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Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner


Covid-19 Quarantäne
Nicht benötigt

Subject to restriction of free movement is anyone arriving in Estonia who began their journey from or transited through a country without health data or with an infection rate above 16. It also applies to any citizen or resident of Estonia displaying symptoms of illness. From 1 September; those returning to Estonia from COVID-19 risk countries will have the opportunity to be tested for coronavirus at the airport and port in order to shorten the 14-day restriction on the freedom of movement and allow them to return to work sooner.


On 29 September; the government of Estonia extended the term of the order regulating quarantine. 'Imposition of quarantine on persons diagnosed with the COVID-19 disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and on persons living with or permanently staying in the same place of residence as them and on persons who have otherwise had close contact with a person diagnosed with the disease'. 14- calendar day quarantine rule for contacts with persons infected with SARS-CoV-2 and all members in the same household. During the quarantine one cannot leave the house. Update 17/12/2021: the order regulating quarantine extended till 1 February 2021. Update 30/01/2021: quarantine regulation extended to 31 May 2021. 10-days quarantine for contacts with persons infected with SARS-CoV-2 and all members in the same household. During the quarantine one cannot leave the house. ; 20/05/21 The Government has adopted the decision to extend the current quarantine requirements until 31 December 2021; but for those vaccinated; the exemption from quarantine will be extended from six-months to one year in the case of close contact with a person infected with COVID-19.


20/08/20 Estonia's coronavirus exposure notification app 'HOIA' was launched.; 01/05/2022: Application is deactivated.


By government order nr 369 of 29 October 2020; the quarantine period for international travellers was shortened to 10 days. From 15/01/2021 a new procedure: People who do not want to stay in self-imposed isolation for ten days after arriving in Estonia can perform a coronavirus PCR test up to 72 hours before arrival in the country. While staying in Estonia; it is then possible to take a second test not earlier than on the sixth day after the first test taken abroad. A person is released from the ten-day isolation obligation prematurely if the results of both tests are negative. Those who have not taken the test up to 72 hours before arriving in Estonia have the option to take the first test in Estonia immediately after arriving in the country and the second test not earlier than six days after taking the first test. The ten-day isolation may be ended prematurely if the results of both tests are negative. The self-isolation requirement does not apply on travellers coming from European countries with a cumulative number of positive virus tests of more than 150 per 100;000 inhabitants in the last 14 days. UPDATE 30/01/2021: From 1 February 10-days isolation is not imposed on persons who have suffered from COVID-19 or who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 during the past 6 months. From 3 May 2021; the 10-day movement restriction does not apply to persons who cross the border between Estonia and Latvia at least twice a week for the purpose of urgent cross-border work or studies; provided the person has taken at least one test for the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 during the past seven days and the results of that test have come back negative.; 01/12/2021 All arrivals in Estonia (including Estonian citizens and residents) who come from countries with a cumulative number of positive virus tests per 100;000 inhabitants in the last 14 days must remain in self-isolation for 10 days. Mandatory self-isolation of 10 days can be shortened. Two corona tests (the last of which is a PCR test) must be performed at least 6 days apart.; 10/01/2022 If a person returning from a foreign trip has not been vaccinated or has suffered from COVID-19 during the last six months; he or she must remain in self-isolation for seven days instead of the previous ten days.; 01/07/2022 The government noted that the COVID quarantine order would expire on 1 July.


Selbstisolation in eigener Unterkunft - je nach Kategorie.

Die Reisebeschränkungen wegen COVID-19 wurden in Estland aufgehoben. Reisende aus einem EU-Mitgliedstaat oder einem Schengen-assoziierten Land müssen keinen Impfnachweis, Genesung von COVID-19 oder ein negatives Testergebnis vorlegen.


By government order nr 369 of 29 October 2020; the quarantine period for international travellers was shortened to 10 days. From 15/01/2021 a new procedure: People who do not want to stay in self-imposed isolation for ten days after arriving in Estonia can perform a coronavirus PCR test up to 72 hours before arrival in the country. While staying in Estonia; it is then possible to take a second test not earlier than on the sixth day after the first test taken abroad. A person is released from the ten-day isolation obligation prematurely if the results of both tests are negative. Those who have not taken the test up to 72 hours before arriving in Estonia have the option to take the first test in Estonia immediately after arriving in the country and the second test not earlier than six days after taking the first test. The ten-day isolation may be ended prematurely if the results of both tests are negative. The self-isolation requirement does not apply on travellers coming from European countries with a cumulative number of positive virus tests of more than 150 per 100;000 inhabitants in the last 14 days. UPDATE 30/01/2021: From 1 February 10-days isolation is not imposed on persons who have suffered from COVID-19 or who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 during the past 6 months. From 3 May 2021; the 10-day movement restriction does not apply to persons who cross the border between Estonia and Latvia at least twice a week for the purpose of urgent cross-border work or studies; provided the person has taken at least one test for the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 during the past seven days and the results of that test have come back negative.; 01/12/2021 All arrivals in Estonia (including Estonian citizens and residents) who come from countries with a cumulative number of positive virus tests per 100;000 inhabitants in the last 14 days must remain in self-isolation for 10 days. Mandatory self-isolation of 10 days can be shortened. Two corona tests (the last of which is a PCR test) must be performed at least 6 days apart.; 10/01/2022 If a person returning from a foreign trip has not been vaccinated or has suffered from COVID-19 during the last six months; he or she must remain in self-isolation for seven days instead of the previous ten days.


