13/09/2021 All persons travelling on international passenger routes organised and operated by carriers as regular; special and charter services (by all types of vehicles) from countries that are on the list of countries affected by COVID-19; must hold a document (in one of the official languages of the European Union) confirming a SARS-CoV-2 PCR test taken within 72 hours or an antigen test for COVID-19 disease taken within 48 hours before the return or arrival in the Republic of Lithuania. People with proof of vaccination or antibodies are exempted from requirements.;27/11/2021 Arrivals from Botswana; Eswatini; Lesotho; Mozambique; Namibia; South Africa and Zimbabwe will have to check in no later than 72 hours before travel and will be required to provide a negative COVID-19 test result to the carrier. Upon arrival in Lithuania; they will have to isolate themselves for 10 days and perform two more PCR tests: within the first three days after arrival in Lithuania and no earlier than the seventh and no later than the tenth day after arrival. All travellers entering the country must complete the traveller questionnaire not earlier than 48 hours before entering; whether vaccinated; ill or complying with other applicable isolation exemptions (exceptions must be noted on the form).;27/12/2021 All travellers from countries from which enhanced measures apply must have a PCR test not earlier than 72 hours pre-arrival or antigen test no earlier than 48 hours until arrival and they must re-test (PCR) no earlier than 7 days and no later than 10 days of arrival. Travellers from red and gray countries who are not vaccinated must have a PCR test not earlier than 72 hours pre-arrival or antigen test no earlier than 48 hours until arrival. Travellers from yellow countries who are not vaccinated must have a PCR test not earlier than 72 hours pre-arrival or antigen test no earlier than 48 hours until arrival and they must repeat a PCR test 3-5 days after arrival. Travellers from green countries who are not vaccinated must have a PCR test not earlier than 72 hours pre-arrival or antigen test no earlier than 48 hours until arrival.;05/02/2022 In order to harmonize the requirements for travelers throughout the European Union (EU); the requirement to bring a negative COVID-19 test result will not be mandatory for those who meet the requirements of the EU Digital COVID Certificate for Vaccination and Illness. The study will not be required for people who came abroad with COVID-19 within 180 days of being diagnosed by PCR; or for those who were fully vaccinated within 270 days (270 days does not apply to people under 18) or who received a booster dose of the vaccine dose.;14/02/2022 Persons arriving from third countries will not be required to isolate themselves. When all parts of the world find themselves in the yellow zone; travelers from any country will be required to complete a passenger questionnaire and submit a document confirming one of the three facts: vaccination against COVID-19; relapse; or a negative COVID-19 test prior to travel.;15/02/2022 A negative result of the COVID-19 test will not be requested from the countries of the European Economic Area; even if the person has not been vaccinated or has developed COVID-19 disease. Third-country nationals and legal residents of third countries that have joined the EU Digital COVID Certificate System will be able to enter Lithuania; but people who do not meet the criteria for vaccination or illness will be required to submit a negative test result.; 29/04/2022 Travelers arriving in Lithuania from anywhere in the world will no longer be subject to any COVID-19 management requirements: they will no longer need to take a COVID-19 test before traveling; even if they are ill or vaccinated; and will not have to complete a National Public Health Center questionnaire.
