28/07/2022 Parliament has definitively adopted; by a final vote of the Senate; a bill which explicitly puts an end to the exceptional measures against Covid-19 on August 1st; 2022. However; mask-wearing remains recommended in hospitals and LTCFs.
The state of health emergency has not been lifted.; 31/03/2022; end of state of emergency.
The state of health emergency has not been lifted. ; 31/03/2022; end of state of emergency.
For overseas territories affected by curfew and/or containment measures: completing the digital exceptional travel certificate is mandatory. Regarding air transport to overseas territories; the PCR test within 72 hours before boarding is an obligation. Else an antigen test taken 24 hours before departure is also accepted.; 4/10/2021: Only unvaccinated individuals have to take a test.
Für von Ausgangssperren und/oder Eindämmungsmaßnahmen betroffene Überseegebiete: Das Ausfüllen der digitalen Ausnahmereisebescheinigung ist verpflichtend. In Bezug auf den Luftverkehr in überseeische Gebiete; Der PCR-Test innerhalb von 72 Stunden vor dem Einsteigen ist obligatorisch. Andernfalls wird auch ein 24 Stunden vor Abflug durchgeführter Antigentest akzeptiert.
Der Gesundheitsnotstand wurde nicht aufgehoben. ; 10/2021 In Neukaledonien; Haft wird bis zum 17. Oktober verlängert; 31.03.2022; Ende des Ausnahmezustands.
02.02.2022 Telearbeit (mindestens 3 Tage) ist nicht mehr verpflichtend, wird aber weiterhin empfohlen.; 14.03.2022 Am Arbeitsplatz gilt das betriebliche Gesundheitsprotokoll ab Montag, dem 14. März, nicht mehr; 2022. Es gibt das Ende der Maskenpflicht und der sozialen Distanzierung.;
Companies must determine; after discussions between management and employee representatives; a minimum number of days of teleworking for each employee.; 29/11/2021 The protocol does not provide for any modification in the field of teleworking. Companies are encouraged to promote it and to define its rules with employee representatives.; 27/12/2021 Recourse to teleworking is made compulsory for all employees for whom it is possible; at a minimum of three days per week and four days when possible.; 02/02/2022 Teleworking (minimum 3 days) is no longer mandatory but remains recommended.;
The French Minister of Health held a press conference on 2020/01/21. Communication is reinforced towards the general population by adding specific web pages on the public health agency and Ministry of Health websites
A situation summary is sent twice a week by the French Minister of Health to others ministries; national agencies; and health academic societies.
The Public Health Emergency Operations Center has scaled up the national alert level from level 1 to level 2 (out of 3 levels). ; 14/03/2020 Crisis management center are activated (level 3/3). ; 10/07/2020: State of emergency lifted by Prime Minister. ; 02/06/2021 start of the exit procedure from the State of Health Emergency.
100% teleworking where possible; 9 June 2021: companies must determine; after discussions between management and employee representatives; a minimum number of days of teleworking for each employee.
Travel between the home and place of professional activity is only allowed when teleworking is not possible or for professional trips which cannot be deferred.
Boat traffic and cruise ship > 100 passengers : no stops in Corsica; other french overseas territories.