De En
Menschen vollständig
% vollständig
Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner



From 1 July; the Netherlands will gradually transfer asylum seekers again to the European country that is responsible for examining the asylum application. The asylum procedure has also been restarted in many European Member States. The number of transfers of these so-called Dublin claimants will not be equal to the old level after resumption. In the beginning it will be a few dozen at most. This is partly because it is not yet possible to transfer to all countries.


Government strong recommendation to stop shaking hands.


Everyone aged 18 and older is required to keep 1.5 meters away from each other; unless they live at 1 address. There are exceptions. For example; for places where a corona ticket is required or in situations where keeping your distance is not possible. Sometimes wearing a face mask is mandatory or do other additional measures apply.


As of 19 July 2021; people are again asked to work from home unless that is impossible.; From 3 November 2021; work from home at least half of the working time.; 13/11/2021 The advice to work from home will be tightened to 'Work at home; unless there is really no other option'.; 28/11/2021 The advice to work from home will be tightened up to 'Work at home. Can't do that: always keep 1;5 meters away at work.; 15/02/2022 The advice to work from home as much as possible also changes to: work at the office for a maximum of half of the working time.


From 3 March 2021; people with contact professions; such as hairdressers and masseurs; can resume their profession. Reservations are required and there must be a check for complaints. It is important to wear a mouth mask and keep 1.5 meters away where possible. The extension also applies to driving instructors. This means that from 3 March people can take driving lessons again and everyone can take the practical exam. The last category; the sex workers; were allowed to open their doors again from 19 May 2021.


There was a lockdown in the Netherlands since mid-December; this included contact professions. From 3 March 2021; people with contact professions; such as hairdressers and masseurs; can resume their profession. Reservations are required and there must be a check for complaints. It is important to wear a mouth mask and keep 1.5 meters away where possible. The extension also applies to driving instructors. This means that from 3 March people can take driving lessons again and everyone can take the practical exam. The last category; the sex workers; were allowed to open their doors again from 19 May 2021.


Measures to follow social distancing in and around shops. Shops can be forcefully shut-down if they don't follow the rules. Including: 1.5 m distance between; 1 customer per 10 m2; delivery only until front door; maximal hygiene especially pinterminal; stop samples for tasting/testing. Staff in close contact with customers should check their temperature each morning.; 11/05/2020: contact professions (such as hairdressers; beauty salons; tattoo and piercing salons; etc.) are allowed to resume their activities under certain strict conditions. For example; wearing nose and mouth protection is mandatory; they must provide hand hygiene products and they may only work by appointment. From 29 September 2020; any clients need to make a reservation.; 1/06/2022: all workplace measures are lifted.1/06/2022: all restrictions During the lockdowns all non-essential shops had to be closed entirely; except for deliveries or take-away.


Those working in contact jobs of body care (beauty specialist; barber etc.) are not allowed to work (physiotherapists should try to work digitally). From 11 May 2020; contact professions (such as hairdressers; beauty salons; tattoo and piercing salons; etc.) are allowed to resume their activities under certain strict conditions. For example; wearing a nose and mouth protection is mandatory; they must provide hand hygiene products and they may only work by appointment.


Schließungsbehörde für Bürgermeister bei Corona-Ausbruch. Im Falle eines Corona-Ausbruchs in; zum Beispiel; ein Bürogebäude; die GGD kann anordnen, dass dieser Standort vorübergehend geschlossen wird, damit die Infektionsquelle an diesem Standort gelöscht wird. Wenn ein Administrator dieses Standorts diesen Rat nicht befolgt; Der Bürgermeister kann bald eine vorübergehende Schließung (maximal 10 Tage) anordnen. Um dies zu regulieren; dem Gesetz über die öffentliche Gesundheit wird ein Artikel hinzugefügt; im Kapitel mit vorübergehenden Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der Corona-Pandemie.


