Between 10am and noon the shops are only open to clients above 65 years old; out of these hours the shops are open for everyone; including the people above 65 years old; gas stations are excluded from this rule; the pharmacies between 10 am and noon are also open for those for whom the purchase of a drug or food for special purpose is necessary because of a sudden threat to life or health.
Öffentlicher Ort:
Hospitals and long-term care centers introduced bans on people visiting patients and residents respectively.; 28/03/2022: All measures incl. name are abolished; only remains the requirement to wear a mask in these facilities.
Masks worn by staff and customers.; 29/09/2021: in red zones restaurants and bars should be closed at 22:00.
Two meters space between tables or 1 meter and a barrier. Masks on if not eating. Compulsory masks and gloves for staff. Mandatory tables disinfection. ; 29/09/2020 In red zones restaurants and bars should be closed at 22:00.
Including state and religious ceremonies; a result of implementation of state of epidemic emergency.
No public gatherings or events allowed. 19/04/2021 public gatherings related to sport events in open spaces limited to 25 persons are allowed.
14/05/2020 All cultural institutions (regardless of their size and whether they are public or private) remain closed. These include museums; art galleries; theatres; concert halls; operas; cinemas; film clubs; libraries; archives and permanent cultural activities.; 18/05/2020 Cinemas; theatres; discotheques; clubs and gyms remain closed until 06/06/2020 when the forth phase of lifting containing measures started.; From 30/05/2020: the ban on libraries; archives; museums and other cultural activities is lifted. Cultural institutions will be opened gradually and at different times. The authority running the given institution will decide about the specific date after consultation with the Powiat sanitary and epidemiological station.
Cinemas; theatrs; discotheques; clubs and gyms are open with limited number of audience/clients and necessary preventive measures (face masks; desinfectants and distancing). in red zones the amusement parks are closed as of 2 September.
Amusement parks; swimming pools; gyms; aquaparks are closed. Museums and other institutions of culture are closed. Cultural events (concerts; theatres; cinemas) are all cancelled.
Amusement parks; gyms and aquaparks; bars; disco and night clubs are closed. Swimming pools and open air sporting areas such as ski slopes open. Museums open providing 15sqm per visitor. Theatres; movie theatres and concert venues open with 50% unoccupied seating; ban on eating or drinking and compulsory masks.
Amusement parks; swimming pools; gyms; saunas and aquaparks; bars; disco and night clubs; museums; Theaters; cinemas; concert venues are closed.
Museums and art galleries can be open for 1 person per 15m2. after 26 June 2021; the recommended density is 1 person per 10m2. ; 15/05/21 outdoor theatres; cinemas; concert halls can be open for 50% audience capacity. ; 21/05/21 indoor theatres; cinemas; concert halls can be open for 50% audience capacity. ; 26/06/21 75% audience capacity can be used (vaccinated persons are not counted in the limit). Night clubs and discos closed since the beginning of the crisis can be opened after 26 June for max 100 persons (vaccinated are not counted in this limit). ; 15/12/2021 The number of visitors to cultural sites and entertainment venues is limited to 30% of max. capacity; excluding those with an EU COVID-19 certificate. Eating and drinking are not allowed in cinemas and theatres. Clubs; discos and other places open to dancing are closed from December 15; 2021 until further notice. The exception will be New Year's Eve (31.12-1.01) when events can take place in a strict sanitary regime - max. 100 people (the limit does not apply to people who have the COVID-19 certificate). ; 01/03/2022: Limitations considering the number of visitors/participants are lifted for all places but the EU COVID-19 certificate obligation remains. Discos; clubs; and other places available for dancing reopen. ; All measures are lifted.
All recreational and sports facilities are closed; regardless of their size and whether they are public or private. Since 27 March only professional sport activities allowed with strict preventive measures (no spectators; etc.) From 16 April sport public gatherings in open spaces limited to 25 persons are allowed.
All recreational and sports facilities are closed; regardless of their size and whether they are public or private. Initially for 2 weeks.; 06/06/2020: open for groups up to 150.
All recreational and sports faicilties are closed; regardless of their size and whether they are public or private. As from 06/06 open for groups up to 150.Initially for 2 weeks. As from 7/08/2020 open under 2 conditions: a) wearing masks; b) not more than 1 person per 2;5sqm.
27/03/21 only professional sport activities allowed with strict preventive measures (no spectators; etc.) From 16 April all recreational and sports facilities are open for outdoor sport public gatherings limited to 25 persons without spectators. ; 01/05/21 outdoor activities with 50 participants; and indoor (sport halls; swimming pools) with 50% capacity allowed. 25% spectators keeping distance 1;5 m are allowed at outdoor events as of 15 May. Gyms; fitness; solarium will be open from 28 May in 'sanitary regime'; i.e. 50% capacity (vaccinated persons not counted); 1 person per 15m2; distance 1;5m; etc. Exclusively for football matches of the Polish representation against Russia and Iceland scheduled for 1 June and 8 June 50% of spectators were allowed. ; 26/06/21 1 person per 10m2 allowed in gyms; and 50% of spectators at all sporting events. ; 1/12/2021 Change of the applicable restrictions - max. 1 person for 15 m2 in gyms and fitness clubs with max. 50% occupancy of the facility and a limit of up to 250 people. ; 1/3/2022 All measures are lifted.
