De En
Menschen vollständig
% vollständig
Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner

Öffentlicher Ort:


Mask use is recommended to employees and passengers of public transport; employees in the trade and customers during their visit in stores; employees in hotels/touristic accommodations; customers in restaurants/cafes; etc when they are not sitting; wherever the distance of 2 meters cannot be ensured; during religious ceremonies and all indoor activities. ; 1/9/2022 Measures extended up to 30/9/2022.


Those over 60 and those with chronic diseases should avoid crowded public places (including taking transport at peak times).; 9/04/2022: COVID measures are lifted; and face masks are recommended for vulnerable populations.


Suspension of all public events and gatherings indoors; which are not covered by other provisions of the Decision of the Headquarters of the Central Committee of the Republic of Croatia on necessary epidemiological measures


Bars; casinos and betting centres are closed. Cultural institutions such as museums; cinemas etc.; remain open but are limited to 25 people. Moreover; these institutions need to be closed at 22:00. ;15/02/2020: Casinos and betting centres are being reopened and can operate between 08:00 and 22:00; 15/07/2021 The working hours of casinos; club vending machines and payment points for betting are from 8.00 to 24.00; with a ban on the provision of catering services in their premises. All amateur cultural and artistic performances; programs and events indoors remain suspended. ; 16/09/2021 Bars are allowed to work without limitations in working hours if only in open spaces and with all persons holding an EU digital COVID certificate. Events are allowed indoors only if all participants have an EU digital COVID certificate. ; 30/09/2021 Amateur cultural events are now allowed with strict compliance to the safety measures; and when indoors; all participants have to hold a COVID-19 certificate. All other measures are extended up to 15/10/2021. ; Extendedn.


Closure of everything except grocery store food and hygiene items market and fish market specialized stores selling and dispensing (pharmacies) specialized stores selling and dispensing veterinary medicinal products agricultural pharmacies gas stations kiosks bakeries laundrettes specialized stores selling orthopaedic and other aids specialized baby equipment stores specialized animal feed stores issuance of construction materials based on retail order logistic and distribution centres for food; beverages and hygiene products wholesalers post offices banks.; 28/03/2020 Operation of shops and kiosks selling food; hygiene products; and medicines is allowed.; 8/4/2020 point of sales where fish; milk; dairy products; fruits and vegetables are sold are allowed to open.; 9/4/2020 Until 11 April 2020 in shops where work is allowed; working hours are determined from 7.00 am to 8.00 pm.; 27/4/2020 All shops reopen with specific safety measures with regard to the maximum number of customers per m2; face masks and disinfection practices; except those operating within shopping malls. ; 11/5/2020 Shopping malls reopen.; 26/5/2020 Shops are open.


19/03/2020 All sports competitions and organized trainings and shutdowns of gyms; sports centers; fitness and recreation centers.; 29/5/2020 Outdoor sports competitions are allowed without spectators and indoor sports competitions are allowed without spectators.;


Fitness centres and gyms need to provide at least 20 square metres per person at one time and the premises must be ventilated and equipment needs to be sanitised between users. Dressing rooms and showers must not be used.


Closure of fitness centres; amateur training and competitions. Professional sports (training and competition) allowed for the first and second national level; no audience allowed during the sports matches.


Visits to users of social accommodation services for the elderly and infirm and other adults are prohibited (homes for the elderly and infirm; foster families and other social welfare institutions).


ban on visits to users of accommodation services in the social welfare system (homes for the elderly and infirm; etc.)


recommendation that private gatherings not be held


Fitnesszentren und Turnhallen müssen mindestens 20 Quadratmeter pro Person gleichzeitig zur Verfügung stellen, und die Räumlichkeiten müssen belüftet und die Geräte zwischen den Benutzern desinfiziert werden. Umkleidekabinen und Duschen dürfen nicht benutzt werden.


DDD-Maßnahmen gemäß den entwickelten SOPs für verschiedene Einstellungen und Transportfahrzeuge. ; 28.11.2020 Mieter; Gebäudemanager; Arbeitgeber und Vertreter öffentlicher Einrichtungen sind verpflichtet, alle öffentlichen Bereiche in Gebäuden regelmäßig zu desinfizieren.


