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Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): PCR/LFT
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner



All flights; excluding those carrying cargo; to Larnaka and Pafos airports are prohibited. Travel ban for all non cypriots or non-EU citizens with a work permit in Cyprus.; 17/03/20: Entry ban for individuals other than citizens from countries in the European Union; European Economic Area; and United Kingdom; long-term residents and people with long-term visa or residence permits; family members of EU and EEA citizens; medical personnel and people responsible for transport of goods.; 1/03/2022: The European Union recommends that its member nations remove any non-essential travel bans for vaccinated tourists arriving from third countries starting March 1; 2022.


Travellers from at risk areas who belong to categories B and C according the classification of Cyprus government.; 08/06/2020 Travellers from at risk areas who belong to category B and C according the classification of Cyprus government are required to undergo a diagnostic test for COVID-19 on arrival in Cyprus or have a negative RT-PCR certificate with a negative result no later than 72 hours before departure. Since 16 January 2021 travellers from a Category B country; or who have stayed in a Category B country in the 14 days before arrival to Cyprus; have to provide a document showing a negative PCR result for COVID-19 conducted within 72 hours before entering the country. In case of travellers from a Category C country; or who have stayed in a Category C country in the 14 days before arrival to Cyprus; there are specific categories which are allowed to enter the territory. These categories have the possibility either to provide a document showing a negative PCR result for COVID-19 conducted within 72 hours before entering the country or to be tested upon arrival at their own expenses. As of 1 March 2021; Cyprus implements the commonly agreed EU 'traffic lights' approach to travel restrictions. Travellers from 'green' countries are required to undergo a PCR test upon arrival; the cost of which will be covered by the Republic of Cyprus. Travellers from 'orange' countries have to provide a document showing a negative result of a PCR test taken within 72 hours before entering the country and some categories of them may also be tested upon arrival. Travellers from 'red' countries have to undergo a double testing procedure; showing a negative result of a PCR test taken within 72 hours before entering the country and carrying out another PCR test upon arrival. As of 1 April 2021; all passengers from countries of the 'Green Category' are not required to hold a Covid-19 test certificate and to self-isolate.Travellers from 'Orange Category' countries are subject to the requirement for a pre-departure negative PCR test within 72 hours prior to arrival. Some categories of travellers may also be tested upon arrival. Travellers from 'Red Category' countries are subject to the requirement for a pre-departure negative PCR test within 72 hours prior to arrival. Additionally; these travellers are subject to a second test upon their arrival. Since 10 of May passengers; holding a valid vaccination certificate will be able to travel to the Republic of Cyprus without being subject to isolation or test requirement. At the moment only vaccinated people with vaccines approved by EMA and Sputnic V are excluded from the obligation of test and isolation.


