The employee has the right to perform work from his/her household if the agreed type of work allows it; 01/03/2021: for the trip to work a test that is not older than 7 days is required; 20/03/2021: Employers are ordered to prohibit employees from entering their premises; but with certain exceptions; 18/04/2021: lifting of compulsory teleworking.
Teleworking is recommended. Employees will be able to continue to work in this form only if instructed so by their employer.
21/04/2022: Mask mandatory indoors for: a) staff of social care facilities in contact with visitors or clients b) personnel of healthcare providers' facilities in contact with visitors; patients or clients c) visitors to social care facilities and facilities of health care providers d) clients and patients of healthcare providers' facilities; with the exception of patients hospitalized in the inpatient wards of the facility.
Only vaccinated employees and employees who have contracted COVID-19 in a period of not more than 180 days are allowed to enter the workplace premises; 19/01/2022: All employers are required to make entry to the workplace and other employer's premises conditional only on the employee in the OTP mode (vaccinated; tested or overcome by COVID-19) at the employer's premises and other premises. Also; mandatory testing of unvaccinated employees at least once a week; employees with a contraindication for vaccination will not have to be tested; 05/02/2022: the mandatory OTP regime at workplaces is abolished. Testing may continue but on a voluntary basis.
COVID Automat; a system for monitoring the development of the epidemic and taking anti-epidemic measures; enters into force. The public is informed of a new colour scale and score in COVID Automat. As the score increases; the degree of risk increases and more stringent measures are applied. Indicators used for this purpose in COVID Automat: a) 7-day incidence of cases (number of cases in 7 days per 100;000 inhabitants) b) vaccination of the district c) comprehensive local evaluation of the epidemiological situation by epidemiologists at the RÚVZ (eg trend of incidence; fulfilment of the criterion of the minimum number of tests; positivity of tests; super - spread in the population; nature of outbreaks; age - specific dynamics; etc.); 23/02/2022: The declared state of emergency is lifted.
Telework/working from home is a recommended; but not obligatory. Employees will be able to continue to work in this form only if instructed so by their employer.
Based on the Covid Automat monitoring system; the following districts are red as 13/09.2021 - in the first degree of threat: Bytca; Košice I.-IV.; Krupina; Poprad; Skalica; Trencín and Rožnava; 04/10/2021: 39 districts in red: Bánovce nad Bebravou; Bytca; Detva; Dolný Kubín; Gelnica; Humenné; Ilava; Kežmarok; Levice; Levoca; Liptovský Mikuláš; Lucenec; Martin; Medzilaborce; Michalovce; Myjava; Nitra; Nové Mesto nad Váhom; Poltár; Poprad; Považská Bystrica; Prešov; Púchov; Rožnava; Ružomberok; Sabinov; Senica; Snina; Sobrance; Spišská Nová Ves; Stropkov; Trebišov; Trencín; Tvrdošín; Velký Krtíš; Vranov nad Toplou; Žarnovica; Žilina and Zlaté Moravce; 25/11/2021: state of emergency for a period of 90 days in the entire territory of the Slovak Republic; 10/01/2022: curfew is lifted.
Information on COVID-19 shared with the general population on the Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic's website. Information and updates related to COVID-19 are released on a daily basis via the Public Health Authority; the Ministry of Health; the National Health Information Centre and the Prime Minister.
The Ministry of Health has launched a new system for epidemiological risk assessment called 'COVID automat'. The districts in Slovakia will be divided according to current risk - there are 4 levels of warnings with different colour coding.
Information shared with healthcare and public health professionals on the website of the Slovakian national public health authority and regional public health authorities. Latest guidelines by the Chief Hygienist of the Slovak Republic on COVID-19 disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 are available on the website.
An emergency situation will apply for all of Slovakia as of Thursday; March 12. The Slovak Republic declared a state of emergency on 16 March. This was temporarily extended; including restrictions on freedom of movement during Easter. The state of emergency should last until June 15; 2020.
Recommendation to telework/work form home if possible. Corresponds to the stay at home order. 17/02/2021 Update: employees and entrepreneurs who are unable to work from home must be able to provide a negative test for COVID-19.
The Government of the Slovak Republic declared a State of Emergency due to the epidemiological situation in the country. The state of emergency is to last 45 days. The State of Emergency was extended on 15th November for another 45 days. The State of Emergency was extended on 29th December for another 40 days. Update 08/02/2021: the state of emergency was extended for another 40 days. Update 20/03/2021: the state of emergency was extended for another 40 days.