Obligatorische Verwendung von Gesichtsmasken in Innenräumen. Gesichtsmasken oder medizinische Masken im Freien weiterhin, wenn eine sichere physische Distanzierung nicht gewährleistet werden kann. Befreiung von der Verwendung von Gesichtsmasken, wenn alle Teilnehmer über ein EU-COVID-Zertifikat verfügen. ; 16.09.2021 Die Entscheidung wird bis zum 30.09.2021 verlängert. ; 30.09.2021 Verlängert. ; 04.09.2022: Maskenpflicht nur noch für Beschäftigte des Gesundheitswesens; Unternehmen, die Gesundheitsaktivitäten durchführen; sowie private Beschäftigte im Gesundheitswesen; Patienten und Besucher; und Beschäftigte/Besucher von Sozialeinrichtungen, die Alten- und Behindertenunterkünfte anbieten.


Die Verwendung von Masken wird Mitarbeitern und Fahrgästen öffentlicher Verkehrsmittel empfohlen; Mitarbeiter im Handel und Kunden bei ihrem Besuch in Geschäften; Angestellte in Hotels/Touristenunterkünften; Kunden in Restaurants/Cafés; usw., wenn sie nicht sitzen; überall dort, wo der Abstand von 2 Metern nicht gewährleistet werden kann; bei religiösen Zeremonien und allen Indoor-Aktivitäten.


Der öffentliche Verkehr wurde neu organisiert. Anbieter öffentlicher Personenbeförderung sind verpflichtet, die Beförderung so durchzuführen, dass die Beförderungsmittel höchstens 40 % der verfügbaren Sitzplätze ausfüllen; und auf Verkehrsmitteln sind verpflichtet, die maximal zulässige Anzahl von Fahrgästen in den Verkehrsmitteln (Bus, Straßenbahn, Eisenbahnwaggon) deutlich anzugeben; Fähre; Katamaran; etc.); 15.07.2021 Verlängerung der Entscheidung bis 31.07.2021 ;14.08.2021 Verlängerung der Entscheidung bis 31.08.2021. ; Verlängert bis 15.10.2021. 04.09.2022 Die Beschränkung der maximalen Kapazität wurde aufgehoben.


; 20.03.2020 Hochzeiten und Beerdigungen finden ausschließlich nur im engsten Familienkreis statt. Alle Formen von Hochzeitsempfängen sind ausgesetzt. ; 05.04.2020 Beerdigungen sind in Anwesenheit von Familienmitgliedern erlaubt und Musik-/Blumen-/Kerzengottesdienste sind erlaubt. ; 29.5.2020 Andere Gäste; zusätzlich zu Familie und Zeugen; können an Trauungen teilnehmen. ; 13.07.2020 Private Versammlungen sind auf 15 Personen beschränkt. ; 27.10.2020 Max. 30 Personen bei Hochzeiten und Beerdigungen und max. 15 Personen bei anderen privaten Zusammenkünften. Hochzeitszeremonien können bis 00.00 Uhr dauern; aber andere Versammlungen bis 22.00 Uhr. ; 22.11.2020 Bei Trauungen dürfen maximal 15 Personen anwesend sein; 25 bei Beerdigungen und 10 bei anderen privaten Versammlungen. Alle Zeremonien können bis 22.00 Uhr dauern; 28.11.2020 Max. 10 Personen bei privaten Zusammenkünften und Zeremonien. Nur an Beerdigungen können 25 Personen teilnehmen. ; 21.12.2020 Max. 10 Personen aus 2 Haushalten in privaten Versammlungen (nichts geändert; nur diese Angabe). ; 26.05.2021 Zeremonien können bis 23.00 Uhr dauern. Private Zeremonien und Versammlungen aller Art (einschließlich Hochzeitszeremonien) sind auf 30 Personen begrenzt. Hochzeitszeremonien dürfen mehr als 30 Personen haben; mit der obligatorischen Platzangabe; Zeit; und die ungefähre Personenzahl bis spätestens 3 Tage vor dem Ereignis und bei Einhaltung besonderer Empfehlungen/Anweisungen und wenn alle Personen über ein digitales COVID-Zertifikat der EU verfügen, dem zuständigen Zivilschutzdienst des Landkreises mitzuteilen. Keine zeitliche Beschränkung für Hochzeitszeremonien. ; 15.7.2020 Versammlungen und Zeremonien aller Art können bis 00.00 Uhr dauern, es sei denn, es handelt sich um eine öffentliche Veranstaltung oder Versammlung, an der nur Personen mit einem digitalen EU-COVID-Zertifikat teilnehmen. ; 16.09.2021 Maßnahmen verlängert bis 30.09.2021. ; 30.09.2021 Verlängert bis 15.10.2021. ; 11.06.2021 Verlängert. ; 01.08.2022 Das Teilnehmerlimit für private Zusammenkünfte ist auf 20 festgelegt; außer wenn alle Teilnehmer COVID-19-Zertifikate haben, wenn sich das Limit auf 50 erhöht. ; 18.03.2022 Das Teilnehmerlimit für private Zusammenkünfte ist auf 30 festgelegt; außer wenn alle Teilnehmer COVID-19-Zertifikate haben, wenn sich das Limit auf 100 erhöht. ; 04.09.2022 Die Beschränkungen werden aufgehoben.


