19/06/2021: the proof of a negative rapid antigen test (taken no later than 48 hours before arrival) is also acceptable instead of a PCR test.; 19/12/2021 All travellers to Greece from 19.12.21 until 10.01.22; regardless of nationality; way of entry and vaccination status must have proof of negative PCR test 72 hours before arrival or negative rapid test no later than 24 hours before arrival. The restriction applies also applies to children 5 years and older.; 24/01/2022: Travellers without a certificate of vaccination or recovery from Bulgaria must perform a test upon arrival. If the test is positive; they will have to perform a molecular (PCR) test to confirm the result.; 07/02/2022 The entry into Greece for those who have an active European certificate will be done without a mandatory test.; 15/03/2022 PLF form is not necessary anymore for the entry into the Greek territory.; 18/04/2022 Travellers arriving in Greece; during the period from 18.04.2022 until 01.05.2022; holding a European Union Digital Covid Certificate are not obliged to show an extra negative COVID test result upon their arrival but if they haven't they must undergo PCR (72h) or rapid test (24h).; 01/05/2022 As of Sunday 01.05.2022; all travellers arriving in Greece; regardless of their country of origin; are no longer required to display a valid certificate of vaccination or recovery from COVID-19; or evidence of a negative test result from SARS-CoV-2 infection (PCR or Rapid Antigen test).;
Before entering the country; all travellers must complete a Passenger Locator Form. Temporary testing measure due to increased COVID-19 cases in some countries: passengers travelling to Greece will be required to have a negative molecular test result (PCR) for COVID-19; performed up to 72 hours before their entry to Greece from the following countries (date of entry in force): Bulgaria and Romania (28/07/2020); Testing for all travellers at all land points of entry to the country (10/08/2020); Malta and United Arab Emirates (6/08/2020); Albania; Belgium; Czech Republic; North Macedonia; Spain; Sweden (17/08/2020); Bulgaria; Romania; UAE; Malta; Belgium; Spain; Albania; North Macedonia and Hungary (16/09/2020 until 25/10/2020); Czech Republic (28/09/2020); Poland (3/10/2020); Israel (26/10/2020); 11/11/2020 all people traveling to Greece from foreign countries will be required to have a negative molecular test result (PCR) for COVID-19; performed up to 72 hours before their entry to Greece. This includes air and land arrivals to Greece.; 18/06/2021 All people travelling to Greece can have also a negative Rapid test (24h) before their entry.;
24/09/2021 Curfew from 1.00 to 6.00 up to 1/10/2021. ; 01/10/2021 Extended up to 08/10/2021
Since 6 February 2021 for Region of Attiki and Regional Unit of Thessaloniki there is a curfew on any type of outdoors activity between 18:00-05:00 for weekends.
Imathia; Pella; Pieria; Kavala: Curfew from 1.00 to 06.00 and no music allowed at entertainment venues; restaurants and cafes. ; 24/09/2021 Extended up to 01/10/2021. ; 01/10/2021 Extended up to 08/10/2021. Thessaloniki; Khalkidiki and Kilkis are also under curfew up to 08/10/2021.
24/09/2021 Curfew from 1.00 to 6.00 up to 1/10/2021. ; 01/10/2021 Extended up to 08/10/2021
Ausgangssperre von 1.00 bis 6.00 Uhr und keine Musik in Unterhaltungseinrichtungen; Restaurants und Cafés bis zum 16.09.2021. ; 17.09.2021 Verlängert bis 24.09.2021.
