Older people should stay at home.; 01/04/2022 The remaining measures to contain the Covid-19 pandemic and the Covid-19 daily allowance expire on Thursday; March 31st.;
Öffentlicher Ort:
It is forbidden to hold events. The following are exempt from the ban: a) Meetings of the state parliament or a municipal council; including its commissions and committees; b) Events for political opinion-forming with up to 50 people; c) religious events and funerals; d) Face-to-face events at compulsory schools; upper secondary and tertiary schools as well as at other educational institutions; e) Events without an audience in the fields of sport and culture; f) Events in family and friends according to Paragraph 2 of the same legislation; 15/01/2021 Measures get extended and tightened: public gatherings with more than 5 people are not allowed.; 24/03/2021 the period of validity of the COVID-19-VJBG is to be extended again until September 30; 2021.;
Due to new measures in place in Switzerland; Liechtenstein introduces restricted opening times for Casinos. Casinos can be open between 06:00 and 19:00. Update from 18/12/2020: From 20 December onwards PARTIAL to FULL as additionally cinema; theater; museums; galleries; libraries etc. have been closed.
Gatherings in entertainment venues are allowed to take place; but are underlying the max. 10 people restrictions; hence still marked as a Full measure
Indoor sport is banned; except for professionals. Gyms in hotels are allowed to remain open and can be accessed by guests. Outdoor sport is allowed but hygiene guidelines have to be followed.
Restaurants; bars and nightclubs. Take away is possible; canteens and cafeterias in schools; universities; factories are excluded. This measure was supposed to be in force for three weeks; but has been extended until at least the end of November due to the current situation in the country.
Restaurants and bars are allowed to re open; closing time 23:00; consumption only allowed seated; max. 6 people per table; in between tables 1.5m distance. Nightclubs remain closed.
Restaurants; bars and night clubs have to close again. Food delivery is possible. Update 23/02/2021 Bars; restaurants and casinos remain closed. The situation will be re evaluated in March
Bars and nightclubs remain closed. However; restaurants are allowed to open their outdoor areas. There is no self service; max. 6 people at one table are allowed. Between the tables a distance of 1.5 meters needs to be kept. Guests need to wear a mask until they are seated. Opening hours: 06:00-23:00. ;24/05/2021: Guest can now also access indoor spaces. Max 6 person/table and between the tables a distance of 1.5m should be given. When you leave your seat it is mandatory to wear a face mask. ;14/06/2021: no restricted opening hours for bars and restaurants; 29/06/2021: Restaurants no longer have limits on the number of patrons; however a distance of 1.5 meters must still be maintained between unrelated groups of patrons. Restaurants are no longer required to have guests sit while eating; 15/09/2021: A certificate that proves vaccination; recovery or a negative test is compulsory for restaurants. The requirements for maintaining distance and the obligation to wear a mask are omitted. In outdoor areas; the request for a certificate is optional. If this is not done; the distances between guest groups must be guaranteed or effective barriers must be installed; 22/09/2021: celebrations and other events with catering or hospitality in club halls and similar interiors are just as subject to the certification requirement as consumption in restaurants.; 26/11/2021 The consumption of food and drinks is only permitted while sitting. This applies to both indoor and outdoor areas; thus also for Advent and Christmas markets. Local visitors are also only allowed to take off the mask when they are seated at the table. A distance of 1.5 meters must be maintained between the groups of guests or a barrier must be installed.; 17/02/2022 Restaurants and cafes can be visited again regardless of vaccination or recovery status and there are no requirements to be observed.;
Private gatherings with up to 50 people. 29/06/2021: the 50-person limit for private events has been lifted.
16/03/2020: the government of Liechtenstein imposed or announced considerable restrictions on social life in Liechtenstein.; 19/03/2020: Only private gatherings allowed in the private setting AND below 5 persons.
This applies to PRIVATE events ONLY: max 30 people are allowed on private events! If there are more people than 30 people the guidelines of public events apply (e.g. prevention concept).; 3/11/2020: from 4 November onward private gatherings are restricted to maximum 10 people and no consumption of food and drinks allowed.; 18/12/2020: private gatherings are limited to max. 10 people.; 15/01/2021: private gatherings are limited to max 5 people.; 01/03/2021 onwards: 10 people.;29/3/2021: despite some relaxations in regards of cultural events and sport activities; the number for private gatherings is still limited to 10 people.; 24/05/2021: All other public events 30 people.
16/03/2020: the government of Liechtenstein imposed or announced considerable restrictions on social life in Liechtenstein.
