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Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner



Travelers to China advised not to visit wet markets; avoid contact with live animals or sick persons.; 24/02/2020 Population advised to avoid any non-essential travels into the affected areas (China; South Korea; Iran; Italy; Japan).;


People should stay at home unless they have very good reasons not to. Between 06.00 and 22.00; it is recommended that the movement of persons outside the home/household should be carried out only for reasons like moving between home/household and the workplace; provision of goods; healthcare needs; caring/accompanying the child; the assistance of elderly; sick or disabled persons or death of a family member.


27.11.2021 Gemäß der Notfallverordnung der Regierung Nr. 194/2002 und seine Änderungen; Ausländern und Staatenlosen, die aus Botswana anreisen, ist die Einreise nach Rumänien und der Grenzübertritt verboten; Eswatini; Lesotho; Mosambik; Namibia; Südafrika und Simbabwe.; 01.05.2022 Bleibt das Einreiseverbot nach Rumänien aus Botswana bestehen; Eswatini; Lesotho; Mosambik; Namibia; Südafrika und Simbabwe.; 03.09.22 Alle Beschränkungen werden aufgehoben.;


17.03.20: Einreiseverbot für andere Personen als Bürger aus Ländern der Europäischen Union; Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum; und Vereinigtes Königreich; Langzeitaufenthalter und Personen mit langfristigen Visa oder Aufenthaltsgenehmigungen; Familienangehörige von EU- und EWR-Bürgern; medizinisches Personal und Personen, die für den Transport von Gütern verantwortlich sind.; 01.03.2022: Die Europäische Union empfiehlt ihren Mitgliedsstaaten, alle nicht unbedingt notwendigen Reiseverbote für geimpfte Touristen, die aus Drittländern anreisen, ab dem 1. März aufzuheben; 2022.


Ausgangssperre zwischen 22.00 - 05.00; davon vollständig geimpfte oder genesene Ppl. von SARS-CoV-2 sind ausgenommen.; 03.09.2022: Alle Beschränkungen sind aufgehoben.


09/03/2020: Any flights from Italy are suspended. Travelers returning from red areas are quarantined. 16/03/2020: Border closure; land borders with: Bulgaria; Hungary; Moldova and Ukraine. From 18/03/20 by decree; all flights for passengers to and from Italy and Spain are suspended for 14 days (with exception of humanitarian or medical flights). 25/03/2020: all commercial flights from France and Germany are suspended for 14 days. 5/4/2020: Military ordinance - all passenger flights from Austria; Belgium; Switzerland; United States; United Kingdom; the Netherlands; Turkey and Iran are suspended. 5/UPDATE: flights are allowed from green countries starting with 15/06/2020 (list of countries regularly updated - Austria; Bulgaria; Czechia; Cyprus; Croatia; CH; Germania; Greece; Iceland; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Malta; Norway; Slovakia; Slovenia; Hungary). ; 21/03/2020 Foreign citizens are not allowed to enter the country (with some exceptions e.g. family in Romania; diplomats; urgent medical reasons). UPDATE starting with 15/06/2020 asymptomatic people coming from green areas/countries do not need to quarantine/isolate; list of countries regularly updated; 15/07/2020: Border closure; land borders with: Hungary; Ukraine; Moldova; Bulgaria; Serbia. There is a list of countries in the yellow zone as of 13/11/2020 (14 days quarantine after arrival).; 21/12/2020: All flights from UK (including Northern Ireland) are suspended for 14 days.; UPDATE: Order 56 from 4/12/20 - 1) updated the list of yellow zone countries UPDATE: on 12 Jan 2021 list of countries in yellow zone updated. 01/06/2021: Romania resumed the international road transport of passengers through regular services; special regular services and occasional services in international traffic.


All flights to the UK (including Northern Ireland) are suspended for 14 days.


09/03/2020: Any flights to Italy are suspended. Travelers returning from red areas are quarantined. 16/03/2020 - Border closure; land borders with: Bulgaria; Hungary; Moldova and Ukraine. From 18/03/20 by decree; all flights for passengers to Italy and Spain are suspended for 14 days (with exception of humanitarian or medical flights). 25/03/2020: all commercial flights to France and Germany are suspended for 14 days. 5/4/2020 - Military ordinance - all passenger flights to Austria; Belgium; Switzerland; United States; United Kingdom; the Netherlands; Turkey and Iran are suspended. UPDATE: flights are allowed towards green countries starting with 15/06/2020 (list of countries regularly updated - Austria; Bulgaria; Czechia; Cyprus; Croatia; CH; Germany; Greece; Iceland; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Malta; Norway; Slovakia; Slovenia; Hungary).


14/11/2020 Stay at home order between 23:00- 05:00 with some exceptions (e.g. for medical care; work; travel).; From 25/03/2021 stay at home order between 20.00- 05.00 (except medical care; work; travel; death in the family) for all localities where the incidence rate for 14 days is higher than 4/1000 inhabitants but lower than 7;5/1000 inhabitants; on Friday; Saturday and Sunday. The measure is removed if the incidence rate is lower or equal with 3;5/ 1000 inhabitants. If the incidence rate is higher than 7;5/ 1000 stay at home order between 20.00- 05.00 for the whole week. If the incidence rate is below 7;5/1000; the stay at home order where the incidence rate is higher than 4 and lower than 7;5 will apply. The stay at home order hours are different in order to accommodate service or religious gatherings: 3-4 April and 1-2 May (measure removed between 20:00- 02:00) and 27-28 March (measure removed between 18:00- 22:00). As per HG 29 from 14/05/2021; all restrictions regarding stay at home orders are removed at national level.