Reisen aus Albanien; Truthahn; und Nordmazedonien ist nur aus wichtigen Gründen erlaubt.; 14.05.2021: Reisende dürfen rund um die Uhr von den Landgrenzen durch die Einreisetore von Promachonas und Ormenio sowie Evzonoi und Nymfaia von 07:00 bis 23:00 Uhr einreisen. Seeverbindungen mit Albanien und der Türkei sind vorübergehend eingeschränkt. Die Länder, aus denen die Einreise erlaubt ist; ohne die Verpflichtung zur anschließenden Selbstisolation (aber mit dem Nachweis eines Zertifikats) sind EU- und Schengen-Raum-Länder; VEREINIGTE STAATEN VON AMERIKA; VEREINIGTES KÖNIGREICH; Israel; Serbien; Vereinigte Arabische Emirate; Neuseeland; Australien; Südkorea; Thailand; Ruanda; Singapur; Die Russische Föderation; Nordmazedonien; Kanada; Weißrussland; Bahrein; Katar; China; Kuwait; Ukraine; und Saudi-Arabien. Bürger aus Drittstaaten dürfen nicht nach Griechenland reisen (mit Ausnahme von Bürgern, die aus bestimmten Gründen reisen); 22.06.2021: Die Länder, aus denen die Einreise uneingeschränkt erlaubt ist, ändern sich entsprechend ihrer epidemiologischen Situation. Informationen zu Aktualisierungen finden Sie unter https://travel.gov.gr/#/ ; 27.11.2021 Nur griechische Staatsbürger oder notwendige Reisen aus Südafrika sind erlaubt; Botswana; Namibia; Letsos; Zimbabwe; Mosambik; Eswatini; Sambia und Malawi nach Zustimmung der regionalen griechischen Botschaften. Die Reisenden müssen unabhängig von ihrem Impfstatus einen 72-Stunden-PCR-Test vorlegen; Sie werden bei ihrer Ankunft einem Schnelltest unterzogen und 10 Tage lang unter Quarantäne gestellt; aus der sie nach negativem PCR-Test am 10. Tag entlassen werden. 02.12.2022 Reisende, die in Griechenland ankommen; Inhaber eines digitalen Covid-Zertifikats der Europäischen Union sind nicht verpflichtet, bei ihrer Ankunft ein zusätzliches negatives COVID-Testergebnis vorzuweisen. ab 15. März 2022; Reisende, die Griechenland besuchen, müssen das Passenger Locator Form (PLF) nicht mehr ausfüllen.; 01.05.2022 ab Sonntag 01.05.2022; alle Reisenden, die in Griechenland ankommen; unabhängig von ihrem Herkunftsland; nicht mehr verpflichtet sind, eine gültige Impf- oder Genesungsbescheinigung von COVID-19 vorzulegen; oder Nachweis eines negativen Testergebnisses einer SARS-CoV-2-Infektion (PCR- oder Antigen-Schnelltest);
Der Nachweis eines negativen SARS-CoV-2-PCR-Bescheinigung ist nicht erforderlich für Reisende, die ihre Impfung abgeschlossen haben (seit der letzten Impfung sind 14 Tage vergangen; abhängig von den erforderlichen Dosen) und im Besitz eines Impfpasses sind.; 14.05.2021: Der Nachweis eines negativen SARS-CoV-2-PCR-Zertifikats ist nicht erforderlich, wenn Reisende in den letzten 2 bis 9 Monaten positiv auf COVID-19 getestet wurden. Dies kann entweder durch Vorlage eines positiven molekularen PCR-Testergebnisses, das von einem autorisierten Labor durchgeführt wurde, oder durch ein ärztliches Attest nachgewiesen werden, das bestätigt, dass der Inhaber positiv auf eine SARS-CoV-2-Virusinfektion getestet wurde.; 19.06.2021: Anstelle eines PCR-Tests ist auch der Nachweis eines negativen Antigen-Schnelltests (spätestens 48 Stunden vor Anreise) zulässig; 19.12.2021 Alle Reisenden nach Griechenland vom 19.12.21 bis 10.01.22; unabhängig von der Nationalität; Einreiseart und Impfstatus müssen 72 Stunden vor Ankunft einen negativen PCR-Test oder spätestens 24 Stunden vor Ankunft einen negativen Schnelltest nachweisen. Die Einschränkung gilt auch für Kinder ab 5 Jahren.; 24.01.2022: Reisende ohne Impf- oder Genesungsbescheinigung aus Bulgarien müssen bei der Einreise einen Test durchführen. Wenn der Test positiv ist; Sie müssen einen molekularen (PCR) Test durchführen, um das Ergebnis zu bestätigen.; 02.07.2022 Die Einreise nach Griechenland für diejenigen, die über ein aktives europäisches Zertifikat verfügen, erfolgt ohne obligatorischen Test.; 15.03.2022 PLF-Formular ist für die Einreise in das griechische Hoheitsgebiet nicht mehr erforderlich.; 18.04.2022 Reisende, die in Griechenland ankommen; im Zeitraum vom 18.04.2022 bis 01.05.2022; Inhaber eines digitalen Covid-Zertifikats der Europäischen Union sind nicht verpflichtet, bei ihrer Ankunft ein zusätzliches negatives COVID-Testergebnis vorzuweisen, aber wenn dies nicht der Fall ist, müssen sie sich einem PCR-Test (72 Stunden) oder einem Schnelltest (24 Stunden) unterziehen.; 01.05.2022 ab Sonntag 01.05.2022; alle Reisenden, die in Griechenland ankommen; unabhängig von ihrem Herkunftsland; nicht mehr verpflichtet sind, eine gültige Impf- oder Genesungsbescheinigung von COVID-19 vorzulegen; oder Nachweis eines negativen Testergebnisses einer SARS-CoV-2-Infektion (PCR- oder Antigen-Schnelltest);
24.09.2021 Ausgangssperre von 1.00 bis 6.00 Uhr bis 1.10.2021. ; 01.10.2021 Verlängert bis 08.10.2021
Imathia; Pella; Pieria; Kavala: Ausgangssperre von 1.00 bis 6.00 Uhr und keine Musik an Unterhaltungsorten erlaubt; Restaurants und Cafés. ; 24.09.2021 Verlängert bis 01.10.2021. ; 01.10.2021 Verlängert bis 08.10.2021. Saloniki; Auch Chalkidiki und Kilkis unterliegen bis zum 10.08.2021 einer Ausgangssperre.