Ältere Menschen sollten zu Hause bleiben.; 01.04.2022 Die restlichen Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Covid-19-Pandemie und das Covid-19-Taggeld laufen am Donnerstag aus; 31. März.;
Einschränkungen für Pflegeheime.; 01.04.2022 Die restlichen Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Covid-19-Pandemie und das Covid-19-Taggeld laufen am Donnerstag aus; 31. März.;
Fitnessstudios; Wellness- und Sportzentren dürfen wieder öffnen. Aber sie unterliegen den Beschränkungen öffentlicher Versammlungen; daher sind nur 10 Personen erlaubt.; 01.04.2022 Die restlichen Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Covid-19-Pandemie und das Covid-19-Taggeld laufen am Donnerstag aus; 31. März.;
Veranstaltungen mit mehr als 50 Personen dürfen nur mit Teilnehmern durchgeführt werden, die über ein gültiges Covid-19-Zertifikat verfügen. Veranstaltungen mit weniger als 50 Personen sowie religiöse Veranstaltungen und Beerdigungen unterliegen nicht der Zeugnispflicht.; 01.04.2022 Die restlichen Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Covid-19-Pandemie und das Covid-19-Taggeld laufen am Donnerstag aus; 31. März.;
Die Personengrenze für Outdoor-Veranstaltungen ohne Urkunde wird auf 300 reduziert; 01.03.2022 Die restlichen Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Covid-19-Pandemie und das Covid-19-Taggeld laufen am Donnerstag aus; 31. März.;
17.02.2022 Die Maskenpflicht in öffentlich zugänglichen Innenräumen wird aufgehoben. Jedoch; die Maskenpflicht ab 12 Jahren wird bis Ende März in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln sowie in Gesundheits- und Pflegeeinrichtungen aufrechterhalten.; 01.04.2022 Die Maskenpflicht läuft am 31. März aus.;
Obligatorische Verwendung von Gesichtsmasken in allen Innenräumen; Veranstaltungen sowie am Arbeitsplatz. Die Kunden des Restaurants dürfen ihre Gesichtsmaske nur dann abnehmen, wenn sie am Tisch sitzen.; 01.04.2022 besteht weiterhin Maskenpflicht, wenn sich mehrere Personen in einem Raum aufhalten. Dies gilt auch für Kaffee- oder Mittagspausen.; 24.01.2022 Grundschulklassen können von der Maskenpflicht befreit werden, wenn es in einer Klasse keine positiven Fälle gibt und wenn mindestens zwei Drittel der Schüler an den Wiederholungsspucktests teilnehmen. Wenn beide Anforderungen erfüllt sind; die Schülerinnen und Schüler der entsprechenden Klasse können während des Unterrichts auf das Tragen von Masken verzichten.; 17.02.2022 Die Maskenpflicht in öffentlich zugänglichen Innenräumen wird aufgehoben. Jedoch; die Maskenpflicht ab 12 Jahren wird bis Ende März in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln sowie in Gesundheits- und Pflegeeinrichtungen aufrechterhalten.;
Bars und Diskotheken bleiben geschlossen. Jedoch; Restaurants dürfen ihre Außenbereiche öffnen. Es gibt keine Selbstbedienung; max. 6 Personen an einem Tisch sind erlaubt. Zwischen den Tischen ist ein Abstand von 1,5 Metern einzuhalten. Gäste müssen eine Maske tragen, bis sie sitzen. Öffnungszeiten: 06:00-23:00. ;24.05.2021: Gäste können jetzt auch Innenräume betreten. Max 6 Personen/Tisch und zwischen den Tischen sollte ein Abstand von 1,5m gegeben sein. Beim Verlassen des Sitzplatzes besteht Maskenpflicht. ;14.06.2021: keine eingeschränkten Öffnungszeiten für Bars und Restaurants; 29.06.2021: Restaurants haben keine Begrenzung der Gästezahl mehr; zwischen beziehungslosen Besuchergruppen muss jedoch weiterhin ein Abstand von 1,5 Metern eingehalten werden. Restaurants müssen ihre Gäste beim Essen nicht mehr sitzen lassen; 15.09.2021: Eine Bescheinigung, die die Impfung nachweist; Erholung oder ein negativer Test ist für Restaurants obligatorisch. Die Abstandsgebote und die Maskenpflicht entfallen. Im Außenbereich; die Anforderung eines Zertifikats ist optional. Wenn dies nicht getan wird; die Abstände zwischen Gästegruppen sind zu gewährleisten oder wirksame Absperrungen zu errichten; 22.09.2021: Feiern und sonstige Veranstaltungen mit Bewirtung oder Bewirtung in Vereinshallen und ähnlichen Innenräumen unterliegen ebenso der Zertifizierungspflicht wie der Verzehr in Gaststätten.; 26.11.2021 Der Verzehr von Speisen und Getränken ist nur im Sitzen gestattet. Dies gilt sowohl für Innen- als auch für Außenbereiche; somit auch für Advents- und Weihnachtsmärkte. Lokale Besucher dürfen die Maske auch nur dann abnehmen, wenn sie am Tisch sitzen. Zwischen den Gästegruppen ist ein Abstand von 1,5 Metern einzuhalten oder eine Absperrung zu installieren.; 17.02.2022 Restaurants und Cafés können unabhängig vom Impf- oder Genesungsstatus wieder besucht werden und es sind keine Auflagen zu beachten.;