26/04/21 gradual release of the measures; opening shops in 11 voivodships/regions and from 5/05/2021 in all regions; with limitation of 1 customer per 15 m2. Other essential services permitted to open are: shops with products for animals; press; gasoline; medical; banking; insurance; postal; laundry or catering services (for deliveries and take-aways); hairdressers; beauty salons are open with precaution measures. ; 26/06/21 One person per 10m2 in shopping malls and other non-essential shops. ; 1/03/2022 Limitations considering the allowed number of people are lifted. ; 1/3/2022 All measures are lifted.
Restaurants and bars can serve only take-away food. Home delivery is also permitted. Initially for 2 weeks. Restaurants and cafes can re-open with some restructions on 18 May 2020.
From 7 November until 28 November: Construction shops; food markets; pharmacies; and essential services such as hairdressers; cosmetics; and health services; remain open in big shopping malls. The number of customers is limited in stores below 100m2 - 1 customer per 10m2; in stores above 100m2 - 1 customer per 15m2. Other essential services permitted to open are shops with products for animals; press; gasoline; medical; banking; insurance; postal; laundry; or catering services (for deliveries and take-aways). Priority hours are in place for seniors from Monday to Friday between 10:00 and 12:00. Shops and services are provided exclusively to seniors above 60 years old.; 28/11/2020 Measure extended until 31 Jan 2021. ; 01/2/2020 As of 1/02 all stores are open providing social distancing measures. The number of customers is limited in stores below 100m2 - 1 customer per 10m2; in stores above 100m2 - 1 customer per 15m2. ; 01/02/2021 As of 1/02 all stores are open providing social distancing measures. The number of customers is limited in stores below 100m2 - 1 customer per 10m2; in stores above 100m2 - 1 customer per 15m2. ;Update 01/02/2021: all stores open can open with social distancing measures. The number of customers is limited in stores below 100m2 - 1 customer per 10m2; in stores above 100m2 - 1 customer per 15m2. Other essential services permitted to open are: shops with products for animals; press; gasoline; medical; banking; insurance; postal; laundry or catering services (for deliveries and take-aways).
as of 26 February; SHOPPING MALLS are closed except for food shops and pharmacies located there. The number of customers is limited in stores below 100m2 - 1 customer per 10m2; in stores above 100m2 - 1 customer per 15m2. Other essential services permitted to open are shops with products for animals; press; gasoline; medical; banking; insurance; postal; laundry or catering services (for deliveries and take-aways). ; 19/03/2021 Measures are extended up to 09/04/2021. ;Update 19/04/2021: Measures are extended until 25/04/2021.
In large shopping malls only pharmacies and shops selling food; goods for construction and repair; products for animals; press and gasoline are permitted to be open. Medical; banking; insurance; postal; laundry or catering services (for deliveries and take-aways) can be provided in shopping galleries. ;Update 04.05.2020: shopping centers and large area stores open; but with a limited number of people and no meals. Shopping facilities with a sales area of over 2;000 sq m - i.e. shopping centers; large-format stores - will be opened. However; there will be a limit of people. There must be 15 sq m of retail space per person (the sales area does not include the area of corridors). However; fitness centers and recreational spaces (e.g. playgrounds) cannot operate in shopping centers. There cannot be any places where meals are eaten on site (the so-called food court). ;Update 30/05/2020: there will no longer be limits of how many people can shop but sanitary measures will still apply.
24/10/2020 restaurants; cafes and bars are closed. Food can be served to go or in catering. Bars; disco and night clubs are closed.
Indoor meetings with 25 participants (not counting housemates and vaccinated persons).; 28/05/21 the limit up to 50 participants (vaccinated persons not counted) indoor and outdoor.
17/10/2020: in RED ZONES the limit of public meetings has been decreased to 10 persons. ; 19/10/2020 social meetings like weddings; consolations and other occasional events are prohibited. Meetings in public areas can be attended up to 5 persons obliged to wear face masks and keep the distance of 1.5m; the distance between gatherings must be minimum 100 meters. It is allowed to organise private events at home up to 20 participants. ; 7/11/2020 further decreased to 5 persons; obliged to wear face masks and keep the distance of 1.5m; the distance between gatherings must be minimum 100 meters. It is allowed to organise private events at home up to 20 participants.;17/10/2020 in YELLOW ZONES social meetings; weddings; etc. limited up to 20 participants. Dancing during the meeting is prohibited. Mass gathering and meetings including family meetings limited to 25 participants.; 24/10/2020: a maximum of 5 invitees are permitted in home gatherings. ; 7/11/2020 meetings in public areas can be attended up to 5 persons; obliged to wear face masks and keep the distance of 1.5m; the distance between gatherings must be minimum 100 meters. It is allowed to organise private events at home up to 20 participants.
