De En
Menschen vollständig
% vollständig
Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): PCR/LFT
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner

Öffentlicher Ort:


25/03/2021: museums; art galleries; amusement parks; zoos; theme parks and similar facilities shall:Calculate a maximum number of simultaneous visitors and make sure that no more people are in the area of the business; Ensure that staff are adequately informed about hygiene measures and offer their visitors and customers the opportunity to wash their hands with soap and water or offer hand sanitizer; Activities with attractions; such as a carousel; shall take measures to reduce congestion in and adjacent to the attractions.The Public Health Agency of Sweden has decided that an area of 20 square meters per person is needed in order to be able to conduct the business in a safe way. However; museums and art galleries have 10 square meters per person; just like for shops; but the number of visitors must never exceed 500 people regardless of the size of the premises.; 12/05/2021: From 1 June; permanent amusement parks such as Gröna Lund and Liseberg; markets and exercise races will be able to open; but with requirements for infection control measures.


10/01/2021 All visitors at shops; gyms and shopping centers should be able to have 10 square meters at their disposal.; 09/03/2021 New restrictions on the number of visitors to shops and sports facilities: A maximum of 500 people can visit department stores; shops; swimming pools; gyms and sports facilities at the same time. This is according to the Public Health Agency of Sweden; which has introduced new restrictions to reduce the spread of infection. Visitors to shops and department stores should come alone. 31/04/2021: On March 6; several trade restrictions began to apply to reduce congestion and the risk of infection spreading. The measures expire on 11 April. The Swedish Public Health Agency is now proposing that the measures be extended and that they apply from 12 April to 3 May. According to the proposal; the maximum number of five hundred people for the total area of operations will continue to apply. Stores; malls and shopping centres must also take measures to ensure that visitors come one by one. Children and people in need of support do not have to shop alone.; 26/04/2021: As the spread of infection during the spring was extensive; with a very high burden on health care as a result; the Public Health Agency's previous assessment was that the changes could take effect no earlier than 3 May. The situation has not improved; and the Swedish Public Health Agency therefore proposes a postponement until 17 May.;12/05/2021 Special rules for sports and outdoor competition events; such as exercise races; are introduced and mean that the number of participants is increased to 150 participants.


Neue Studien zeigen, dass Schwangere ein höheres Risiko haben, an Covid-19 schwer zu erkranken; was ein erhöhtes Risiko für eine Frühgeburt und andere schwerwiegende Komplikationen bedeuten kann. Die schwedische Gesundheitsbehörde möchte daher ihre Empfehlungen verstärken und wiederholen, dass schwangere Frauen besonders vorsichtig sein sollten. Dies gilt für alle Schwangeren und besonders am Ende der Schwangerschaft ab der 36. Schwangerschaftswoche. - Nun wissen wir, dass für Schwangere ein erhöhtes Risiko besteht und wir möchten vermeiden, dass sie intensivmedizinisch betreut werden müssen, da es im schlimmsten Fall schwerwiegende Folgen haben kann Folgen für Mutter und Kind; sagt Anders Tegnell; Staatsepidemiologe beim schwedischen Gesundheitsamt. Das Risiko einer schweren Erkrankung kann auch in Kombination mit anderen Risikofaktoren wie Bluthochdruck steigen; Diabetes; und Fettleibigkeit. Alle Schwangeren sollten generell besonders darauf achten, die bestehenden Empfehlungen zur Abstandswahrung zu befolgen; Seien Sie vorsichtig mit der Händehygiene; sowie soziale Kontakte außerhalb eines kleinen Kreises vermeiden und Staus vermeiden.; 02.09.2022 ab 9. Februar; nur Patienten; Pflegenutzer; Gesundheits- und Altenpflegepersonal wird empfohlen, sich testen zu lassen.;


