The entry restrictions are continuously assessed and updated weekly on Thursdays.; 1/7/20 Denmark opens the border for selected countries outside the EU.; 27/11/2021 South Africa; Lesotho; Eswantini; Mozambique; Zimbabwe; Botswana and Namibia are turning red. This means that with effect from midnight on the night of 27 November; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will discourage all travel; including business travel; to these countries due to the new virus variant B.1.1.529. COVID-19.; 29/11/2021 Stricter travel restrictions also for Angola; Malawi and Zambia.; 19/12/2021 The red countries from which it will be banned to land with passengers without a negative test are Angola; Botswana; Eswatini; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; South Africa; Zambia and Zimbabwe. There are currently no direct flights from these countries to Denmark.; 14/01/22: flight ban from these countries lifted.
17.03.20: Einreiseverbot für andere Personen als Bürger aus Ländern der Europäischen Union; Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum; und Vereinigtes Königreich; Langzeitaufenthalter und Personen mit langfristigen Visa oder Aufenthaltsgenehmigungen; Familienangehörige von EU- und EWR-Bürgern; medizinisches Personal und Personen, die für den Transport von Gütern verantwortlich sind.; 01.03.2022: Die Europäische Union empfiehlt ihren Mitgliedsstaaten, alle nicht unbedingt notwendigen Reiseverbote für geimpfte Touristen, die aus Drittländern anreisen, ab dem 1. März aufzuheben; 2022.
25/10/2021 In the EU and Schengen area; people who have been fully vaccinated; previously infected and people who have a negative test will in future be able to travel into Denmark without restrictions. For others; there will be a requirement that they must be tested no later than 24 hours after entry into Denmark.; 01/12/2021 All passengers on planes from Hamad International Airport; Doha and Dubai International Airport must be tested at the airport. Non compliant passengers will be punished with a fine. The requirement is introduced to detect and contain possible infection with the Omikron variant. The requirement for isolation and testing after entry from the red listed countries (Lesotho; South Africa; Eswatini; Mozambique; Zimbabwe; Botswana; Namibia; Angola; Malawi; and Zambia) has changed; more details in the source.; 13/12/2021 Requirements will be introduced for tests at Danish airports for passengers entering flights to Denmark from Istanbul Airport (IST). At the same time; the requirement for testing on arrival at Danish airports for passengers on flights from Dubai is waived.; 27/12/2021 Everyone traveling into Denmark must be tested with a PCR test (72 hours before entry) or rapid test (48 hours before entry). The requirement also applies to vaccinated persons; but not to previously infected people. People residing in Denmark can choose whether they take a test abroad before traveling into Denmark; or whether they take a test up to 24 hours after entry. The measure will be extended until 31 January 2022.; 01/02/2022 The Epidemic Commission has recommended that the stricter requirement for testing prior to entry into Denmark; introduced on 27 December; expires after 31 January; but that the previous general entry restrictions that applied before the introduction of the stricter temporary requirements continue from the 1st and provisionally until the 28th February 2022. The remaining entry restrictions focus on travelers who are neither vaccinated nor previously infected.; 1/02/22: The following entry restrictions apply to Denmark as follows: a) All persons from all over the world with a valid proof of vaccination with a recognized vaccine or previous infection can enter Denmark without being infected by COVID-19 entry restrictions b) Persons entering the EU and Schengen without valid proof of vaccination with a recognized vaccine or previous infection must take a test within 24 hours of entry; unless they have a negative antigen (48 hours) or PCR test (72 hours) made prior to entry c) Persons entering from outside the EU or Schengen area without valid proof of vaccination with a recognized vaccine or previous infection must be aware of whether entering from a COVID-19 risk country (currently 13 countries outside the EU and Schengen) or a COVID-19 high-risk country (the rest of the world). When entering from a COVID-19 risk country; a test is required within 24 hours of entry. When entering from a COVID-19 high-risk country; there are requirements for testing and isolation after entry.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs updates the travel guidelines for countries within the EU / Schengen and the UK on a weekly basis on the basis of the latest infection figures from SSI.