Gatherings of more than 2 people are banned; Including state and religious ceremonies (until 19.04.2020 - religious ceremonies - max 5 people; excluding the people excercising the ministry - also people employed by the funeral home); starting from 20.04 - for religious ceremonies 1 participant is allowed for 15m2 of the area of the building; excluding the people excercising the ministry; also starting form 20.02 - on the cemetery 50 people are allowed for a funeral excluding people excercising the ministry and people employed by the funeral home); does not apply to meetings with relatives.
Totale Reduzierung der Besuche in allen Justizvollzugsanstalten; auch die Außenarbeit der Häftlinge wurde deutlich reduziert.
Besondere Betreuung von älteren Menschen und anderen Personen mit eingeschränkter Immunität. Im Speziellen; es geht darum, bei alltäglichen Aktivitäten wie Einkaufen zu helfen; Lieferung von Arzneimitteln; Erledigung von Behördenangelegenheiten; sowie einfach reden.; 28.03.2022: Empfehlungen widerrufen.
Eine Gesichtsmaske ist nur in Innenräumen obligatorisch.; 28.03.2022: Keine Maskenpflicht mehr. Eine Ausnahme gilt für medizinische Einrichtungen und Apotheken.
Flugzeuge müssen desinfiziert werden: a) alle 24 Stunden; b) nach jedem Flug mit Verdachtsfall; c) nach jedem Flug länger als 6h. Zur Desinfektion wird öffentlich geraten.
12.-26.02.2021: Hotels öffnen mit 50% Auslastung und geschlossene Restaurants bei geöffnetem Zimmerservice; und Essen aufs Zimmer geliefert 24.10.2020-11.02.2021: Hotels können aufnehmen: Reisende auf Geschäftsreisen; medizinische Fachkräfte, die COVID-Patienten betreuen; bestimmte Patienten und ihre Betreuer; Mitarbeiter oder Sportler bei Trainingslagern und sportlichen Wettkämpfen. Stand 08.07.2020; Behandlung in Spas und „Sanatorien“ nur für diejenigen, die negativ auf COVID-19 getestet wurden. ; 20.03.2021 Hotels bis auf wenige Ausnahmen geschlossen; betreffend Reisende auf Geschäftsreise; oder Schlafsäle für Mitarbeiter. 26.02.2021 wurden Hotels in folgenden Woiwodschaften/Regionen vollständig geschlossen: Warminsko-Mazurskie; Aufgrund steigender Fallzahlen wurden folgende Regionen von den strengeren Maßnahmen erfasst: Pomorskie (ab 13. März); Lubuskie und Mazowiecke (ab 15. März). ; 08.05.2021 Hotels sind für die begrenzte Anzahl von Gästen geöffnet; bis zu 50%; bis 25. Juni 2021. ; 26.06.2021 75% der Gästekapazität kann belegt werden. Ähnliche Einschränkungen gelten für Hotelrestaurants. Wellnesszentren und Hotelrestaurants, die bis zum 5. Juni geschlossen sind, können jetzt 1 Person pro 15 m2 aufnehmen; und nach dem 26. Juni 1 Person pro 10 m2. Geimpfte Personen werden bei diesen Grenzwerten nicht mitgezählt. ; 03.01.2022 Alle Maßnahmen werden aufgehoben.
08.09.2020 Grüne Zone: eine Person pro 4 qm. Gelbe Zone: eine Person pro 7 qm. Rote Zone: 10qm pro Person in einer Kirche; Abstand einzuhalten und Maskenpflicht; mit steigenden Fallzahlen wurden die Grenzwerte verschärft; 24.10.2020 Einschränkungen: a) nicht mehr als eine Person pro 20m2 (vor dem 26.03 waren es 15m2 b) 1;5m Abstand zwischen den Teilnehmern c) Maskenpflicht. Die Einschränkungen gelten nicht für Feiernde. 1.-3.11.2020 Friedhöfe waren für Besucher geschlossen. Beerdigungen mit begrenzter Teilnehmerzahl sind erlaubt. Ab dem 05.04.2021 ist eine Person pro 15m2 erlaubt. Gottesdienste werden im Freien empfohlen. die begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl bis zu 50%. ; 13.06.2021 bis zu 75% der Teilnehmer. ; 26.06.2021 Geimpfte Personen werden bei diesen Grenzwerten nicht mitgezählt. ; 03.01.2022 Alle Maßnahmen werden aufgehoben.
