De En
Menschen vollständig
% vollständig
Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner



Flights are banned from Botswana; Eswatini; Lesotho; Mozambique; Namibia; South Africa and Zimbabwe. People returning from these countries should be quarantined for 14 days. These provisions do not apply to people who: 1)completed hospitalization; isolation or isolation at home; 2)are vaccinated against COVID-19 and have the EU COVID digital certificate or any vaccination certificate; 3)have a certificate of a negative test result or of recovery from COVID-19.


Direct flights from 44 countries including Spain; Israel; and Romania are banned. ; 30/09/2020: A list of 29 non-EU countries covered by the ban published in force. ; 9/10/2020 Updated ban list. The list is periodically modified by the Regulation of the Council of Ministers. ; 11/11/2020: only 10 countries were on the list (this includes BA; ME; MK; GE; AR; LI; JO; Argentina; Costa Rica; and USA). ; As from 9/12 9 countries on the list (this includes BA; ME; MK; GE; AR; KV; JO; RS; USA - apart of NY and IL). ; As from 5/01/2021 only UK and Ireland on the list.


All inbound international flights to Poland are canceled from 15/03 till further notice. All international trains were also canceled. Only car and truck transport is allowed. The only groups that are allowed to enter Poland are: Polish citizens; foreigners who are spouses or children of Polish citizens or remain under the constant care of Polish citizens; people who have a Pole's Card; diplomats; and persons who have the right of permanent or temporary residence in Poland or a work permit; foreigners who run a means of transport used to transport goods and in particularly justified cases - foreigners who got permission from a commander of the Border Guard; transport of cargo works normally; as from 22/05 also allowed: students studying in PL schools; EEA citizens in transit (not more than 12h)


Border checks on the borders between Poland and EU or other countries; from 15/03. Need to fill up a localization card while entering the country.


Border checks on the borders which are EU external borders. Need to fill out a localization card when entering the country.; 28/03/2022: pandemic restrictions lifted.


All citizens are asked to stay home. As of 20/04 some measures have been lifted and now the public is allowed to go to open public spaces. On 4/05 the second phase of lifting the measures started.


Grenzkontrollen an den Grenzen, die EU-Außengrenzen sind. Bei der Einreise in das Land muss eine Lokalisierungskarte ausgefüllt werden.; 28.03.2022: Pandemiebeschränkungen aufgehoben.


Personen, die nach Polen kommen, müssen sich einer obligatorischen Quarantäne unterziehen. Das polnische Volk; sowie die Bürger der Europäischen Union; EWR und die Schweiz über die polnische Grenze; das ist sowohl die Außen- als auch die Binnengrenze der EU; unterliegen der Quarantänepflicht. Reisende, die nach dem Überschreiten der Binnengrenze mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln reisen, werden in Quarantäne verwiesen. Gegen COVID-19 geimpfte Personen oder Personen mit negativem Ergebnis des diagnostischen Tests auf SARS-CoV-2 werden nach Überschreiten der Außen- und Binnengrenze aus der Quarantäne entlassen. Quarantäne; nach dem Überschreiten der polnischen Grenze ist für Personen, die gegen COVID-19 mit einem in der EU zugelassenen Impfstoff geimpft wurden, nicht obligatorisch; und Personen mit negativem Ergebnis des in der EU durchgeführten diagnostischen Tests auf SARS-CoV-2; innerhalb von 48 Stunden vor dem Grenzübertritt. Seit 30. März 2021; Im Non-Schengen-Raum durchgeführte COVID-Negativtests werden nicht anerkannt. Reisende, die aus Nicht-Schengen kommen, müssen 48 Stunden nach dem Grenzübertritt in Quarantäne und getestet werden. Negative Testentlassungen aus der Quarantäne. Reisende aus Indien; Brasilien und Südafrika müssen trotz negativem Test unter Quarantäne gestellt und nach 7 Tagen getestet werden; dann, wenn das Negativ freigegeben werden kann. 07.09.2021 Die Maßnahmen werden noch umgesetzt. ; 15.12.2021 Reisende müssen sich vor ihrer Ankunft in Polen von außerhalb des Schengen-Raums auf COVID-19 testen lassen. Der Test sollte frühestens 24 Stunden vor dem Grenzübertritt durchgeführt werden; unabhängig vom Impfstatus. ;28.03.2022 ab 28. März; 2022; Alle Reisebeschränkungen werden aufgehoben.


17.03.20: Einreiseverbot für andere Personen als Bürger aus Ländern der Europäischen Union; Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum; und Vereinigtes Königreich; Langzeitaufenthalter und Personen mit langfristigen Visa oder Aufenthaltsgenehmigungen; Familienangehörige von EU- und EWR-Bürgern; medizinisches Personal und Personen, die für den Transport von Gütern verantwortlich sind.; 01.03.2022: Die Europäische Union empfiehlt ihren Mitgliedsstaaten, alle nicht unbedingt notwendigen Reiseverbote für geimpfte Touristen, die aus Drittländern anreisen, ab dem 1. März aufzuheben; 2022.


