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Menschen vollständig
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Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner

Schließung von Schulen/Universität:


Opening is based on three scenarios considering the epidemiological situation at local level. Scenario 1: all pupils in daycare; primary; secondary and higher education are attending classes in-person; respecting all protection norms Scenario 2: all pupils in daycare; primary and classes VIII and XII are attending classes; respecting all protection norms And partial attendance ( rotational schedule 1-2 weeks) of all others classes in the gymnasium; respecting all protection norms Scenario 3: all pupils will attend online.= Epi situation is assessed as follows based on the 14 days incidence rate: <1/ 1000 population ? scenarios 1 and 2 1-3/ 1000 population ? scenario 2 > 3/ 1000 population? scenario 3 (based on an assessment of community transmissions in the locality and if clusters in schools of that locality and risk criteria; can decide to suspend the activity in that school and go online; otherwise will use scenario 2). 13/06/2020: summer holidays for all schools; and despite school closures; this measure was still active.; 31/08/2020: summer holidays end.


02/06/2020: Secondary schools reopen only for students in the terminal years between June 2 - June 12 2020 to allow them to prepare for and take the national exams.; 19/06/2020: All schools closed for summer holidays/ end of the academic year; despite school closures; this measure was still active. ; 14/09/2020: Schools reopened with exceptions in communities with high incidence.


08/02/2021 educational activities will restart with physical presence following 3 different scenarios depending on the incidence rate at local level (green scenario 14 days incidence rate <= 1/ 1000 pop. ; yellow scenario 14 days incidence rate is >1/ 1000 pop. but <=3/1000 pop.; and red scenario 14 days incidence rate is >3/1000 pop.). Students in the secondary school are attending school in person only in the green scenario; with high-school students (terminal years) attending in person in the yellow scenario; or when there is a quarantine measure at local level. 06/03/2021: students on the 8th; 12th and 13th grades will attend schools in person in all three scenarios (not only yellow and green); but in the red scenario only half of the students registered for that class will be allowed to attend in person; and if the 14 d incidence rate is not higher than 6/ 1000 pop. All other grades in the secondary education will attend online schooling. 23/03/2021: students on the 8th; 12th and 13th grades are allowed physical presence in school (only half of the students registered for that grade); regardless of the scenario for that locality; excepting only if there is a quarantine measure in place. It is also allowed physical presence in the school; in order to attend national exams simulations; national evaluations; and exams for students in final years; only for schools in localities where local quarantine is not in place. 28/04/2021: students on the 8th; 12th and 13th grades are allowed physical presence in the school; at full capacity of the class; in all schools where no local quarantine is in place.; 19/06/2021: The summer holidays started on 19/6/2020; and despite school closures; this measure was still active.; 2/9/2021 Classes are allowed with physical presence if the cumulative incidence of cases; in the last 14 days is less than or equal to 6/1000 inhabitants or until a quarantine measure is implemented.


20/10/2020 As the 14-day incidence rate is higher than 3/1000 inhabitants in Bucharest; all primary schools are switching to online activities. Update 2/11: the measure will be extended for 14 days given that the incidence rate has not decreased under 3/1000. Update: national measures from 9 November.


09/11/2020 In-person attendance in preschools is suspended for a 30-day period of time. ; 09/12/2020 Measures extended up to 23/12/2020.


11/01/2021 In-person attendance is suspended in preschools up to 07/02/2021 ; 08/02/2021 Educational activities restart with physical presence under 3 different scenarios depending on the incidence rate at local level (green scenario: 14 days incidence rate <= 1/ 1000 pop.; yellow scenario: 14 days incidence rate is >1/ 1000 pop. but <=3/1000 pop. and red scenario: 14 days incidence rate is >3/1000 pop.).


As the 14-day incidence rate is higher than 3/1000 inhabitants in Bucharest; all daycares are going to online activities.; 2/11/20: the measure will be extended for 14 days given that the incidence rate has not decreased below 3/1000.; 13/11/2020: based on HG 967/2020 day care activity is allowed as prescribed by Law 55/2020.


School vacation extended for an additional two weeks; up to 05/11/2021.


As the 14-day incidence rate is higher than 3/1000 inhabitants; all kindergartens are switching to online activities.


Opening is based on three scenarios considering the epidemiological situation at local level. Scenario 1: all pupils in daycare; primary; secondary and higher education are attending classes in-person; respecting all protection requirements Scenario 2: all pupils in daycare; primary and classes VIII and XII are attending classes; respecting all protection requirements. And partial attendance (rotational schedule 1-2 weeks) of all others classes in the gymnasium; respecting all protection requirements Scenario 3: all pupils will attend online. Epi situation is assessed as follows based on the 14 days incidence rate: <1/ 1000 population scenarios 1 and 2 1-3/ 1000 population scenario 2 > 3/ 1000 population scenario 3 (based on an assessment of community transmissions in the locality and if clusters in schools of that locality and risk criteria; can decide to suspend the activity in that school and go online; otherwise will use scenario 2).


