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Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner



Ban of flights from China; South Korea; and Iran; 17/03/2020: Government bans international air transport carried out in the EU; for international air transport from or to non-Member States of the EU; 09/04/2020: travel ban extended to 27 April 2020; 14/05/2020: Borders will be gradually reopened on the basis of agreements with individual countries. However; countries such as the United States remain on the general ban list of the EU which is still in place; 08/06/2020: new decree; permiting entry for the nationals of 17 countries considered as epidemiologically safe; 05/07/2020: The country has a traffic light system of green; yellow and red countries; meaning free to enter; enter with some restrictions; and enter only under special circumstances; 30/09/2020: The EU; including Slovenia; has enacted a general ban on travel from the United States. US citizens with residency in an EU country may enter Slovenia; 01/12/2021: Foreign nationals who are not residents in Slovenia and who come from areas with a new variant of the virus are not allowed to enter. Everyone else coming from countries on the list must enter a 10-day quarantine; 19/02/2022: lifting of restrictions when entering Slovenia.


Slovenia's border with Italy - health checks of passengers introduced. Non-Slovenian nationals and persons without permanent or temporary residence in Slovenia are required to submit certificates issued by a competent authority and indicating that they tested negative for the coronavirus. Persons without proper certificates may be denied entry into Slovenia. No restrictions for Slovenian citizens; 26/03/2020: All Slovenian citizens and persons with permanent or temporary residence in Slovenia will be permitted to enter Slovenia without any additional requirements. Entry to Slovenia is allowed to foreigners who submit a negative molecular laboratory test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2; 21/11/2020: Slovenia maintains a color-coded system of entry restrictions: A very small number of countries are designated “green” (epidemiologically safe). A much larger list of countries; are designated as “red” (poor epidemiological conditions). All non-listed countries/regions of countries are designated “orange” (aggravated epidemiological situation). Travellers who have spent 14 days in either a “green” country or an “orange” EU country/region can enter Slovenia without quarantine. All others must quarantine 10 days or have a negative result from a Covid test taken in the EU within the prior 48 hours; 09/01/2021: amendment to the ordinance on state border crossing; which will introduce the option to prove that a person does not have COVID-19 with both rapid antigen tests and PCR tests. When entering Slovenia; negative PCR tests are required in case of arrival from third countries; which must not be older than 48 hours. Rapid antigen tests are valid only if done in the EU or the Schengen Area. Testing with rapid antigen tests at border crossings has been abolished on the external Schengen border. Anyone who does not present this proof will have to go into quarantine; which can; however; be lifted if the person takes a test within 5 days of the decision being issued; 12/02/2021: Individuals arriving from most EEA countries or Switzerland must produce proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR test result in order to enter the country; alternatively; they can enter self-isolation for 14 days. Individuals arriving from high-risk non-EU countries must register with authorities and self-isolate for at least 8 days; after which a COVID-19 test may be taken; those testing positive are required to self-isolate until they have recovered. Cross-border commuters are not required to self-isolate; though they must be in possession of a negative PCR or antigen COVID-19 test result taken within the previous s7 days; 13/02/2021: International arrivals who can provide evidence that they have been vaccinated against COVID-19 or have previously recovered from the virus will be permitted to enter without self-isolation or testing. Individuals arriving from countries designated as low risk may enter without restriction; these countries include Australia; China; Finland; Iceland; New Zealand; Norway; Singapore; South Korea; and Taiwan; 12/04/2021: All travellers arriving from countries on the ''Red List'' must produce a negative result from a COVID-19 PCR test taken within the previous 48 hours; a positive PCR test no more than 21 days but less than six months old; or proof of COVID-19 vaccination. Travellers from red list countries who are unable to meet this requirement must self-isolate for 10 days. Individuals arriving from countries not on the Red List may enter without restriction; 05/06/2021: a negative rapid antigen test result is again accepted for entry into Slovenia; provided that less than 48 hours have passed since the swab was taken. A person arriving from an area not on the red or dark red list may enter Slovenia without being ordered to quarantine at home; if upon entry they provide proof of having resided in an area that is not on the red or dark red list for at least 5 consecutive days prior to entry; 11/07/2021: Entry to Slovenia without home quarantine is permitted to a person who submits: a) a negative result of a PCR test that is not older than 72 hours b) a negative result of the HAG test; which is not older than 48 hours c)a recovery certificate d) a certificate of vaccination proving that at least 7 days have passed e) a vaccination certificate for people who have recovered from the disease f) a European digital covid certificate g) a third country digital covid certificate; 14/07/2021: amendment to previous decree; allowing entry to Slovenia without home quarantine and without the PCT condition (morbidity; vaccination; testing) to: a) a person who is assigned to the performance of tasks in the international transport sector and demonstrates this when crossing the border b) a person who travels in transit through Slovenia and leaves it in the shortest possible time; i.e. no later than 12 hours after entry; 09/08/2021: All passengers entering Slovenia by aircraft or cruise ship will have to fill out a Digital Passenger Locator Form; before entering the country; 19/02/2022: The RVT (recovered/vaccinated/tested) condition no longer applies at the border.


