From 11 August 2020; the heads of safety regions will have the option of requiring people who have had contact with a potentially infected person to go into home quarantine. It will also be checked whether people adhere to it. When an individual order for quarantine has been imposed; non-compliance is punishable. Implementation of this measure will start in the second half of August and will be implemented in phases.; 1/12/2020: someone can also be tested if he or she has no complaints; but has run a risk of infection. So if the CoronaMelder app reports about a risk of infection; or if someone emerges from the source and contact investigation. From that moment on; the person will be quarantined. After 5 days; he or she can be tested and quarantine can be lifted if the test is negative. ; 01/02/21: A pilot started with quarantine coaches. These coaches are supposed to support those people that have psycho-social or practical objections during quarantine. ; 25/03/21 This pilot has now been completed and the parties have decided to deploy the quarantine coaches nationwide. ; 19/11/21 update of quarantine rules.; 14/01/2022 close contacts of someone who is positive to COVD-19 don't need to go into quarantine if they have tested positive less than 8 weeks ago; have recovered and have no symptoms or received a booster dose more than one week ago.;26/01/2022: Students of primary; secondary and special (secondary) education will no longer have to be quarantined as standard practice if they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the coronavirus and they do not have symptoms themselves.;18/02/2022: The isolation advice after a positive test is shortened from 7 to 5 days; provided someone has no complaints for 24 hours.
If fever and cough or other corona symptoms - the whole household should stay home until 24 hours after the end of symptoms.; 01/02/2021: a pilot has started with quarantine coaches. These coaches are supposed to support those people that have psycho-social or practical objections during quarantine. ; 19/11/21 update of isolation rules.
From 10 October 2020; a Corona app called 'CoronaMelder' will be implemented nationally. This app must supplement the regular source and contact research of the GGD. From 1 December; someone can also be tested if he or she has no complaints; but has run a risk of infection according to the app or regular source and contact investigation. From that moment on; the person will be quarantined. After 5 days; he or she can be tested and quarantine can be lifted if the test is negative. From 3 February 2021; people can get immediately tested after the app has identified a risk of exposure. The app can now also be paused in case the phone needs to be left aside next to other phones. The use of the app is entirely voluntary and a temporary law has been established to regulate the legal basis of the app and to prevent situations where people will be forced to use the app (e.g. in order to visit restaurants etc.). In the period up to and including January 10; the 'CoronaMelder' application helped identify 1;300 infections. Otherwise; these would not have been noticed until later and could therefore have caused additional infections. On 23 March 2021; research stated that the 'CoronaMelder' makes an effective contribution to counteracting the spread of corona; according to research by Prof. Wolfgang Ebbers of Erasmus University Rotterdam. “Of the people that have been contacts of a COVId-19 case; 42% of this group receives a message from the GGD and the app. Our research shows that 58% only receive a message via the app. Without the 'CoronaMelder'; this group would not have come into the picture; or at least not on time.” says Prof. Ebbers.; 22/04/2022: The application is suspended.
Airlines flying to the Netherlands may apply an alternative protocol for the crew. The protocol must include a test requirement before departure and strict quarantine regulations for the crew during their stay abroad. The reason for the alternative method is that KLM and other airlines have indicated that the rapid test obligation with worldwide destinations is not feasible for them in practice.; 23/03/2022: people travelling to the Netherlands no longer need to show a negative test result.
(Health) care personnel in crucial functions: From 1 June 2020; HCWs should stay home even if only with light symptoms.; 15/02/2022: Healthcare professionals in essential roles can end their self-isolation earlier and return to work if they have no symptoms. But only when there is a shortage of staff. Strict conditions apply.; 29/04/2022: If the test is positive; the employee with complaints will remain at home in isolation for at least 24 hours symptom-free AND 48 hours fever-free from at least 5 days after the start of symptoms and up to a maximum of 10 days after the start of symptoms.
Selbstisolation in eigener Unterkunft.
Eine Übersicht der Einreisebestimmungen je nach Abfahrtsland finden Sie auf reizentijdenscorona.nl
Reisende können ohne Quarantäne in die Niederlande einreisen, wenn sie alle folgenden Dokumente vorlegen:
Gesundheitserklärung Formular: Alle Reisenden müssen es vor der Einreise in die Niederlande ausfüllen.
Die COVID-19-Reisebeschränkungen wurden in Niederlande aufgehoben. Reisende, die aus der EU oder dem Schengen-Raum kommen, müssen keinen Impfnachweis, Genesung von COVID-19 oder ein negatives Testergebnis vorlegen.