Passengers; holding a valid vaccination certificate will be able to travel to the Republic of Cyprus without being subject to isolation or test requirement. At the moment only vaccinated people with vaccines approved by EMA and Sputnik V are excluded from the obligation of test and isolation. ; 01/07/2021 European travellers can use the EU Digital COVID Certificate (EUDCC) to enter Cyprus. ; 20/07/2021 Travellers must have a vaccination certificate or a COVID-19 Certificate of Recovery with a validity period of six months; otherwise they are obligated to conduct a laboratory examination for COVID-19 (not before 72 hours of arrival) or they can have the examination upon the arrival in Cyprus and remain in compulsory self-quarantine until a negative result is delivered.; 13/08/2021: Countries are categorized according to their epidemiological situation into 'Green'; 'Orange' and 'Red' categories. The country categorisation is updated weekly by the Ministry of Health. The measures applicable depend on the colour code assigned to each country. PCR test is required from countries that are coloured orange; red; or grey. This measure is valid for third countries and -for EU/EEA countries if they belong in one of the above categories independently if travellers have vaccine or recovery certificate.;30/10/2021 Travellers from Green countries must comply with random sampling for COVID-19 disease during their presence in the Democracy of Cyprus. Travellers from Orange; Red and Grey countries must have a vaccination certificate or a COVID-19 Certificate of Recovery with a validity period of six months; otherwise; they are obligated to conduct a laboratory examination for COVID-19 (not before 72 hours of arrival).;6/12/2021: (due to Omicron variant) all arriving travellers should take a PCR test at the airport; even if they are fully vaccinated; recently recovered; or are already in possession of a negative test.;28/12/2021 All arriving travellers should present a PCR test taken within 48 hours before their departure in Cyprus; even if they are fully vaccinated; recently recovered; or are already in possession of a negative test. Travellers with booster dose must present a rapid antigen test taken within 72 hours before their departure in Cyprus. Travellers from 'Grey Zones' are not allowed to enter Cyprus.;06/01/2022 All arriving travellers should present a PCR test taken within 72 hours before their departure in Cyprus; even if they are fully vaccinated; recently recovered; or are already in possession of a negative test. Travellers with booster dose must present a rapid antigen test taken within 72 hours before their departure in Cyprus. Travellers from 'Grey Zones' are not allowed to enter Cyprus.14/01/2022: All passengers arriving in Cyprus are required to undergo either a RT- PCR test; 72 hours before departure or an antigen rapid test 24 hours before departure. It is reminded that upon arrival all passengers; regardless of their vaccination status; will undergo a RT - PCR test and the cost will be paid by the passenger. Moreover; all passengers entering the Republic of Cyprus; with the exclusion of those who received the booster / 3rd dose of acceptable vaccines; are required to undergo a rapid antigen test upon completion of 72 hours from the time of their arrival (persons under the age of 12 are excluded from this obligation).;21/02/2022 All passengers arriving in Cyprus are required to undergo either a RT- PCR test; 72 hours before departure or an antigen rapid test 24 hours before departure. It is reminded that upon arrival all passengers; regardless of their vaccination status; will undergo a RT - PCR test and the cost will be paid by the passenger. Travellers who refuse to undergo a PCR testing are obliged to quarantine for 10 days.;08/03/2022 Passengers arriving in Cyprus are required to undergo either a RT- PCR test; 72 hours before departure or an antigen rapid test 24 hours before departure. They must also comply with the possibility of conducting a random sampling test for COVID-19 disease upon arrival in the Republic of Cyprus; the cost of which is covered by State. Travellers from red and grey countries must undergo a RT - PCR test and the cost will be paid by the passenger. Travellers who refuse to undergo a PCR testing are obliged to quarantine for 10 days.; 22/04/2022 Passengers arriving in Cyprus and are not in possession of a vaccination certificate or an antibodies certificate; no longer than 180 days; are required to present either a 72-hour RT- PCR test; or a 24-hour antigen rapid test. Travellers who refuse to undergo PCR testing are obliged to quarantine for 10 days.; 15/05/2022 Passengers arriving in Cyprus and are not in possession of a vaccination certificate or an antibodies certificate; no longer than 180 days; are required to present either a 72-hour RT- PCR test; or a 24-hour antigen rapid test. Travellers who do not meet these conditions commit an offence and they must pay an extrajudicial fine or leave Cyprus.; 08/07/2022 There are no further restrictions for entry into Cyprus.


Travel advices to citizen of Cyprus.; 18/04/2022: all travel restrictions lifted.