Restrictions and mode of operation of public transport passengers in the territory of Slovenia; 18/06/2021: relaxed restrictions for travellers in public transportation: face masks mandatory in public transportation and the driver must show negative testing once a week or vaccination/diagnosis certificate; 31/05/2022: measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 infections are no longer required.


17.03.20: Einreiseverbot für andere Personen als Bürger aus Ländern der Europäischen Union; Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum; und Vereinigtes Königreich; Langzeitaufenthalter und Personen mit langfristigen Visa oder Aufenthaltsgenehmigungen; Familienangehörige von EU- und EWR-Bürgern; medizinisches Personal und Personen, die für den Transport von Gütern verantwortlich sind.; 03.01.2022: Die Europäische Union empfiehlt ihren Mitgliedsstaaten, alle nicht wesentlichen Reiseverbote für geimpfte Touristen, die aus Drittländern anreisen, ab dem 1. März aufzuheben; 2022.


Alle slowenischen Staatsbürger und Personen mit ständigem oder vorübergehendem Aufenthalt in der Republik Slowenien dürfen ab den neuen Kontrollstellen an der Grenze zu Österreich ohne weitere Auflagen nach Slowenien einreisen. Die Einreise nach Slowenien ist Ausländern gestattet, die einen Nachweis in slowenischer Sprache vorlegen; Englisch oder Deutsch nicht älter als drei Tage, dass er/sie einen molekularen Labortest auf das Vorhandensein von SARS-CoV-2 durchgeführt hat; die ein negatives Ergebnis zeigt; 03.07.2020: Eine Person, die in die Republik Slowenien einreist und einen ständigen oder vorübergehenden Aufenthalt in Ländern hat, die nicht auf der Liste der epidemiologisch sicheren Länder stehen (veröffentlicht auf den Websites des NIJZ, des Gesundheitsministeriums und des Außenministeriums Angelegenheiten); oder kommt aus diesen Ländern; wegen möglicher SARS-Infektion -CoV-2 für die Dauer von 14 Tagen in Quarantäne. Diese Verordnung gilt nicht für Bürger der Republik Slowenien und Ausländer mit ständigem oder vorübergehendem Aufenthalt in der Republik Slowenien, die aus EU-Mitgliedstaaten oder Schengen-Mitgliedstaaten kommen; 13.01.2021: Eine Person, die aus Ländern oder Verwaltungseinheiten von Ländern auf der Roten Liste kommt, wird in häusliche Quarantäne geschickt; es sei denn, er legt bei der Einreise in die Republik Slowenien ein negatives Testergebnis für das Vorhandensein von SARS-CoV-2 vor; nicht älter als 48 Stunden von der Abstrichentnahme. Ausnahmen hiervon gelten; 08.07.2021: Eine Person, die aus einem Gebiet auf der GRÜNEN Liste kommt, kann in die Republik Slowenien einreisen, ohne in häusliche Quarantäne geschickt zu werden; wenn er einen Einreisenachweis vorlegt, dass er sich vor der Einreise mindestens fünf Tage ununterbrochen im Gebiet der Grünen Liste aufgehalten hat. Eine Person, die aus einem Gebiet auf der ORANGEN Liste kommt, kann in die Republik Slowenien einreisen, ohne in häusliche Quarantäne geschickt zu werden, wenn sie sich dem europäischen digitalen Zertifikat (EU DCP) unterwirft; digitales Drittlandzertifikat (DCP); negatives Ergebnis des PCR-Tests oder Antigen-Schnelltests (HAG-Test); Krankheits- oder Impfbescheinigung. Eine Person, die aus einem Gebiet auf der ROTEN oder DUNKELROTEN Liste kommt, kann in die Republik Slowenien einreisen, ohne in häusliche Quarantäne