01.12.2021 Indoor-Veranstaltungen mit mehr als 100 Teilnehmern, die keine Impfausweise verwenden müssen; gemäß dem Vorschlag; besondere Infektionsschutzmaßnahmen ergreifen. Die Teilnehmer müssen einen bestimmten Sitzplatz haben. Gruppen müssen einen Abstand von mindestens 1 Meter zu anderen Gruppen einhalten. Die Teilnehmerzahl der Gruppe darf 8 Personen nicht überschreiten. Die Person, die die Zusammenkunft oder Veranstaltung organisiert, muss die Gruppen aufteilen, wenn sie mehr als 8 Teilnehmer hat. Diese Maßnahmen sind nicht erforderlich, wenn ein Impfpass verwendet wird. Ein Veranstalter, der Impfnachweise verwendet, muss Richtlinien zur Überprüfung der Nachweise haben. Die Richtlinien müssen geschrieben und befolgt werden.; 23.12.2021 Ohne Impfpass; es gibt auch Anforderungen an die Entfernung zwischen den Unternehmen; eine maximale Größe von 8 Personen innerhalb des Unternehmens und eine maximale Anzahl von 500 Gästen oder Teilnehmern; 19.01.2022: Bei öffentlichen Veranstaltungen und Messen in Innenräumen beträgt die Höchstzahl 500 nur mit Impfpass.; 02.09.2022: Keine Einschränkungen mehr.


19.01.2022 Private Versammlungen mit maximal 20 Personen erlaubt.;


01.12.2022 Alle Hospitality-Locations müssen bis spätestens 23:00 Uhr geschlossen sein; maximal acht Personen pro Party.;


19.11.2020: Die Regierung gab der schwedischen Gesundheitsbehörde die Möglichkeit, Vorschriften zu erlassen, die den Besuch von speziellen Altenheimen (Sozialpflegeheimen für Behinderte und ältere Menschen) verbieten, wenn dies erforderlich ist, um die Ausbreitung von Covid-19 zu verhindern. Das Verbot kann für einen Landkreis oder Teile eines Landkreises gelten; 25.02.2021: Sowohl die Zahl der Krankheitsfälle als auch die Zahl der Todesfälle bei Menschen, die in speziellen Seniorenunterkünften leben, sind zurückgegangen; da der Anteil der gegen COVID-19 Geimpften gestiegen ist. Dies eröffnet den Bewohnern die Möglichkeit, Angehörige in der eigenen Wohnung hautnah zu treffen; und um eine einstweilige Verfügung zu vermeiden. Die schwedische Gesundheitsbehörde schätzt nun, dass diejenigen, die mit zwei Dosen geimpft wurden, zu einem etwas normaleren Leben zurückkehren können, wenn es um Kontakte mit anderen Menschen geht; zwei Wochen nach der zweiten Dosis. Wer geimpft ist, muss in der eigenen Wohnung nicht mehr so vorsichtig sein wie früher. Zum Beispiel; es ist möglich, beschwerdefreie Angehörige zu treffen und ihnen körperlich nahe zu kommen; 26.04.2021: In speziellen Heimen und im ambulanten Pflegedienst ist die Impfquote inzwischen gut. Auch viele ältere Menschen außerhalb dieser Umgebungen haben ihre erste Dosis erhalten. Zur selben Zeit; die Infektionsausbreitung setzt sich auf hohem Niveau mit einer Belastung für Betreuung und Pflege fort. Anpassungen der Maßnahmen nach der Impfung werden daher schrittweise erfolgen. Eine Person, die mit einer ersten Dosis geimpft wurde und drei Wochen verstreichen lassen hat, kann Menschen aus einigen verschiedenen Haushalten und sogar drinnen treffen. Zeit mit Menschen außerhalb des engeren Kreises zu verbringen, kann dazu führen, dass Menschen mit und ohne Risikofaktoren sowie Geimpfte und Ungeimpfte in den Kontakt einbezogen werden. Bei der Impfung von Personen in der Altenpflege und deren Haushaltskontakten; sowie Personal im Gesundheits- und Pflegebereich, das dieser Risikogruppe nahe steht; durchgeführt wurde; gemeinsame Aktivitäten in Sonderunterkünften und Tagespflege können wieder aufgenommen werden; vorausgesetzt, dass die empfohlenen Routinen befolgt werden. Geimpfte Personen in der Altenpflege können Besuche außerhalb des Hauses machen; beispielsweise an Angehörige und Serviceeinrichtungen. Um die Bewohner zu schützen und die mit Reisen verbundenen Risiken zu verringern; Es ist wichtig, dass alle Personen die nationalen allgemeinen Richtlinien befolgen.