Verbot der Abhaltung aller öffentlichen Veranstaltungen und Versammlungen im Freien, an denen mehr als 200 Personen an einem Ort teilnehmen; es sei denn, es handelt sich um eine öffentliche Veranstaltung oder Versammlung, an der nur Personen mit einem digitalen EU-COVID-Zertifikat teilnehmen. Alle Veranstaltungen können bis 2.00 Uhr am nächsten Tag andauern. ; 04.09.2022 Die Beschränkungen werden aufgehoben.


Verbot der Abhaltung aller öffentlichen Veranstaltungen und Versammlungen mit mehr als 100 Personen an einem Ort; es sei denn, es handelt sich um eine öffentliche Veranstaltung oder Versammlung, an der nur Personen mit einem digitalen EU-COVID-Zertifikat teilnehmen. Alle Veranstaltungen können bis 2.00 Uhr am nächsten Tag andauern. ; 04.09.2022 Die Beschränkungen werden aufgehoben.


Restaurants und Cafés dürfen wieder öffnen; aber nur im Außenbereich von 6.00-22.00 Uhr Dienstleistungen erbringen. Innenräume bleiben geschlossen. Die Indoor-Bars und Restaurants bleiben geschlossen. Verbot des Verkaufs von Alkohol von 22:00 bis 06:00 Uhr. Bäckereien arbeiten noch bis 22.00 Uhr; 26.5.2021 Die Öffnungszeiten für Bäckereien und Gastronomiebetriebe verlängern sich bis 23.00 Uhr. Das Verkaufsverbot für alkoholische Getränke ist von 23.00 bis 6.00 Uhr begrenzt. ; 15.07.2021 Catering-Einrichtungen und Bäckereien können von 6.00 bis 24.00 Uhr arbeiten. Verbot des Verkaufs von alkoholischen Getränken zwischen 24.00 und 6.00 Uhr. ; 01.09.2021 Cafés dürfen ihre Innenbereiche wieder öffnen. ; 16.09.2021 Maßnahmen verlängert bis 30.09.2021. ; 30.09.2021 Verlängert bis 15.10.2021. ; 11.06.2021 Verlängert. ; 18.03.2022 Die Arbeitszeiten für Catering-Einrichtungen sind zwischen 06.00 und 02.00 Uhr (nächster Tag). Die Arbeitszeiten für Bäckereien sind weiterhin von 06.00 bis 24.00 Uhr. ; 04.09.2022 Die Beschränkungen werden aufgehoben.


Verbot der Abhaltung aller öffentlichen Veranstaltungen und Versammlungen mit mehr als 50 Personen an einem Ort; es sei denn, es handelt sich um eine öffentliche Veranstaltung oder Versammlung, an der nur Personen mit einem digitalen EU-COVID-Zertifikat teilnehmen. Alle Veranstaltungen können bis 24.00 Uhr dauern, es sei denn, die Veranstaltungen wurden vom Zivilschutz genehmigt und alle Teilnehmer haben ein COVID-19-Zertifikat. ; 01.08.2022: Verbot der Abhaltung aller öffentlichen Indoor-Veranstaltungen und Versammlungen mit mehr als 25 Personen an einem Ort; es sei denn, es handelt sich um eine öffentliche Veranstaltung oder Versammlung, an der nur Personen mit einem digitalen EU-COVID-Zertifikat teilnehmen, für die sich das Limit auf 100 Personen erhöht. ; 01.03.2022 Das Limit für Versammlungen in Innenräumen wird auf 50 Personen erhöht.