Am 13. Juli 2020; Das Kabinett hat das Corona-Gesetz dem Abgeordnetenhaus vorgelegt. Dieses Übergangsgesetz würde die Notstandsverordnungen ersetzen, in denen derzeit die Maßnahmen zur Schaffung der Rechtsgrundlagen zur besseren Kontrolle von Corona-Maßnahmen festgelegt sind. Notstandsregelungen sind für eine akute Krise von begrenzter Dauer vorgesehen; während einige Maßnahmen; wie anderthalb Meter entfernt; sind vorerst noch notwendig. Das Kabinett erhält nach diesem Gesetz keine zusätzlichen oder sonstigen Befugnisse; stattdessen bekommt es das Parlament. Allgemein gesagt; das Gesetz gilt für sechs Monate; mit der Option, es früher außer Betrieb zu nehmen oder um jeweils drei Monate zu verlängern. Sie werden dies am 10. September 2020 weiter besprechen. ; 03.01.2022: Der Gesetzentwurf regelt die Zustimmung zur vierten Verlängerung der Geltungsdauer des Befristeten Covid-19-Maßnahmengesetzes (Twm) um drei Monate ab 1. Dezember; 2021 bis 1. März; 2022.


Ab 19. Juli 2021; Die Menschen werden erneut gebeten, von zu Hause aus zu arbeiten, sofern dies nicht unmöglich ist.; Ab 3. November 2021; mindestens die Hälfte der Arbeitszeit von zu Hause aus arbeiten; 13.11.2021 Die Hinweise zum Homeoffice werden verschärft auf „Homeoffice; es sei denn, es gibt wirklich keine andere Möglichkeit'.; 28.11.2021 Die Hinweise zum Homeoffice werden verschärft bis hin zu „Homeoffice“. Geht nicht: bei der Arbeit immer 1,5 Meter Abstand halten.; 15.02.2022 Auch der Rat, so viel wie möglich von zu Hause aus zu arbeiten, ändert sich in: Arbeiten Sie maximal die Hälfte der Arbeitszeit im Büro.


Everyone aged 18 and older is required to keep 1.5 meters away from each other; unless they live at 1 address. There are exceptions. For example; for places where a corona ticket is required or in situations where keeping your distance is not possible. Sometimes wearing a face mask is mandatory or do other additional measures apply.


Monitoring situation.


From 26 June 2021; the advice: 'Work at home; unless there is no other option' has changed. Employees who currently work from home may now also work at the office for a maximum of half of their time in consultation with their employer. The 1 1/2 meter rule always applies. People are asked to go to the office outside rush hour as much as possible. As of 19 July 2021; people are again asked to work from home unless that is impossible.


Travelers who travel abroad from the Netherlands in July or August can have themselves tested for free. The free tests are intended for travellers who have not yet been (fully) vaccinated and who need to be tested before their trip abroad this summer. Travelers must then download the test result in the CoronaCheck app that serves as proof at the border; on board the plane; train; bus or boat. It is also possible to travel with paper proofs.


Press release 18th June 2021. Due to the increase in vaccinations and the falling numbers of COVID-19 infections as well as hospitalizations; the cabinet has decided to take step 4 of the opening plan and even expand it. From June 26; all doors will be open; with one and a half meters away remaining the all-determining standard . Where one and a half meters is not possible; such as in public transport; in secondary education or at events and festivals; the mask obligation applies or you can only enter with a corona ticket . Basic rules apply: Hygiene remains important; regularly wash your hands and sneeze and cough into your elbow. If you have any symptoms; stay home and get tested. Remain careful and give each other space in crowded places. Keep 1 1/2 meter distance.


Singing can be a source of contamination; says the Outbreak Management Team (OMT). The OMT therefore advised the cabinet on 3 November 2020 to advise against singing in a group. Since 19 November it was therefore prohibited to sing in a group of 2 people or more. Government strong recommendation to stop shaking hands. With the entry into force of the COVID-19 law on December 1; there is no legal basis to prohibit singing in groups. That is why; as of December 1; the ban on singing in groups has been converted into an urgent advice not to sing in groups. This means that it is not recommended to sing in choirs or to take singing lessons with several people. An exception to this are: Professional singers. Children up to 12 years old. Singing as part of a profession of faith or belief. Sing as part of a demonstration. From 26 June 2021; the advice to not sing; scream and play wind instruments will be cancelled.


