Official quarantine is based on an official decision made by a communicable disease control physician. A communicable disease control physician may order an asymptomatic person to be quarantined if he or she has been exposed to a generally hazardous infectious disease. In the case of Covid-19; the quarantine period is usually 14 days. Official quarantine cannot be shortened by taking coronavirus tests. Self-quarantine is recommended for a person waiting for the result of a coronavirus test or a person arriving in Finland from a country with a high incidence of coronavirus. The length of travel-related self-quarantine can be shortened by taking coronavirus tests. When you are in either self-quarantine or official quarantine; you must avoid close contact with people outside your own household; 09/05/2022: The infectious disease authority in the person's home municipality provides detailed instructions on quarantine and ending quarantine.
If you fall ill with COVID-19; a communicable disease control physician will order you to be isolated. The physician will tell you how long your isolation will last. You will also receive other instructions. Try to avoid contact with your family members as well; 09/05/2022: An infectious disease control physician may order you to isolate because you have been diagnosed with coronavirus and could therefore transmit the virus to others.
Officials said they will contact such persons individually who may have been exposed; 31/08/2020: The government recently introduced a contact tracing app that can be used on a voluntary basis; 24/03/2021: When a person is diagnosed with a coronavirus infection; the municipality of residence carries out contract tracing; on the basis of which nearby contacts are quarantined. If a person is not considered a close contact; they can continue their life as normal. Contact tracing can take some time; especially if there are many exposed persons; 30/06/2022: end of application and lifting of covid-related restrictions.
Quarantine for all arriving from abroad (14 days); 07/05/2020: A person arriving in the country must restrict unnecessary close contacts and enter self-isolation for 14 days; 1010/2020: Border controls have been lifted for travel between Finland and a number of different countries and there is currently no requirement to self-isolate when entering Finland from these countries; 08/11/2020: At the internal and external borders; a 10-day period of self-isolation is recommended for travellers arriving in Finland. Travellers can shorten their self-isolation period at their discretion if they take two voluntary COVID-19 tests.
31/08/20 Contact tracing app produced by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL).; 30/06/2022: The application was discontinued.
Self-quarantine is recommended for those arriving in Finland from countries subject to internal border control (restriction category 1). On 20/08/2020; people returning from those countries required to self-quarantine for two weeks; 11/11/2020: entry to Finland is possible without mandatory testing or quarantine from countries with a maximum of 25 new Covid-19 cases per 100;000 persons during the previous 14 days; 20/11/2020: border controls have been lifted for travel between Finland and a number of different countries and there is currently no requirement to self-isolate when entering Finland from these countries; 29/01/2021: A 10-day quarantine is recommended for people arriving in Finland from “red” and “grey” countries; 12/02/2021: A 14-day period of self-isolation is recommended for travellers arriving in Finland from high-incidence countries; 07/07/2021: All travellers from high-risk countries must complete a 10-day mandatory quarantine. As an alternative; they can submit to a double testing procedure; 12/07/2021: A 14-day period of self-isolation is required for travellers arriving in Finland from high-risk countries that do not take the two Covid-19 tests; or that have positive test results.; 1/07/2022: all entry restrictions lifted.
Selbstisolation in eigener Unterkunft.
Die Einreisebestimmungen richten sich nach den Richtlinien für den Grenzverkehr gemäß Finnlands eigener nationaler Klassifizierung von Risikogebieten< /a>. Bei Einreise aus EU- und Schengen-Staaten bestehen keine Einreisebeschränkungen. Alle Passagiere (geboren 2006 und früher), die in Finnland ankommen, müssen sich jedoch Gesundheitssicherheitsmaßnahmen unterziehen, die die Überprüfung von Bescheinigungen oder COVID-19-Tests umfassen können.
Hinweis: Alle Reisenden, die in Finnland ankommen, sind weiterhin an die Verpflichtungen gebunden, die im Gesetz über übertragbare Krankheiten
Isolation rules in the source. If you fall ill with COVID-19; a communicable disease control physician will order you to be isolated. The physician will tell you how long your isolation will last. You will also receive other instructions. Try to avoid contact with your family members as well.
Contact tracing and quarantine publicly communicated; explanation of an instance of conducting contact tracing. Note that contact tracing in general done since earlier. Not all details in public communication.
31/08/20 Contact tracing app produced by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
Self-quarantine is recommended for those arriving in Finland from countries subject to internal border control (restriction category 1). On 20/08/2020; people returning from those countries required to self-quarantine for two weeks; 11/11/2020: entry to Finland is possible without mandatory testing or quarantine from countries with a maximum of 25 new Covid-19 cases per 100;000 persons during the previous 14 days; 20/11/2020: border controls have been lifted for travel between Finland and a number of different countries and there is currently no requirement to self-isolate when entering Finland from these countries; 29/01/2021: A 10-day quarantine is recommended for people arriving in Finland from “red” and “grey” countries; 12/02/2021: A 14-day period of self-isolation is recommended for travellers arriving in Finland from high-incidence countries; 07/07/2021: All travellers from high-risk countries must complete a 10-day mandatory quarantine. As an alternative; they can submit to a double testing procedure; 12/07/2021: A 14-day period of self-isolation is required for travellers arriving in Finland from high-risk countries that do not take the two Covid-19 tests; or that have positive test results.
Self-isolation at own accommodation.
A 14-day period of self-isolation is recommended for travellers arriving in Finland from high-incidence countries. Travellers can shorten their self-isolation period if they take two COVID-19 tests, and the results are negative. The tests are necessary even if you have received two doses of corona vaccine.
Quarantine for all arriving from abroad (14 days); both for working age (to be agreed with the employer) as well as students/schoolchildren. Mandatory but not enforced.