En De
Total doses
People fully
% Fully
Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): None
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): None
Test on arrival (vaccinated): None
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): None



Teleworking is recommended; 07/03/2022: businesses and public services are invited to establish a structural telework system.


Teleworking becomes compulsory in the private sector and in all public administrations; unless the nature of the function or the continuity of activities does not allow it. One day's presence at work per staff member is authorized. As of December 13; the number of return-to-work days will be increased to a maximum of two per staff member. An electronic monthly register should be kept and made available through the social security portal; 27/11/2021: The period during which workers can only go to their place of work once a week is extended until December 19; instead of December 12. The period during which workers are allowed to go to their place of work twice a week begins on December 20; 03/12/2021: The obligation to telework is maintained; with a maximum of one day of presence at the workplace per week. “Team building” and other parties in the workplace are prohibited; 18/02/2022: The teleworking obligation is lifted.


Teleworking is recommended; as well as regular testing and ventilation; 01/09/2021: teleworking remains recommended; 29/10/2021: Teleworking is strongly recommended for all staff members of companies; associations and service providers; 20/11/2021: Teleworking becomes compulsory in the private sector and in all public administrations; unless the nature of the function or the continuity of activities does not allow it. One day's presence at work per staff member is authorized.


Teleworking is mandatory for the functions that lend themselves to it and with respect for the continuity of the management of companies and organizations; services and activities; 28/10/2020: Teleworking remains the rule; 18/12/2020: Control of teleworking will be reinforced; both in the private and public sectors; 08/01/2021: Mandatory teleworking is maintained. There will be more checks on the workplaces of workers who must respect quarantine; 24/03/2021: Checks on compliance with the teleworking obligation will be reinforced. Employers must keep a register of who is present at the workplace and when. Public administrations are also required to comply with telework obligations; 09/06/2021: Teleworking remains compulsory with one return time per week. Presence of a maximum of 20% of workers simultaneously; 01/07/2021: Teleworking is no longer mandatory.


It is recommended to telework; where possible; 29/07/2020: Teleworking is strongly recommended; where possible; in order to avoid contact between colleagues; 06/10/2020: Teleworking is strongly recommended; several days a week; 19/10/2020: Teleworking is becoming the rule.


Teleworking is now the rule (mandatory) for all business and enterprises. If you have to go to work (essential workers) wear a face mask and ventilate well; testing is recommended; 08/06/2020: Teleworking is recommended; where possible.


10/03/2020: Teleworking is advised and suggested; 13/03/2020: Work should continue as far as possible; but telework should be favored and; if necessary; reinforced.


23/05/2022: The obligation to wear a mask is abolished everywhere except in hospitals; in medical practices (at the doctor's office) and in pharmacies.


07/03/2022: Wearing a mask is recommended; but compulsory in care establishments such as hospitals and nursing homes; and in public transport.


All decisions will be taken by a management cell composed of; among others; the Prime Minister; the competent ministers and the Ministers-Presidents; 28/01/2022: The corona barometer (yellow; orange; red code) to reflect the level of pressure on healthcare comes into effect. The epidemic emergency situation is extended for three months; until April 28; 2022; 18/02/2022: the corona barometer switches to code orange; 07/03/2022: the corona barometer changes to code yellow; state of emergency ceases.


10/03/2020 Teleworking is advised and suggested; 13/03/2020 Work should continue as far as possible; but telework should be favored and; if necessary; reinforced.


Teleworking is now the rule (mandatory) for all business and enterprises. If you have to go to work (essential workers) wear a face mask and ventilate well; testing is recommended


08/06/2020 It is recommended to telework when possible; 29/07/2020 Teleworking is strongly recommended when possible in order to avoid too much contact between colleagues; 06/10/2020 Teleworking is strongly recommended; several days a week.


19/10/2020 Telework is becoming mandatory ; for the functions that lend themselves to it and with respect for the continuity of the management of companies and organizations; services and activities; 08/01/2021 Mandatory telework is maintained. There will be more checks on the workplaces of workers who must respect quarantine; 24/03/2021 Checks on compliance with the teleworking obligation will be reinforced. Employers must keep a register of who is present at the workplace and when. Public administrations are also required to comply with telework obligations.


18/02/2022: teleworking is not mandatory anymore but recommended; 07/03/2022: businesses and public services are invited to establish a structural telework system.


Teleworking becomes compulsory in the private sector and in all public administrations; unless the nature of the function or the continuity of activities does not allow it. One day's presence at work per staff member is authorized. As of December 13; the number of return-to-work days will be increased to a maximum of two per staff member. An electronic monthly register should be kept and made available through the social security portal; 27/11/2021: The period during which workers can only go to their place of work once a week is extended until December 19; instead of December 12. The period during which workers are allowed to go to their place of work twice a week begins on December 20; 03/12/2021: The obligation to telework is maintained; with a maximum of one day of presence at the workplace per week. “Team building” and other parties in the workplace are prohibited; 18/02/2022: The telework obligation is lifted.


01/07/2021: teleworking is not mandatory anymore but recommended; as well as regular testing and ventilation; 01/09/2021: teleworking remains recommended; employers are requested to make it structural; 29/10/2021: Teleworking is strongly recommended for all staff members of companies; associations and service providers.


Awareness campaigns; including promotion of the 'six golden rules' to control transmission: • Respect the hygiene rules / De respecter les règles d’hygiène ; • Practice outdoor activities as much as possible / De pratiquer ses activités de préférence à l’extérieur ; • Take consideration of vulnerable people / De penser aux personnes vulnérables ; • Keep a safe distance (1.5m) / De garder ses distances (1m50) ; • Limit your close contact / De limiter ses contacts rapprochés ; • Abide to the rules on gathering / De suivre les règles sur les rassemblements.

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