For risk groups; work from home if possible or if not possible spread work hours. Stay home if symptomatic. From 26 June 2021; the advice: 'Work at home; unless there is no other option' has changed. Employees who currently work from home may now also work at the office for a maximum of half of their time in consultation with their employer. The 1 1/2 meter rule always applies. People are asked to go to the office outside rush hour as much as possible.


Teleworking suggested as much as possible. After the release of many measures on 1 June 2020; the teleworking recommendation was reiterated on 18 August 2020; as this is seen as one of the most effective measures so far. Stay home if symptomatic or required quarantine due to travel/contacts. From 5 June 2021; teleworking remains the norm if possible; however; meetings of internal teams for; for example; training; development and education are allowed again. On 6 November 2020; the cabinet; employers and trade unions are again making a joint appeal to work from home unless there is no other option. Obstacles to this need to be identified and tackled more quickly. They have also made agreements about countering the crowds in the retail trade. From February 2021; the government is putting 5 million euros aside to promote and stimulate teleworking. In order to interfere in places were the situation is drastic; the government is working on an urgent amendment to the law that will make it possible to close buildings in the event of source contamination. From 26 June 2021; the advice: 'Work at home; unless there is no other option' has changed. Employees who currently work from home may now also work at the office for a maximum of half of their time in consultation with their employer. The 1 1/2 meter rule always applies. People are asked to go to the office outside rush hour as much as possible.


Press release 28th May 2021. As of Saturday 5 June 2021; most locations in our country will be open subject to conditions. With corona certificates; you can do more for some activities; such as more visitors. It remains important that people continue to avoid crowds and adhere to the basic rules; even if already vaccinated: wash hands; keep distance and stay home and test in case of complaints. We work from home if possible.


Press release 11th May 2021. The cabinet is taking the second step in the opening plan on 19 May; if the number of new IC and hospital admissions have fallen further by Monday 17 May. This re-opening includes release or adjustments to the measures on sports; recreational and cultural locations; terraces and contact professions.


Press release 17th May 2021. The gyms will be open. A visit to the amusement park; open-air museum and outdoor stage is also possible. This is allowed with a maximum of 2 people; excluding children up to and including 12 years old or people from the same household. The terraces may open longer: from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Libraries open their doors on May 20. Previously; these were not included in step 2 of the opening plan; but the cabinet decided to add them. Reservation and a health check are mandatory.


From 3 March 2021; people with contact professions; such as hairdressers and masseurs; can resume their profession. Reservations are required and there must be a check for complaints. It is important to wear a mouth mask and keep 1.5 meters away where possible. The extension also applies to driving instructors. This means that from 3 March people can take driving lessons again and everyone can take the practical exam. The last category; the sex workers; were allowed to open their doors again from 19 May 2021.


There was a lockdown in the Netherlands since mid-December; this included contact professions. From 3 March 2021; people with contact professions; such as hairdressers and masseurs; can resume their profession. Reservations are required and there must be a check for complaints. It is important to wear a mouth mask and keep 1.5 meters away where possible. The extension also applies to driving instructors. This means that from 3 March people can take driving lessons again and everyone can take the practical exam. The last category; the sex workers; were allowed to open their doors again from 19 May 2021.


Press release 4th May 2021. The number of people hospitalized with corona is still too high. The cabinet therefore decided that the second step in the opening plan can not be taken on 11 May. This second step will be taken on 18 May at the earliest.


Press release 2th April 2021. Step-1 of the reopening plan starts. Shops; terraces and higher education partly open; curfew ends.


All non-essential stores had been closed from 15 December 2020. From 10 February 2021; ordering and collecting an order is possible at all retailers. From 3 March 2021; shops may receive customers by appointment. A maximum of 2 customers may be in the store at the same time per floor. From 16 March 2021; this is also extended to 1 customer per 25 square meter; with a maximum of 50 customers at the same time. Customers must register 4 hours in advance. A visit takes at least 10 minutes. This is to prevent contacts between customers who quickly alternate.