27.03.21 nur professionelle Sportaktivitäten mit strengen Präventionsmaßnahmen erlaubt (keine Zuschauer usw.) Ab dem 16. April sind alle Freizeit- und Sporteinrichtungen für öffentliche Sportveranstaltungen im Freien mit einer Beschränkung auf 25 Personen ohne Zuschauer geöffnet. ; 01.05.21 Outdoor-Aktivitäten mit 50 Teilnehmern; und Indoor (Sporthallen; Schwimmbäder) mit 50 % Kapazität erlaubt. 25 % Zuschauer, die einen Abstand von 1,5 m einhalten, sind ab dem 15. Mai bei Veranstaltungen im Freien erlaubt. Fitnessstudios; Fitness; Solarium ist ab dem 28. Mai im „sanitären Regime“ geöffnet; d.h. 50 % Kapazität (geimpfte Personen nicht gezählt); 1 Person pro 15m2; Abstand 1;5m; etc. Ausschließlich für Fußballspiele der polnischen Vertretung gegen Russland und Island, die für den 1. Juni und 8. Juni angesetzt waren, waren 50 % der Zuschauer zugelassen. ; 26.06.21 1 Person pro 10m2 in Fitnessstudios erlaubt; und 50 % der Zuschauer bei allen Sportveranstaltungen. ; 12.01.2021 Änderung der geltenden Beschränkungen - max. 1 Person für 15 m2 in Fitnessstudios und Fitnessclubs mit max. 50% Belegung der Anlage und eine Begrenzung auf bis zu 250 Personen. ; 03.01.2022 Alle Maßnahmen werden aufgehoben.
15.05.21 Restaurant-Außenbereiche sind mit einem Hygieneregime geöffnet (begrenzte Anzahl von Kunden und Abständen zwischen den Tischen). ; 29.05.21 Restaurants können zu 50% Kunden geöffnet werden und Vorsichtsmaßnahmen (1;5m Abstand zwischen den Tischen oder Barriere 1m höher über der Tischebene). ; 26.06.21 75% Kunden sind erlaubt. Geimpfte Personen werden bei dieser Grenze nicht mitgezählt. ; 15.12.2021 Die Anzahl der Kunden ist auf 30% der max. Kapazität; ausgenommen diejenigen mit einem EU-COVID-19-Zertifikat. ; 01.03.2022 Beschränkungen hinsichtlich der Personenzahl werden aufgehoben. ; 03.01.2022 Alle Maßnahmen werden aufgehoben.
26.04.21 schrittweise Freigabe der Maßnahmen; Eröffnung von Geschäften in 11 Woiwodschaften/Regionen und ab dem 05.05.2021 in allen Regionen; mit Begrenzung auf 1 Kunde pro 15 m2. Andere wichtige Dienstleistungen, die geöffnet werden dürfen, sind: Geschäfte mit Produkten für Tiere; Drücken Sie; Benzin; medizinisch; Bankwesen; Versicherung; Post; Wäscherei- oder Cateringdienste (für Lieferungen und Take-aways); Friseure; Schönheitssalons sind mit Vorsichtsmaßnahmen geöffnet. ; 26.06.21 Eine Person pro 10 m2 in Einkaufszentren und anderen nicht wesentlichen Geschäften. ; 01.03.2022 Beschränkungen hinsichtlich der erlaubten Personenzahl werden aufgehoben. ; 03.01.2022 Alle Maßnahmen werden aufgehoben.
Museen und Kunstgalerien können für 1 Person pro 15 m2 geöffnet werden. nach dem 26. Juni 2021; Die empfohlene Dichte beträgt 1 Person pro 10 m2. ; 15.05.21 Freilufttheater; Kinos; Konzertsäle können für 50 % Zuschauerkapazität geöffnet werden. ; 21.05.21 Hallentheater; Kinos; Konzertsäle können für 50 % Zuschauerkapazität geöffnet werden. ; 26.06.21 75% Zuschauerkapazität nutzbar (geimpfte Personen werden nicht in das Limit eingerechnet). Nachtclubs und Diskotheken, die seit Beginn der Krise geschlossen sind, können nach dem 26. Juni für maximal 100 Personen geöffnet werden (Geimpfte werden bei dieser Begrenzung nicht mitgezählt). ; 15.12.2021 Die Besucherzahl von Kultur- und Unterhaltungsstätten ist auf 30 % der max. Kapazität; ausgenommen diejenigen mit einem EU-COVID-19-Zertifikat. Essen und Trinken sind in Kinos und Theatern nicht gestattet. Vereine; Diskotheken und andere Tanzlokale sind ab dem 15. Dezember geschlossen; 2021 bis auf Weiteres. Ausnahme ist Silvester (31.12.-1.01), wenn Veranstaltungen unter strengem Hygieneregime stattfinden können - max. 100 Personen (das Limit gilt nicht für Personen, die über das COVID-19-Zertifikat verfügen). ; 01.03.2022: Beschränkungen hinsichtlich der Besucher-/Teilnehmerzahl werden für alle Orte aufgehoben, die EU-COVID-19-Zertifikatspflicht bleibt bestehen. Diskotheken; Vereine; und andere Orte, die zum Tanzen zur Verfügung stehen, öffnen wieder. ; Alle Maßnahmen werden aufgehoben.