Das Maßnahmenverbot für alle Veranstaltungen gilt weiterhin. Jedoch; es gibt einige Lockerungen an Unterhaltungsstätten; einschließlich Kinos; Theater; Opern; Sportveranstaltungen etc. Bei diesen Veranstaltungen ist eine Zuschauerzahl von max. 50 Personen im Innenbereich und 100 Personen im Außenbereich sind erlaubt. Maximal; Kapazität 1/3 aller verfügbaren Plätze; 15.09.2021: Eine Bescheinigung, die die Impfung nachweist; Erholung oder ein negativer Test ist für Riegel obligatorisch; und Clubs sowie für Diskotheken; Tanzlokale und Unternehmen im Kulturbereich; Unterhaltung und Freizeit. Die Abstandsgebote und die Maskenpflicht entfallen. Im Außenbereich; die Anforderung eines Zertifikats ist optional. Wenn dies nicht getan wird; die Abstände zwischen Gästegruppen müssen gewährleistet sein oder wirksame Absperrungen installiert werden. Veranstaltungen mit mehr als 50 Personen dürfen nur mit Teilnehmern durchgeführt werden, die über ein gültiges Covid-19-Zertifikat verfügen; 22.09.2021: Feiern und sonstige Veranstaltungen mit Bewirtung oder Bewirtung in Vereinshallen und ähnlichen Innenräumen unterliegen ebenso der Zertifizierungspflicht wie der Verzehr in Gaststätten.; 17.02.2022 Unterhaltungsstätten können unabhängig vom Impf- oder Genesungsstatus wieder besucht werden und es sind keine Auflagen zu beachten.;
It is forbidden to hold events with more than 1;000 people; be they visitors or participants. On August 10; the Liechtenstein Government announced the further easing of COVID-19-related restrictions. As of August 16; public events may encompass over 1000 people; but organizers must still maintain safety measures including social distancing. If social distancing cannot be maintained; masks are required. Organizers and businesses can also make use of COVID-19 certificates; which allow for those who have been fully vaccinated; tested or have recovered from COVID-19 to participate with reduced protection measures.
As of August 16; public events may encompass over 1000 people; but organizers must still maintain safety measures including social distancing. If social distancing cannot be maintained; masks are required. Organizers and businesses can also make use of COVID-19 certificates; which allow for those who have been fully vaccinated; tested or have recovered from COVID-19 to participate with reduced protection measures.
It is forbidden to hold events with more than 1;000 people; be they visitors or participants. On August 10; the Liechtenstein Government announced the further easing of COVID-19-related restrictions.
As of 05/07/2021; the mask requirement is lifted in all areas with the exception of public transport. Masks can now also be dispensed with in the workplace; provided the minimum distance of 1.5 meters is maintained or effective barriers are in place between workplaces. The mask requirement remains in place where the distance cannot be maintained and working with barriers is not possible. This includes in particular personal services with physical contact. ; 15/09/2021: The government has decided to reintroduce the mask requirement in publicly accessible facilities with few exceptions (e.g. children <12 years of age; people exempted for medical reasons; artists or athletes who cannot wear a mask); 01/11/2021: Travellers in public transport and persons in publicly accessible interiors of facilities and companies must wear a mask.
Beginning 3 July 2020 events of people up to 1000 will be allowed. Organizers of events must develop and put in place protective procedures allowing for proper social distancing. As before; all publicly accessible establishments and businesses; as well as events; must continue to take protective measures. Central is hand hygiene and social distancing. ; 01/10/2020: Anyone wishing to hold an event with more than 1;000 visitors or more than 1;000 participants (major event) requires a permit from the Office for Health. Seats are compulsory for the spectator area at major events. The seats must be assigned to the individual visitors.
Public events allowed up to 30 people max; indoor and outdoor. Events with audience authorised outdoor; up to 300 people with a max of 50% of the seats occupied. Sport competitions are only allowed outdoor; up to 50 participants.
It is forbidden to hold events. The following are exempt from the ban: a) Meetings of the state parliament or a municipal council; including its commissions and committees; b) Events for political opinion-forming with up to 50 people; c) religious events and funerals; d) Face-to-face events at compulsory schools; upper secondary and tertiary schools as well as at other educational institutions; e) Events without an audience in the fields of sport and culture; f) Events in family and friends according to Paragraph 2 of the same legislation; 15/01/2021: measures get extended and tightened: public gatherings with more than 5 people are not allowed. ; 01/03/2021: public gatherings with more than 10 people are not allowed. No food and beverages can be served at those events. This applies to indoor and outdoor events. ; 29/03/2021: it is possible for children and the youth to participate in outdoor sports activities with a max. of 25 people. The same applies to cultural events: outdoors; max. 25 people; no food and beverages can be served. Update: From 26/04/2021 onwards entertainment venues (theaters; cinemas; etc) are allowed to have an audience of 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors; however apart from these few exceptions; there is still a ban on events. In this case it still applies: max. 10 people indoors and max 25 people outdoors.