News release 13 April 2021. Opening plan: step by step more possible starting 28 April 2021.


Press release 23rd March 2021. Current measures extended till 20 April 2021; except for curfew that changes till 22:00. Self-testing will become available to schools.


Advice regarding type of Mask for HCW: FFP1 mask; except for tasks with many aerosols then FFP2 is advised.; 10/03/2020 Advice/guidelines on protection measures for those working with wastewater. ; 06/05/2020 For support at home that is provided in accordance with the Social Support Act (Wmo) - such as domestic help; counselling; daytime activities and meal support; in a social shelter and women's shelter - guidance at 1.5 meters is usually sufficient. No protective equipment is required here. From 1 May 2020; masks can be used in certain situations and later on are even encouraged. Wmo-supporting employees may also only work if they are free of complaints and are certain that the health of the patient or client permits care to be provided. If COVID-19 has been established with a client; support will be postponed. However; sometimes care cannot be postponed or an employee has serious doubts whether the situation is safe. In those cases; the employee can now have a 'spare package' of personal protective equipment.


Press release 8th March 2021. Further extension of lockdown not yet justified.


Working from home remains the norm; unless it is absolutely necessary to go to work. Stores such as clothing stores; shoe stores; jewellery stores and hobby stores have been closed from 15 December 2020. Supermarkets; bakeries; butchers and other shops selling food can remain open; as can pharmacies; drugstores and petrol stations; for example. Contact professions such as hairdressers; nail technicians and tattoo artists are closed. Only (para-) medical contact professions are allowed to perform their work. From 10 February 2021; ordering and collecting an order is possible at all retailers. From 3 March 2021; shops may receive customers by appointment. A maximum of 2 customers may be in the store at the same time per floor. Customers must register 4 hours in advance. A visit takes at least 10 minutes. This is to prevent contacts between customers who quickly alternate.


Contact professions such as hairdressers; nail technicians and tattoo artists are closed. Only (para-) medical contact professions are allowed to perform their work. View the full list of excepted contact professions. From 3 March 2021; people with contact professions; such as hairdressers and masseurs; can resume their profession. Reservations are required and there must be a check for complaints. It is important to wear a mouth mask and keep 1.5 meters away where possible. The extension also applies to driving instructors. This means that from 3 March people can take driving lessons again and everyone can take the practical exam. Sex workers are not yet allowed to practice their profession.


Response of Grapperhaus; the Minister of Justice and Security; to the riots and violence in various places in the Netherlands


From 29 September 2020; reservations are needed at indoor spaces with a flow of visitors; such as in monuments; libraries and museums; visits are based on a reservation per period. Markets and retail are excluded from this. From 15 December 2020; there is a lockdown in place and thus all cultural institutions are closed.


A trial version of the corona dashboard has been published on 5 June 2020; with a fully functional version available in the second half of June. This dashboard brings together various data about the coronavirus; such as the number of IC admissions; positive test results and an estimate of the number of infectious people. From 2 July 2020; the dashboard has been extended with info regarding: weekly estimate of contagious people; results of the sewage water measurements; signals from GPs of possible infections; number of new nursing homes with corona infection and the number of people tested positive per day per safety region. From 19 August 2020; data from sewage water samples from 80 locations (includes sewage water from around 10 million people) has been added to the dashboard. According to research the corona virus can be found in people's stools; even before they have complaints. From 4 November 2020; the dashboard offers data results for sewage water per region in particles found per 100 000 inhabitants Also the percentage of positive tests over time has been added for each safety region. From 26 January 2021; the corona dashboard has been expanded with information about vaccinations in the Netherlands. The dashboard now also shows information about; among other things; the number of injections taken and the expected deliveries of vaccines. CORONA DASHBOARD:


Advice on hygiene and respiratory etiquette: couch or sneeze in ellbow; use paper tissues; wash your hands regularly and thoughroughly; dry your hands with paper handsherieves; do not shake hands; kiss or embrace during greetings.