verwiesen zu werden, wenn sie eine Krankheitsbescheinigung oder eine Impfbescheinigung vorlegt. Ausnahmen hiervon gelten; 14.07.2021: Die Einreise nach Slowenien ohne PCT-Bedingung ist erlaubt (bis 15. August 2021) für: a) eine Person, die zu oder von einer Mission im internationalen Verkehrssektor abgeordnet wird und dies beim Grenzübertritt mit dem „Certificate für Arbeitnehmer im internationalen Transportsektor“ oder durch ein anderes relevantes Dokument, aus dem hervorgeht, dass sie vom Arbeitgeber verwiesen wurden b) eine Person, die im Transit durch Slowenien reist und es so bald wie möglich oder spätestens 12 Stunden verlässt nach Eintritt; 15.07.2021: Die Republik Slowenien hat den epidemiologischen Farbanzeiger der Länder abgeschafft. Die Bedingungen für die Einreise in das Land sind die gleichen, egal woher jemand kommt; 28.07.2021: Folgendes wird bei der Einreise nach Slowenien als Nachweis akzeptiert: a) ein negativer PCR-Test, sofern seit der Abstrichentnahme nicht mehr als 72 Stunden vergangen sind b) ein negativer Antigen-Schnelltest, sofern nicht mehr als 48 seit der Abstrichentnahme Stunden vergangen sind c) eine Genesungsbescheinigung (Bescheinigung über positives PCR-Testergebnis; die älter als zehn Tage ist; sofern ein Arzt nichts anderes feststellt; jedoch nicht älter als sechs Monate; oder ein ärztliches Attest, das dies bestätigt dass die Person von COVID-19 genesen ist und dass seit dem Auftreten der Symptome nicht mehr als sechs Monate vergangen sind d) ein Impfpass e) ein Impfpass für Personen, die von COVID-19 genesen sind f) Europäisches digitales COVID-Zertifikat g) digitales COVID-Zertifikat von Drittstaaten. Eine Person, die keine der oben genannten Voraussetzungen erfüllt, wird für einen Zeitraum von 10 Tagen in häusliche Quarantäne verwiesen. Eine Person, der bei der Einreise nach Slowenien häusliche Quarantäne angeordnet wurde, kann die Quarantäne vorzeitig beenden, indem sie einen negativen PCR-Test auf das Vorhandensein von SARS-CoV-2 vorlegt. Getestet werden darf erst ab dem fünften Tag der häuslichen Quarantäne. Es gelten auch Ausnahmen von der Quarantäne- und Impftest-Genesen-Regel; 29.07.2021: Bei der Einreise; Anerkannt werden auch PCR-Tests und Schnelltests aus Bosnien und Herzegowina; 08.09.2021: Alle Passagiere, die mit einem Flugzeug oder Kreuzfahrtschiff nach Slowenien einreisen, müssen ein digitales Formular zur Passagierortung ausfüllen. ab 16.08.2021; vor der Einreise in das Land; 19.02.2022: Die Bedingung RVT (genesen/geimpft/getestet) gilt an der Grenze nicht mehr.


Ban of flights from China; South Korea; and Iran; 17/03/2020: Government bans air transport in the Republic of Slovenia. For international air transport from or to non-Member States of the EU; ordinance valid from 17 March 2020 (at 00:00) until its revocation.


20/10/2020: Curfew: Stay at home from 21:00 till 06:00. ; 15/02/2021: Curfew from 22:00 to 06:00. ; 12/04/2021: Night curfew lifted.


Restrictions and mode of operation of public transport passengers in the territory of Slovenia; 18/06/2021: relaxed restrictions for travellers in public transportation: face masks mandatory in public transportation and the driver must show negative testing once a week or vaccination/diagnosis certificate.


Regular update regarding travel advice by National Institute of Public Health.