22.09.2021 Reisende aus besonders gefährdeten Gebieten müssen nicht mehr unter Quarantäne gestellt werden, wenn sie einen Impfpass vorlegen.; 26.11.2021 Es besteht ein Flugverbot für Flüge aus Südafrika; Lesotho; Eswatini; Botswana; Malawi; Namibia und Simbabwe. Es gibt eine Ausnahme für Personen mit einem niederländischen Pass, die in die Niederlande fliegen können. Gleiches gilt für Personen aus EU- und Schengen-Staaten, die auf der Durchreise in ihr Wohnsitzland sind. Für diese Ausnahmen; Flüge dürfen weiter gehen. Reisende, die ausnahmsweise in die Niederlande reisen dürfen, tun dies mit einem negativen PCR-Testergebnis, das nicht älter als 24 Stunden ist, und müssen bei der Ankunft unter Quarantäne gestellt werden. Die Quarantänezeit beträgt 10 Tage. Diese kann bei negativem Testergebnis bei der GGD auf 5 Tage verkürzt werden; 25.02.2022 Die Corona-Situation in einem Land ist nicht mehr ausschlaggebend für die Farbe der Reisehinweise des Auswärtigen Amtes. Alle Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsrisiken wiegen erneut. Reisen in Länder außerhalb Europas sind damit kurzfristig wieder möglich. Die Quarantänepflicht bei Rückkehr in die Niederlande endet am 25. Februar.
Ab 11.08.2020; Die Leiter der Sicherheitsregionen haben die Möglichkeit, Personen, die Kontakt zu einer möglicherweise infizierten Person hatten, in häusliche Quarantäne zu versetzen. Es wird auch geprüft, ob sich die Menschen daran halten. Wenn eine individuelle Anordnung zur Quarantäne verhängt wurde; Nichtbeachtung ist strafbar. Die Umsetzung dieser Maßnahme beginnt in der zweiten Augusthälfte und wird phasenweise umgesetzt. Ab 1. Dezember; jemand kann auch getestet werden, wenn er oder sie keine Beschwerden hat; ist aber einem Infektionsrisiko ausgesetzt. Wenn also die CoronaMelder-App über eine Ansteckungsgefahr berichtet; oder wenn jemand aus der Quelle auftaucht und die Untersuchung kontaktiert. Von diesem Moment an; Die Person wird unter Quarantäne gestellt. Nach 5 Tagen; er oder sie kann getestet werden und die Quarantäne kann aufgehoben werden, wenn der Test negativ ist. ; 02.01.21 hat ein Pilot mit Quarantänebussen begonnen. Diese Coaches sollen jene Menschen unterstützen, die während der Quarantäne psychosoziale oder praktische Einwände haben. ; 25.03.21 Dieses Pilotprojekt ist nun abgeschlossen und die Parteien haben beschlossen, die Quarantänebusse landesweit einzusetzen. ; 19.11.21 Aktualisierung der Quarantäneregeln.? Ab dem 14.01.2022 müssen enge Kontakte einer Person, die positiv auf COVD-19 ist, nicht in Quarantäne gehen, wenn sie vor weniger als 8 Wochen positiv getestet wurden; sich erholt haben und keine Symptome haben oder vor mehr als einer Woche eine Auffrischimpfung erhalten haben; 26.01.2022 Schüler der Grundschule; Sekundar- und Sonderschulbildung müssen nicht mehr standardmäßig unter Quarantäne gestellt werden, wenn sie Kontakt zu einer positiv auf das Coronavirus getesteten Person hatten und selbst keine Symptome aufweisen.; 18.02.2022 Die Isolationsempfehlung nach positivem Test wird von 7 auf 5 Tage verkürzt; vorausgesetzt, jemand hat 24 Stunden lang keine Beschwerden.
If fever and cough or other corona symptoms - the whole household should stay home until 24 hours after end of symptoms. From 1 February 2021; a pilot has started with quarantine coaches. These coaches are supposed to support those people that have psycho-social or practical objections during quarantine. ; 19/11/21 update of isolation rules.
All contacts of confirmed cases should isolate at home for 14 days. This was on a voluntary basis until 11 August when it became mandatory.
Confirmed cases should participate in source and contact investigation activities. Due to low compliance; it is being investigated from mid August how this can become compulsory through a fine. From 10 October 2020; a Corona App helps with contact tracing.