30.09.2020: Eine Liste von 29 Nicht-EU-Ländern, für die das Verbot gilt, wurde veröffentlicht am in Kraft.; 11.11.2020: nur 10 Länder waren auf der Liste (darunter BA; ME; MK; GE; AR; LI; JO; Argentinien; Costa Rica; USA). Ab dem 12. September 9 Länder auf der Liste (dazu gehören BA; ME; MK; GE; AR; KV; JO; RS; USA – abgesehen von NY und IL). Ab 01.05.2021 nur noch UK und Irland auf der Liste.; 01.12.2020: Schienenverkehr EU-weit erlaubt und über EU-Außengrenzen verboten.


Border checks on the borders between Poland and EU or other countries; from 15/03. Need to fill up a localization card while entering the country.


A list of 30 countries covered with the ban incl. France; Spain; USA has been published on 15 September. The ban is valid from 16 September until 29 September. The list is periodically modified by the Regulation of Council of Ministers.


The travel advice is changing frequently. The first message from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was from 24/01/2020 - advising against unnecessary travel to Hubei.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises against all non-essential travels abroad. Earlier - to China and Italy.


All inbound international flights to Poland are cancelled from 15/03 till further notice. All international trains also cancelled. Only car and truck transport are allowed. The only groups that are allowed to enter to Poland are: Polish citizens; foreigners who are spouses or children of Polish citizens or remain under the constant care of Polish citizens; people who have a Pole's Card; diplomats; persons who have the right of permanent or temporary residence in Poland or a work permit; foreigners who run a means of transport used to transport goods and in praticularly justified cases - foreigners who got permition from a commander of the Border Guard; transport of cargo works normally; as from 22/05 also allowed: students studying in PL schools; EEA citizens in transit (not more than 12h)


Flights are banned from Botswana; Eswatini; Lesotho; Mozambique; Namibia; South Africa and Zimbabwe. People returning from these countries should be quarantined for 14 days. These provisions do not apply to people who: 1)completed hospitalization; isolation or isolation at home; 2)are vaccinated against COVID-19 and have the EU COVID digital certificate or any vaccination certificate; 3)have a certificate of a negative test result or of recovery from COVID-19.


All citizens are asked to stay home. As of 20/04 some measures have been lifted and now the public is allowed to go to open public spaces. On 4/05 the second phase of lifting the measures started.


All citizens are asked to stay home. They can only leave their houses in 3 cases: 1) commuting to work; 2) volunteering for COVID-19 (e.g. helping people in quarentine) and 3) for necessities: pharmacy; grocery shoping; walking the dog; visiting doctor; taking care of relatices or other close people in need. FIne of ca. 1.250 EUR applies for breaking restrictions. The police will assess compliance with the new rules. All public gatherings; events; and reunions are banned. Groups of only two people will be allowed in public (except for families).


The Chief Sanitary Inspector recommends abandoning any non-essential travel. Domestic flights reconvenied since 1 June 2020; no specific advice or decision lifting domestic travel restrictions. however; some indication is the openning of hotels as from 8 May 2021.


Persons travelling to Poland are obliged to undergo compulsory quarantine. The Polish people; as well as the citizens of the European Union; EEA and Switzerland crossing the Polish border; which is the external border of the EU; are subject to the quarantine obligation. Travelers travelling by public transport after crossing the internal border are directed to quarantine. From 27 February; restrictions were introduced for persons returning from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Persons vaccinated against COVID-19 or those who have a negative result of the diagnostic test towards SARS-CoV-2 are released from quarantine after crossing both the external and internal border. Quarantine; after crossing the Polish border is not mandatory for persons vaccinated against COVID-19 who were issued a certificate of vaccination with a vaccine authorized in the European Union; and persons with a negative result of the diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2 performed; before crossing the border; within 48 hours from the moment of the test result;


