De En
Menschen vollständig
% vollständig
Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner

Schließung von Schulen/Universität:


Update sept 3: The start of the academic year will be 100% face-to-face for all students.. 3rd and 4th year students of the 15 most affected departments will be attending classes partly in person.; 31/05/2021: throughout the metropolitan area; education for all college students gradually resumes in attendance. However; a hybrid operation could be envisaged; for pupils in 4th and 3rd classes; in connection with the academic authority if the configuration of the premises or the specific constraints of the establishment justify it.; 17/06/2021 In line with the Health Protocol; wearing a mask Category 1 “general public” is compulsory for college students and staff in closed spaces. No longer compulsory in the outdoor spaces of schools and establishments; 07/07/2021: The summer holidays started on 7/7/2020 and ended on 01/9/2020 and despite school closures; this measure was still active.; 02/09/2021: The health protocol in force in schools; middle and high schools will be level 2: Lessons will be conducted face-to-face; ventilation and hand washing measures in place will be reinforced; wearing a face mask will be compulsory in the interior for staff and students; there will be a compulsory mixing limitation by level and physical and sport activities will be allowed both outside and inside.


The start of the school year is postponed.


09/03/2020 Closure for 15 days.; 23/03/2020 The measure will be extended untill 29/03/2020.;


School and universities closure.


Closure of nurseries; kindergartens and primary schools; colleges; high schools from Tuesday April 6; 2021


09/03/2020 Primary school will be closed for 15 days.; 23/03/2020 The measure is extented until 29.03.20.;


The protocol for the COVID-19 measures to be taken in French school was published on 5 July 2021 for the school year 2021-2022. ; 04/10/2021: end of the obligation to wear a mask in primary schools in the departments where the incidence rate is lower than 50 per 100;000 inhabitants for at least 5 days. The level 2 of the protocol; on the other hand; continues to apply in the departments whose (updated) list is annexed to the decree of 01/06/2021; prescribing the necessary general measures applied for the exit management of the sanitary crisis; 15/11/2021: all departments have been at level 2/yellow in the health protocol; with the wearing of a mask again compulsory for all elementary school students.; 01/12/2021 As soon as a positive case is detected; all the students in the class are then immediately tested. The class is open to all students with a negative test result. Students must wear a mask. Positive students are isolated at their home for 10 days.; 09/12/2021 The health protocol in all nursery and elementary schools changes to level 3; except in Guyana; which remains at level 4. Wearing a mask is compulsory outdoors (playground) for all children. students and staff.; 02/01/2022 For teachers staff and students over 12 years old with full vaccination; isolation is for 5 days if the antigen test or PCR on the 5th day is negative and no symptoms for 48 hours; 7-day isolation otherwise. If they are contact; there is no isolation. For teachers staff and students over 12 years old without full or any vaccination that are contaminated; isolation is 7 days if the antigen test or PCR on the 7th day is negative and no symptoms for more than 48 hours; 10-day isolation otherwise. If they are contact cases; 7-day isolation; negative antigenic test; or PCR after isolation. For students under 12 that are contaminated; isolation is 5 days if the antigen test or PCR on the 5th day is negative and in the absence of symptoms for 48 hours; 7 days isolation otherwise.; 10/01/2022 When there is a positive case in classroom; the other children will be able to stay in class until the end of the day and only one parental certificate (on oath) is necessary for the first negative self-test for the return to class.; 11/02/2022 The health protocol will go from level 3 to level 2 for the entire metropolitan territory; though at different dates between 21 Feb and 7 March; high school teaching in person.; 21/02/2022 There is an end of the mask outside in schools; sports activities it is possible be held indoors without a mask and also there is an abolition of the sworn statement of negative self-tests. The health protocol goes from level 3 to level 2.; 14/03/2022 Wearing a mask indoors for all students and staff will no longer be compulsory and the health protocol goes to level 1.;


11.05: re-opening under strict conditions. No mandatory attendance.


09/03/2020 Closure for 15 days.; 23/03/2020 The measure will expand untill 29/03/2020.;


