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Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner

Öffentlicher Ort:


All gatherings of over 10 people are prohinited; 01/07/2020: Events over 500 people can be organised with special arrangements.


Including museums; sports events and series may start under special conditions on 1/6/2020.


All customer spaces open to the public are closed till 31/01/2021; extension till 31/03/2021; 15/06/2021: non-essential businesses are permitted to open with restrictions on operating hours and the number of customers allowed inside the establishment at a time.


Restaurants where alcohol is served can sit 50% of the maximum indoor customer capacity. Other restaurants can use 75% of the seats indoors. Each customer must still have their own seating indoors at a table or other level. The number of seats is not limited in outdoor terraces. The restrictions laid down in the regulation do not apply to staff restaurants or the sale of takeaway food to customers; 28/12/2021: Restaurants have the right to require the use of a corona pass throughout their opening hours throughout the country. If the restaurant requires a corona passport from its customers; the passport must be valid for the entire opening hours of the restaurant. Restaurants may be open until 8 pm if asking for a corona passport. Other restrictions cannot be waived by using a corona passport; 07/01/2022: All restaurants will need to close latest at 18:00; 12/01/2022: regulation regarding the opening hours of restaurants is valid until 31 January 2022.


Restaurants and cafes closed in areas with high/very high incidence and in large part of the country. Take-away still allowed. Closure till 18/04/2021.


Catering shops are allowed to be open from 04:00; and close at 01:00. Serving can start at 09:00 at the earliest and must end at 24:00 at the latest; 09/03/2021: Restaurants and other catering establishments must be closed to customers.


Restaurants close nationwide; 13/07/2020: lifting of restrictions.


Public places opened under conditions from 1/6; including public sports centres and areas.


It is recommended to meet up to five people outside the family at a time; 01/02/2022: recommendation abandoned.


Caterers may be open from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Indoors and outdoors; 75% of customer seats are used in food restaurants and 50% in on-premises restaurants. Indoors and outdoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


Catering shops may be open from 5 a.m. to 1 a.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9:00 to 00:00. Indoor food restaurants use 75% and customer restaurants 50% of customer seats.


Caterers may be open from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Indoors and outdoors; 75% of customer seats are used in food restaurants and 50% in on-premises restaurants. Indoors and outdoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


Catering shops may be open from 5 a.m. to 1 a.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales; Dispensing is allowed from 9:00 to 00:00. 75% of the customer seats are used in food restaurants (indoors) and 50% in indoor restaurants (indoors and outdoors). Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


Catering shops may be open from 5 a.m. to 1 p.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9:00 to 00:00. 75% of the customer seats are used in food restaurants (indoors) and 50% in indoor restaurants (indoors and outdoors). Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


Catering shops may be open from 5 a.m. to 1 a.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9:00 to 00:00. Indoor food restaurants use 75% and customer restaurants 50% of customer seats.


Catering shops may be open from 5 am to midnight. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Indoors and outdoors; 75% of customer seats are used in food restaurants and 50% in on-premises restaurants. Indoors and outdoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level. Indoors; customers should be instructed to sit in their own seats; ie a ban on dancing.


Catering shops are allowed from 07-22 and catering shops may be open from 05-23. In a restaurant where alcohol consumption is the main business; only half of the customer seats are used indoors and; as a new restriction; also outdoors. In other restaurants; only 75% of the customer seats are used indoors and outdoors; respectively. All customers of the catering store must have their own seating at a table or an equivalent level; both indoors and outdoors. Guests are instructed to sit indoors in their seating areas.


Catering shops are allowed from 07-24 and catering shops may be open from 05-01. In the restaurant; where alcohol consumption is the Main Business; half of the customer seats are used indoors. Other restaurants use 75% of the seats indoors. Each customer must still have their own seating indoors at a table or other level. The number of seats is not limited on the outdoor terraces.


Catering shops may be open from 5 a.m. to 2 a.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9 a.m. to 1 a.m. Indoors; 75% of customer seats are used in food restaurants and 50% in on-premises restaurants. Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


There are no separate restrictions on the number of customers or drinking and opening hours. In the province of Åland; catering shops are only allowed from 07-24 and catering shops may be open from 05-01. Each customer must still have their own seating indoors at a table or other level. General hygiene and maintenance obligations apply in all areas.