Kirchen; Restaurants; Hotels; Kinos; Theater; Opern; Philharmonie; Häuser und Kulturzentren; Konzerte; Zirkusdarbietungen; Vergnügungsparks; Schwimmbäder und Wasserparks dürfen zu 50 % ausgelastet sein (derzeit 75 % der Auslastung). Sitzungen; Hochzeiten; Trost; Sitzungen; Diskotheken erlaubt max. 100 Personen. Sportveranstaltungen (ausgenommen Sportanlagen) sind für max. 250 Personen. Fitnessstudios; Clubs und Fitnesscenter; Glücksspiel; Kasinos; Museen; Kunstgalerien; Messen; Ausstellungen; Kongresse; Konferenzen; Geschäfte; Einkaufszentren; Häuser und Kulturzentren; Rätselräume; Spielzimmer; Bibliotheken dürfen max. 1 Person pro 15 m2.
Kirchen; Restaurants; Hotels; Kinos; Theater; Opern; Philharmonie; Häuser und Kulturzentren; Konzerte; Zirkusdarbietungen; Vergnügungsparks; Schwimmbäder und Wasserparks - 50 % Auslastung (derzeit 75 % der Auslastung). Sitzungen; Hochzeiten; Trost; Sitzungen; Diskotheken - max. 100 Personen (derzeit 150 Personen). Sportveranstaltungen (außer Sportanlagen) - max. 250 Personen (derzeit 500 Personen). Fitnessstudios; Clubs und Fitnesszentren; Glücksspiel; Kasinos; Museen; Kunstgalerien; Messen; Ausstellungen; Kongresse; Konferenzen; Geschäfte; Einkaufszentren; Häuser und Kulturzentren; Rätselräume; Spielzimmer; Bibliotheken - 1 Person pro 15 m2 (derzeit 1 Person für 10 m2). Gegen COVID-19 geimpfte Personen werden nicht gezählt.
Mass gathering and meetings including family meetings limited to 100 participants on the area of the whole country; in yellow zones up to 75 participants; and in red zones up to 50 participants.
No public gatherings or events allowed. 19/04/2021 public gatherings related to sport events in open spaces limited to 25 persons are allowed.
17/10/2020 in RED ZONES the limit of public meetings has been decreased to 10 persons. ; 19/10/2020 social meetings like weddings; consolations and other occasional events are prohibited. Meetings in public areas can be attended up to 5 persons obliged to wear face masks and keep the distance of 1.5m; the distance between gatherings must be minimum 100 meters. It is allowed to organise private events at home up to 20 participants. ; 7/11/2020 further decreased to 5 persons; obliged to wear face masks and keep the distance of 1.5m; the distance between gatherings must be minimum 100 meters. It is allowed to organise private events at home up to 20 participants. 17/10/2020 in YELLOW ZONES social meetings; weddings; etc. limited up to 20 participants. Dancing during the meeting is prohibited. Mass gathering and meetings including family meetings limited to 25 participants.; 24/10/2020 a maximum of 5 invitees are permitted in home gatherings. ; 7/11/2020 meetings in public areas can be attended up to 5 persons; obliged to wear face masks and keep the distance of 1.5m; the distance between gatherings must be minimum 100 meters. It is allowed to organise private events at home up to 20 participants.
28/11/2020 masks obligatory in all public spaces; including workplace while in direct contact with clients; with exceptions: nature; parks; private car. Face mask is mandatory in public transportation; private car - if you drive with a person living in another household; in shops; banks; markets; public offices; theatres and cinemas; in healthcare venues; health/beauty salons; churches; schools and universities. Originally: Everyone who leaves the house must cover the mouth and nose. It could be done wih disposable mask; a material mask; plastic shields; bandanas or scarfs. Exceptions: children up to 4 years old; people with disabilities or mental problems precluding wearing a mask such as persons who cannot themselves put on or take off their face protection because of their state of health (certificate required); people traveling by car - if the passengers live together; persons traveling by car - if only the driver or a driver with a child up to 4 years old is there; employees in workplaces; public buildings and commercial facilities (exception: persons who directly serve customers or clients in these places; however; are obliged to cover their mouths and nose); public transport drivers and private carriers - provided that they are separated from veil passengers; clergy with religious rituals; farmers working on the farm; soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland and allied forces; as well as officers of the Military Counterintelligence Service and the Military Intelligence Service; performing official tasks; professional athlets while on training or competition. Masks are not required in forests; parks; gardens (botanic; historical ; family-home); on beaches.; From 26 February 2021 only face masks are allowed (such as disposable surgical masks; cloth face masks; or specialised respirators like N95). The wearing of shields; scarfs or bandanas are not allowed anymore.
19/09/2020 protective mask are obligatory in all public open spaces in 'red zones'; and if distance cannot be maintained in 'yellow zones'. Originally: Everyone who leaves the house must cover the mouth and nose. It can be done with a disposable mask; a material mask; or a scarf. Exceptions: children up to 4 years old; people who have breathing problems (no certificate or certificate required); persons who cannot themselves put on or take off their face protection because of their state of health (no judgment or certificate required); people traveling by car - if the passengers live together; persons traveling by car - if only the driver or a driver with a child up to 4 years old is there; employees in workplaces; public buildings and commercial facilities (exception: persons who directly serve customers or clients in these places; however; are obliged to cover their mouths and nose); public transport drivers and private carriers - provided that they are separated from veil passengers; clergy with religious rituals; farmers working on the farm; soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland and allied forces; as well as officers of the Military Counterintelligence Service and the Military Intelligence Service; performing official tasks; people in the forest.