The Swedish Public Health Agency recommends that travellers wear masks in public transport. This applies from 7 January 2021 and is aimed at people born in 2004 and earlier; i.e. people of upper secondary school age and older. For those who travel by public transport when it is not possible to keep your distance by booking a place; it is recommended to wear a mouth guard on weekdays at 7-9 and 16-18; as many people usually travel then; 01/07/2021: The advice on mouth protection in public transport during rush hour disappears.


23/12/2021: mask wearing recommendation in public transport are emphasized again to fight the spread Omicron. ; 09/02/2022: all recommendations are eased or removed.


Over 70-year old people recommended to stay home and avoid contact with other individuals; 22/10/2020: People over the age of 70 and risk groups will from now on be covered by the same recommendations as all other groups in society. The government urges everyone to follow the general guidelines to protect those who are most at risk of becoming seriously ill. Since 1 April; older people and risk groups have lived with sharper recommendations than others in society. They have been urged to limit their physical contacts; avoid public transport and avoid shopping in stores. But the Public Health Agency has decided to remove the special recommendations. From now on; everyone will be covered by the same general advice. The change is made; among other things; with regard to the mental and physical health of these groups.


25/03/2021: museums; art galleries; amusement parks; zoos; theme parks and similar facilities shall:Calculate a maximum number of simultaneous visitors and make sure that no more people are in the area of the business; Ensure that staff are adequately informed about hygiene measures and offer their visitors and customers the opportunity to wash their hands with soap and water or offer hand sanitizer; Activities with attractions; such as a carousel; shall take measures to reduce congestion in and adjacent to the attractions.The Public Health Agency of Sweden has decided that an area of 20 square meters per person is needed in order to be able to conduct the business in a safe way. However; museums and art galleries have 10 square meters per person; just like for shops; but the number of visitors must never exceed 500 people regardless of the size of the premises.; 12/05/2021: From 1 June; permanent amusement parks such as Gröna Lund and Liseberg; markets and exercise races will be able to open; but with requirements for infection control measures.