Passagiere; Inhaber eines gültigen Impfpasses können in die Republik Zypern einreisen, ohne einer Isolations- oder Testpflicht unterzogen zu werden. Derzeit sind nur Geimpfte mit von EMA und Sputnic V zugelassenen Impfstoffen von der Test- und Isolationspflicht ausgenommen. ; 01.07.2021 Europäische Reisende können das digitale EU-COVID-Zertifikat (EUDCC) für die Einreise nach Zypern verwenden. ; 20.07.2021 Reisende müssen im Besitz eines Impfpasses oder einer COVID-19 Genesungsbescheinigung mit einer Gültigkeitsdauer von sechs Monaten sein; Andernfalls sind sie verpflichtet, eine Laboruntersuchung auf COVID-19 durchzuführen (nicht vor 72 Stunden nach der Ankunft), oder sie können die Untersuchung bei der Ankunft in Zypern durchführen lassen und in obligatorischer Selbstquarantäne bleiben, bis ein negatives Ergebnis vorliegt.; 13.08.2021: Länder werden nach ihrer epidemiologischen Situation in „Grün“ eingestuft; Kategorien „Orange“ und „Rot“. Die Länderkategorisierung wird wöchentlich vom Gesundheitsministerium aktualisiert. Die anwendbaren Maßnahmen hängen von dem Farbcode ab, der jedem Land zugeordnet ist. Ab orangefarbenen Ländern ist ein PCR-Test erforderlich; rot; oder grau. Diese Maßnahme gilt für Drittländer und - für EU/EWR-Länder, wenn sie in eine der oben genannten Kategorien gehören, unabhängig davon, ob Reisende über einen Impf- oder Genesungsnachweis verfügen.; 30.10.2021 Reisende aus grünen Ländern müssen sich während ihres Aufenthalts in Democracy of Cyprus an Stichproben für die COVID-19-Krankheit halten. Reisende aus Orange; Rote und graue Länder müssen über einen Impfpass oder ein COVID-19-Genesungszertifikat mit einer Gültigkeitsdauer von sechs Monaten verfügen; andernfalls sind sie verpflichtet, eine Laboruntersuchung auf COVID-19 durchzuführen (nicht vor 72 Stunden nach Ankunft).; Seit dem 6. Dezember 2021 (aufgrund der Omicron-Variante) sollten alle ankommenden Reisenden am Flughafen einen PCR-Test machen; auch wenn sie vollständig geimpft sind; kürzlich wiederhergestellt; oder bereits im Besitz eines negativen Tests sind; 28.12.2021 Alle ankommenden Reisenden sollten einen PCR-Test vorlegen, der innerhalb von 48 Stunden vor ihrer Abreise in Zypern durchgeführt wurde; auch wenn sie vollständig geimpft sind; kürzlich wiederhergestellt; oder bereits im Besitz eines negativen Tests sind. Reisende mit einer Auffrischimpfung müssen einen Antigen-Schnelltest vorlegen, der innerhalb von 72 Stunden vor ihrer Abreise in Zypern durchgeführt wurde. Reisende aus „Grauzonen“ dürfen nicht nach Zypern einreisen.; 01.06.2022 Alle ankommenden Reisenden sollten einen PCR-Test vorlegen, der innerhalb von 72 Stunden vor ihrer Abreise in Zypern durchgeführt wurde; auch wenn sie vollständig geimpft sind; kürzlich wiederhergestellt; oder bereits im Besitz eines negativen Tests sind. Reisende mit einer Auffrischimpfung müssen einen Antigen-Schnelltest vorlegen, der innerhalb von 72 Stunden vor ihrer Abreise in Zypern durchgeführt wurde. Reisende aus „Grauzonen“ dürfen nicht nach Zypern einreisen. 14.01.2022: Alle in Zypern ankommenden Passagiere müssen sich entweder einem RT-PCR-Test unterziehen; 72 Stunden vor Abflug oder ein Antigen-Schnelltest 24 Stunden vor Abflug. Es wird daran erinnert, dass bei der Ankunft alle Passagiere; unabhängig von ihrem Impfstatus; wird einem RT-PCR-Test unterzogen und die Kosten werden vom Passagier getragen. Darüber hinaus; alle Passagiere, die in die Republik Zypern einreisen; mit Ausnahme derjenigen, die die Auffrischungsimpfung / 3. Dosis akzeptabler Impfstoffe erhalten haben; müssen sich nach Ablauf von 72 Stunden nach ihrer Ankunft einem Antigen-Schnelltest unterziehen (Personen unter 12 Jahren sind von dieser Verpflichtung ausgenommen); 21.02.2022 Alle in Zypern ankommenden Passagiere müssen sich entweder einem RT-PCR-Test unterziehen; 72 Stunden vor Abflug oder ein Antigen-Schnelltest 24 Stunden vor Abflug. Es wird daran erinnert, dass bei der Ankunft alle Passagiere; unabhängig von ihrem Impfstatus; wird einem RT-PCR-Test unterzogen und die Kosten werden vom Passagier getragen. Reisende, die sich einem PCR-Test verweigern, müssen sich für 10 Tage in Quarantäne begeben.; 03.08.2022 Passagiere, die in Zypern ankommen, müssen sich entweder einem RT-PCR-Test unterziehen; 72 Stunden vor Abflug oder ein Antigen-Schnelltest 24 Stunden vor Abflug. Sie müssen auch die Möglichkeit einhalten, bei ihrer Ankunft in der Republik Zypern einen Stichprobentest auf die COVID-19-Krankheit durchzuführen; deren Kosten vom Staat getragen werden. Reisende aus roten und grauen Ländern müssen sich einem RT-PCR-Test unterziehen und die Kosten werden vom Passagier getragen. Reisende, die sich einem PCR-Test verweigern, müssen sich für 10 Tage in Quarantäne begeben.; 22.04.2022 Passagiere, die in Zypern ankommen und keinen Impfpass oder Antikörperpass besitzen; nicht länger als 180 Tage; müssen entweder einen 72-Stunden-RT-PCR-Test vorlegen; oder ein 24-Stunden-Antigen-Schnelltest. Reisende, die sich einem PCR-Test verweigern, müssen sich für 10 Tage in Quarantäne begeben.; 15.05.2022 Passagiere, die in Zypern ankommen und nicht im Besitz eines Impfpasses oder eines Antikörperpasses sind; nicht länger als 180 Tage; müssen entweder einen 72-Stunden-RT-PCR-Test vorlegen; oder ein 24-Stunden-Antigen-Schnelltest. Reisende, die diese Bedingungen nicht erfüllen, begehen eine Straftat und müssen eine außergerichtliche Geldbuße zahlen oder Zypern verlassen.