13.09.2021 Alle Personen, die auf internationalen Passagierstrecken reisen, die regelmäßig von Beförderern organisiert und betrieben werden; Sonder- und Charterdienste (mit allen Fahrzeugtypen) aus Ländern, die auf der Liste der von COVID-19 betroffenen Länder stehen; muss über ein Dokument (in einer der Amtssprachen der Europäischen Union) verfügen, das einen innerhalb von 72 Stunden durchgeführten SARS-CoV-2-PCR-Test oder einen innerhalb von 48 Stunden vor der Rückkehr oder Ankunft in der Republik durchgeführten Antigentest für die COVID-19-Krankheit bestätigt von Litauen. Personen mit Impfnachweis oder Antikörpern sind von den Auflagen ausgenommen.;27.11.2021 Ankünfte aus Botswana; Eswatini; Lesotho; Mosambik; Namibia; Südafrika und Simbabwe müssen spätestens 72 Stunden vor Reiseantritt einchecken und der Fluggesellschaft ein negatives COVID-19-Testergebnis vorlegen. Bei der Ankunft in Litauen; Sie müssen sich 10 Tage lang isolieren und zwei weitere PCR-Tests durchführen: innerhalb der ersten drei Tage nach der Ankunft in Litauen und frühestens am siebten und spätestens am zehnten Tag nach der Ankunft. Alle Reisenden, die in das Land einreisen, müssen den Reisefragebogen frühestens 48 Stunden vor der Einreise ausfüllen; ob geimpft; erkrankt sind oder andere geltende Isolationsausnahmen einhalten (Ausnahmen müssen auf dem Formular vermerkt werden). früher als 48 Stunden vor der Ankunft und sie müssen frühestens 7 Tage und spätestens 10 Tage nach der Ankunft erneut testen (PCR). Reisende aus roten und grauen Ländern, die nicht geimpft sind, müssen frühestens 72 Stunden vor der Ankunft einen PCR-Test oder frühestens 48 Stunden vor der Ankunft einen Antigentest durchführen lassen. Reisende aus gelben Ländern, die nicht geimpft sind, müssen frühestens 72 Stunden vor der Ankunft einen PCR-Test oder frühestens 48 Stunden vor der Ankunft einen Antigentest durchführen und 3-5 Tage nach der Ankunft einen PCR-Test wiederholen. Reisende aus grünen Ländern, die nicht geimpft sind, müssen einen PCR-Test frühestens 72 Stunden vor der Ankunft oder einen Antigentest frühestens 48 Stunden vor der Ankunft haben (EU); Die Anforderung, ein negatives COVID-19-Testergebnis vorzulegen, ist für diejenigen, die die Anforderungen des digitalen EU-COVID-Zertifikats für Impfung und Krankheit erfüllen, nicht obligatorisch. Die Studie ist nicht erforderlich für Personen, die innerhalb von 180 Tagen nach der Diagnose durch PCR mit COVID-19 ins Ausland gekommen sind; oder für diejenigen, die innerhalb von 270 Tagen vollständig geimpft wurden (270 Tage gelten nicht für Personen unter 18 Jahren) oder die eine Auffrischungsdosis der Impfdosis erhalten haben.;14.02.2022 Personen, die aus Drittstaaten einreisen, müssen sich nicht isolieren . Wenn sich alle Teile der Welt in der gelben Zone befinden; Reisende aus jedem Land müssen einen Passagierfragebogen ausfüllen und ein Dokument vorlegen, das eine der drei Tatsachen bestätigt: Impfung gegen COVID-19; Rückfall; oder ein negativer COVID-19-Test vor Reiseantritt.;15.02.2022 Ein negatives Ergebnis des COVID-19-Tests wird von den Ländern des Europäischen Wirtschaftsraums nicht verlangt; auch wenn die Person nicht geimpft wurde oder eine COVID-19-Erkrankung entwickelt hat. Drittstaatsangehörige und rechtmäßige Einwohner von Drittländern, die dem digitalen COVID-Zertifikatsystem der EU beigetreten sind, können nach Litauen einreisen; Personen, die die Kriterien für eine Impfung oder Krankheit nicht erfüllen, müssen jedoch ein negatives Testergebnis vorlegen.; 29.04.2022 Reisende, die aus aller Welt nach Litauen kommen, unterliegen keinen COVID-19-Managementanforderungen mehr: Sie müssen sich vor der Reise nicht mehr einem COVID-19-Test unterziehen; auch wenn sie krank oder geimpft sind; und müssen keinen Fragebogen des National Public Health Center ausfüllen.
