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Menschen vollständig
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Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner



12.02.2021 Abstand zu anderen halten; möglichst einen Meter. Vermeiden Sie es, Hände zu drücken und zu schütteln. Erwachsene werden gebeten, zu prüfen, ob es möglich ist, die Anzahl enger Kontakte zu reduzieren. 2.12.2022: Beschränkungen aufgehoben.


12.07.2021 Empfehlung 1 Meter Abstand und verstärkte Nutzung des Homeoffice.; 13.12.2021 Alle, die Homeoffice haben können, müssen Homeoffice haben.; 13.01.2022 Arbeiten Sie von zu Hause aus, wenn es möglich ist, oder arbeiten Sie vom Büro aus mit 1 m Abstand. Es gibt auch eine Empfehlung für Gesichtsmasken und gute Belüftung.; 01.02.2022 Die Ermöglichung von Home Office wird nicht mehr erforderlich sein. Es wird empfohlen, dass Arbeitgeber selbst einschätzen, wie viel Homeoffice am jeweiligen Arbeitsplatz richtig ist.; 02.12.2022 Der Normalbetrieb wird gemäß den Infektionsschutzempfehlungen für die Bevölkerung empfohlen.;


28/07/2021. General infection control measures. Partly home office and flexible working hours. Increased presence in the workplace. It must be possible to keep a distance of 1 meter for everyone. Those who are protected do not have to keep their distance from others in the workplace; but should pay special attention to the unprotected in risk groups. The employer assesses to a greater extent whether a home office is necessary in light of the local risk of infection; 25/09/2021: The guide for teleworking is no longer valid. The employer must risk assess the risk of infection and plan measures; if the employees come into contact with infected people in the workplace or have a risk of infection.


18/06/2021: phase 3 of re-opening - Increased presence in the workplace. Partly home office and/or flexible working hours. The employer assesses to a greater extent whether a home office is necessary in light of the local risk of infection. General infection control measures. It must be possible to keep a distance of 1 meter for everyone. Those who are protected do not have to keep their distance from others in the workplace but should pay special attention to the unprotected risk groups; 25/09/2021: The guide for teleworking is no longer valid.


Infection protection guidelines for Kindergarten workers published


Situation 6 January. A news item has been published today on our website (in Norwegian): No travel restrictions are recommended.


27/05/2021: Norwegian government has establshied a three-step approach to reopening. 'The trade unions recommend that the first step in the reopening starts when the epidemic is under control. This means that infection and disease burden have been at a stable low level for about three weeks. The government is looking at three main areas to consider reopening: the development in the infection situation; capacity in the health service and how many have been vaccinated.'


Continuous: Since autumn 2020; Norway has a local approach to tightening or loosening measures based on the epidemiological situation; these are then an addition/strengthening to/of the established national measures.


Updated risk assessments at least 28/01; 25/02 and 12/03.


01/02 first info on how to handle suspected cases.


As of at least 18/05/2020; guidance and recommendations of how to set up a safe workplace (distancing; homework; digital meetings) were provided. Teleworking is especially advised when community transmission is high and when public transport is known to be over its safe capacity. Workplaces are advised to conduct a risk assessment to determine the most optimal work set-up for employees. Recommendation to telework where possible; 04/01/2021 Home office for anyone who has the opportunity to do so. Municipalities can introduce stricter measures locally based on the transmission situation; Since January 2021: The government has established a three-level system for measures to be implemented in a municipality and surrounding municipalities in the event of an outbreak of infection. There are three measure levels: Measure level A; B and C; measure level A being the most stringent measures; while measure level C has the least strict measures. Governments keep website listing which municipalities are under a specific level and thus which measures apply. Link included above. From 18/06/2021 there is an increased presence in the workplace.

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