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Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner



2 meters distancing rule still apllies; but is not restricted to the number of 2 people. 2+2 rule: 2 people and 2 meters distance. Additional restrictions apply: up to 2 people are allowed to be together in public space. This restriction does not apply to families living and moving around together; and to people performing public duties.


In the future; carriers will be able to carry out international passenger services to and from countries where the cumulative 14-day morbidity rate per 100;000 inhabitants is less than twice the average in the European Union; the European Economic Area; Switzerland and the United Kingdom. According to the data on 26 August; the average morbidity rate in Europe is 46. This means that in the current situation; international passenger services would not take place to countries with a 14-day cumulative morbidity rate above 92 (rounded to 90) per 100;000 inhabitants


From March 17; everyone who arrives in Latvia from an insignificant trip in a third country must take the Covid-19 test at their own expense. If the result is negative; then self-isolation in your place of residence must be observed. In case of a positive result; the self-insulation must be spent in one of the tourist accommodation specified by the Latvian Investment and Development Agency and it must also be paid for. If a person does not go to the tourist accommodation voluntarily after receiving a positive result; then the expenses of the State Police for transporting the person to the hotel will also have to be paid.


Obligatory teleworking when the nature of daily tasks allows it. ; 21/10/21 Vaccinated or those who have started vaccination can work on-site with a negative Covid-19 test if they are employed in industries of very high importance to the society or if the nature of work does not permit working remotely. Vaccinated on-site workers can be tested regularly by the employer. Every day on-site workers submit self-certification that there has been no known/deliberate contact with the infected person and they do not have symptoms of respiratory infectious diseases. Employees working on-site who have started vaccination perform screening tests. ; 01/03/2022 A vaccination or illness certificate is no longer required for the employees. However; in sectors where work involves close contact with people; the requirement for certification will be mandatory for another month. ;01/04/2022 Vaccination certificate is required only in employees working in public services; medical facilities; prisons and educational settings if they have direct contact with other people. Teleworking is no longer mandatory but recommended.


Teleworking is no longer mandatory; but recommended.


01/04/2022 FFP2 mask use remains mandatory in medical and social care facilities for visitors and staff.


In the future; carriers will be able to carry out international passenger services to and from countries where the cumulative 14-day morbidity rate per 100;000 inhabitants is less than twice the average in the European Union; the European Economic Area; Switzerland and the United Kingdom. According to the data on 26 August; the average morbidity rate in Europe is 46. This means that in the current situation; international passenger services would not take place to countries with a 14-day cumulative morbidity rate above 92 (rounded to 90) per 100;000 inhabitants


Das Gesundheitsministerium bereitet Maßnahmen für den Umgang mit einem Leichnam eines verstorbenen Patienten vor, der an COVID-19 erkrankt war oder bei dem ein Verdacht auf COVID-19 bestand.


Obligatorische Telearbeit, wenn die Art der täglichen Aufgaben dies zulässt. ; 21.10.21 Geimpfte oder Personen, die mit der Impfung begonnen haben, können mit einem negativen Covid-19-Test vor Ort arbeiten, wenn sie in Branchen mit sehr hoher gesellschaftlicher Bedeutung beschäftigt sind oder die Art der Arbeit ein Arbeiten aus der Ferne nicht zulässt. Geimpfte Werksmitarbeiter können regelmäßig vom Arbeitgeber getestet werden. Jeden Tag reichen die Mitarbeiter vor Ort eine Selbstauskunft ein, dass kein bekannter/vorsätzlicher Kontakt mit der infizierten Person bestanden hat und sie keine Symptome einer Infektionskrankheit der Atemwege aufweisen. Vor Ort tätige Mitarbeiter, die mit der Impfung begonnen haben, führen Screening-Tests durch. ; 03.01.2022 Für die Mitarbeiter ist kein Impf- oder Krankheitsnachweis mehr erforderlich. Jedoch; in Bereichen, in denen die Arbeit mit engem Kontakt zu Menschen verbunden ist; die Anforderung zur Zertifizierung wird für einen weiteren Monat obligatorisch sein. ;01.04.2022 Impfausweis ist nur für Beschäftigte im öffentlichen Dienst erforderlich; Medizinische Einrichtung; Gefängnisse und Bildungseinrichtungen, wenn sie direkten Kontakt zu anderen Menschen haben.


A state of emergency has been declared in the entire territory of the state from 11 October 2021 to 11 January 2022.


16/03/2021: Private sector employees are strongly advised to work remotely; where the specifics of the work allow it. Teleworking whenever possible.


Recommendation to health care institutions and health professionals regarding immediate reporting of suspected cases; sample collection and implementation of infection control measures.


Intersectoral communication should be ongoing. This measure comes from some websites and it is not possible to retrieve all detailed retrospective information.


Daily epidemiological updates in relation with the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV (


2 meters distancing rule still apllies; but is not restricted to the number of 2 people. 2+2 rule: 2 people and 2 meters distance. Additional restrictions apply: up to 2 people are allowed to be together in public space. This restriction does not apply to families living and moving around together; and to people performing public duties.


From March 17; everyone who arrives in Latvia from an insignificant trip in a third country must take the Covid-19 test at their own expense. If the result is negative; then self-isolation in your place of residence must be observed. In case of a positive result; the self-insulation must be spent in one of the tourist accommodation specified by the Latvian Investment and Development Agency and it must also be paid for. If a person does not go to the tourist accommodation voluntarily after receiving a positive result; then the expenses of the State Police for transporting the person to the hotel will also have to be paid.


Third update: State of Emergency prolonged to 6 April 2021 . Second update: State of Emergency prolonged to 7 February 2021 . Update: State of Emergency prolonged to 11 January 2021 . State of Emergency declared from 9 November-6 December.


In the future; carriers will be able to carry out international passenger services to and from countries where the cumulative 14-day morbidity rate per 100;000 inhabitants is less than twice the average in the European Union; the European Economic Area; Switzerland and the United Kingdom. According to the data on 26 August; the average morbidity rate in Europe is 46. This means that in the current situation; international passenger services would not take place to countries with a 14-day cumulative morbidity rate above 92 (rounded to 90) per 100;000 inhabitants


Crisis management council activated. State of emergency.

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