Jeder Reisende, der regelmäßig nach Litauen zurückkehrt oder dort ankommt; Sonder- oder Charterflüge auf dem Luftweg; Meer oder Land müssen sich elektronisch beim National Public Health Center (NVSC) registrieren, indem sie ein Formular ausfüllen. Die erhaltene Anmeldebestätigung den QR-Code; die vom Passagier beim Einsteigen in ein Flugzeug vorgelegt werden müssen; Fähre; Bus oder Bahn. In Fällen, in denen eine Person unabhängig auf dem Landweg gereist ist; sie müssen sich spätestens innerhalb von 12 Stunden nach der Rückkehr oder Ankunft in Litauen beim NVSC elektronisch registrieren. ; 02.08.2021: Die Regierung erinnert daran, dass alle Reisenden einen QR-Code haben müssen; Testdokumentation und wenn die Person vorher krank war - Dokumentation einer medizinischen Einrichtung bei der Ankunft am Flug- und/oder Seehafen. Der QR-Code wird durch Ausfüllen eines Reiseformulars auf https://keleiviams.nvsc.lt/lt/form bereitgestellt; vorzugsweise 24 h vor Reiseantritt. Der Test sollte innerhalb von 48 h nach der Ankunft oder unmittelbar nach der Ankunft durchgeführt werden (Anmeldung über COVID-19-Zeile 1808). Wenn die Person an COVID-19 erkrankt war, muss sie über eine Bescheinigung einer medizinischen Einrichtung am Flughafen oder Seehafen verfügen, aus der hervorgeht, dass bei ihr COVID-19 diagnostiziert wurde; bestätigt durch einen Labortest frühestens 90 Tage vor der Rückkehr / Ankunft in Litauen. Wenn die Person geimpft wurde; Dokumente, die belegen, dass dies gemäß dem vollständigen Impfplan durchgeführt wurde. Dokumente müssen ins Litauische übersetzt werden; Englisch oder Russisch. 14-tägige Quarantäne bleibt für Reisende aus allen Ländern. Es können einige Ausnahmen gelten. ; 31.03.2022: PERSONEN, DIE IN LITAUEN (AUS JEDEM LAND) ANKOMMEN, MÜSSEN NICHT MEHR DEN PASSAGIERFRAGEBOGEN AUSFÜLLEN.
17.03.20: Einreiseverbot für andere Personen als Bürger aus Ländern der Europäischen Union; Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum; und Vereinigtes Königreich; Langzeitaufenthalter und Personen mit langfristigen Visa oder Aufenthaltsgenehmigungen; Familienangehörige von EU- und EWR-Bürgern; medizinisches Personal und Personen, die für den Transport von Gütern verantwortlich sind.; 01.03.2022: Die Europäische Union empfiehlt ihren Mitgliedsstaaten, alle nicht unbedingt notwendigen Reiseverbote für geimpfte Touristen, die aus Drittländern anreisen, ab dem 1. März aufzuheben; 2022.
16 March 2020 is prohibited the movement of persons and vehicles through airports; ports; rail and road crossing points at the external borders of the EU; as well as at border crossing points for local border traffic; with exceptation of freight. Allows Lithuanian citizens and foreigners having their permanent residence in the Republic of Lithuania to return to the Republic of Lithuania through the border crossing points. Air travel opened 10/5/2020; Land borders and ports on 14/05/2020.
Advise not to travel to China. ; 10/03/2020: In Lithuania according to the assessment of the Ministry of Health China; Hong Kong; Iran; Japan; South Korea; Singapore are risk areas and from 10/03/2020 risk areas were expanded by adding Germany; France; Spain and all of Italy.