Decision 6 from 4/02/2021: all travellers coming from yellow zone countries are obliged to present a negative SARS-CoV2 test done with maximum 72h before entering the country. Decision 9 from 11/02/2021: travellers coming from yellow zone countries (except UK) have to present a negative PCR test for SARS-CoV2 performed with max 72h before onboarding or entering the country (if by own means of transport)- except children up to 3y old- and obliged to quarantine for 10 days (incl children up to 3y old). Those coming from UK have to present negative PCR test for SARS-CoV2 performed with max 72h before onboarding or entering the country (if by own means of transport)- except children up to 3y old- and obliged to quarantine for 14 days (incl children up to 3y old). Travellers who can't present a negative PCR test for SARS-CoV2 when entering the country are obliged to quarantine for 14 days. The 14d quarantine is also exempted for travellers coming from yellow zone countries (except UK) who are staying in Romania less than 3 days (72hours) & have a negative SARS-CoV2 test not older than 72h upon entry. Update Decision 24 from 27/04/2021 includes India on the list of yellow zone countries; however none of exceptions from quarantine are applied for travellers traveling from this country; only if they are fully vaccinated; with the last dose received at least 10 days before entering Romania. Update on 14/05/2021: PCR testing is not mandatory anymore. However travellers coming from yellow zone countries don't have to quarantine if they present a negative PCR test done with max 72 h before entering Romania (except travellers from India).


Exceptions to 14-day quarantine for people coming from certain countries: a) staying in Romania less than 3 days (72hours) & having a negative SARS-CoV2 test not older than 48h upon entry; b) people coming from these countries can exit 14 days quarantine after 10 days if no symptoms and negative SARS-CoV2 test performed on the 8th day of quarantine). Exception from quarantine apply also to some targeted type of travellers (see art 1 Decision 48) .Update 4/02/2021: Decision 6 from 4/02/2021: all travellers coming from yellow zone countries are obliged to present a negative SARS-CoV2 test done with maximum 72h before entering the country.


Population advised to avoid any non-essential travels into the affected areas (China; South Korea; Iran; Italy; Japan).


Travelers to China advised not to visit wet markets; avoid contact with live animals or sick persons.


Lockdown at city level (Faget) and a few villages arount it; ca. 7000 people in total.


People should stay at home unless they have very good reasons not to. Between 06.00 and 22.00; it is recommended that the movement of persons outside the home/household should be carried out only for reasons like moving between home/household and the workplace; provision of goods; healthcare needs; caring/accompanying the child; the assistance of elderly; sick or disabled persons or death of a family member.


The north-eastern Romania city of Suceava; as well as 8 surrounding communes; are placed under lockdown. During the lockdown all flights; trains and public transport routes to and within Suceava are suspended. Movement inside the city is also banned. The Police and the Army are in charge of restricting access to the quarantined area. Only the transport of goods and people undertaking essential public activities is allowed.


Military ordinance 7/04.04.2020 - Tandarei city; district Ialomita in southeastern Romania has been placed placed under lockdown.


Stay at home orders were lifted on 14 May. Leaving the place of residence (refers to hometown/city) is possible for limited reasons only: work-related trips; agricultural activities; taking care of properties; children or relatives; medical treatment; death of a family member. When travelling to places other than one's place of residence; a declaration is required. Within their own areas of residence people are allowed to move freely. From 1/06/2020 people are free to travel outside their place of residence.


Between 22.00 and 06.00 movement is restricted to only very limited reasons like moving between home/household and the workplace; provision of goods; healthcare needs; caring/accompanying the child; the assistance of elderly; sick or disabled persons or death of a family member.


The village Greci; commune Schitu; district Olt was under quarantine for 14 days starting with 9/08/2020.


National movement restrictions: Free

Restrictive measures mandatory between 01 June 2020 to TBD

Starting with 25th of March movement of people across the country is banned if not for an important reasosn (food, medical care, etc) and always accompnied by a compiled form. This measure is been launched as Mandatory, its implementation is monitored by the military service. Elderly people above 65 can travel for food supply from 11:00- 13:00h. National movement announced to be opened on the 16th of May. Officially will be decided on the 15th of May when it will be decided it is free or partially free. Update 15 May: free national movement only within home city and metropolitan area (with many exceptions work, medical, sport, agriculture activities etc.) , only when group max 3 peopl, mask wearing mandatory, parks opened (playgrounds closed), transportation opened. Update 1st of June: free national movement without restrictions.

International movement restrictions: Free

Restrictive measures mandatory between 01 June 2020 to TBD

New measures as from 25th of March: all commercial flights from and to France and Germany banned for the next 14 days. All flights from and to countries in 'red' zones are banned (since 5th of April). Officially will be decided on the 15th of May if the international movement will be maintained as partially banned or free . Update 15 May: non Eu citizens restriction in entering Romania with exceptions. Restricted commercial transport towards and from countries :Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Franța, Germania, Italia, UK and Irlande N, Holland, Spain until 1st of JUNE. Update 1st of June: free international/cross-border movement on railways and roads, commercial and non commercial.

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