Maximum 20 people allowed to gather together. Nota Bene: Different healthcare districts and different municipalities within healthcare districts have differing timelines for the selected restrictions. Variations also on exact implementation and dates by subregion and local areas.


Maximum 10 people are allowed to gather together. Nota Bene: Different healthcare districts and different municipalities within healthcare districts may have differing timelines for the selected restrictions; and also modification during the restriction.


Catering shops may be open from 5 a.m. to 1 p.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. 75% of the customer seats are used in food restaurants (indoors) and 50% in indoor restaurants (indoors and outdoors). Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


In Helsinki-Uusimaa and Varsinais-Suomi public gatherings limited to 6 people - coded as ban of all events.


Catering shops may be open from 5 a.m. to 1 p.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9:00 to 00:00. Drinks can be started at 7 am with the breakfast service of the accommodation service. Indoor food restaurants use 75% and customer restaurants 50% of customer seats. Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


Restaurants may be open from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or counter. 75% of the customer seats are used in food restaurants (indoors) and 50% in indoor restaurants (indoors and outdoors).


Restaurants serving alcohol may be open from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. Non-drinking restaurants may be open from 05:00 until 01:00. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. . 75% of the customer seats are used in food restaurants (indoors) and 50% in indoor restaurants (indoors and outdoors). Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


Catering shops may be open from 5 a.m. to 1 p.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9:00 to 00:00. 75% of the customer seats are used in food restaurants (indoors) and 50% in indoor restaurants (indoors and outdoors). Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


Limitations on number of allowed customers; limited opening hours; limited schedules for serving alcohol. More strict than the ongoing national level measure in the selected regions.


Serving in all restaurants ends at 5 pm and the restaurant may be kept open to catering customers from 5 am to 6 pm. The restriction also applies to restaurants that do not dispense alcoholic beverages (including cafes and fast food restaurants). Food restaurants are allowed until 20:00; subject to a corona passport. In catering establishments; where the dispensing of alcohol is the main business area; only half of the customer locations are used indoors and outdoors. Only 75% of customer outlets are used indoors in other catering stores. Customer seat restrictions do not apply to the province of Åland. All customers of the catering business must have their own seating indoors at a table or equivalent. If the restaurant intends to require a corona passport from its customers; the passport must be valid for the entire opening hours of the restaurant.


Restaurants serving alcohol may be open from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. Non-drinking restaurants may be open from 05:00 until 01:00. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 75% of the customer seats are used in food restaurants (indoors) and 50% in indoor restaurants (indoors and outdoors). Indoors; the customer must have their own seating.


Restaurants may be open from 5 a.m. to 12 p.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to restaurants at service stations; the sale of takeaway food or restaurants on ships or aircraft traveling between Finland and other countries. You can drink alcohol from 9 am to 11 pm. 75% of the customer seats are used in food restaurants (indoors) and 50% in indoor restaurants (indoors and outdoors). Indoors; the customer must have their own seat at a table or level; 01/03/2022: Restrictions on catering establishments are lifted.


Pubs; bars and restaurants must stop serving alcohol by 10pm and will have to close by 11pm. Other food and beverage service businesses may remain open until midnight. Bars and nightclubs are only allowed to take in 1/2 and restaurants 3/4 of normal customer count.


Die Landesverwaltungsbehörde verweist auf die Entscheidung des stellvertretenden Ombudsmanns und stellt fest, dass Termine und Besuche in Pflegeheimen und anderen sozialen Wohneinheiten nicht kategorisch untersagt werden können und das Ausscheiden des Klienten aus der Einheit nicht ohne rechtlichen Grund verhindert werden kann. Besuche und Hilfeleistungen im Freien sollen grundsätzlich erlaubt sein, wenn die individuelle Beurteilung der Situation des Klienten nicht zur Anwendung von Isolations- oder Quarantänemaßnahmen nach dem Infektionskrankheitengesetz berechtigt. Jedoch; Ausreichende Schutz- und Sicherheitsabstände sind zu gewährleisten.


01.06.2020: Museen; Sportveranstaltungen und -serien können unter besonderen Bedingungen starten.; 03.01.2022: keine Restriktionen mehr für Restaurants.