30/05/2020 Face mask is mandatory in public transportation; private car - if you drive with a person living in another household; in shops; banks; markets; public offices; theatres and cinemas; in healthcare venues; health/beauty salons; churches; schools and universities. Originally: Everyone who leaves the house must cover the mouth and nose. It can be done with a disposable mask; a material mask; or a scarf. Exceptions: children up to 4 years old; people who have breathing problems (no certificate or certificate required); persons who cannot themselves put on or take off their face protection because of their state of health (no judgment or certificate required); people traveling by car - if the passengers live together; persons traveling by car - if only the driver or a driver with a child up to 4 years old is there; employees in workplaces; public buildings and commercial facilities (exception: persons who directly serve customers or clients in these places; however; are obliged to cover their mouths and nose); public transport drivers and private carriers - provided that they are separated from veil passengers; clergy with religious rituals; farmers working on the farm; soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland and allied forces; as well as officers of the Military Counterintelligence Service and the Military Intelligence Service; performing official tasks; people in the forest.
14/05/2020 All cultural institutions (regardless of their size and whether they are public or private) remain closed. These include museums; art galleries; theatres; concert halls; operas; cinemas; film clubs; libraries; archives and permanent cultural activities.; 18/05/2020 Cinemas; theatres; discotheques; clubs and gyms remain closed until 06/06/2020 when the forth phase of lifting containing measures started.; From 30/05/2020: the ban on libraries; archives; museums and other cultural activities is lifted. Cultural institutions will be opened gradually and at different times. The authority running the given institution will decide about the specific date after consultation with the Powiat sanitary and epidemiological station.
24/10/2020 restaurants; cafes and bars are closed. Food can be served to go or in catering. Bars; disco and night clubs are closed.
Up 5 people in a church; no attendees at funerals.; 17/05/2020; 10sqm per person in a church; up to 50 people attending funeral.
Including state and religious ceremonies; a result of implementation of state of epidemic emergency.
28/05/21 50 persons can gather outdoor or indoor in a separate room with 1;5m distance between tables or every second table (the number does not include vaccinated persons). Face masks are not compulsory.
The ban includes state and religious ceremonies as a result of implementation of state of epidemic emergency.
28/05/21 50 persons can gather indoor in a separate room with 1;5m distance between tables or every second table (the number of participants does not include vaccinated persons). Face masks are not compulsory.
SHOPPING MALLS are closed except food shops and pharmacies located there. The number of customers is limited in stores below 100m2 - 1 customer per 15 m2 (before 26.03 was 10m2); in stores above 100m2 - 1 customer per 20 m2 (before 26.03 was 15m2. Other essential services permitted to open are: shops with products for animals; press; gasoline; medical; banking; insurance; postal; laundry or catering services (for deliveries and take-aways). As from 27 March 2021; hair dressers; beauty salons; and large-format stores over 2000m2 (furniture and construction materials) closed.
Hotels and accommodation places (for short-term rental) are closed; can only be used by: people in quarantine; isolation; medical personnel; employees on delegations and using the accommodation while working (e.g. construction workers) and people who checked-in before 31/03/2020. As from 04/05/2020 - this prohibition is lifted. Hotel and accommodation services may be provided on the condition that specific security rules are followed. The operation of hotel restaurants and recreational spaces is still limited in hotels and accommodation facilities. Gyms; meeting rooms and swimming pools remain closed. Hotel restaurants can deliver meals to hotel guests in their rooms. They can't just serve them on site.
All recreational and sports facilities are closed; regardless of their size and whether they are public or private. Since 27 March only professional sport activities allowed with strict preventive measures (no spectators; etc.) From 16 April sport public gatherings in open spaces limited to 25 persons are allowed.
Public transport was limited; train and bus connections suspended until 19 April. Later; the number of passengers in public transport and in vehicles for 9 people or more cannot exceed the number of half of the seats in the vehicle (e.g. a bus with 30 seats - max. 15 passengers allowed). As from 18/05/2020: either as above (only up to 50% of seats can be occupied) or 30% of seats and standing places combined. As of 15 May 2021 100% sits can be occupied or 50% sits and 50% standing places. The rules are extended until 5 June 2021. Since 5 June 75% of total passengers capacity is allowed. 26/06/2021 passengers capacity can be used in 100%.
Indoor meetings with 25 participants (not counting housemates and vaccinated persons). ; 28/05/21 the limit up to 50 participants (vaccinated persons not counted) indoor and outdoor.
All recreational and sports facilities are closed; regardless of their size and whether they are public or private.
Amusement parks; gyms and aquaparks; bars; disco and night clubs are closed. Swimming pools and open air sporting areas such as ski slopes open. Museums open providing 15sqm per visitor. Theatres; movie theatres and concert venues open with 50% unoccupied seating; ban on eating or drinking and compulsory masks.
