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Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner



COVID-19-Negativbescheinigung für die Einreise in das Land erforderlich.

Die Reisebeschränkungen wegen COVID-19 wurden in Dänemark aufgehoben. Reisende müssen keinen Impfnachweis, Genesung von COVID-19 oder ein negatives Testergebnis vorlegen.


COVID-19 negative certification required for entering the country. Travellers are subject to the requirement for a pre-departure negative COVID-19 test. The test must be taken within 48 hours prior to departure. There are currently no specific requirements as to the type of COVID-19 test (rapid antigen and PCR are accepted). Additionally, all entrants must take a second test (antigen or PCR) no later than 24 hours after entering Denmark. Thus, you must isolate after entry into Denmark even if you obtained a negative test result before entry and upon arrival or after entry. This applies regardless of whether the test is a rapid test (antigen test) or a PCR test, and regardless of whether you are a Danish or foreign citizen. Children aged 12 and under, as well as passengers flying to Denmark from Greenland and the Faroe Islands, are exempted from the testing requirement.

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