Ordinance reintroducing restrictions on movement i.e. restriction of movement between statistical regions and at night (between 22:00 and 5:00). Exceptions: a) travel to and from work and the performance of work duties b) performance of business; agricultural and forestry activities c) elimination of immediate risks to health; life and property d) provision of care and assistance to persons in need of support; care of family members; or parental care or contact with one’s children e) access to pharmacies; health and sanitary services; and health resort treatment f) access to foreign diplomatic missions and consular posts g) access to emergency services h) access to the performance of tasks related to the operation of judicial; administrative and law enforcement authorities i) access to services for persons with special needs j) access to shops or services in another statistical region that are closer to the person's residence than the same shops and services in the region of residence or if there are no such shops or services in the region of residence.


19/10/2020: Decree restricting the transition between statistical regions and the movement of people between 9pm and 6am. The decree restricts the movement of people (between 9 pm and 6 am) in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19; except in the case of: a) elimination of imminent danger to health; life and property b) arrival and departure for work and performance of urgent work tasks c) access and provision of emergency services. Exceptions to the transition between statistical regions: a) arrival and departure for work and performance of work tasks b) performing economic; agricultural and forestry activities c) elimination of imminent danger to health; life and property d) protection and assistance to persons in need of support or for the care or nursing of family members e) access to pharmacies; health and sanitation services and spa treatment f) access to foreign diplomatic and consular missions g) access to emergency services h) access to the performance of tasks related to the functioning of judicial; administrative and law enforcement authorities i) access to services for people with special needs j) performing maintenance work or seasonal work on a private facility or land for members of the same household; 14/12/2020: Crossing municipal borders within four statistical regions is allowed if you have the #Stay healthy application installed. Persons without a loaded application will be sent back to the municipality of residence by the police officers at the border between one municipality and another; but there will be no penalty; 15/02/2021: the restriction on movement between municipalities is lifted.


Ordinance prohibiting: a) the movement and gathering of people in public places and areas b) the access to public places and areas c) the movement outside the municipality of permanent or temporary residence. Movement; access to and staying in a public place is permitted to individuals; subject to their maintaining a safe distance from other persons; for the following purposes (Article 3): a) arriving to and departing from work and performing work tasks b) carrying out economic; agricultural and forestry activities c) addressing the imminent threat to health; life and property d) protection and assistance to persons in need of support or care of family members e) access to pharmacies; health and sanitary services f) access to foreign diplomatic and consular missions g) access to emergency services h) access to the performance of tasks related to the functioning of judicial authorities i) access to services for people with disabilities.


Slovenia's border with Italy - health checks of passengers introduced. Non-Slovenian nationals and persons without permanent or temporary residence in Slovenia subject to health checks when crossing the border. They are required to submit certificates issued by a competent authority and indicating that they tested negative for the coronavirus. The certificate must be issued in the Slovenian; English or Italian languages and must not be older than three days. Persons without proper certificates may be denied entry into the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. No restrictions for Slovenian citizens.


The Government issued the Ordinance on the temporary restriction of movement of people and on the prohibition of gathering of people


National movement restrictions: Partially banned

Restrictive measures mandatory between 30 April 2020 to TBD

As of 16th March public transport stopped (bus, train, funiculars, cable cars, ski lifts ). As of 20 March to the shops, farmacies , worklplace and other urgent errands only individually. On public areas only in group of max 5 people if from the same household. As of 30 March movement out of municipality prohibited. As of 18 April a new movement restriction decree has entered into force, easing certain measures. Those who own land and facilities in other municipalities are allowed to carry out the work there, but must carry a special statement with them. Multiple outdoor sports activities are allowed again. As of 30 April movement between municipalities is again allowed, and municipalities can still restrict access to their areas. Gatherings of people remain prohibited. As of 11 May restarting the public transport following the guidelines.

International movement restrictions: Partially banned

Restrictive measures mandatory between 30 April 2020 to TBD

As of 10 March the traffic (trucks, busses, trains) stopped between Slovenia and Italy except for the transport of posstal items, medicine protective equipment , medical supply and humanitarian aid. Small border crossings with Croatia and Austria closed. AS of 15 May compulsory 2-week quarantine only for people coming from third countries

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