All public sector workers to telework when possible; 01/08/2020: The government's recommendation for extensive teleworking expires.
All public sector workers recommend to telework in areas/regions where COVID-19 cases are increasing; 15/10/2020: the Government recommends that public sector employees work as widely as possible in teleworking; if their job responsibilities allow it; 26/08/2021: The recommendation for teleworking will continue in the areas of the acceleration and spreading phase; 24/09/2021: extension of the telework recommendation until mid-October; 02/12/2021: The Government recommends that workplaces in the spread area be switched to teleworking; if the work duties allow it; 28/02/2022: telework recommendation ends; after which the workplace will move to combining teleworking and present-day work according to risk assessments.
Empfehlung, Kita-Kinder möglichst zu Hause zu behalten; Kindertagesstätten wurden weiterhin geöffnet, um eine Kinderbetreuung für Eltern zu ermöglichen, die in kritischen Bereichen arbeiten.
All public sector workers recommend to telework in areas/regions where COVID-19 cases are increasing; therefore marked as partial. As of 30 November all public sector work in all regions recommended to telework; exact start date when compared to applying in regions with increasing cases unclear; 28/02/2022: telework recommendation ends; after which the workplace will move to combining teleworking and present-day work according to risk assessments.
Genericcollaboration with other sectors. Available online; noy a specific measure as such.
Guidance on use of masks (not needed for general public) done in January. Now new recommendations.
Guidelines for healthcare: guidelines for procedures for coronavirus cases iand guidelines for laboratory tests.