01/06/2020: re-opening under strict conditions. Not mandatory attendance


Das Protokoll für die in der französischen Schule zu ergreifenden COVID-19-Maßnahmen wurde am 5. Juli 2021 für das Schuljahr 2021-2022 veröffentlicht. ; 10.04.2021: Ende der Maskenpflicht in Grundschulen in den Departements mit einer Inzidenz von weniger als 50 pro 100.000 Einwohner für mindestens 5 Tage. Die Stufe 2 des Protokolls; auf der anderen Seite; gilt weiterhin in den Departementen, deren (aktualisierte) Liste dem Erlass vom 01.06.2021 beigefügt ist; Vorschreiben der notwendigen allgemeinen Maßnahmen für das Ausgangsmanagement der Gesundheitskrise; 15.11.2021: Alle Abteilungen waren im Gesundheitsprotokoll auf Stufe 2/gelb; mit dem Tragen einer Maske wieder Pflicht für alle Grundschüler.; 12.01.2021 Sobald ein positiver Fall festgestellt wird; Alle Schüler der Klasse werden dann sofort getestet. Der Kurs steht allen Schülern mit negativem Testergebnis offen. Die Schüler müssen eine Maske tragen. Positive Schüler werden 10 Tage lang zu Hause isoliert.; 12.09.2021 Das Gesundheitsprotokoll in allen Kindergärten und Grundschulen ändert sich auf Stufe 3; außer in Guyana; die auf Stufe 4 bleibt. Im Freien (Spielplatz) gilt Maskenpflicht für alle Kinder. Studenten und Mitarbeiter.; 01.02.2022 Für Lehrkräfte und Schüler ab 12 Jahren mit Vollimpfung; Isolierung für 5 Tage, wenn Antigentest oder PCR am 5. Tag negativ und 48 Stunden lang keine Symptome; Sonst 7 Tage Isolation. Wenn sie Kontakt haben; es gibt keine Isolierung. Für Lehrkräfte und Schüler über 12 Jahre ohne vollständige oder kontaminierte Impfung; Isolation beträgt 7 Tage, wenn der Antigentest oder die PCR am 7. Tag negativ ist und länger als 48 Stunden keine Symptome auftreten; Sonst 10 Tage Isolation. Wenn es sich um Kontaktfälle handelt; 7-tägige Isolation; negativer Antigentest; oder PCR nach Isolierung. Für kontaminierte Schüler unter 12 Jahren; Isolierung 5 Tage bei negativem Antigentest oder PCR am 5. Tag und 48 Stunden ohne Symptome; Sonst 7 Tage Isolation.; 01.10.2022 Wenn es einen positiven Fall im Unterricht gibt; die anderen Kinder können bis zum Ende des Tages in der Klasse bleiben und es ist nur eine eidesstattliche Bescheinigung der Eltern für den ersten negativen Selbsttest für die Rückkehr in die Klasse erforderlich.; 02.11.2022 Das Gesundheitsprotokoll wird für das gesamte Metropolgebiet von Stufe 3 auf Stufe 2 angehoben; jedoch zu unterschiedlichen Terminen zwischen dem 21. Februar und dem 7. März; Hochschulunterricht persönlich.; 21.02.2022 Ende der Maske draußen in Schulen; Sportliche Aktivitäten können ohne Maske in geschlossenen Räumen durchgeführt werden und außerdem gibt es eine Abschaffung der eidesstattlichen Erklärung negativer Selbsttests. Das Gesundheitsprotokoll geht von Stufe 3 bis Stufe 2.; 14.03.2022 Das Tragen einer Maske in Innenräumen für alle Schüler und Mitarbeiter ist nicht mehr obligatorisch und das Gesundheitsprotokoll geht auf Stufe 1.;


The start of the school year is postponed.


Update sept 3: The start of the academic year will be 100% face-to-face for all students.. 3rd and 4th year students of the 15 most affected departments will be attending classes partly in person.; 31/05/2021: throughout the metropolitan area; education for all college students gradually resumes in attendance. However; a hybrid operation could be envisaged; for pupils in 4th and 3rd classes; in connection with the academic authority if the configuration of the premises or the specific constraints of the establishment justify it.; 17/06/2021 In line with the Health Protocol; wearing a mask Category 1 “general public” is compulsory for college students and staff in closed spaces. No longer compulsory in the outdoor spaces of schools and establishments; 02/09/2021: The health protocol in force in schools; colleges and high schools will be level 2: Lessons will be conducted face-to-face; ventilation and hand washing measures in place will be reinforced; wearing a face mask will be compulsory in the interior for staff and students; there will be a compulsory mixing limitation by level and physical and sport activities will be allowed both outside and inside.


Update 3 sept; The start of the academic year will be 100% face-to-face for all students. University first-year students will be able to take tutorials in person in half-groups from 25/01/2021; 31/05/2021: Across the metropolitan area; high school and higher education students (CPGE; BTS) are welcomed with a half-gauge operation; i.e. a presence set at a maximum of 50% of the establishment's total workforce; 25/08/2021: 100% face-to-face: return to campus for all students; compulsory wearing of a face mask; no health pass to access lessons; only an application for certain activities.


Closure of nurseries; kindergartens and primary schools; colleges; high schools from Tuesday April 6; 2021


Closure of nurseries; kindergartens and primary schools; colleges; high schools from Tuesday April 6; 2021


27/10 the government imposed a national lockdown. Universities are closed; with all classes to transfer online.


School and universities closure.


11.05.2020: re-opening under strict conditions. Not mandatory attendance.


Schools/Univ. closure: Partially closed

Restrictive measures mandatory between 22 June 2020 to TBD

In Green departments (where the virus circulates little), all schools (kindergarten, primary, secondary and high schools) are reopened and the presence of students is mandatory (and not voluntary as it was until 22 June). For high schools more specifically, exceptions may be applied at the local level. In the departments categorized as Orange (where the virus circulates more than in other departments), high schools vocational high schools have given priority to students who need professional certifications. For general and technological high schools, the students were welcomed for individual interviews or work in small groups. Above 11 years, wearing masks is mandatory.


11.05.2020: re-opening under strict conditions. Not mandatory attendance


11.05: re-opening under strict conditions. Not mandatory attendance.


School and universities closure.

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