The form, which should be completed in advance of travelling, is available in English or Hungarian.

Find out more:
Consular Services (Hungarian)
Information from Budapest Airport

Documents you need to travel in Europe

Health cover for temporary stays *Transit:

As a general rule, passengers in transit in the EU+ area are exempted from temporary travel restriction.

EU citizens entering the EU from a third country, as well as their family members, irrespective of their nationality, are exempted from the travel restrictions regardless of whether or not they are returning to their country of nationality or residence.

Passengers travelling from a non-EU country to another non-EU country may transit through the international transit area of airports located in the Schengen area. Rules regarding airport transit visa requirements continue to apply.

Additionally, for Hungary, the following rules apply:

Non-Hungarian citizens arriving from abroad in passenger traffic may enter Hungary for the purpose of transiting if they subject themselves to medical examination on entry, and the medical examination does not establish the suspicion of COVID-19 infection.

As additional pre-requisites for entry, non-Hungarian citizens arriving from other countries shall fulfil the conditions of entry prescribed in the Schengen Borders Code, credibly prove the purpose of their travel and ensure that they are allowed to enter the destination country (and, to that end, the next country en route to the destination country from Hungary).

Citizens of neighbouring countries and Hungarian citizens living there could enter the territory of Hungary within a distance of 30 kilometres from the state border for a maximum of 24 hours.

The humanitarian corridor for commuters transiting Hungary remains open.

Find out more:
Budapest Airport
Humanitarian corridor
Safety measures

*From Third Countries:

Entry from third countries is generally not allowed without a special reason.

Flights to and from the UK have been resumed, provided that travellers undergo a mandatory quarantine.

Internal Restrictions:

*Travel in Hungary: Everyone should comply with the measures put in place in Hungary to limit the spread of COVID-19. Hungary introduced a number of COVID-19 related restrictions. Many are expected to be lifted when 5 million people have been vaccinated (at least by the first vaccine). That is anticipated to be around 24 May. There is a nationwide curfew between midnight and 5am, except for people who can provide evidence (such as a letter from your employer) that they are working, or commuting to and/or from work, and those walking their pets within 500 metres of their residence. You should generally not be outside your place of residence during these hours. Please monitor local media for further announcements. Shops and service providers (e.g. hairdressers) can open during the day but must close between 11:00pm to 5am to comply with curfew requirements. Stores must limit their traffic to one customer for every ten square metres.

The terraces and gardens of restaurants are open for everyone. Mask wearing for guests is not mandatory. Indoor areas of restaurants are only open to Immunity Certificate holders and their children under 18.

Only Immunity Certificate holders may visit leisure facilities (including zoos, museums, theatres, cinemas, gyms and indoor swimming pools). Immunity Certificate holders and their under 18 children can also attend sport and cultural events until 11 pm, where they are not required to wear a mask.

Individual outdoor sporting activities are allowed where the minimum 1.5m distance can be maintained.

Hotels are open to Immunity Certificate holders, their under 18 children and to business travellers. Mass gatherings are banned. Family and private gatherings are allowed up to ten people. Civil and church weddings may only take place with immediate family present and with no reception. A maximum of 50 people may attend funerals.

It is mandatory to wear a face mask in public settings, including outdoors, on public transport and taxis, in shops, health and social care institutions, and public offices (i. e. places where not only Immunity Certificate holders are allowed to be). Compliance with the rules is monitored and violators can face a fine.

As of 23 May, street parking in toll parking zones and night parking in commercial parking facilities located in residential areas will no longer be free of charge.

From 24 May visits to hospitals and social care facilities will be allowed. However, A patient may only be visited by one person a day, for a maximum of 60 minutes, and the visitor must have an Immunity Certificate. Visitors are banned from wards where coronavirus patients are cared for.

Local authorities have some powers to introduce additional restrictions, so follow local instructions.

The full details are set out on theHungarian government website.


Other: open/confirmed

Restrictive measures mandatory between 16 June 2020 to TBD

end of the state of emergency

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