The Government of the Republic of Lithuania has declared the following temporary conditions for the restriction and/or closing of the state border crossing. a) Border crossing will be closed at the following border crossing points: Ramoniškiai - Pogranichny; Nida - Morskoe; Adutiškis - Moldevichi; Krakunai - Geraneny; Eišiškes - Dotishki; Rakai - Petyulevcy; Norviliškes - Pitskuny; Latežeris - Parecha; Švendubre - Privalka; Nida - Rybachy; Jurbarkas - Sovetsk; Rusne - Sovetsk. b) Border crossing will be restricted at the following border crossing points 1) by road: Medininkai - Kamenyi Log; Šalcininkai - Benjekoni; Raigardas - Privalka; Kybartai - Chernyshevskoye; Panemune - Sovetsk; Lavoriškes - Kotlovka; Tverecius - Vidzy; Papelekis - Lyntupy (only for vehicles transporting large-size and heavy-weight cargo holding a permit issued in accordance with the procedure established by law); Šumskas - Losha; 2) by rail: Kena- Gudagai; Vilnius railway station border checkpoint; Stasylos - Benjekoni; Kybartai - Nesterov; Pagegiai - Sovetsk; 3) international airports’ border checkpoints: Vilnius; Kaunas; Palanga; Šiauliai; 4) international seaports’ border checkpoints: Pilies; Malku ilankos; Butinge oil terminal; Molo. Exceptions on border screening may apply in some travellers (citizens of and persons lawfully residing in the countries of the European Economic Area; the Swiss Confederation; the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; the Principality of Andorra; the Principality of Monaco; the Republic of San Marino and the Holy See (Vatican City State); foreigners who hold a document confirming their right to reside in the Republic of Lithuania etc.).
Foreigners arriving in the Republic of Lithuania from the affected countries (where COVID-19 infection reaches 25 cases per 100 thousand population) will be required to have a negative result of a coronavirus infection test taken within the last three days. Isolation will be mandatory despite negative test results because the incubation period is longer and there is no certainty that the person will not get sick. ; 12/10/2020: Change of definition for 'affected countries' and no need for test results made within 72 hours prior to arrival to Lithuania. Affected countries are the countries with a 14-day cumulative COVID-19 rate per 100 000 population which is higher by 10% and more; than in Lithuania; and additional criteria apply to third countries. The inclusion of third countries in the list of affected countries takes into account additional criteria such as the test coverage rate; the percentage of positive test results; the availability of information; the hospitalization rate and the number of import cases from a particular country to Lithuania. Foreigners from affected and third countries no longer need to have negative test performed within 72 hours before arrival to Lithuania. However; if isolated; in order to leave the isolation site or shorten the isolation period for the identified reasons; a test is necessary. Every traveller returning to or arriving to Lithuania by regular; special or charter flights by air; sea or land must electronically register with the National Public Health Center (NVSC) by filling in a form. The received confirmation of registration the QR code; which must be presented by the passenger when boarding a plane; ferry; bus or train. In cases when a person has travelled independently by land; he must register with the NVSC electronically no later than within 12 hours from the moment of return or arrival in Lithuania. ; 26/10/2020: From 26 October 2020; Lithuania changes the system to define affected countries based on a traffic light principle. Lithuania enters the yellow zone and will apply prevention measures only to those coming from the countries in the red and grey zone. Travellers from these countries will be required to take a coronavirus test (COVID-19) or 10 days of isolation. ; 16/11/2020: Mandatory isolation for 14 days (or 10 days if COVID-19 test is negative) for travellers coming from the UK; South African Republic. The test can be performed 48 hours before arrival or at arrival to Lithuania. It is recommended to isolate for at least 10 days even if the test result was negative before arrival. Mandatory PCR testing for travellers arriving from countries where the SARS-CoV-2 virus mink variant was detected; namely; Denmark; Spain; Italy; USA; the Netherlands and Sweden. According to the updated procedure; if a traveller arriving from the mentioned countries will not have a negative test for COVID-19; which is carried out within 48 hours prior to arrival; the traveller will be required to do this test within 24 hours in Lithuania and adhere to the isolation while waiting for the result. The state-paid targeted testing can be performed at mobile testing points by registering through the Coronavirus Hotline number 1808 or by filling in a special form on the website 1808.lt. It is also possible to contact any COVID-19 testing body and investigate at your own expense. ; 25/06/2021: Mandatory to have negative PCR test performed not earlier than 72 hours or negative antigen test performed not earlier than 48 hours before arrival. Some exceptions apply for certain groups. ; 02/08/2021 Travellers arriving from abroad need to follow specific procedures; according to the incidence in the country of origin. The list of affected countries is updated every Friday and enters into force on the following Monday. According to the maps of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC); foreign countries are divided into different colour zones with appropriate requirements. In the list of affected countries drawn up in Lithuania; a country is assigned a specific colour group according to the colour of the most affected region of the country. Third parties that do not provide data to the ECDC enter the grey area.;
Quarantine in all country from 7 November for at least 3 weeks; imposing restrictions for certain establishments; enhance police and State Border Guard control and safety of the population within the country and on the borders (coordinated by the Ministry of the Interior. gatherings of no more than 5 people; reduce movement to the minimum; private gatherings of no more than 10 people. From 16 December stricter measures apply. ; 16/12/2020: Measure extended. Restricted movement of persons remains for other municipalities at least until 15 March. Except when going: to or from airports; seaports; bus stations serving international passenger routes; to the municipality of your place of residence; due to the death of close relatives; to perform work when the place of employment is in another municipality; on health care services; for other objectively justified reasons of urgency; when it is unavoidable to go to a municipality other than the one of residence. This restriction does not apply to persons who are members of the same family or one household; who go to a municipality other than their municipality of residence; where they own real estate owned by one of the members of the family or household. From 25 February 2021 people will be allowed to move between 'ring' municipalities (Alytus city and district; Kaunas city and district; Klaipeda city and district; Panevezys city and district; Siauliai city and district; Vilnius city and district).