17.03.20: Einreiseverbot für andere Personen als Bürger aus Ländern der Europäischen Union; Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum; und Vereinigtes Königreich; Langzeitaufenthalter und Personen mit langfristigen Visa oder Aufenthaltsgenehmigungen; Familienangehörige von EU- und EWR-Bürgern; medizinisches Personal und für den Warentransport verantwortliche Personen für 30 Tage.; 03.01.2022: Die Europäische Union empfiehlt ihren Mitgliedsstaaten, alle nicht wesentlichen Reiseverbote für geimpfte Touristen, die aus Drittländern anreisen, ab dem 1. März aufzuheben; 2022.
Curfew from 1.00 to 06.00 and no music at entertainment establishments; restaurants and cafes. ; 24/09/2021 Extended up to 01/10/2021.
Lockdown. Residents are being requested to limit non-essential movement. Only individuals traveling to and from work; essential shopping and services where delivery or online services are not possible (foods and medical products; visits to the bank); visits to the doctor when prior consultation has been conducted over phone; assist someone in need; attending a ceremony (wedding; funeral); maintaining contact with children; exercising or walking a pet will be allowed out and must carry proper identification and documentation validating their reasons for movement. ; 05/05/2020: Lockdown is lifted but must stay within own prefecture.
The movement of the population is restricted between regional units. There are exceptions such as work and health reasons.
21/03/2020 Permanent residents and supply trucks would be allowed to travel to the Greek islands;.; 07/04/2020 Further tightening of measures restricting the movement of people by land; sea and air ahead of Easter.
Curfew from 1.00 to 06.00. Music is not allowed in entertainment venues and restaurants; cafes; bars.
Curfew from 1.00 to 06.00. Music is not allowed in entertainment venues and restaurants; cafes; bars.; 19/08/2021 Curfew is extended to 25/8/2021; Curfew extended until 16/09/2021.
Curfew in Messinia from 1.00 to 06.00. Music is not allowed in entertainment venues and restaurants; cafes; bars. Extended until 10/9/2021.; 03/09/2021 Curfew also in Achaia and Ilia until 10/9/2021.; Curfew in Messinia; Ilia and Achaia extended until 16/09/2021.
Curfew from 1.00 to 06.00. Music is not allowed in entertainment venues and restaurants; cafes; bars.; Curfew extended until 16/09/2021.
Before entering the country; all travellers must complete a Passenger Locator Form. Temporary testing measure due to increased COVID-19 cases in some countries: passengers travelling to Greece will be required to have a negative molecular test result (PCR) for COVID-19; performed up to 72 hours before their entry to Greece from the following countries (date of entry in force): Bulgaria and Romania (28/07/2020); Testing for all travellers at all land points of entry to the country (10/08/2020); Malta and United Arab Emirates (6/08/2020); Albania; Belgium; Czech Republic; North Macedonia; Spain; Sweden (17/08/2020); Bulgaria; Romania; UAE; Malta; Belgium; Spain; Albania; North Macedonia and Hungary (16/09/2020 until 25/10/2020); Czech Republic (28/09/2020); Poland (3/10/2020); Israel (26/10/2020); 11/11/2020 all people traveling to Greece from foreign countries will be required to have a negative molecular test result (PCR) for COVID-19; performed up to 72 hours before their entry to Greece. This includes air and land arrivals to Greece.