Die Ausweitung der Verwendung von FFP2-Gesichtsmasken wird empfohlen.; 14.04.2022: THL kündigte an, seine allgemeine Empfehlung zur Verwendung von Gesichtsmasken fallen zu lassen.


13.03.2021: Alle Personen ab 12 Jahren müssen in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln eine Gesichtsmaske tragen.; 25.10.2021: In öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln besteht keine Maskenpflicht mehr.


Gesichtsmasken empfohlen, wenn Abstandhalten nicht möglich ist; insbesondere für Regionen, in denen die Fälle in den letzten 14 Tagen aufgetreten sind. Seit 18.09. in praktisch allen Regionen - also nicht mehr partiell; 01.07.2022: Es wird empfohlen, die Verwendung von FFP2-Gesichtsmasken auf alle Räume auszudehnen.


Restaurants may be open from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or counter; 14/02/2022: Restaurants may be open from 5 a.m. to 12 p.m. You can drink alcohol from 9 am to 11 pm. Indoors; the customer must have their own seat at a table or level. The corona passport cannot be used as an alternative to restrictions until 28.2.2022; 01/03/2022: Restrictions on catering establishments are lifted.


Restaurants may be open from 5 a.m. to 12 p.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to restaurants at service stations; the sale of takeaway food or restaurants on ships or aircraft traveling between Finland and other countries. You can drink alcohol from 9 am to 11 pm. 75% of the customer seats are used in food restaurants (indoors) and 50% in indoor restaurants (indoors and outdoors). Indoors; the customer must have their own seat at a table or level; 01/03/2022: Restrictions on catering establishments are lifted.


It is recommended to meet up to five people outside the family at a time; 01/02/2022: recommendation abandoned.


Restaurants may be open from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or counter. 75% of the customer seats are used in food restaurants (indoors) and 50% in indoor restaurants (indoors and outdoors).


Serving in all restaurants ends at 5 pm and the restaurant may be kept open to catering customers from 5 am to 6 pm. The restriction also applies to restaurants that do not dispense alcoholic beverages (including cafes and fast food restaurants). Food restaurants are allowed until 20:00; subject to a corona passport. In catering establishments; where the dispensing of alcohol is the main business area; only half of the customer locations are used indoors and outdoors. Only 75% of customer outlets are used indoors in other catering stores. Customer seat restrictions do not apply to the province of Åland. All customers of the catering business must have their own seating indoors at a table or equivalent. If the restaurant intends to require a corona passport from its customers; the passport must be valid for the entire opening hours of the restaurant.


28/12/2021 Restaurants have the right to require the use of a corona pass throughout their opening hours throughout the country. If the restaurant requires a corona passport from its customers; the passport must be valid for the entire opening hours of the restaurant. Restaurants may be open until 8 pm if asking for a corona passport. Other restrictions cannot be waived by using a corona passport; 07/01/2022: All restaurants will need to close latest at 18:00; 12/01/2022: Restrictions on restaurant opening hours and customer numbers vary by province.


Restaurants serving alcohol may be open from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. Non-drinking restaurants may be open from 05:00 until 01:00. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


Restaurants serving alcohol may be open from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. Non-drinking restaurants may be open from 05:00 until 01:00. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 75% of the customer seats are used in food restaurants (indoors) and 50% in indoor restaurants (indoors and outdoors). Indoors; the customer must have their own seating.


Restaurants serving alcohol may be open from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. Non-drinking restaurants may be open from 05:00 until 01:00. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. . 75% of the customer seats are used in food restaurants (indoors) and 50% in indoor restaurants (indoors and outdoors). Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


Catering shops may be open from 5 a.m. to 1 p.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. 75% of the customer seats are used in food restaurants (indoors) and 50% in indoor restaurants (indoors and outdoors). Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


Catering shops may be open from 5 a.m. to 1 p.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9:00 to 00:00. 75% of the customer seats are used in food restaurants (indoors) and 50% in indoor restaurants (indoors and outdoors). Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


Catering shops may be open from 5 a.m. to 1 p.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9:00 to 00:00. 75% of the customer seats are used in food restaurants (indoors) and 50% in indoor restaurants (indoors and outdoors). Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


Catering shops may be open from 5 a.m. to 1 p.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9:00 to 00:00; 05/09/2021: No separate restrictions on the number of customers or drinking and opening hours.


