De En
Menschen vollständig
% vollständig
Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner

Schließung von Schulen/Universität:


As of 1 September the educational process is organized face-to-face (model A). In the face-to-face learning process; the necessary safety measures must be observed at all levels of education - timely information must be provided; hygiene; personal health monitoring and distance must be observed. If an educational institution cannot provide distance; meaning an overcrowding of common areas; overlapping classes or groups between breaks; events; the school must plan a B-model . It envisages that grades 1-6 study in person; but for grades 7-12; studies can be organized in person (40-60%) and remotely. In turn; for vocational education institutions 60–80% on the premises of the educational institution; 20–40% remotely. In higher education institutions; this proportion depends on the specifics of the study program. On the other hand; model C - by organizing studies for grades 1–12 only remotely - is applied if an infection or morbidity with Covid-19 has been established at the school or national anti-epidemic measures have been established.; 1/06/2020: The summer holidays started on 1/06/2020 and ended on 31/08/2020 and despite school closures; this measure was still active.;


02/11/2020: distance learning is organized for students from the 7th grade; which is the primary school level.; 30/11/2020: the on-site learning process may take place only in grade 1-4 . Schools must provide an area of 3 square meters per student. In grades 1-6; at least 3 m2 of the classroom area shall be provided per pupil (if necessary; one class can be divided into several groups) and teachers will have to wear a face mask both inside and outside the lessons (including school common areas). If such requirements cannot be met; then the pupils of the particular school will study remotely.; 4/01/2021: masks must be worn in schools; both during lessons and outside the teaching process; for both pupils and teachers. Additional measures: winter holidays will be extended for 1st - 4th grade students until 22 January 2021.; 21/01/2021: 1-4 grade students continue education remotely.; 08/02/2021: face-to-face consultations will be held for 12th graders; vocational education students and students at risk of not graduating.; 23/02/2021: Schools in municipalities meeting (where the incidence of COVID-19 is lower than 200 per 100;000 population) can resume face-to-face education for 1-4 grade students.; 07/04/2021: in municipalities where the two-week morbidity rate per 100;000 people does not exceed 200; face-to-face education process can be organized for 1.-6. grade pupils. Full-time studies can take place on a rotating basis so that the classes in the educational institution do not overlap. In order to resume face-to-face training; the educational institution must provide epidemiological requirements and weekly testing of staff.; 1/06/2021: summer school holidays start but in September; Students in primary education will be able to participate in face-to-face classes with a vaccination or disease certificate or a negative Covid-19 test result. Without testing; the student will not be able to start and also continue the education in person. Despite school closures; this measure was still active.;


07/04/2021: in municipalities where the two-week morbidity rate per 100;000 people does not exceed 200; face-to-face education process can be organized for 7.-12. grade pupils. Full-time studies can take place on a rotating basis so that the classes in the educational institution do not overlap. In order to resume face-to-face training; the educational institution must provide epidemiological requirements and weekly testing of staff.; 01/06/2021: The summer holidays started on 1/06/2020 and despite school closures; this measure was still active.; 10/8/2021 Students in secondary education will be able to participate in face-to-face classes with a vaccination or disease certificate or a negative COVID-19 test result. Without testing; the student will not be able to start and also continue the education in person.


As of 1 September the educational process is organized face-to-face (model A). In the face-to-face learning process; the necessary safety measures must be observed at all levels of education - timely information must be provided; hygiene; personal health monitoring and distance must be observed. If an educational institution cannot provide distance; meaning an overcrowding of common areas; overlapping classes or groups between breaks; events; the school must plan a B-model . It envisages that grades 1-6 study in person; but for grades 7-12; studies can be organized in person (40-60%) and remotely. In turn; for vocational education institutions 60–80% on the premises of the educational institution; 20–40% remotely. In higher education institutions; this proportion depends on the specifics of the study program. On the other hand; model C - by organizing studies for grades 1–12 only remotely - is applied if an infection or morbidity with Covid-19 has been established at the school or national anti-epidemic measures have been established.; 1/06/2020: school holidays commence.