Amusement parks; swimming pools; gyms; aquaparks are closed. Museums and other institutions of culture are closed. Cultural events (concerts; theatres; cinemas) are all cancelled.
Cinemas; theatrs; discotheques; clubs and gyms are open with limited number of audience/clients and necessary preventive measures (face masks; desinfectants and distancing). in red zones the amusement parks are closed as of 2 September.
Amusement parks; swimming pools; gyms; saunas and aquaparks; bars; disco and night clubs; museums; Theaters; cinemas; concert venues are closed.
as of 26 February SHOPPING MALLS are closed except food shops and pharmacies located there. The number of customers is limited in stores below 100m2 - 1 customer per 10m2; in stores above 100m2 - 1 customer per 15m2. Other essential services permitted to open are: shops with products for animals; press; gasoline; medical; banking; insurance; postal; laundry or catering services (for deliveries and take-aways).
Amusement parks; swimming pools; gyms; saunas and aquaparks; bars; disco and night clubs; museums; Theaters; cinemas; concert venues are closed.
As of 1/02 all stores open providing social distancing measures. The number of customers is limited in stores below 100m2 - 1 customer per 10m2; in stores above 100m2 - 1 customer per 15m2. Other essential services permitted to open are: shops with products for animals; press; gasoline; medical; banking; insurance; postal; laundry or catering services (for deliveries and take-aways).
Public gatherings allowed as of 19/06/2020; 25% of seats can be occupied. Gatherings of more than 150 people are banned except for churches with no restrictions (masks obligatory).
RED ZONES From 11 October Mass gatherings and meetings including family meetings limited to 50 participants. From 17 October the limit of public meetings has been decreased to 10 persons in red zones.
Including state and religious ceremonies; a result of implementation of state of epidemic emergency.
As of 7 November until 29 November: Construction shops; and food markets; pharmacies; and essential services as hairdressers; cosmetic and health services; remain open in big shopping malls. The number of customers is limited in stores below 100m2 - 1 customer per 10m2; in stores above 100m2 - 1 customer per 15m2. Other essential services permitted to open are: shops with products for animals; press; gasoline; medical; banking; insurance; postal; laundry or catering services (for deliveries and take-aways). Priority hours in place for seniors from Monday to Friday between 10:00 and 12:00. Shops and services are provided exclusively to seniors above 60 years old.; Measure extended until 31 Jan 2021
Between 10:00 and 12:00 shops are only open to clients above 65 years old; out of these hours the shops are open for everyone.
RED ZONES: From 11 October Mass gatherings and meetings including family meetings limited to 50 participants. From 17 October the limit of public meetings has been decreased to 10 persons in red zones.
Public gatherings allowed as of 19/06/2021; 25% of seats can be occupied. Gatherings of more than 150 people are banned except for churches with no restrictions (masks obligatory).
Public allowed as from 19/06/2020; 25% of seats can be occupied. Gatherings of more than 150 people are banned except for churches with no restrictions (masks obligatory).
In big shopping malls only markets selling food and pharmacies; goods for construction and repair; products for animals; press; gasoline are permitted to be open. Medical; banking; insurance; postal; laundry or catering services (for deliveries and take-aways) can be provided in shopping galleries; from 04.05.2020 - Shopping centers and large area stores open; but with a limited number of people and no meals. Shopping facilities with a sales area of over 2;000 sq m - i.e. shopping centers; large-format stores - will be opened. However; there will be a limit of people. There must be 15 sq m of retail space per person (the sales area does not include the area of corridors). However; fitness centers and recreational spaces (e.g. playgrounds) cannot operate in shopping centers. There cannot be any places where meals are eaten on site (the so-called food court).
No cancellation policy actually regardless the size of the gathering; just 50% of occupancy.
Between 10am and noon the shops are only open to clients above 65 years old; out of these hours the shops are open for everyone; including the people above 65 years old; gas stations are excluded from this rule; the pharmacies between 10 am and noon are also open for those for whom the purchase of a drug or food for special purpose is necessary because of a sudden threat to life or health.
Hospitals and long-term care centers introduced bans on people visiting patients and residents respectively.
Masks worn by staff and customers. In red zones restaurants and bars should be closed at 22:00 as of 10 October.
Prohibition of use of playgrounds; zoological gardens and gardens in parts where there is a playground or equipment intended for children's play. People can take short walks but cannot use forest field services; camping sites; and equipment used to play by children.
RED ZONES amusement parks; swimming pools; gyms; aquaparks are closed; sporting events with no audience; cultural events (concerts; theatres; cinemas) with 25% audience; face masks; disinfectants and distancing obligatory YELLOW ZONES amusement parks; swimming pools; gyms; aquaparks are closed; sporting events with no audience; cultural events (concerts; theatres; cinemas) with 25% audience; face masks; disinfectants and distancing obligatory As of 24 October; the territory of the whole country is considered RED zone and relevant restrictions apply. The need for the measure will be reviewed before 29 November.