Measures to follow social distancing in and around shops. Shops can be forcefully shut-down if they don't follow the rules. Including: 1.5 m distance between; 1 customer per 10 m2; delivery only until front door; maximal hygiene especially pinterminal; stop samples for tasting/testing. Staff in close contact with customers should check their temperature each morning. During the lockdowns all non-essential shops had to be closed entirely; except for deliveries or take-away.


Teleworking suggested as much as possible. After the release of many measures on 1 June 2020; the teleworking recommendation was reiterated on 18 August 2020; as this is seen as one of the most effective measures so far. Stay home if symptomatic or required quarantine due to travel/contacts. On 6 November 2020; the cabinet; employers and trande unions are again making a joint appeal to work from home unless there is no other option. Obstacles to this need to be identified and tackled more quickly. They have also made agreements about countering the crowds in the retail trade.


Teleworking if possible.


Dedicated COVID webpage created.


Activation of Outbreak Management Team.


Webpage for professionals on 2019-nCoV was opened.


In workplaces the 1.5 meter distance should be maintained at work. From 11 May 2020; contact professions (such as hairdressers; beauty salons; tattoo and piercing salons; etc.) are allowed to resume their activities under certain strict conditions. For example; wearing a nose and mouth protection is mandatory; they must provide hand hygiene products and they may only work by appointment. From 29 September 2020; any clients need to make a reservation.


Hygiene rules apply in the Netherlands and we keep a distance of 1.5 meters. These rules also apply at airports. However; the aviation sector is characterized by very intensive (internationally regulated) safety processes as well as limitation in 1.5 meter distance in seating (similar to public transport); which is why the standard of 1.5 meters cannot be guaranteed everywhere and at all times.


Government strong recommendation to stop shaking hands.


Singing can be a source of contamination; says the Outbreak Management Team (OMT). The OMT therefore advised the cabinet on 3 November 2020 to advise against singing in a group. Since 19 November it was therefore prohibited to sing in a group of 2 people or more. With the entry into force of the COVID-19 law on December 1; there is no legal basis to prohibit singing in groups. That is why; as of December 1; the ban on singing in groups has been converted into an urgent advice not to sing in groups. This means that it is not recommended to sing in choirs or to take singing lessons with several people. An exception to this are: Professional singers. Children up to 12 years old. Singing as part of a profession of faith or belief. Sing as part of a demonstration.


There will be a temporary ban on the sell of fireworks for the new year celebrations.


From 24 July til 1 September; more enforcers will enforce 1.5 meter rule in busy areas of Amsterdam (Red Light District; Rembrandtpleain and Leidseplein) with one-way traffic established on weekends in these busy areas with the possibility of temporary closure of the streets if they become too busy. From 20 September it is simply stated that crowd control measures in the Amsterdam city centre will continue. From 29 September 2020; national measures have been implemented.


From 1 July; the Netherlands will gradually transfer asylum seekers again to the European country that is responsible for examining the asylum application. The asylum procedure has also been restarted in many European Member States. The number of transfers of these so-called Dublin claimants will not be equal to the old level after resumption. In the beginning it will be a few dozen at most. This is partly because it is not yet possible to transfer to all countries.


TNO to start a pilot with screens in restaurants; cafes and terraces. For a number of situations TNO will investigate whether it is possible to use (cough) screens so that the distance requirement can be released if people are on both sides of the screens. They will also discuss the effects of the use of screens on the dispersion of so-called aerosols and whether it is practicable. The pilots will take place in the municipalities of Rotterdam and Tilburg; in consultation with MKB Nederland and Koninklijke Horeca Nederland (KHN). The minister aims to have the pilot completed well before 1 July. When the research has been completed and the results are known; the authorities will decide whether and how the screens can be used in the catering industry.


Those working in contact jobs of body care (beauty specialist; barber etc.) are not allowed to work (physiotherapists should try to work digitally). From 11 May 2020; contact professions (such as hairdressers; beauty salons; tattoo and piercing salons; etc.) are allowed to resume their activities under certain strict conditions. For example; wearing a nose and mouth protection is mandatory; they must provide hand hygiene products and they may only work by appointment.


First case reported in NL with travel history to Lombardy; Italy.


First public message on lung infection cluster in China.


First death reported in NL.

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