Verbot der Abhaltung aller öffentlichen Veranstaltungen und Versammlungen im Freien, an denen mehr als 100 Personen an einem Ort teilnehmen; es sei denn, es handelt sich um eine öffentliche Veranstaltung oder Versammlung, an der nur Personen mit einem digitalen EU-COVID-Zertifikat teilnehmen, für die sich das Limit auf 200 Personen erhöht.


Verbot der Abhaltung aller öffentlichen Veranstaltungen und Versammlungen im Freien, an denen mehr als 50 Personen an einem Ort teilnehmen; es sei denn, es handelt sich um eine öffentliche Veranstaltung oder Versammlung, an der nur Personen mit einem digitalen EU-COVID-Zertifikat teilnehmen, für die sich das Limit auf 200 Personen erhöht.


28/05/2020 Ban on holding all public events and gatherings attended by more than 100 people in one place; unless it is a public event or gathering attended only by persons with EU digital COVID certificate. All events can last up to 23.00 unless it is a public event or gathering attended only by persons with an EU digital COVID certificate.; 13/07/2020 Public gatherings up to 50.; 14/08/2021 All events can last up to 24.00. ; 16/09/2021 Measures are extended up to 30/09/2021. ; 30/09/2021 Measures are extended up to 15/10/2021. ; 06/11/2021 Extended.;


The number of attendants in public events and gatherings is limited to 50 people unless it is a public event or gathering attended only by persons with an EU digital COVID certificate where the limit is extended to 1;000 people. All events and gatherings should last up to 24:00.


The number of attendees in public events and gatherings is limited to 50 people unless it is a public event or gathering attended only by persons with an EU digital COVID certificate where the limit is extended to 1;000 people. All events and gatherings should last up to 24:00.


The number of attendants in private gatherings is limited to 15 ppl.


Closure of everything except grocery store food and hygiene items market and fish market specialized stores selling and dispensing (pharmacies) specialized stores selling and dispensing veterinary medicinal products agricultural pharmacies gas stations kiosks bakeries laundrettes specialized stores selling orthopaedic and other aids specialized baby equipment stores specialized animal feed stores issuance of construction materials based on retail order logistic and distribution centres for food; beverages and hygiene products wholesalers post offices banks.; 28/03/2020 Operation of shops and kiosks selling food; hygiene products; medicines is allowed.; 8/4/2020 point of sales where fish; milk; dairy products; fruits and vegetables are sold are allowed to open.; 9/4/2020 Until 11 April 2020 shops where work is allowed; working hours are determined from 7.00 am to 8.00 pm. ; 27/4/2020 All shops reopen with specific safety measures with regard to the maximum number of customers per m2; face masks and disinfection practices; except those operating within shopping malls. ; 11/5/2020 Shopping malls reopen.; 26/5/2020 Shops are open.


Catering facilities provided exclusively in outdoor areas and terraces with respect to specific epidemiological measures. Limited opening hours of bars; nightclubs until 24:00.; 14/10/2020 catering from 6:00 until 24:00.; 27/10 Ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages between 00.00-6.00. ; 22/11 Limited opening hours of all catering facilities including bars; nightclubs until 22:00.


19/03/2020 All cultural activities (museums; theaters; cinemas; libraries; reading rooms) and exhibitions; shows and fairs are suspended.; 4/5/2020 children's playgrounds; outdoor sports playgrounds and other outdoor sports facilities may be used in compliance with general anti-epidemic measures.; 11/5/2020 Libraries; museums; galleries; antique shops and bookstores have reopened; and rehearsals of artists and cultural workers have resumed. Suspension of fashion shows; pool and sauna operations.


19/03/2020 All sports competitions and organized trainings and shutdowns of gyms; sports centers; fitness and recreation centers.; 29/5/2020 Outdoor sports competitions are allowed without spectators and indoor sports competitions are allowed without spectators.;


Outdoor events can be held with more than 100 people if it is approved by the civil public health institute.


visits to hospital are prohibited. It is allowed for parents to visit their children.