Catering shops may be open from 5 a.m. to 1 a.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales; Dispensing is allowed from 9:00 to 00:00. 75% of the customer seats are used in food restaurants (indoors) and 50% in indoor restaurants (indoors and outdoors). Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


Restaurants where alcohol is served can sit 50% of the maximum indoor customer capacity. Other restaurants can use 75% of the seats indoors. Each customer must still have their own seating indoors at a table or other level. The number of seats is not limited in outdoor terraces. General hygiene and distance maintenance obligations apply at the basic level and in areas of the acceleration phase. The restrictions laid down in the regulation do not apply to staff restaurants or the sale of takeaway food to customers. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to catering establishments operating between Finland and abroad or onboard a watercraft or aircraft traveling abroad; or in connection with a fuel distribution station; 31/07/2021: Customers are provided with information and guidelines to help prevent SARS-CoV-2 infections. There is sufficient distance between customers both indoors and outdoors. The restaurant and especially its surfaces are kept clean. Indoors; the customer must have their own seating.


Catering shops may be open from 5 a.m. to 1 a.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9:00 to 00:00. Indoor food restaurants use 75% and customer restaurants 50% of customer seats.


Catering shops may be open from 5 a.m. to 2 a.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9 a.m. to 1 a.m. Indoors; 75% of customer seats are used in food restaurants and 50% in on-premises restaurants. Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


Events may be hosted for up to 10 people indoors if they comply with the guidelines of the National Institute for Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Education and Culture on safety distances and hygiene practices.


Catering shops may be open from 5 am to midnight. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Indoors and outdoors; 75% of customer seats are used in food restaurants and 50% in on-premises restaurants. Indoors and outdoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level. Indoors; customers should be instructed to sit in their own seats; ie a ban on dancing.


Events may be hosted for up to 50 people outdoors; if they follow the hygiene and safety guidelines of the National Institute for Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Education and Culture on safety distances and hygiene practices.


No separate restrictions on the number of customers or drinking and opening hours. Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


Caterers may be open from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Indoors and outdoors; 75% of customer seats are used in food restaurants and 50% in on-premises restaurants. Indoors and outdoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


In regions with epidemic more active recommending 50; 20 or 10 people gathering limitations. In all events hygiene and where required distancing measures. In June 2021; most regions have no restrictions and also Helsinki-Uusimaa region allows over 50 people gatherings; but following hygiene measures.


Restrictions on restaurant opening hours and customer numbers vary from province to province. For Uusimaa: Catering shops may be open from 5 a.m. to 1 p.m. Opening hours: restrictions do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Delivery is allowed from 9:00 to 00:00. Indoor food restaurants use 75% and on-premises restaurants 50% of customer seats. Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


Catering shops may be open from 5 a.m. to 1 p.m. Restrictions on opening hours do not apply to service station restaurants or takeaway sales. Dispensing is allowed from 9:00 to 00:00. Drinks can be started at 7 am with the breakfast service of the accommodation service. Indoor food restaurants use 75% and customer restaurants 50% of customer seats. Indoors; the customer must have their own seating at a table or level.


There are no separate restrictions on the number of customers or drinking and opening hours. In the province of Åland; catering shops are only allowed from 07-24 and catering shops may be open from 05-01. Each customer must still have their own seating indoors at a table or other level. General hygiene and maintenance obligations apply in all areas.


Catering shops are allowed from 07-24 and catering shops may be open from 05-01. In the restaurant; where alcohol consumption is the Main Business; half of the customer seats are used indoors. Other restaurants use 75% of the seats indoors. Each customer must still have their own seating indoors at a table or other level. The number of seats is not limited on the outdoor terraces.


Catering shops are allowed from 07-22 and catering shops may be open from 05-23. In a restaurant where alcohol consumption is the main business; only half of the customer seats are used indoors and; as a new restriction; also outdoors. In other restaurants; only 75% of the customer seats are used indoors and outdoors; respectively. All customers of the catering store must have their own seating at a table or an equivalent level; both indoors and outdoors. Guests are instructed to sit indoors in their seating areas.


