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Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner



COVID-19-Negativbescheinigung unter besonderen Bedingungen.

Die COVID-19-Reisebeschränkungen wurden in Norwegen aufgehoben. Der Nachweis einer Impfung, Genesung von COVID-19 oder negativer Testergebnisse ist nicht erforderlich.


COVID-19 negative certification subject to special conditions.

All travellers from high-risk areas are subject to the requirement for a pre-departure negative COVID-19 test. Approved test methods are PCR or rapid antigen test. From midday 13 May, travellers from the UK legally allowed to enter the country will be treated the same as arrivals from EU, EEA and Schengen countries. The test must be taken within 24 hours prior to arrival. For people arriving by plane, 24 hours apply before the scheduled departure time of the first flight.

This requirement does not apply to Norwegians, people living in Norway, people in transit or people who frequently cross the border from Sweden and Finland for work purposes and people with an approved laboratory method that they have undergone COVID-19 during the last six months.

Test upon arrival: Anyone who has stayed in an area with a quarantine duty during the last 10 days before arrival has a duty to be tested at the border crossing point upon arrival in Norway. The test must be either PCR or rapid antigen test. In the case of a positive rapid antigen test, the person must take a PCR test within 24 hours of arrival.

Travellers from Bangladesh, India, Iraq, Nepal, and Pakistan are subject to stricter rules.

Vaccination does not currently affect quarantine requirements or test recommendations.

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