From 27 March until 6 April the movement of persons between municipalities is restricted; except in cases when going to: the municipality of their place of residence; to a municipality other than the one of their place of residence due to the death of close relatives; to work when the place of work is in another municipality; to or from international passenger routes to or from airports; seaports; bus stations; on health care services.
Movement within the country is allowed only if necessary. Leaving the place of residence is allowed: on the way to work (for work); on the way to the point of sale; when traveling to or from airports; seaports; bus stations serving international passenger routes; going to one's own real estate object; going to the funeral; for health care and other essential services; for other essential services or for objectively justified reasons; when it is absolutely necessary to do so; when going for a walk in open spaces; no more than one family or one household member; going to take care of people who are ill or are unable to take care of themselves.
From 25 Feb 2021: movement between 'ring' municipalities is allowed - when persons living in the adjacent municipalities of Alytus city and district; Kaunas city and district; Klaipeda city and district; Panevezys city and district; Siauliai city and district; Vilnius city and district move between the specified bordering municipalities. From 2020 December 16 00:00 until 2021 March 15 24:00 the movement of persons between 'non-circular' municipalities is still restricted. Except in the case of: to or from airports; seaports; bus stations serving international passenger routes; to the municipality of your place of residence; due to the death of close relatives; to perform work when the place of employment is in another municipality; on health care services; for other objectively justified reasons of urgency; when it is unavoidable to go to a municipality other than the municipality of residence; Members of the 'social bubble' are allowed to move from one municipality to another if they are in different municipalities. This restriction does not apply to persons who are members of the same family or of one household; who go to a municipality other than their municipality of residence; where they own real estate owned by one of the members of the family or household
Police blocking posts established to restrict travel between municipalities. People are not allowed to travel outside the municipality of their residence; unless they have property in another municipality. Normally; on non-public holidays; 750 crews will be on duty; another 60 police crews will work additionally and check the legality of the movement. The police will set up blocking posts at the entrances to the cities this weekend - from December 18 at 1 p.m. until 21 December at 9 p.m. They will also operate during the Christmas period - from December 23 at 1 p.m. until December 27 at 9 pm; in the New Year period - from December 31 at 1 pm. until January 3 at 9 p.m. The stations installed at the entrances to the municipal centers will have surveillance cameras; prohibition signs will be built; and some of the entrances will be blocked by technical means.
It is recommended to: restrict movement for non-essential reasons; leave the place of residence only for the purpose of work; shopping; health and other services.