20/05/21 for those vaccinated against the coronavirus; the exemption from quarantine will be extended from six-months to one year in the case of close contact with a person infected with COVID-19.; 10/01/2022 If a person is a close contact of a COVID-19 case and has not been vaccinated or has suffered from COVID-19 within the last six months; they should remain in quarantine for seven days instead of 10 days.; 07/02/2022 The isolation requirement for children in close contact will be waived if the child is healthy and free of COVID symptoms.


The 10-calendar-day requirement to remain in isolation and the requirements for being tested for SARS-CoV-2 are not applied if a person: 1) suffered from COVID-19 and no more than six months have passed since the person was declared healthy by a physician; 2) has been vaccinated against COVID-19 and no more than six months have passed since the day of last vaccination.


On 29 September; the government of Estonia extended the term of the order regulating quarantine. 'Imposition of quarantine on persons diagnosed with the COVID-19 disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and on persons living with or permanently staying in the same place of residence as them and on persons who have otherwise had close contact with a person diagnosed with the disease'. 14- calendar day quarantine rule for contacts with persons infected with SARS-CoV-2 and all members in the same household. During the quarantine one cannot leave the house. Update 17/12/2021: the order regulating quarantine extended till 1 February 2021. Update 30/01/2021: quarantine regulation extended to 31 May 2021. 10-days quarantine for contacts with persons infected with SARS-CoV-2 and all members in the same household. During the quarantine one cannot leave the house. ; 20/05/21 The Government has adopted the decision to extend the current quarantine requirements until 31 December 2021; but for those vaccinated; the exemption from quarantine will be extended from six-months to one year in the case of close contact with a person infected with COVID-19.


20/08/20 Estonia's coronavirus exposure notification app 'HOIA' was launched.


Self-isolation at own accommodation- subject to category.

All travellers from high-risk countries must complete a 10-day mandatory quarantine. As an alternative, they can submit to a double testing procedure. The quarantine period may be shortened by taking a second RT-PCR test no less than 6 days after the first test. If the result of both tests is negative, the period of quarantine can end.

The 10-day isolation requirement does not apply to persons who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 in the last six months, or who have recovered from COVID-19 in the last six months and who have been declared healthy by a doctor.


Subject to restriction of free movement is anyone arriving in Estonia who began their journey from or transited through a country without health data or with an infection rate above 16. It also applies to any citizen or resident of Estonia displaying symptoms of illness. From 1 September; those returning to Estonia from COVID-19 risk countries will have the opportunity to be tested for coronavirus at the airport and port in order to shorten the 14-day restriction on the freedom of movement and allow them to return to work sooner.


Prime minister's Order to protect homeless people from the spread of COVID-19 infection. The person infected with COVID-19 cannot leave their place of stay from the time of diagnosis until recovery; unless instructed to do so by a health care professional or a police officer; or in the event of an emergency which threatens the life or health of a person. The restriction also applies to persons in shelters or safe houses who have been in immediate contact with the infected person.


From 1 June: Upon arrival in Estonia; persons arriving from a country where the number of COVID-19 cases per 100;000 inhabitants in the last 14 days is more than 15 must be quarantined for 14 days. No quarantine when coming from a country with a smaller number of cases. Previoussly: Anyone who enters the country 14 days quarantine.


The student halls of residence with 281 residents at Raatuse 22; Tartu. People living in the halls of residence must remain at their apartments until they have received the results of their COVID-19 test. On-site catering has been organised for people under restriction of movement.  Students who have tested positive for COVID-19 must remain in self-isolation at Raatuse 22 residence until recovery. Ban lifted for corona negative students on 20/04/2020.


from 1 June: Upon arrival in Estonia; you must be quarantined for 14 days if the person arrives from a country where the number of COVID-19 cases per 100;000 inhabitants in the last 14 days is more than 15. You do not have to be quarantined when coming from a country with a smaller number of cases. Previoussly: Anyone who enters the country 14 days quarantine.


After returning from the risk area; you should be monitored for health within 14 days; and in the event of fever; cough; or difficulty breathing; contact your doctor immediately and advise you on your trip to Wuhan.

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