A curfew between 21:00-05:00 on any type of outdoor activity is in place. Between these hours; movement is allowed only for necessary reasons. From 05:00 -21:00 outdoor activities (including work) are allowed but individuals have to send a text message to a specific number before they go out. The movement from a regional unit to another is also forbidden.; Since 6/02/2021; the curfew on any type of outdoor activity between 21:00-05:00 is valid only for the regions with low community transmission of COVID-19 and for the Region of Attiki and Regional Unit of Thessaloniki. For the regions with high and very high community transmission of COVID-19 the curfew on any type of outdoor activity is between 18:00-05:00. Moreover for Region of Attiki and Regional Unit of Thessaloniki there is a curfew on any type of outdoor activity between 18:00-05:00 for weekends. As of 20/03/2021 the curfew on any type of outdoor activity is valid again between 21:00-05:00 including weekends. Between these hours; movement is allowed only for necessary reasons (e.g. work). As of 26 April the curfew on any type of outdoor activity is between 22:00-05:00. As of 03/05/2021 the curfew on any type of outdoor activity is between 23:00-05:00.; 14/05/2021 A curfew between 00:30-05:00 on any type of outdoor activity is in place. Between these hours; movement is allowed only for necessary reasons. Texting a message to allow outdoor activities during the day is not yet necessary. The movement from a regional unit to another is allowed; 12/06/2021: the curfew of any type of outdoor activity is in place is from 01:30 to 05:00 with the exception of necessary reasons (e.g. work; urgent health issues); 3/07/2021: Curfew lifted.
Curfew from 1.00 to 06.00. Music is not allowed in entertainment venues and restaurants; cafes; bars.
Since 6 February 2021 for Region of Attiki and Regional Unit of Thessaloniki there is a curfew on any type of outdoors activity between 18:00-05:00 for weekends.
The Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority (HCAA) on Friday announced the extension of travel restrictions for domestic flights (travel between prefectures) in Greece, until 6am on Monday, March 1. The updated aviation directive (NOTAM) concerns domestic scheduled, commercial and general/business flights and foresees that only essential travel is allowed for health and business reasons, family reunification, and returning to permanent residence. Exempt from the restrictions are Hellenic national healthcare system flights, state flights, sanitary flights, humanitarian flights, emergency flights, military flights, cargo flights, fire fighting flights, frontex flights, technical landing flights (where passengers do not disembark) and ferry flights (return of with crew without passengers). All aviation directives are issued as part of the Greek government’s efforts to curb the spread of coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic in the country.
National movement restrictions: Free
Restrictive measures mandatory between 18 June 2020 to 17 July 2020
From 18 June, the removal of the traffic restriction measures in the center of Athens is extended again, until 17 July, in order to avoid the overcrowding of the citizens and to facilitate the restart of the economic and social life. Ships traffic reopened.
International movement restrictions: Partially banned
Restrictive measures mandatory between 15 June 2020 to 01 July 2020
From June 15, tourism travel resumes, and international flights will land not just in Athens but in Thessaloniki too. However, some passengers will have to undergo mandatory testing upon arrival. Those coming from any of these airports listed by the European Aviation Safety Agency, will have to get tested on arrival, then go to to a designated hotel and quarantine for 7 days if the test is negative, and for 14 days if the test is positive. All other passengers, including all travellers coming from Albania, Australia, Austria, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Estonia, Japan, Israel, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lebanon, New Zealand, Lithuania, Malta, Montenegro, Norway, South Korea, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Finland - will be subject to random tests and no further restrictions. In addition, land arrivals from Albania, North Macedonia and Bulgaria will be allowed in the country. Those travellers will be subject to random tests upon arrival.
Stay at home orders enforced; along with a curfew on any type of outdoors activity between 18:00-05:00.
Stay at home orders enforced; along with a curfew on any type of outdoors activity between 18:00 - 05:00.
Stay at home orders enforced; along with a curfew on any type of outdoors activity between 18:00-05:00.
Stay at home orders enforced; along with a curfew on any type of outdoors activity between 18:00 - 05:00.
Thessaloniki regional unit and Serres regional unit have been placed under lockdown (alarm level for COVID-19 in Greece).
Aegean islands/Lesbos island: Additional restrictions remain in place until further notice in migrants’ camps on the Greek islands. No volunteers are allowed in the camps; and school classes for migrant children have been suspended. Entry will be allowed only to staff and there will be a compulsory temperature check for new arrivals. For regular updates; the ministry will post updates and instructions for/to the five island camps’ residents twice a day in Arabic; Farsi; English; French and Greek. More than 2;300 ‘vulnerable’ refugees are being moved to mainland hotels; apartments and other camps.The transfer is expected to be carried out over a two-week period from 19 April.
Two villages in Western Macedonia; Damaskinia and Dragasia; were quarantined after several cases among their residents were confirmed. The entry and exit to and from the villages was banned; allowing only medical staff and municipal staff to supply them with medication and food.
Migrant camps in Ritsona and Malakasa have been placed under full sanitary isolation. No one is allowed to leave or enter the camp. Additional security forces have been deployed.