02/11/2020: distance learning is organized for students from the 7th grade; which is the primary school level.; 30/11/2020: the on-site learning process may take place only in grade 1-4 . Schools must provide an area of 3 square meters per student. In grades 1-6; at least 3 m2 of the classroom area shall be provided per pupil (if necessary; one class can be divided into several groups) and teachers will have to wear a face mask both inside and outside the lessons (including school common areas). If such requirements cannot be met; then the pupils of the particular school will study remotely.; 4/01/2021: masks must be worn in schools; both during lessons and outside the teaching process; for both pupils and teachers. Additional measures: winter holidays will be extended for 1st - 4th grade students until 22 January 2021.; 21/01/2021: 1-4 grade students continue education remotely.; 08/02/2021: face-to-face consultations will be held for 12th graders; vocational education students and students at risk of not graduating.; 23/02/2021: Schools in municipalities meeting (where the incidence of COVID-19 is lower than 200 per 100;000 population) can resume face-to-face education for 1-4 grade students.; 07/04/2021: in municipalities where the two-week morbidity rate per 100;000 people does not exceed 200; face-to-face education process can be organized for 1.-6. grade pupils. Full-time studies can take place on a rotating basis so that the classes in the educational institution do not overlap. In order to resume face-to-face training; the educational institution must provide epidemiological requirements and weekly testing of staff.; 1/06/2021: summer school holidays start but in September; Students in primary education will be able to participate in face-to-face classes with a vaccination or disease certificate or a negative Covid-19 test result. Without testing; the student will not be able to start and also continue the education in person.


Measures for schools - September 2021.; 06/01/2022: No more than 20 children in one group; with at least 3 m2 of public space available indoors each. The rooms must also be ventilated by a mechanical ventilation system or natural ventilation so that the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) does not exceed 1 000 ppm; but if this is not possible; fresh air must be supplied to the room for at least 15 minutes within an astronomical hour. If the pre-school learners overlap with the primary school pupils in an indoor interest or vocational orientation lesson; the pre-school children must take an antigen self-test not earlier than 24 hours before the lesson; and the responsible person must be notified of the result. The antigen self-test may be performed on the child in the presence of an authorized person and parents before the lesson.; 01/04/2022: Employees in the educational process must have a primary vaccination or disease certificate. The use of masks can be determined by the head of the educational institution in agreement with the founder. Testing should only be performed in isolated cases; such as if there are symptoms of the disease or if there is contact in the household with a Covid-19-infected person. The educational process can be carried out remotely if the infection spreads in the educational institution.; 01/06/2022: Measure closed due to summer holidays.


Maßnahmen für Schulen - September 2021.; 01.06.2022: Nicht mehr als 20 Kinder in einer Gruppe; mit jeweils mindestens 3 m2 öffentlicher Fläche im Innenbereich. Die Räume müssen außerdem durch ein mechanisches Belüftungssystem oder eine natürliche Belüftung belüftet werden, damit der Kohlendioxidgehalt (CO2) 1 000 ppm nicht überschreitet; aber wenn dies nicht möglich ist; Innerhalb einer astronomischen Stunde muss dem Raum für mindestens 15 Minuten Frischluft zugeführt werden. wenn sich die Vorschulkinder mit den Grundschülern in einem Indoor-Interessens- oder Berufsorientierungsunterricht überschneiden; die Vorschulkinder müssen frühestens 24 Stunden vor dem Unterricht einen Antigenselbsttest machen; und das Ergebnis ist der verantwortlichen Person mitzuteilen. Der Antigen-Selbsttest kann am Kind in Anwesenheit einer autorisierten Person und der Eltern vor dem Unterricht durchgeführt werden.; 01.04.2022: Beschäftigte im Ausbildungsprozess müssen über einen Grundimpf- oder Krankheitsnachweis verfügen. Die Verwendung von Masken kann von der Leitung der Bildungseinrichtung im Einvernehmen mit der Stifterin oder dem Stifter festgelegt werden. Testungen sollten nur in Einzelfällen durchgeführt werden; etwa wenn Krankheitssymptome vorliegen oder im Haushalt Kontakt zu einer Covid-19-infizierten Person besteht. Der Bildungsprozess kann aus der Ferne durchgeführt werden, wenn sich die Infektion in der Bildungseinrichtung ausbreitet.


Ab dem 16. März wird die Arbeit in vorschulischen Bildungseinrichtungen fortgesetzt; Aufnahme nur der Kinder, deren Eltern Vollzeit arbeiten müssen; sowie diejenigen, deren Arbeitsspezifika es unmöglich machen, remote zu arbeiten und gleichzeitig Kinder zu betreuen. In der Vorschulerziehung; Mitarbeiter sollten Gesichtsmasken verwenden; Sowohl während als auch außerhalb des Lernprozesses. Um die Gesundheit von Mitarbeitern und Kindern zu schützen; Es ist geplant, dass der Covid-19-Test einmal wöchentlich für hauptberuflich Beschäftigte in vorschulischen Bildungseinrichtungen durchgeführt wird.; 17.03.2020 bis 10.06.2020 Kindergärten werden teilweise geöffnet und Kinder, die aus dem Ausland kamen, müssen sich selbst - 14 Tage zu Hause isolieren. In LETTLAND gab es keine offizielle Schließung von Kindergärten. ; 18.10.21 Nur noch Kinder, deren Eltern in einem lebensnotwendigen Arbeitsumfeld arbeiten, können Kindergärten besuchen.; 15.11.2021: Der Lehrbetrieb in allen Bildungseinrichtungen wird wieder persönlich organisiert.