Local quarantine in municipalities in so called red zone with an increase in number of cases in the last 14 days over 50 cases per 100 000 pop and positivity rate over 4% in the last 7 days and proportion of cases not related to known outbreaks or clusters is 30%. The measures include: public events - no restrictions for the number of participants in public events; but mandatory masks and distance of at least 1 meter outside and 2 meters inside; catering- working time 7:00-24.00; mandatory registration of visitors; 2 meters distance between visitors; Movement and masks: public transport - mandatory masks and 1 meter distance between sitting passengers (only sitting passengers allowed in public transport); in public spaces - no more than 5 persons are allowed with 2 meters distance between the groups; Public and private sectors - recommendation to combine work from office and home or establish remote working; places of trade and provision of services must ensure 10 square meters per person. Education: remote classes in secondary schools (5-12 grade) and higher education; Non-formal education for children and adults is provided at a distance or suspended (until 08.11.2020). healthcare – ban to attend patients; except children under 14 years of age; terminally ill patients and women with new-borns. Social care institutions: ban for visits and recommended reduced working time. Religious rites should be organised in a way to avoid gatherings; or refrain form performance of religious rites.
local quarantine is prolonged until 6 November. Suggested restrictions are among others; no more than 2 persons; except for family members; in public places. A safe distance of more than 2 m between persons or groups of persons should be observed; direct physical contact should be avoided; and personal hygiene requirements should be observed. Masks mandatory for adults and children from 6 years of age in public places; except when eating and drinking in public places; and during the provision of the service; when the service cannot be provided while the recipient is wearing a mask. Masks are allowed not to be worn by persons with disabilities who; due to their health condition; are unable to wear the masks or their wearing may endanger the health of the person. For those who cannot wear masks; it is recommended to wear a face shield. Remote work is encouraged where possible. Restaurants; cafes; gambling paces can work 08:00-24:00; but no time limitations for take away food places. It is suggested to cancel all mass gathering events. Shops can have limited number of people allowing 1 person/10sqm. Schools are advised to work remotely; though they do so from mid-September.it is proposed to limit the intensity of regular passenger services on long-distance; suburban and urban passenger routes; allowing only seats to be occupied at a distance of at least 1 meter. Vehicles must be disinfected at the start and end stops of each route. These provisions would not apply to transport that does not stop in the territory of Raseiniai district municipality. prohibit visit all inpatient social service institutions; families; group and community living homes.
Mandatory travel restrictions inside the country on 10-12 April 2020 (Easter) people were allowed to enter their town/city/village of residence; otherwise the police would not allow to enter; this is to avoid visiting relatives in another places during EASTER. In country travels limitations and 1 meter distance between people.
Local quarantine in municipalities in so called red zone with an increase in number of cases in the last 14 days over 50 cases per 100 000 pop and positivity rate over 4% in the last 7 days and proportion of cases not related to known outbreaks or clusters is 30%. The measures include: public events - no restrictions for the number of participants in public events; but mandatory masks and distance of at least 1 meter outside and 2 meters inside; catering- working time 7:00-24.00; mandatory registration of visitors; 2 meters distance between visitors; Movement and masks: public transport - mandatory masks and 1 meter distance between sitting passengers (only sitting passengers allowed in public transport); in public spaces - no more than 5 persons are allowed with 2 meters distance between the groups; Public and private sectors - recommendation to combine work from office and home or establish remote working; places of trade and provision of services must ensure 10 square meters per person. Education: remote classes in secondary schools (5-12 grade) and higher education; Non-formal education for children and adults is provided at a distance or suspended (until 08.11.2020). healthcare – ban to attend patients; except children under 14 years of age; terminally ill patients and women with new-borns. Social care institutions: ban for visits and recommended reduced working time. Religious rites should be organised in a way to avoid gatherings; or refrain form performance of religious rites.
Local quarantine in municipalities in so called red zone with an increase in number of cases in the last 14 days over 50 cases per 100 000 pop and positivity rate over 4% in the last 7 days and proportion of cases not related to known outbreaks or clusters is 30%. The measures include: public events - no restrictions for the number of participants in public events; but mandatory masks and distance of at least 1 meter outside and 2 meters inside; catering- working time 7:00-24.00; mandatory registration of visitors; 2 meters distance between visitors; Movement and masks: public transport - mandatory masks and 1 meter distance between sitting passengers (only sitting passengers allowed in public transport); in public spaces - no more than 5 persons are allowed with 2 meters distance between the groups; Public and private sectors - recommendation to combine work from office and home or establish remote working; places of trade and provision of services must ensure 10 square meters per person. Education: remote classes in secondary schools (5-12 grade) and higher education; Non-formal education for children and adults is provided at a distance or suspended (until 08.11.2020). healthcare – ban to attend patients; except children under 14 years of age; terminally ill patients and women with new-borns. Social care institutions: ban for visits and recommended reduced working time. Religious rites should be organised in a way to avoid gatherings; or refrain form performance of religious rites.