A new temporary legislation giving the municipalities the authority to reduce congestion in restaurants came into force on 1 July until the end of the year. 18/09/2020: it is proposed that the Act shall continue to apply until 1 July 2021. As of 3 November; amended regulations and general guidelines on temporary infection control measures apply at places of service. The advice makes it clearer what measures restaurants should take to prevent congestion and thereby reduce the risk of spreading covid-19. - The size of a party that can sit at a table is limited to eight people. If a party is larger than eight people; it must be divided into several tables at least one meter apart. If a restaurant wants to organize a concert; or the like; the audience should sit down. The Swedish Public Health Agency also advises going further if necessary to avoid congestion. - To ensure that congestion does not occur; restaurants should; if necessary; increase the distance between parties to more than one meter or reduce the number of visitors who may also stay on the premises; says Bitte Bråstad; General Counsel at the Public Health Agency.; 24/12/2020: As of 24 December; amended regulations and general guidelines on temporary infection control measures apply at places of service. The regulations on what measures restaurants should take to prevent congestion; and thereby reduce the risk of covid-19 spreading; are tightened. The size of a party that can sit at a table is limited to four people. If a party is larger than four people; it must be divided into several tables at least one meter apart. As part of reducing the spread of covid-19; the government announced on 18 December that the serving of spirits; wine; strong beer and other fermented alcoholic beverages or alcoholic beverage-like preparations should be banned between 20.00 and 11.00. On Christmas Eve; the ban takes effect. The stricter ban applies for three weeks; until 15 January 2021. Thereafter; the ban on serving alcohol after kl. 22.00 is again valid until the end of February 2021. The background to the decision is the sharply increasing spread of the virus that causes covid-19 disease. Staying in pubs; bars and restaurants may be associated with an increased risk of infection spreading. Furthermore; the influence of alcohol risks increasing congestion at restaurants and thus the spread of covid-19.; 14/01/2021: The ban on serving alcohol between 20:00 and 11:00 is extended until 24 January. The purpose of the ban is to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. This measure has been extended to 7 February 2021. ; 1/02/2021: The measure has been extended to the end of February.; 4/02/2021: The government will send out a proposal for a referral with the proposal that the ban should apply until February 28. The ban on serving alcohol after 10 p.m. is then proposed to be extended.; 26/02/2021: The Public Health Agency of Sweden has today decided on more measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in society.; 1/03/2021: opening hours at restaurants and restaurants will be limited. Under the new decision; restaurants and restaurants will close at 8:30 p.m. This applies regardless of whether alcohol is served or not. It is still possible for the businesses to deliver food for collection. The serving points that are part of a trading venue; malls for example; are only allowed to serve people who are going to eat alone. If the serving place has its own entrance; the restriction of one person per party does not apply.; 08/04/2021: Due to the high spread of infection; the Swedish Public Health Agency is extending the restrictions for restaurants and trade until 2 May.; 26/04/2021: The Swedish Public Health Agency will also extend until May 17 certain rules that would have expired on 3 May; for example that restaurants may only be open until 20.30 and that there may be a maximum of one person per party at restaurants in malls and department stores. 12/05/2021: The Swedish Public Health Agency proposes that the opening hours for restaurants be extended to 22.30 from 1 June.;01/07/2021 The regulation of opening hours for restaurants disappears and indoors; a group of eight people can sit together in a restaurant.;29/09/2021 The requirement for seated serving at a restaurant is also removed.


Regulation HSLF-FS 2020:12 - stipulates to have routines to prevent spread of infection and develop instructions on how workers and residents should work within migration centers and prisons.


12/03/2020 Gatherings with over 500 person is illegal. Guidance document for risk analysis for gatherings below 500 persons. Stay at home if you have any symptoms of respiratory infection. Wait two days after you are symptom free to return to work/activity. Recommendation not to visit risk groups and elderly friends/relatives if you can avoid it. If you have respiratory symptoms you should definitely not visit/see persons from these groups. General information campaigns on how to avoid getting infected and transmit the virus such as hand washing; not touching face etc. on website; social media; airports and other locations (travel restrictions to specific areas/countries).; 29/03/2020 Public gatherings and public events with more than for the time being; 50 participants may not be held in Sweden.; 22/10/20 The government announced today that the ceiling for seated audiences will be raised to 300 people at cultural and sporting events. To prevent crowds at nightclubs; the government has also decided that public dance events for more than 50 people will again be banned. The decisions apply from 1 November. The prerequisite for events with a maximum of 300 seated participants is that the audience each gets a seat with at least one meter distance to other participants. However; two people in the same company may be placed closer than one meter. To deal with congestion in nightclubs; the government has also decided that public dance events for more than 50 people will again be banned.; 02/03/2021 Therefore; the Public Health Agency intends to set an upper limit for the number of people who may be inside a store or a department store at the same time. The proposal means that the maximum number must never exceed 500 people; regardless of the area of the department store or store.; 09/03/2021: The new rules are proposed to enter into force on 6 March 2021. Cultural and sports events are allowed to have a seated audience of maximum 300 persons. This applies if the participants sits alone or in pair and have at least 1 meter to the next participants. All counties in Sweden have however decided to restrict this type of events to maximum 8 persons. In order to reduce the risk of congestion in stores and department stores; thereby reducing the risk of spreading COVID-19; the Public Health Agency of Sweden proposes to limit the number of people who are allowed to stay in a store or department store at the same time to 500. The proposal means that the maximum number must never exceed 500 people; regardless of the area of the department store or store. The 500-person roof does not apply to shopping centres and malls; 12/05/2021: The Swedish Public Health Agency has previously proposed that a gradual opening for an increased number of participants in public gatherings and public events should apply. After talks with; among others; the regions; the authority proposes that the first increase in the maximum numbers enter into force on 01/06/2021 and the government has now decided on this. Maximum gatherings are as follows: Indoor (50); Sitting indoors (300); Outside (600); Sitting outdoors (3;000); Exercise race (900); 01/07/2021 the maximum number of participants in general gatherings and public events indoors; allowed in level 2; is still 50 and 300 sitting; 29/09/2021: participation ceilings for public gatherings and public events are removed.;