The study in universities is organised remotely.


From 1 November 2021; 1st to 3rd-grade students will study in person; strictly observing the general safety measures. ; 15/11/2021 4th-12th grade students will study in person too.


21/10/21 Students' holidays has been extended until 29 October 2021.


From 1 November 2021; 4th to 12th grade students will study remotely. From 15 November 2021; the learning process for students of all grades will be able to take place in person.


26/10/2020: higher education is organised remotely. Exception - completion of the practical part of higher education programmes which is required for obtaining professional skills or qualifications and which cannot be carried out remotely; provided that this is organised individually (no more than two people present).; 07/01/2021: adult non-formal education should be organised remotely. Exceptions: 1. Completion of the practical part of vocational education programmes which is required for obtaining professional skills or qualifications and which cannot be carried out remotely; provided that no more than 10 educates are present on site in the same premises; 2. Examinations of an international testing authority in a foreign language; observing that no more than 10 educatees per group participate in the examination on site in the same premises; 3. Clinical internships at the residency and practical classes for medical students of the 6th year of study to provide support to hospitals may take place in person; 07/07/2021: the provision of higher education; vocational education; including vocational education; interest education; and adult education services; amateur art classes; and youth work are allowed indoors with a max of 30 people and at least 3 m2 of available space. In outdoor classes; groups can have up to 50 people. The face-to-face learning process is implemented through weekly testing of those involved and trainees if participants exceed 5. Outdoor non-formal education programs for groups of up to 20 people are allowed (even if if the 14-day cumulative number of Covid-19 cases per 100;000 population exceeds 120) if specific requirements regarding safety are met.; 17/8/2021 In colleges and universities; only persons with a vaccination or disease certificate will participate in the study program in person. During the transition period - until October 10; 2021 - individuals may also participate by having a negative COVID-19 test performed during the last 48 hours.


07/04/2021: in municipalities where the two-week morbidity rate per 100;000 people does not exceed 200; face-to-face education process can be organized for 7.-12. grade pupils. Full-time studies can take place on a rotating basis so that the classes in the educational institution do not overlap. In order to resume face-to-face training; the educational institution must provide epidemiological requirements and weekly testing of staff.; 10/8/2021 Students in secondary education will be able to participate in face-to-face classes with a vaccination or disease certificate or a negative COVID-19 test result. Without testing; the student will not be able to start and also continue the education in person.


02/11/2020: distance learning is organized for students from the 7th grade; which is the primary school level.; 30/11/2020: the on-site learning process may take place only in grade 1-4 . Schools must provide an area of 3 square meters per student. In grades 1-6; at least 3 m2 of the classroom area shall be provided per pupil (if necessary; one class can be divided into several groups) and teachers will have to wear a face mask both inside and outside the lessons (including school common areas). If such requirements cannot be met; then the pupils of the particular school will study remotely.; 4/01/2021: masks must be worn in schools; both during lessons and outside the teaching process; for both pupils and teachers. Additional measures: winter holidays will be extended for 1st - 4th grade students until 22 January 2021.; 21/01/2021: 1-4 grade students continue education remotely.; 08/02/2021: face-to-face consultations will be held for 12th graders; vocational education students and students at risk of not graduating.; 23/02/2021: Schools in municipalities meeting (where the incidence of COVID-19 is lower than 200 per 100;000 population) can resume face-to-face education for 1-4 grade students.; 07/04/2021: in municipalities where the two-week morbidity rate per 100;000 people does not exceed 200; face-to-face education process can be organized for 1.-6. grade pupils. Full-time studies can take place on a rotating basis so that the classes in the educational institution do not overlap. In order to resume face-to-face training; the educational institution must provide epidemiological requirements and weekly testing of staff.; 10/8/2021 Students in primary education will be able to participate in face-to-face classes with a vaccination or disease certificate or a negative Covid-19 test result. Without testing; the student will not be able to start and also continue the education in person.