National movement restrictions: Partially banned
Restrictive measures mandatory between 16 June 2020 to TBD
Services and trade in public places: 2-meter safety distance between the working places, it may be less if there is a partition or if personal protective equipment is worn; distances in queues are at least 1 meter; MANDATORY PROTECTIVE FACE MAKS: In public transport. in catering establishments, face masks are obligatory, except when eating and drinking. In outdoor and indoor shopping areas, including supermarkets, and service provision points. Indoor and outdoor cultural, entertainment and other events and gatherings (masks are not required for performers). For spectators of indoor and outdoor high-performance sports competitions. In May, The Lithuanian government has announced a two-week nationwide quarantine.?The measures include closing borders to foreign nationals and shops except pharmacies and groceries. Lithuanian citizens currently abroad have been advised to return immediately.
International movement restrictions: Partially banned
Restrictive measures mandatory between 16 June 2020 to TBD
Starting from 16 June, Lithuania allows arrivals of all the citizens of the countries of the European Economic Area, the Swiss Confederation and of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (EEA), and persons lawfully residing in these countries, except that affected, who arrive from countries with COVID-19 incidence rate above 25 cases/100 000 population over the last two weeks, will have to self-isolate for 14 days. Foreigners coming from the affected countries must have a test for COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) taken at maximum 72 hours before the entry to Lithuania and negative results thereof, except cases provided for in the order of the Minister for Health. A negative test result will not free from the obligation to self-isolate for 14 days. Previously, , To extend the temporary internal border control and to check persons entering and leaving the Republic of Lithuania at the internal border of the European Union from 1 June 2020, 00:00, until 16 June 2020, 24:00: at the international airports; Klaipėda State Seaport; at the following Lithuania-Poland border checkpoints: Kalvarija, Lazdijai, Šeštokai. To prohibit the entry of foreigners into the Republic of Lithuania. The prohibition shall not apply in the case of: citizens of the countries of the European Economic Area, the Swiss Confederation and of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and persons lawfully residing in these countries, who arrive from these countries, provided the incidence of COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) in the country where they lawfully reside has not exceeded 25 cases/100 000 population in the last 14 calendar days. The list of such countries shall be approved and made public every Monday by the State Commander of National Emergency Operations. Persons who have returned or arrived from foreign countries shall fall subject to 14 days’ isolation, except for the citizens of the Republic of Poland and persons lawfully residing in the Republic of Poland, returning or arriving for the purpose of work, business or studies, and the citizens of the Republic of Lithuania returning or arriving from the Republic of Poland, where they went for the purpose of work, business or studies and travelled only within the territory of the Republic of Poland, the citizens of the Republic of Estonia and of the Republic of Latvia and the citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and persons lawfully residing in these countries returning or arriving from the Republic of Estonia and from the Republic of Latvia, where they travelled only within the territory of the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia or the Republic of Lithuania Previously, People will also be banned from leaving the country and travel to risk countries, including Italy, France, Germany Spain, China, Hong Kong, Iran, Japan, South Korea and Singapore. Flights to Lithuania are not banned this week yet to allow Lithuanian citizens to return to the country. People arriving from risk countries will have to self-isolate for two weeks.
Lockdown imposed with strong recommendations to stay at home. ; From 23 March; recommend to wear mask and keep distance. ; From 9 April mask have been made mandatory everywhere.
Mandatory closure of the town Nemencine after detection of COVID-19 outbreak in one sewing factory. People were not allowed to travel to/from the town; all population of the town was tested on 16/04/2020.