On 18 & 19 April 2020; seven teams participated in the 'appathon'; a digital event to show how their corona apps work. The most appropriate app was selected for further development on 20 April 2020. A first trial of the app started at the beginning of June. As of 21 August 2020; a Corona app called 'CoronaMelder' is being tested in five regions: Drenthe; Twente; IJsselland; Gelderland-Zuid and Noord- and Oost-Gelderland. This app must supplement the regular source and contact research of the GGD. The use of the app is entirely voluntary. The app was implemented on a national level on 10 October 2020; including a temporary law that regulates its legal basis.
From 10 October 2020; a Corona app called 'CoronaMelder' will be implemented nationally. This app must supplement the regular source and contact research of the GGD. From 1 December; someone can also be tested if he or she has no complaints; but has run a risk of infection according to the app or regular source and contact investigation. From that moment on; the person will be quarantined. After 5 days; he or she can be tested and quarantine can be lifted if the test is negative. From 3 February 2021; people can get immediately tested after the app has identified a risk of exposure. The app can now also be paused in case the phone needs to be left aside next to other phones. The use of the app is entirely voluntary and a temporary law has been established to regulate the legal basis of the app and to prevent situations where people will be forced to use the app (e.g. in order to visit restaurants etc.). In the period up to and including January 10; the 'CoronaMelder' application helped identify 1;300 infections. Otherwise; these would not have been noticed until later and could therefore have caused additional infections. On 23 March 2021; research stated that the 'CoronaMelder' makes an effective contribution to counteracting the spread of corona; according to research by Prof. Wolfgang Ebbers of Erasmus University Rotterdam. “Of the people that have been contacts of a COVId-19 case; 42% of this group receives a message from the GGD and the app. Our research shows that 58% only receive a message via the app. Without the 'CoronaMelder'; this group would not have come into the picture; or at least not on time.” says Prof. Ebbers.
From beginning of June 2021; travellers from designated very high-risk areas are now obliged to quarantine for ten days. After five days; people may be tested if they have no complaints that may indicate a corona infection. If this test is negative; the quarantine can be ended. If people cannot take a negative test; the quarantine will last a maximum of ten days; if people have no complaints. When traveling to the Netherlands; travellers must carry a statement with travel and contact details. Violation of the quarantine obligation can lead to an administrative fine or an order subject to a penalty of 339 euros imposed by the mayor; depending on the situation.; Due to concerns regarding the Delta variant; the United Kingdom; Bangladesh; Pakistan; Myanmar and Nepal have been designated high-risk areas. Therefore; a quarantine obligation will apply from Tuesday 15 June 2021; for travellers coming from these countries to the Netherlands. When traveling to our country; they must have a correct and fully completed quarantine statement. Travelers who do not comply with the quarantine obligation can be fined € 339. Those who do not have a quarantine statement can be fined € 95. Those traveling by ship or plane must also show a negative NAAT-PCR test (max 72 hours) and a negative rapid test (max 24 hours). Train and bus travellers or people who travel by car must show a mandatory negative NAAT-PCR test and go into mandatory quarantine.; 04/09/2021 Argentina; Bolivia; Chile; Colombia; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Paraguay; Peru and Uruguay designated as high-risk areas and The United States; Israel; Kosovo; Montenegro; Lebanon; North Macedonia; Brazil; French Guiana; Guyana; Panama; Suriname; Venezuela and South Africa very high-risk areas. The EU entry ban applies again. Travelers from these areas can only enter the Netherlands if they are fully vaccinated or fall under another exception of the EU entry ban. They must also comply with the mandatory 10-day quarantine.
All people returning from orange or red countries should isolate at home for 10 days. Previously; this was 14 days. This is on voluntary basis and will not be checked. However; in August plans have started for making this mandatory and returning travellers from an orange country might get a phone call as a reminder to quarantine. On 8 March 2021; a consultation has started regarding a bill to impose a quarantine obligation for travellers entering the Netherlands from high-risk areas. On 7 January 2020; a practical trial starts for the so-called Quarantine Travel check. This is an online resource that will support travellers in making the right behavioural choices after returning to the Netherlands in corona time. From 1 February 2021; a pilot has started with quarantine coaches. These coaches are supposed to support those people that have psycho-social or practical objections during quarantine.
Self-isolation at own accommodation.
All travellers must complete a 10-day mandatory quarantine. The quarantine period may be shortened by taking a PCR test no less than 5 days after arrival. If the result of this test is negative, the period of quarantine can end.
Airlines flying to the Netherlands may apply an alternative protocol for the crew. The protocol must include a test requirement before departure and strict quarantine regulations for the crew during the stay abroad. The reason for the alternative method is that KLM and other airlines have indicated that the rapid test obligation with worldwide destinations is not feasible for them in practice.