The government also decided to extend distance learning for children from 7th-12th grade until 6/12/2020.; 7/01/2021 due to declared emergency situation this measure is prolonged.; 7/04/2021 in municipalities where the two-week morbidity rate per 100;000 people does not exceed 200; face-to-face education process can be organized for 7.-12. grade pupils. Full-time studies can take place on a rotating basis so that the classes in the educational institution do not overlap. In order to resume face-to-face training; the educational institution must provide epidemiological requirements and weekly testing of staff.


As of 1 September the educational process is organized face-to-face (model A). In the face-to-face learning process; the necessary safety measures must be observed at all levels of education - timely information must be provided; hygiene; personal health monitoring and distance must be observed. If an educational institution cannot provide distance; meaning an overcrowding of common areas; overlapping classes or groups between breaks; events; the school must plan a B-model . It envisages that grades 1-6 study in person; but for grades 7-12; studies can be organized in person (40-60%) and remotely. In turn; for vocational education institutions 60–80% on the premises of the educational institution; 20–40% remotely. In higher education institutions; this proportion depends on the specifics of the study program.On the other hand; model C - by organizing studies for grades 1–12 only remotely - is applied if an infection or morbidity with Covid-19 has been established at the school or national anti-epidemic measures have been established.


As of 1 September the educational process is organized face-to-face (model A). In the face-to-face learning process; the necessary safety measures must be observed at all levels of education - timely information must be provided; hygiene; personal health monitoring and distance must be observed. If an educational institution cannot provide distance; meaning an overcrowding of common areas; overlapping classes or groups between breaks; events; the school must plan a B-model . It envisages that grades 1-6 study in person; but for grades 7-12; studies can be organized in person (40-60%) and remotely. In turn; for vocational education institutions 60–80% on the premises of the educational institution; 20–40% remotely. In higher education institutions; this proportion depends on the specifics of the study program. On the other hand; model C - by organizing studies for grades 1–12 only remotely - is applied if an infection or morbidity with Covid-19 has been established at the school or national anti-epidemic measures have been established.


As of 7 May 2020; individual face-to-face consulations can be organised. Examinations of 9 grade pupils are all cancelled. All primary schools; high schools and universities are closed. It is recommended that schools and universities develop distance learning modules.


5th - 12th grade students study remotely; no exceptions (compared to National level).


Schools/Univ. closure: Open

Restrictive measures mandatory between 02 September 2020 to TBD

An educational institution: shall prescribe the procedures and persons responsible for the compliance with the basic principles (provision of information, distancing, hygiene, monitoring the health condition of a person) and the requirements arising therefrom, including for the organisation and control of the flow of educatees and other visitors, use of common-use premises, organisation of catering, use of laboratories and official accommodation facilities; As of 7 May 2020, In the area of education, all types of learning processes will continue to take place remotely; children’s camps will currently not be organized. Considering the provisions of epidemiological safety, pre-schools, together with local governments, will have to decide how to organize learning of 5- and 6-year-old children - in person or remotely. Taking into account the determined physical distancing and epidemiological safety measures, face-to-face consultations will be permitted in order to get prepared for state examinations or professional qualification examinations. Although compulsory examinations for students of grade 9 are cancelled, face-to-face consultations will be allowed for them. The decision on the course of the study process in military educational institutions will be made by the Minister of Defence, while the decision for educational institutions of the system of internal affairs will be made by the Minister of the Interior. It will also be possible to organize non-contact sports trainings or classes in person, observing the following conditions: no more than 25 people may gather in one training group at the same time; indoor training time - three hours, outdoors - an unlimited period of time; the class shall be led by a certified coach; a mutual distance of two meters has to be observed; the areas of different training groups should not physically overlap; children under the age of seven do not participate in training; instructions of the manager of the sports venue and the coach should be followed; other physical distancing and epidemiological safety measures which will be developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Health have to be observed. Previously, On-site learning shall be terminated in all educational establishments by providing remote training from 13 March 2020, with the exception of centralised state examinations. In order to attend pre-school educational institutions, parents shall submit a written statement to the pre-school educational institution on 13 March 2020 by informing that the child and family have not visited any COVID-19 affected countries and have not been in contact with COVID-19 affected persons, and parents do not have any other possibility of providing childcare. Pre-school educational establishments and institutions providing childcare will have to ensure the work of ‘on-duty’ groups that will look after those children whose parents are unable to do so. To receive this service, parents have to submit once a week a written statement informing that the child and family have not visited any COVID-19 affected country and have not been in contact with COVID-19 infected persons or contact persons. The statement should also include information that parents do not have any other possibility of providing childcare.

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