10/01/2021 All visitors at shops; gyms and shopping centers should be able to have 10 square meters at their disposal.;09/03/2021 New restrictions on the number of visitors to shops and sports facilities: A maximum of 500 people can visit department stores; shops; swimming pools; gyms and sports facilities at the same time. This is according to the Public Health Agency of Sweden; which has introduced new restrictions to reduce the spread of infection. Visitors to shops and department stores should come alone.; 26/04/2021: As the spread of infection during the spring was extensive; with a very high burden on health care as a result; the Public Health Agency's previous assessment was that the changes could take effect no earlier than 3 May. The situation has not improved; and the Swedish Public Health Agency therefore proposes a postponement until 17 May.; 30/03/2021: The spread of covid-19 is increasing with an increased burden on healthcare as a result. The Swedish Public Health Agency therefore proposes that the date for when certain activities should be able to open up be postponed until 3 May; provided that the infection situation improves. Extended to 17 May 2021.


29/03/2020 No large events with more than 50 people are allowed.; 29/09/2020 The limit of 50 participants will be fixed as a general rule; but on Thursday the government will decide on an exemption. This means that events at restaurants; such as restaurants and cafés; are not covered by the 50-person limit.; 01/06/2021 Special rules for sports and outdoor competition events; such as exercise races; are introduced and mean that the number of participants is increased to 150 participants.;


10/01/2021 All visitors at shops; gyms and shopping centers should be able to have 10 square meters at their disposal.; 09/03/2021 New restrictions on the number of visitors to shops and sports facilities: A maximum of 500 people can visit department stores; shops; swimming pools; gyms and sports facilities at the same time. This is according to the Public Health Agency of Sweden; which has introduced new restrictions to reduce the spread of infection. Visitors to shops and department stores should come alone. 31/04/2021: On March 6; several trade restrictions began to apply to reduce congestion and the risk of infection spreading. The measures expire on 11 April. The Swedish Public Health Agency is now proposing that the measures be extended and that they apply from 12 April to 3 May. According to the proposal; the maximum number of five hundred people for the total area of operations will continue to apply. Stores; malls and shopping centres must also take measures to ensure that visitors come one by one. Children and people in need of support do not have to shop alone.; 26/04/2021: As the spread of infection during the spring was extensive; with a very high burden on health care as a result; the Public Health Agency's previous assessment was that the changes could take effect no earlier than 3 May. The situation has not improved; and the Swedish Public Health Agency therefore proposes a postponement until 17 May.;12/05/2021 Special rules for sports and outdoor competition events; such as exercise races; are introduced and mean that the number of participants is increased to 150 participants.


The rules for a limited number of passengers on long-distance public transport (lines longer than 150 kilometers) by train and bus were extended from 1 June onward and will be removed on 15 July.


A maximum of eight people may gather (down from 50). The police may cancel or disperse a public meeting or assembly with more than 8 participants; 01/07/2021 The number of allowed participants at private gatherings in rented premises; such as private parties; is increased to a maximum of 50. A group of eight people can sit together in a restaurant. The advice to only hang out in a small circle is now being adapted. Instead; it is advisable to take infection control measures if you meet people outside this circle. This is done; for example; by meeting outdoors in small groups and avoiding being close to each other for a long time in small spaces; 29/09/2021 participation ceilings for private gatherings in; for example; rented premises are removed.;


The square meter limit that governs how many people are allowed to stay in a certain place at the same time; for example a shop; a gym; an amusement park or a zoo; is removed. Businesses must still take measures to avoid congestion and companies must be able to keep their distance from each other. The responsibility for ensuring that this is followed lies with both the business and the individual; 29/09/2021: participation ceilings for public gatherings and public events are removed.