Sport activity up to 150 people or up to 250 people or up to 75% of capacity depending on type of activity and type of sport facility.
YELLOW ZONES Mass gathering and meetings including family meetings limited to 100 participants on the area of the whole country; in yellow zones up to 75 participants.
RED ZONES Mass gathering and meetings including family meetings limited to 50 participants in red zones.
Sport activities up to 150 people or up to 250 people or up to 75% of capacity depending on type of activity and type of sport facility.
Non-essential shops closure: Open
Restrictive measures mandatory between 30 May 2020 to TBD
All restrictions toward shopping centers and big surfaces shops abolished, no limits for people staying at the same time in the shop, market and post offices, but the obbligation to use gloves/or sanitising hands, covering m&n. Limits as for people number in shops, markets, post offices- in relation to its surface. - up to 100 m2 - 5 people for one cash register stand, - over 100 m2 - 1 person for 15 m2. From 15/10 new regulation for seniors: from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 12:00 in a shop, drugstore, pharmacy shop and p ost office there can be only people over 60 years old. From 24/10 RESTAURANTS - ban for normal activity of restaurants, possible only preparation of food for take away or delivery. The ban regards also school canteens. The meals can be released only to children from calsses: 1-3 of primary schools and staff with respect to the sanitary measures. only every second table can be occupied, the distance between tables must be at least 1,5 m unless there ia a separation device high at least 1 m,counting from the top of the table. Hotel restaurants - are allowed but only for hotels' guests who stay at least 1 night. Consumption only at the table in the sanitary regim.The guests can occupy every second table and distance between ables 1,5 m or separation device 1 m high. In the whole country the beauty centers, hairdressers, tatoos and estetic centres can be open but only in the sanitary regim. Distance between "working stations" at least 1,5 m or with the separation device high at least 2m from the floor. In the place where the activity is carried out there can be only staff and served clients (max. 1 person for working station, except for the staff), + person who is taking care of the client in certain cases. Hotels activity allowed, except for cubs, disco and dancing places. other rules as in case of congresses, restaurants, cultural or sport activity. Swimming pools, fitness centers, gyms only for hotel guests staying at least 1 night.
Events stop: Partially banned
Restrictive measures mandatory between 10 October 2020 to TBD
24/10 Cultural events in the closed space can be held with participation of 25% of public, mandatory covering of mouth & nose. Cultural evens in the open air can be organised with distancing 1,5m and covering mouth & nose. (so every 4th place at the audience, in the alternated rows, in case of not indicated places at the audience - the distance of 1,5m must be kept + covering of m&n - exceptions for children under 13 years old, certified handicaped people, people living together. Valid till recall from 24/10/2020 GATHERINGS: in the gatherings there can participate max.5 people, mandatory covering of mouth &nose + distance 1,5m. The distance between gatherings can not be lower than 100 m. There is a ban for organising meetings and events, independently from their type - exception events&meetings at home with no more than 20 people.
All recreational and sports faicilties are closed; regardless of their size and whether they are public or private. As from 06/06 open for groups up to 150.Initially for 2 weeks. As from 7/08/2020 open under 2 conditions: a) wearing masks; b) not more than 1 person per 2;5sqm.
As from 30/05 only in non-open air spaces and if maintaining distance is not sustainable. Originally: Everyone who leaves the house must cover the mouth and nose. It can be done with a disposable mask; a material mask or a scarf. Exceptions: children up to 4 years old; people who have breathing problems (no certificate or certificate required); persons who cannot themselves put on or take off their face protection because of their state of health (no judgment or certificate required); people traveling by car - if the passengers live together; persons traveling by car - if only the driver or a driver with a child up to 4 years old is there; employees in workplaces; public buildings and commercial facilities (exception: persons who directly serve customers or clients in these places; however; are obliged to cover their mouths and nose); public transport drivers and private carriers - provided that they are separated from veil passengers; clergy with religious rituals; farmers working on the farm; soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland and allied forces; as well as officers of the Military Counterintelligence Service and the Military Intelligence Service; performing official tasks; people in the forest.
two meters space between tables or 1 meter and a barrier. Masks on if not eating. Compulsory masks and gloves for staff. Mandatory tables desinfection.
Gatherings of more than 2 people are banned; Including state and religious ceremonies (until 19.04.2020 - religious ceremonies - max 5 people; excluding the people excercising the ministry - also people employed by the funeral home); starting from 20.04 - for religious ceremonies 1 participant is allowed for 15m2 of the area of the building; excluding the people excercising the ministry; also starting form 20.02 - on the cemetery 50 people are allowed for a funeral excluding people excercising the ministry and people employed by the funeral home); does not apply to meetings with relatives.
Restaurants and bars can serve only take-away food. Home delivery is also permitted. Initially for 2 weeks.
All recreational and sports faicilties are closed; regardless of their size and whether they are public or private. Initially for 2 weeks. As from 06/06 open for groups up to 150.
Hotels will remain open. 14-days self-quarantine will aply for people coming from abroad.