Bars; casinos and betting centres are closed. Cultural institutions such as museums; cinemas etc.; remain open but are limited to 25 people. Moreover; these institutions need to be closed at 22:00. ;15/02/2020: Casinos and betting centres are being reopened and can operate between 08:00 and 22:00; 15/07/2021 The working hours of casinos; club vending machines and payment points for betting are from 8.00 to 24.00; with a ban on the provision of catering services in their premises. All amateur cultural and artistic performances; programs and events indoors remain suspended. ; 16/09/2021 Bars are allowed to work without limitations in working hours if only in open spaces and with all persons holding an EU digital COVID certificate. Events are allowed indoors only if all participants have an EU digital COVID certificate. ; 30/09/2021 Amateur cultural events are now allowed with strict compliance to the safety measures; and when indoors; all participants have to hold a COVID-19 certificate. All other measures are extended up to 15/10/2021. ; Extendedn.


Ban on holding all public events and gatherings attended by more than 100 people in one place; unless it is a public event or gathering attended only by persons with EU digital COVID certificate. All events can last up to 23.00 unless it is a public event or gathering attended only by persons with an EU digital COVID certificate. ; 14/08/2021 All events can last up to 24.00 except if all participants have a COVID-19 certificate and has been approved by the civil protection. ; 16/09/2021 Measures are extended up to 30/09/2021. ; 30/09/2021 Measures are extended up to 15/10/2021.


All restaurants and cafes will be closed. Restaurants are allowed to prepare and deliver food that will be in compliance with all measures or personal collection; delivery; and drive-in services. Limitation for working hours of bakeries/bread shops until 22.00. Ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages from 22.00 to 6.00.


Ban on holding all public events and the gathering of more than 5 persons in one place


Mass gathering limited outdoor to maximum 25 persons.


Public gatherings indoor are restricted to max 25 people.


Indoor meetings and public events are restricted to 50 people.


All public events are allowed with a maximum number of 40 participants.


Use of face masks required in all indoor and outdoor public spaces. ; 28/11/2020 mandatory use of face masks or medical masks outdoors when it is not possible to maintain a physical distance of at least 1.5 meters; 03/07/2021 Face masks or medical masks outdoors still when safe physical distancing cannot be ensured. Exemption of face mask use when all participants have an EU COVID Certificate.


24/4/2020 Use of face masks in public transportation and closed public places where safe distance cannot be kept.


Face masks mandatory for persons with respiratory symptoms.


Suspension of all public events and gatherings indoors; which are not covered by other provisions of the Decision of the Headquarters of the Central Committee of the Republic of Croatia on necessary epidemiological measures


Ban on visits to users of accommodation services in social care institutions for the elderly and infirm.


a maximum of 50 persons may be present at professional and amateur artistic performances and programs and cinema screenings in strict compliance with all prescribed epidemiological measures and special recommendations and instructions of the Croatian Institute of Public Health


recommendation to social care institutions that provide accommodation services to suspend visits to users indoors; recommendations to social welfare institutions that provide accommodation services to visit beneficiaries; wherever possible; organized in the open in strict compliance with all prescribed epidemiological measures and special recommendations and instructions of the Croatian Institute of Public Health.


a maximum of 50 persons may be present at professional artistic performances and programs and cinema screenings in strict compliance with all prescribed epidemiological measures and special recommendations and instructions of the Croatian Institute of Public Health


ban on all indoor training except for clubs competing in the 1st and 2nd rank of competition in senior competition and in the 1st rank of competition in junior competition at the national level in team sports


ban on holding all public events and gatherings attended by more than 15 people in one place


a maximum of 8 people from a maximum of 2 different households can be present at private gatherings and ceremonies;


Closure of fitness centres; amateur training and competitions. Professional sports (training and competition) allowed for the first and second national level; no audience allowed during the sports matches.


Visits to users of social accommodation services for the elderly and infirm and other adults are prohibited (homes for the elderly and infirm; foster families and other social welfare institutions).