Kindergartens closed.; 15/06/2020: day-care and kindergartens are re-open during summer holidays.


Förderunterricht mit physischer Präsenz wurde in allen Orten nur dann zugelassen, wenn die Inzidenzrate in den letzten 14 Tagen weniger als 6/1000 Einwohner beträgt. Ab dem 28. April 2021 ist der Förderunterricht mit physischer Präsenz an allen Schulen erlaubt, an denen keine örtliche Quarantäne besteht.; 13.01.2022: Kurse mit physischer Präsenz auf der Ebene aller voruniversitären / verwandten Bildungseinheiten in den Landkreisen, in denen die Belegungsrate der Krankenhausbetten auf Kreisebene liegt.; 03.09.22: Die Kurse mit physischer Präsenz werden nicht mehr abhängig von der Anzahl der Infektionsfälle oder dem Auslastungsgrad der für Covid-19-Patienten vorgesehenen Betten ausgesetzt.


09/11/2020 In-person attendance in preschools is suspended for a 30-day period of time. ; 09/12/2020 Measures extended up to 23/12/2020.


11/01/2021 In-person attendance is suspended in preschools up to 07/02/2021 ; 08/02/2021 Educational activities restart with physical presence under 3 different scenarios depending on the incidence rate at local level (green scenario: 14 days incidence rate <= 1/ 1000 pop.; yellow scenario: 14 days incidence rate is >1/ 1000 pop. but <=3/1000 pop. and red scenario: 14 days incidence rate is >3/1000 pop.).


Starting with 9.11.2020; all educational activities that require physical presence at schools - primary; secondary and high school levels - are suspended for 30 days based on MoE Order 5.972/8.11.2020. Education activities will take place online. UPDATE based on Order nr 57; 07.12.2020 of CNSU this measure will continue 09.12.2020-23.12.2020.


Universities may stay open or will close based on the epidemiological situation of the local area. ; Update 3/02/2021: from 8 February educational activities will restart with physical presence following 3 different scenarios depending on the incidence rate at local level (green scenario 14 days incidence rate <= 1/ 1000 pop. ; yellow scenario 14 days incidence rate is >1/ 1000 pop. but <=3/1000 pop.; and red scenario 14 days incidence rate is >3/1000 pop.). Students in the higher education (post-secondary school) are attending school in person only in the green and yellow scenarios; or when there is a quarantine measure at local level. All activities that involve practical training are attended in person regardless of the epi situation. For universities; the decision for physical presence or online is to be taken by the administration of that institution itself. ; 06/03/2021: students in post secondary school are attending school in person in all three scenarios (not only green and yellow) but in the red scenario only half of the students registered in the terminal years will be allowed to attend in person; and if the 14 d incidence rate is not higher than 6/ 1000 pop. All others in higher education will attend online schooling.; 23/03/2021: students in the final years of post-secondary and professional education are allowed physical presence in school (only half of the students registered for that grade); regardless of the scenario for that locality; excepting only if there is a quarantine measure in place. It is also allowed physical presence in school; in order to attend national exams simulations; national evaluations; and exams for students in final years; only for schools in localities where the quarantine is not in place.: 28/04/2021 students in the final years of post-secondary and professional education are allowed physical presence in school at full capacity of the class; for all schools where no local quarantine is in place.


School vacation extended for an additional two weeks; up to 05/11/2021.


Online lessons up to 05/11/2021.


02/06/2020: Secondary schools reopen only for students in the terminal years between June 2 - June 12 2020 to allow them to prepare for and take the national exams.; 19/06/2020: All schools closed for summer holidays/ end of academic year. ; 14/09/2020: Schools reopened with exceptions in communities with high incidence.


08/02/2021 educational activities will restart with physical presence following 3 different scenarios depending on the incidence rate at local level (green scenario 14 days incidence rate <= 1/ 1000 pop. ; yellow scenario 14 days incidence rate is >1/ 1000 pop. but <=3/1000 pop.; and red scenario 14 days incidence rate is >3/1000 pop.). Students in the secondary school are attending school in person only in the green scenario; with high-school students (terminal years) attending in person in the yellow scenario; or when there is a quarantine measure at local level. 06/03/2021: students on the 8th; 12th and 13th grades will attend schools in person in all three scenarios (not only yellow and green); but in the red scenario only half of the students registered for that class will be allowed to attend in person; and if the 14 d incidence rate is not higher than 6/ 1000 pop. All other grades in the secondary education will attend online schooling. 23/03/2021: students on the 8th; 12th and 13th grades are allowed physical presence in school (only half of the students registered for that grade); regardless of the scenario for that locality; excepting only if there is a quarantine measure in place. It is also allowed physical presence in the school; in order to attend national exams simulations; national evaluations; and exams for students in final years; only for schools in localities where local quarantine is not in place. 28/04/2021: students on the 8th; 12th and 13th grades are allowed physical presence in the school; at full capacity of the class; in all schools where no local quarantine is in place. ; 2/9/2021 Classes are allowed with physical presence if the cumulative incidence of cases; in the last 14 days is less than or equal to 6/1000 inhabitants or until a quarantine measure is implemented.