Events are allowed with up to 300 people. The distribution of food and beverages is prohibited at events permitted. It is forbidden to hold dance events.
In indoor gatherings; a maximum of 300 people is allowed. The distribution of food and beverages is prohibited at events permitted. It is forbidden to hold dance events.
All public and private events are banned and it is prohibited for more than five people to gather in public spaces.
Beginning 3 July 2020 events of people up to 1000 will be allowed. Organizers of events must develop and put in place protective procedures allowing for proper social distancing. As before; all publicly accessible establishments and businesses; as well as events; must continue to take protective measures. Central is hand hygiene and social distancing. ; 01/10/2020 Anyone wishing to hold an event with more than 1;000 visitors or more than 1;000 participants (major event) requires a permit from the Office for Health. Seats are compulsory for the spectator area at major events. The seats must be assigned to the individual visitors. At open-air events; the Office of Public Health can exceptionally grant standing room for certain spectator areas; namely in the open area; provided that these are divided into sectors and additional protective measures are provided.
Private gatherings with up to 50 people. 29/06/2021: the 50-person limit for private events has been lifted.
Public events allowed up to 30 people max; indoor and outdoor. Events with audience authorised indoor are allowed with up to 100 participants with a max of 50% of the seats occupied.
As of 20/12/2020 face masks are mandatory in all public places where a minimum distance cannot be kept. ;15/01/2021: wearing masks in schools has now become mandatory for all students above the age of 12.
This applies to PRIVATE events ONLY: max 30 people are allowed on private events! If there are more people than 30 people the guidelines of public events apply (e.g. prevention concept). Update on 3/11: from 4 November onward private gatherings are restricted to maximum 10 people and no consumption of food and drinks allowed. Update on 18/12/2020: private gatherings are limited to max. 10 people. Update 15/01/2021: private gatherings are limited to max 5 people; From 01/03/2021 onwards: 10 people. Update 29/3: despite some relaxations in regards of cultural events and sport activities; the number for private gatherings is still limited to 10 people. 24/05/2021: All other public events 30 people.
Gatherings in entertainment venues are allowed to take place; but are underlying the max. 10 people restrictions; hence still marked as a Full measure
Restaurants; bars and night clubs have to close again. Food delivery is possible. Update 23/02/2021 Bars; restaurants and casinos remain closed. The situation will be re evaluated in March
Indoor sport is banned; except for professionals. Gyms in hotels are allowed to remain open and can be accessed by guests. Outdoor sport is allowed but hygiene guidelines have to be followed.
Due to new measures in place in Switzerland; Liechtenstein introduces restricted opening times for Casinos. Casinos can be open between 06:00 and 19:00. Update from 18/12/2020: From 20 December onwards PARTIAL to FULL as additionally cinema; theater; museums; galleries; libraries etc. have been closed.
Due to new measures in place in Switzerland; Liechtenstein introduces restricted opening times for Casinos. Casinos can be open between 06:00 and 19:00. Update from 18/12/2020: From 20 December onwards PARTIAL to FULL as additionally cinema; theater; museums; galleries; libraries etc. have been closed.
Since 21/10: mask wearing is mandatory in shops; malls; banks; post offices; museums; theatres; restaurants; bars; clubs; casinos; hotels; in the changing rooms of swimming pools; sports grounds; fitness studios; places of worship; GPs; and hospitals. This applies to everyone above the age of 12. Update 20/12/2020 extension of mandatory mask wearing to all public places where a minimum distance cannot be kept.
06/07/20: In public transport and where physical distancing is not possible. 19/10/202: The mandatory mask wearing has been expanded to employees who work in Gastronomy. It is recommended to wear a mask in any situation where the distance of 1.5 meters cannot be kept.
Restaurants and bars are allowed to re open; closing time 23:00; consumption only allowed seated; max. 6 people per table; in between tables 1.5m distance. Nightclubs remain closed.
Restaurants; bars and nightclubs. Take away is possible; canteens and cafeterias in schools; universities; factories are excluded. This measure was supposed to be in force for three weeks; but has been extended until at least the end of November due to the current situation in the country.
Only private gatherings allowed in the private seeting AND below 5 persons. Not sure how to enter the info. ; modified to outdoor_over_5 (and applies also to indoor most likely by ToKa on 16/05/2020.