National movement restrictions: Free

Restrictive measures mandatory between 24 October 2020 to TBD

From 24 October 2020 the RED zone is extended for the whole country. Currently it is not written anywhere that one can not travel from one city to another and actually on the official page of Polish Government there are written the following information: THE KEY SAFETY RULES: I. limitations in movement: 1,5 m = minimum distance between pedestrians (except for parents with kids till 13 years old; people living together; handicap people who can not move independently; people with certificate of special educational needs and their carers; people who cover their mouth & nose. ( valid from 25/07); II. from 10/10/2020 - mandatory covering of mouth & nose in public space. You must cover mouth&nose in: closed places (e.g. shops, means of transport) and also in open space (on the street, boulevards, cemeteries). In detail: the mask must be on in: on the streets, roads, squares, cemeteries, promenades,boulevards,parking places, forest parkings; buses, trams, trains; in a car if the person inside is not living with you everyday; shops, malls, banks, markets, post office; cinema & theater; at the doctor's place, in the medical centre, in the hospital, massage & tatoo centers; in churches, schools & universitie; administrative offices and other public services buildings. Exceptions, where you do not have to cover mouth&nose includes: in forests, parks, botanic & monumental gardens, family allotment and on the beaches. Covering mouth & nose in public places is mandatory till recall. The exemption from this obbligation applies to people with medical certificate or document conferming such need, (this category includes those with total development aberrations, mental disorders, medium & significant intelectual disability, or those who themselves can not cover or uncover mouth or nose. Rules as for movements: Children and teenagers till 16 years old - between 8:00 am - 4 pm from Monday to Friday are obbliged to be under supervision of parent or other person taking care of them while going out. This rule is not valid for the time when a child goes to school or is back from school and in weekends. Seniors: older people shall stay home, especially people over 70 years old. The exceptions regards the following situation: professional activities, satisfaction of indispensable daily life needs, participating or celebrating religious activities. QUARANTINE - regards people who: a) cross Polish border, being EU external border, b) had contacts with COVID19 infected or potentialy infected people , c) live with person to whom the quarantine was imposed, The exemption from quarantine, after crossing Polish border, applies to: a) EU countries' citizens, countries of EFTA members citizens or Swiss Confederation, their spouses & children; b) passengers of the plane during international flight from the airport located in the country not included in a ban of air traffic , except of passengers of a plane during international flight from the airport located in the Republic of Belarus, or Ucraine. The exemption from mandatory quarantine regards: a) everybod y who studies in Poland (students, post diploma students and specialistic education students, PhD students and all scientists/researchers carrying out scientific activities in Poland); b) foreigners being married or being a child to Polish citizens or remain under their constant care From 2/09/2020 new rules in place: - quarantine (separation of a healthy person due to the risk of getting infected); - isolation (separation of a person whose first result of the diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2 is positive). Home isolation lasts 10 days if the patient does not present any symptoms of COVID-19. In case during the isolation the symptoms manifest themselves, the GP decides to prolong the isolation and its end can talke place not earlier than 13 days after the symptops manifests. In case of hospital isolation in the isolation room - the end of isolation is decided by the doctor taking care over the patient. It can't be earlier than 13 days following the manifestation of symptomps and the last 3 days must be without the symptoms of the illness. The quarantine is imposd by sanitary inspection as for the people crossing the border it was limited to 10 days - at the same time it was renunced to test asymptomatic people in quarantine. During the quarantine it is forbiden to: leave house, walk the dog, go to the shop or doctor; in case the person on quarantine has close contacts with other people who live in the same house also those must undergo the quarantine. In case of having symptoms of the illness one must call the sanitary-epidemiologic station. 24/10 no obbligation for quarantine for participants of international sports competitions (detailed rule in force, I will copy if requested) VALID from 20/06/2020 The police make visits to people under quarantine to check if they respect the rules staying at their place. The regulations foresee a fine up to 30k PLN (approx. > 7kEuro) PUBLIC TRANSPORT - means of transport can transport - limitations as for the number of people: in the red zones: 50% of No of seating places or 30% of No of all seating & standing places, however at least 50% of seating places must remain free; In the whole country, except for the red zones, the public transport can transport no more people than: 100% of seating places or 50% of all seating and standing places, however 50% of seating places must remain free. VALID TILL RECALL

International movement restrictions: Partially banned

Restrictive measures mandatory between 13 June 2020 to TBD

From 13/06 movements inside the EU is allowed. All restrictions regards crossing outside EU borders by foreigners Poland can be entered only by: 1.Polish citizens, 2. foreigners married to Polish citizen and their children, 3) foreigners with Polish Card,4) diplomats & their families, 5) foreigners with a permanent or fixed right to stay, 6) foreigners with work permit in possess of all due documents, 7) foreigners who are driving cars with people or goods for professional reasons 8) drivers in transit, 9) studets, 10) researchers carrying out their activity in Poland, 11) citizens of EU, EFTA, Swiss Confederation + their spouses and children, 12) foreigners having permanent permit or long term resident of EU, in the territories of other UE countries, EFTA & EEA (European Economic Area) countries, Swiss Confederation + spouses and children in order transit Poland reaching their place of residence or stay, 13) foreigners flying by plane with international flight being citizens of: Georgia, Japan,Canada,New Zeland, Tailand, Corea, Tunisia, Australia or has a stay permit in those countries, 14)those having repatriation visa or being a family of repatriant, 15)foreigners with special professional role in relation to sport championship having due documents, 16) other cases than above in particular situation require consent of the Principal Chief of Border Guards VALID TILL RECALL INTERNATIONAL TRAIN MOVEMENT - allowed railway movement within the internal EU borders VALID FROM: 22/06/2020. limitations regards: travels with international trains outside internal borders of EU VALID TILL RECALL

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