En De
Total doses
People fully
% Fully
Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): None
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): None
Test on arrival (vaccinated): None
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): None

Schools/Univercity closure:


Secondary schools to consider distance learning for large groups and when applicable.; 06/06/2021: The summer holidays started on 6/6/2021; and despite school closures; this measure was still active. Recommendations apply until 31.7.2021.


Primary school closures for older age groups in primary schools in regions with defined high/very high epidemic levels.


The facilities of schools will be closed and contact teaching will be suspended. Exceptionally; however; contact teaching in grades 1-3 for children of parents who work in areas that are critical to the functioning of society; 14/05/2020: lifting of restrictions.


Secondary school closures in regions with defined high/very high epidemic levels.


The organization of polytechnic and university education; free educational work; adult basic education and adult art education could be extended to distance education until 16 January 2022. However; the recommendation does not apply to the necessary contact teaching. The distance learning recommendation does not apply to basic education; vocational training or upper secondary education; 07/01/2022: Testing is recommended to be done twice a week for primary and secondary school students. If several infections are found in the teaching group; testing can be increased by a decision of the doctor responsible for infectious diseases; for example 3-5 times a week. Other measures to increase health safety in schools include enhanced masking and quarantine practices and exceptional teaching arrangements in the event of a difficult regional epidemic; such as hybrid teaching or; where appropriate; the transition to distance learning through local decisions. In accordance with the THL recommendation; no national distance learning recommendation is given; 01/03/2022: Updated recommendations to providers of early childhood education; basic education; upper secondary and vocational education; liberal arts and adult basic education; as well as polytechnics and universities.; 5/06/2022: Measure closed due to summer holidays.


The facilities of schools; educational institutions; as well as civic colleges and other free educational work will be closed and contact teaching will be suspended; 14/05/2020: lifting of restrictions.


Secondary schools to consider distance learning for large groups and when applicable. Recommendations apply until 31.7.2021.


The organization of polytechnic and university education; free educational work; adult basic education and adult art education could be extended to distance education until 16 January 2022. However; the recommendation does not apply to the necessary contact teaching. The distance learning recommendation does not apply to basic education; vocational training or upper secondary education; 07/01/2022: Testing is recommended to be done twice a week for primary and secondary school students. If several infections are found in the teaching group; testing can be increased by a decision of the doctor responsible for infectious diseases; for example 3-5 times a week. Other measures to increase health safety in schools include enhanced masking and quarantine practices and exceptional teaching arrangements in the event of a difficult regional epidemic; such as hybrid teaching or; where appropriate; the transition to distance learning through local decisions. In accordance with the THL recommendation; no national distance learning recommendation is given; 01/03/2022: Updated recommendations to providers of early childhood education; basic education; upper secondary and vocational education; liberal arts and adult basic education; as well as polytechnics and universities.


Higher education distance learning at least in Helsinki.


Secondary school distance learning at least in Pohjois-Pohjanmaa (Oulu).


Secondary schools to consider distance learning for large groups and when applicable. Recommendations apply until 31.7.2021.


Higher education to consider distance learning for large groups and when applicable. Recommendations apply until 31.7.2021.


Secondary school distance learning at least in Pohjois-Pohjanmaa.


Secondary school closures in regions with defined high/very high epidemic levels.


Primary school closures for older age groups in primary schools in regions with defined high/very high epidemic levels.


Secondary school distance learning at least in Helsinki.


Schools/Univ. closure: Open

Restrictive measures mandatory between 04 August 2020 to TBD

Nobody should go to early childhood education, school or workplace if they have any symptoms of respiratory infection until the possibility of a coronavirus infection has been ruled out by tests. It is good to arrange teaching premises more spaciously than usual and avoid or reduce unnecessary physical contacts. Early childhood education and care should, to the extent possible, be organised so that groups are not mixed or combined. Staff members in early childhood education and care should also work with one and the same group of children. In primary schools, the different teaching groups should be kept separate throughout the school day. In lower secondary schools and in optional subjects, the teaching groups may change if the teaching cannot be organised any other way. Safe distances of 1 to 2 metres should be maintained in contact teaching in general upper secondary schools and vocational education and training institutes, higher education institutions and liberal adult education. Providers of general upper secondary education and vocational education and training and higher education institutions may flexibly decide on safe and appropriate teaching methods and arrangements. If teaching is arranged for a large number of people, it is advisable to use remote connections. Large gatherings are not recommended. School meals should be arranged individually with the students’ own class or group.


Schools to distance learning for grades 4-9 (ages 10-15).


Recommendation of distance learning until the end of semester; schools close for summer on 30/5/2020 automatically. Continued distance learnign recommended over summer.


Recommendation of distance learning until the end of semester; semester ends in May. Continued distance learnign recommended over summer.


Grades 1-3 open for children whose parents work in critical areas and no option to telework. Changed on 20/03 to allow open for all but recommended to keep children home where possible. Schools close for summer on 30/5.

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