Hospital visiting restrictions; to be reconsidered in June.


Social distancing for all over 70 year old; mandatory but to the extent possible -in May more emphasis in being voluntary and for each individual consideration.


In regions with epidemic more active recommending 50; 20 or 10 people gathering limitations. In all events hygiene and where required distancing measures. In June 2021 most regions have no restrictions; and also in Helsinki-Uusimaa exact limits for indoors no longer apply (hygiene measures still apply).


Maximum 20 people allowed to gather together. Nota Bene: Different healthcare districts and different municipalities within healthcare districts have differing timelines for the selected restrictions. Variations also on exact implementation and dates by subregion and local areas.


Maximum 10 people are allowed to gather together. Nota Bene: Different healthcare districts and different municipalities within healthcare districts may have differing timelines for the selected restrictions; and also modification during the restriction.


Limitations on number of allowed customers; limited opening hours; limited schedules for serving alcohol. More strict than the ongoing national level measure in the selected regions.


Restaurants and cafes closed in areas with high/very high incidence and in large part of the country. Take-away still allowed.


In Helsinki-Uusimaa and Varsinais-Suomi public gatherings limited to 6 people - coded as ban of all events.


Bars and nightclubs need to close early; therefore a partial measure. Replaced by the state of emergency as of 8 March (with the possible return to the same measure level later).


With the exception of take-away still being allowed for restaurants.


Pubs; bars and restaurants must stop serving alcohol by 10pm and will have to close by 11pm. Other food and beverage service businesses may remain open until midnight. Bars and nightclubs are only allowed to take in 1/2 and restaurants 3/4 of normal customer count.


Nota Bene: Different healthcare districts and different municipalities within healthcare districts may have differing timelines for the selected restrictions - Vaasan sairaanhoitopiiri.


With exceptions also over 500 people allowed; but mainly limited to 500 nevertheless.


Face masks recommended when distancing not possible; especially for regions where cases in the latest 14 days. Therefore partial on national level (on 18/09 practically all regions under recommendation).


Non-essential shops closure: Open

Restrictive measures mandatory between 01 September 2020 to 30 September 2020

In September, the restrictions on the activities of food and beverage service businesses will remain the same as they are now. Restaurants, cafes and bars must continue to prevent the risk of COVID-19 infection by certain measures throughout Finland. The Government issued a decree on it on 27 August 2020. Every customer must have their own seat. In addition, food and beverage service businesses must provide their customers with instructions on how to prevent the spread of a communicable disease. Customers need to be able to wash their hands, and the premises and surfaces of food and beverage service businesses must be kept clean. Food and beverage service businesses will also be responsible for ensuring sufficient physical distances between customers. Each establishment must display its plan on how to implement these restrictions and obligations in such a way that customers can see it.

Events stop: Partially banned

Restrictive measures mandatory between 01 September 2020 to TBD

Public events of more than 1000 people are currently prohibited. It is possible to have a total audience of more than 500 people at outdoor events where there are several sections or demarcated areas intended for audiences. Indoor events with more than 500 people may also be permitted with special arrangements.


Rehabilitative day/work centers closed; but alternative solutions recommended for example using distance education; online; or private sessions (not group).


Hospital visiting restrictions; to be reconsidered in June.


Social distancing for all over 70 year old; mandatory but to the extent possible. in May more emphasis in being voluntary and for each individual consideration.


Rehabilitative day/work centers closed.


Including museums; sports events and series may start under special conditions on 1/6/2020.


Restaurants etc may start to reopen under special conditions on 1/6/2020.


Public places opened under conditions from 1/6; including public sports centres and areas.


Private and spiritual communities recommended to close same as the public venues (e.g. Private swimming pools; private libraries).


Over 10 people not allowed/not recommended; limit will raise to 50 on 1 June.


Over 10 people disallowed/not recommended; limit will raise to 50 on 1.6.


Restaurants etc may start to reopen under special conditions on 1/6/2020


Over 10 people disallowed/not recommended; limit will raise to 50 on 1.6.2020.


Over 500 allowed with special clauses; normally events up to 500 allowed.

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