Remedial classes with physical presence is allowed in all localities where the incidence rate for the last 14 days is lower than 6/1000 inhabitants. From 28 April 2021 remedial classes with physical presence are allowed in all schools where no local quarantine is in place.


Starting with 11.01.2021; all educational activities that require physical presence at schools - primary; secondary and high school levels - are suspended until 7.02.2021 based on CNSU order 2/08.01.2021. Education activities will take place online. Update 3/02: From 8 February educational activities will restart with physical presence following 3 different scenarios depending on the incidence rate at local level (green scenario 14 days incidence rate <= 1/ 1000 pop. ; yellow scenario 14 days incidence rate is >1/ 1000 pop. but <=3/1000 pop.; and red scenario 14 days incidence rate is >3/1000 pop.). Students in the primary school are attending school in all three scenarios; exception only when there is quarantine imposed at local level.


Starting with 9.11.2020; all educational activities that require physical presence at schools - primary; secondary and high school levels - are suspended for 30 days based on MoE Order 5.972/8.11.2020. Education activities will take place online. UPDATE based on Order nr 57; 07.12.2020 of CNSU: this measure will continue 09.12.2020-23.12.2020.


Kindergartens closed. Update: starting with 15/06/2020 day-care and kindergartens are re-open during summer holidays.


As the 14-day incidence rate is higher than 3/1000 inhabitants; all kindergartens are switching to online activities.


University closure.


Activities in all schools where voting stations are organised (public administration authorities elections for 2020) are suspended and students will learn through online studies. These schools will resume their activities on 30 Sep 2020.


Primary schools closure.


Opening is based on three scenarios considering the epidemiological situation at local level. Scenario 1: all pupils in daycare; primary; secondary and higher education are attending classes in-person; respecting all protection norms Scenario 2: all pupils in daycare; primary and classes VIII and XII are attending classes; respecting all protection norms And partial attendance ( rotational schedule 1-2 weeks) of all others classes in the gymnasium; respecting all protection norms Scenario 3: all pupils will attend online. Epi situation is assessed as follows based on the 14 days incidence rate: <1/ 1000 population ? scenarios 1 and 2 1-3/ 1000 population ? scenario 2 > 3/ 1000 population? scenario 3 (based on an assessment of community transmissions in the locality and if clusters in schools of that locality and risk criteria; can decide to suspend the activity in that school and go online; otherwise will use scenario 2).


Opening is based on three scenarios considering the epidemiological situation at local level. Scenario 1: all pupils in daycare; primary; secondary and higher education are attending classes in-person; respecting all protection requirements Scenario 2: all pupils in daycare; primary and classes VIII and XII are attending classes; respecting all protection requirements. And partial attendance (rotational schedule 1-2 weeks) of all others classes in the gymnasium; respecting all protection requirements Scenario 3: all pupils will attend online. Epi situation is assessed as follows based on the 14 days incidence rate: <1/ 1000 population scenarios 1 and 2 1-3/ 1000 population scenario 2 > 3/ 1000 population scenario 3 (based on an assessment of community transmissions in the locality and if clusters in schools of that locality and risk criteria; can decide to suspend the activity in that school and go online; otherwise will use scenario 2).


As the 14-day incidence rate is higher than 3/1000 inhabitants in Bucharest; all day cares are going to online activities. Update 2/11: the measure will be extended for 14 days given that the incidence rate has not decreased below 3/1000. Update 13 November 2020; based on HG 967/2020 day care activity is allowed as prescribed by Law 55/2020.


As the 14-day incidence rate is higher than 3/1000 inhabitants in Bucharest; all primary schools are switching to online activities. Update 2/11: the measure will be extended for 14 days given that the incidence rate has not decreased under 3/1000. Update: national measures from 9 November.


Secondary school closure.


As the 14-day incidence rate is higher than 3/1000 inhabitants in Bucharest; all secondary schools are switching to online activities. Update 2/11: the measure will be extended for 14 days given that the incidence rate has not decreased under 3/1000. Update: national measures from 9 November 2020.


As the 14-day incidence rate is higher than 3/1000 inhabitants; all schools are switching to online activities.


Starting with 11.01.2021; all educational activities that require physical presence at schools - primary; secondary and high school levels - are suspended until 7.02.2021 based on CNSU order 2/08.01.2021. Education activities will take place online.


Schools/Univ. closure: Open

Restrictive measures mandatory between 15 September 2020 to TBD

Closed since 12th of March, suspended for the next 30 days as measue of the state of emegency declaired starting with 16th of March. The schools (entire educational system) announced to be opened in September. Officially will be decided on the 15th of May. Update 15 May: schools closed until September

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