Countries that meet the criteria for infection in the new travel guides and entry restrictions.
Gradual reopening: As part of de-escalation policy; form 14 April a considerable upscaling of public transport will be made in Metropolitan Copenhagen in particular.
The good weather over the past week has attracted many people to the beaches in Silkeborg; and especially at Østre Søbad. The area will be clearly marked with signs that make people aware that they are in an area where the police have the option of establishing a residence ban if there are still so many gathered that it can pose a particular risk of infection.
The South and Southern Jutland Police will put up signs in the park with the message that citizens must seek other places if there are already too many in the area.
The entry restrictions are continuously assessed and updated weekly on Thursdays.; 1/7/20 Denmark opens the border for selected countries outside the EU.; 27/11/2021 South Africa; Lesotho; Eswantini; Mozambique; Zimbabwe; Botswana and Namibia are turning red. This means that with effect from midnight on the night of 27 November; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will discourage all travel; including business travel; to these countries due to the new virus variant B.1.1.529. COVID-19.; 29/11/2021 Stricter travel restrictions also for Angola; Malawi and Zambia.; 19/12/2021 The red countries from which it will be banned to land with passengers without a negative test are Angola; Botswana; Eswatini; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; South Africa; Zambia and Zimbabwe. There are currently no direct flights from these countries to Denmark.; 14/01/22: flight ban from these countries lifted.
Temporary residence ban in Jomfru Ane Gade and Jomfru Anes Gård in Aalborg Residence ban in Jomfru Ane Gade extended - patrol supervision continues; eg in gyms North Jutland Police extends residence ban in Jomfru Ane Gade
From November 9 (but preferably voluntarily from November 5) to December 3 the national government recommends that: - All citizens in the seven municipalities do not enter another municipality; unless this is absolutely necessary – for example to maintain functions of critical importance to society. - All citizens living outside the seven municipalities do not enter one of the seven municipalities; unless this is absolutely necessary 2020-11-16: Restrictions in Northern Jutland were eased already on November 16; coming into force on 19-23 November (
National movement restrictions: Free
Restrictive measures mandatory between to TBD
The first phase of a gradual reopening of Danish society requires that everyone still adhere to the guidelines on social distance and hygiene advice, as the spread of infection can otherwise be so severe that the capacity of the health service will be severely challenged. Effective action against the spread of COVID-19 in Denmark thus requires that each citizen takes responsibility for reducing the number of social contacts and ensuring proper distance to his or her citizens. This also applies within the family and circle of friends. And this applies at least as much now that a controlled reopening of Danish society is underway.
International movement restrictions: Partially banned
Restrictive measures mandatory between 16 October 2020 to 24 October 2020
In force 16/10/2020-24/10/2020 Countries other than EU Member States, Schengen countries and the United Kingdom are currently by definition 'banned' countries (orange). Currently banned entry from the following EU MSs: UK, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Czech republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Slovania, Romania, Malta, Monaco, Andorra, Bulgaria, Italy, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Poland, The Vatican state, San Marino and Sweden. Third countries exempted from this ban are Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia and Uruguay Persons resident in a country/province classified as banned can enter Denmark if they have a worthy purpose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In force 02/10/2020-09/10/2020 Countries other than EU Member States, Schengen countries and the United Kingdom are currently by definition 'banned' countries (orange). UK, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Czech republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Slovania, Romania, Malta, Monaco and Andorra are considered banned countries among EU MSs. Third countries exempted from this ban are Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia and Uruguay Persons resident in a country/province classified as banned can enter Denmark if they have a worthy purpose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In force 25/09/2020 - 02/10/2020 Countries other than EU Member States, Schengen countries and the United Kingdom are currently by definition 'banned' countries (orange). UK, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Czech republic, Hungary, Croatia, Romania, Malta, Monaco and Andorra are considered banned countries among EU MSs. Third countries exempted from this ban are Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia and Uruguay Persons resident in a country/province classified as banned can enter Denmark if they have a worthy purpose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In force 19/09/2020 - 25/09/2020 Countries other than EU Member States, Schengen countries and the United Kingdom are currently by definition 'banned' countries (orange). Portugal Spain, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Czech republic, Hungary, Croatia, Romania, Malta, Monaco and Andorra are considered banned countries among EU MSs. Third countries exempted from this ban are Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia and Uruguay Persons resident in a country/province classified as banned can enter Denmark if they have a worthy purpose. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In force 12/09/2020 - 18/09/2020 Countries other than EU Member States, Schengen countries and the United Kingdom are currently by definition 'banned' countries (orange). Spain, France, Croatia, Romania, Czech republic, Malta, Monaco, Andorra, San Marino, Belgium and Luxembourg are considered banned countries among EU MSs. Third countries exempted from this ban are Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia and Uruguay Persons resident in a country/province classified as banned can enter Denmark if they have a worthy purpose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In force until Friday 11 September 2020 Countries other than EU Member States, Schengen countries and the United Kingdom are currently by definition 'banned' countries (orange). Spain, France, Croatia, Romania, Malta, Monaco, Andorra, Belgium and Luxembourg are considered banned countries among EU MSs. Third countries exempted from this ban are Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia and Uruguay Persons resident in a country/province classified as banned can enter Denmark if they have a worthy purpose. From 21/08/2020 - 28/08/2020 Countries other than EU Member States, Schengen countries and the United Kingdom are currently by definition 'banned' countries (orange). Spain, Romania, Bulgaria, Malta, Monaco, Andorra, Belgium and Luxembourg are considered banned countries among EU MSs. Third countries exempted from this ban are Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia and Uruguay Persons resident in a country/province classified as banned can enter Denmark if they have a worthy purpose. From 06/08/2020 - 21/08/2020 Countries other than EU Member States, Schengen countries and the United Kingdom are currently by definition 'banned' countries (orange). Spain, Romania, Bulgaria, Malta and Belgium are considered banned countries among EU MSs. Third countries exempted from this ban are Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia and Uruguay Persons resident in a country/province classified as banned can enter Denmark if they have a worthy purpose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ from 02/07/2020 New travel advice for countries outside the EU. It has been assessed that the Danish borders can be re-opened for entry from Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea and Thailand. All 6 countries categorised as "orange". From 02/07/2020 the model for the EU/Schengen and UK has been adjusted to include the four microstates – Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City State/The Holy See. from 26/06/2020 New travel advice for the EU and Schengen countries and the UK. Travellers in regions where the infection rate is above 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants per week are advised to get tested upon their return to Denmark. The following countries will be re-categorised as “yellow” risk level in the travel advice: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Switzerland. When choosing to travel to a country categorised as “yellow”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark recommends extra caution. The following countries will remain “orange” due to the incidence of new infections or local entry restrictions and significant quarantine requirements: Ireland, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Sweden and the UK. When a country is classified as “orange”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark advises against all non-essential travel to the country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark currently advises against all non-essential travel to the rest of the world until 31 August. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from 15/06/2020 border open with Norway, Germany, Iceland - The restrictions will be lifted for travellers who can document (e.g. by a rental document on a holiday home, camping stay, hotel or similar) to stay a minimum of 6 nights outside Copenhagen Temporary border control with entry ban unless for justified reasons. The advice to stay home for 14 days after returning to Denmark from private travel abroad is no longer applicable for travel to Norway, Germany and Iceland if travellers stay in non-urban areas with a population of less than 750,000 Others - Non-essential travel is not advised (orange) and the advice to stay home for 14 days after returning to Denmark from private travel is maintained until August 31 for all countries except Iceland, Norway and Germany and possibly Finland and Sweden (FI & SE still in dialogue with) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Temporary border control will continue until around 1 June where plans for reopening will be published.
Residence ban in parts of Nørrebroparken: As part of the effort to reduce the increasing number of infections in Copenhagen; the Copenhagen Police are introducing a temporary and time-limited residence ban in two parts of Nørrebroparken: Hørsholmparken and Skateparken