Visits to care homes are prohibited. Exceptions can be made by the director of the institution.


recommendation that private gatherings not be held


Ban on visits to users of social accommodation services for the elderly and infirm and adults with disabilities; including non-related foster families; with the exception of users who are in the terminal phase; who are allowed to visit for up to 15 minutes in compliance with all prescribed epidemiological measures there can be only one visitor at a time.


ban on visits to users of accommodation services in the social welfare system (homes for the elderly and infirm; etc.)


ban on visits to users of social accommodation services for the elderly and infirm and adults with disabilities


All casinos; slot machine clubs and payment points for betting are closed.


visits to hospitals and all providers of social services of accommodation and stay are prohibited; except for the user group of children and young adults without parents or appropriate parental care


ban on visits to users of social accommodation services for the elderly and infirm and adults with disabilities


Recommendation that no more than 50 people be present at professional art performances and programs and cinema screenings; in strict compliance with all prescribed epidemiological measures and special recommendations and instructions of the Croatian Institute of Public Health


Prohibition of visits to home users for the elderly and infirm; except in exceptional cases; when in the opinion of the home administration are necessary and when they can be organized in compliance with all epidemiological measures and recommendations of the Croatian Institute of Public Health; and visitors present a signed statement of negative epidemiological and clinical indicators of disease exposure that may indicate infection and a negative test for SARS-CoV-2 not older than 72 hours or a finding confirming that they have survived COVID-19


Temporary suspension of professional artistic performances and programs; exhibitions; fairs and similar events and cinema screenings


Visits to users of social accommodation services for the elderly and infirm and adults with disabilities are prohibited


Recommendation that private gatherings be limited to members of a maximum of two households; and that no more than 10 people should be present at the gathering;


prohibition of visits to users of homes for the elderly and infirm; except in exceptional cases when the director or other authorized person is obliged to make a risk assessment


Recommendation that a maximum of 50 persons be present at professional artistic performances and programs and cinema screenings; in strict compliance with all prescribed epidemiological measures and special recommendations and instructions of the Croatian Institute of Public Health


visits to homes for elderly and infirm are allowed only indoors at the discretion of the director or other authorized person; provided that visitors do not come into contact with each other and the visit can last no longer than 15 minutes; people who come and visit the users of homes for the elderly and infirm must use a protective mask or medical mask and must not have a fever


a maximum of 50 people may be present at wedding ceremonies; a maximum of 20 people may be present at other private ceremonies; celebrations and events (christenings; birthday celebrations; lipsticks; etc.)


temporary ban on visits to users of social welfare institutions that provide accommodation services for the elderly and seriously ill and the disabled


Those over 60 and those with chronic diseases should avoid crowded public places (including taking transport at peak times).


In some regions of the country: a maximum of 50 people can be present at wedding ceremonies and funerals (avoiding close contacts in condolence expressing); a maximum of 20 people may participate in other private festivities and celebrations; bars and 'bistro' can serve guests only in open areas (terraces; etc.); family farms may receive groups of more than 20 people.


In some regions of the country: a maximum of 50 people can be present at wedding ceremonies and funerals (avoiding close contacts in condolence expressing); a maximum of 20 people may participate in other private festivities and celebrations; bars and 'bistro' can serve guests only in open areas (terraces; etc.); family farms may receive groups of more than 20 people.


Any public gathering are restricted to 50 people.


Non-essential shops closure: Open

Restrictive measures mandatory between to TBD

National level: 14.8.2020. - 7.10.2020. All bars and night clubs are restricted to working until 24h

Events stop: Banned

Restrictive measures mandatory between 19 March 2020 to TBD

All public gatherings with more then 40 people Sub national level: Splitsko-dalmatinska county-special measures from 27.8.2020. - 10.9.2020.: - obligatory to wear a face mask in all closed spaces including bars and restaurant except when consuming food or drinks - weddings limited to 50 people - other private festivities limited up to 20 people - funerals limited to 50 people, condolences to the bereaved should not be expressed through close contact; - all social gatherings (manifestations, shows, mass, ceremonies, exhibitions and other) should respect all the proposed epidemiological measures and if they are held indoors face masks are obligatory and physical distancing of 2m - organisers of all social gatherings and owners of bars, cafes and restaurants are obliged to conduct additional supervision of abidance of proposed epidemiological measures - Gyms, fitness centers and other forms of organized recreational events are banned - all sport competitions are to be held without spectators - all visits and exits from homes for the elderly and other social care institutions. With the recommendation to organize shift work where possible


Operation of catering establishments of all categories; with the exception of food preparation and delivery services; accommodation services and work of public and student kitchens.


All public transport except for taxis has been suspended for 30 days. 27/04/2020; citizens could start using public transportation again.

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