Cultural and sports events are allowed to have a seated audience of maximum 300 persons. This applies if the participants sits alone or in pair and have at least 1 meter to the next participants. All counties in Sweden have however decided to restrict this type of events to maximum 8 persons; 14/06/2021 A division of audiences and visitors into separate sections can make it possible to carry out events with more participants than has been announced so far. The Swedish Public Health Agency has proposed this to the government. The rules on sectioning could be implemented when level 2 enters; tentatively around 1 July. Instead of a maximum ceiling of 3;000 seated outdoors; a public gathering or public event could; for example; have 9;000 seated audiences if they were divided into three separate sections. The prerequisite is that this is done in combination with other infection control measures. A section can consist of up to 300 people indoors if they have designated seats; an outdoor section can consist of up to 3;000 people if they have designated seats. The total number of participants is governed by how many sections the organizer has the opportunity to arrange with current infection control rules. Sectioning is also possible for standing audiences. Then a section can accommodate 600 people outdoors if each has 5 square meters at their disposal. According to the proposal; the limit for participants in exercise races is 900 people; the participant ceiling is only proposed to apply at the start and finish area; participants in other parts of the competition track do not need to be included; 01/07/2021 the maximum number of participants outdoors allowed in level 2 is 600 and 3000 sitting. For outdoor demonstrations; 1800 participants are allowed; 29/09/2021 Participation ceilings for public gatherings and public events are removed.;


23/12/2022 At public gatherings and public events indoors; seated participants are only required if there are more than 20 people; regardless of vaccination certificate. For events of more than 500 guests or participants; vaccination certificates and distance between the parties and a maximum size of 8 people per party are required.; 12/01/20222 For events of more than 20 participants; only seated participants are allowed and they must be divided into groups (8 people max); for events with more than 50 participants; a vaccination certificate is required.


Non-essential shops closure: Open

Restrictive measures mandatory between to TBD

18 April: Emergency powers (new law) to be able to take coronary-related decisions quickly by the Government. In force from 18 April until 30 June

Events stop: Partially banned

Restrictive measures mandatory between 12 March 2020 to TBD

12 March: Events with more than 500 people prohibited 29 March: More restrictive ban of events more than 50. However, all private events are not included in the ban. Schools, shopping malls, public transport and company events are not affected by the ban. 18 April: Emergency powers (new law) to be able to take coronary-related decisions quickly by the Government. In force from 18 April until 30 June 19 May. Allowance of summer activities for children (born 2002 and after), if they are close to home and in smaller groups. A risk tool with precautionary measures for organisers are presented with different criteria’s to evaluate. Training and activities should be outside and distance kept when eating and sleeping. (What is a smaller group is not defined, the event ban more than 50 people is still valid) 29 May. Sport events are allowed from 14 June, the advice of no close contact and no travel for elite level sporting events will no longer be in force. Crowds are not allowed though since the ban on groups of more than 50 people remain. 08 October: The Government has introduced an exception from the rule on gatherings. From 08 October it will be possible to arrange/hold an event with more than 50 persons in places already under the temporary law for places of service (i.e. restaurants, cafes, pubs and similar). 23 October. Valid from 1/11. The government has decided 1) Exemptions from the limit of 50 people at public gatherings and public events. The ceiling for a seated audiences will be raised to 300 people at cultural and sport events. 2) Public dance events for more than 50 people will again be banned (an exemption was given to restaurants 8/10 for arrangements of events).


Since April 1; there has been a general ban on visiting elderly homes throughout the country. This ban was extended to 31 August. On 21 July; for nursing homes there is still a general restraining order; until 31 August. However; in order to counteract negative effects such as anxiety; loneliness and social isolation; the person in charge of operations can grant an exemption from the ban if a person has antibodies. Ban has been extended to 30 September.

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