17.03.20: Einreiseverbot für andere Personen als Bürger aus Ländern der Europäischen Union; Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum; und Vereinigtes Königreich; Langzeitaufenthalter und Personen mit langfristigen Visa oder Aufenthaltsgenehmigungen; Familienangehörige von EU- und EWR-Bürgern; medizinisches Personal und Personen, die für den Transport von Gütern verantwortlich sind.; 01.03.2022: Die Europäische Union empfiehlt ihren Mitgliedsstaaten, alle nicht unbedingt notwendigen Reiseverbote für geimpfte Touristen, die aus Drittländern anreisen, ab dem 1. März aufzuheben; 2022.


All flights; excluding those carrying cargo; to Larnaka and Pafos airports are prohibited. Travel ban for all non cypriots or non-EU citizens with a work permit in Cyprus.; 20/02/2020:Travel ban at ports for all; including cypriots; unless they have proof of negative test.


Cyprus is banning arrivals from a number of African states; including South Africa; Botswana and Zimbabwe.; 18/02/2022: flight ban ending; normal entry requirements apply.


23/10/2020: It is forbidden to move people from 11 pm to 5 am; excluding commuting for emergency medical reasons (from/to pharmacy; hospital) or for work purposes; by presenting a relevant certificate or evidence. ; 11/11/2020: Curfew extended from 8 pm to 5 am. ; 11/12/2020: Curfew between 9 pm to 5 am; with movements allowed only for work or health reasons.


Stay-at-home orders enforced; along with a curfew on any type of outdoor activity between 23:00 - 05:00. Sending a text message before going out is not yet necessary. As of 17 May 2021; there is a curfew on any type of outdoor activity between 00:00 - 05:00. There is an exception for essential reasons (e.g. work). As of 29 May 2021; there is a curfew on any type of outdoor activity between 01:00 - 05:00. There is an exception for essential reasons (e.g. work).


Lockdown. Citizens are only permitted to leave home for legitimate reasons up to twice a day; each for which a text message must be sent. Movement for exercise purposes may not exceed 3 hours. Stay-at-home orders enforced; along with a curfew on any type of outdoor activity between 21:00 - 05:00. As of 13 March 2021; there is a curfew on any type of outdoor activity between 23:00 - 05:00. There is an exception for essential reasons (e.g. work). As of 26 April citizens are only permitted to leave home for legitimate reasons only one time per day with some exceptions.


Travel advices to citizen of Cyprus


Travellers from at risk areas who belong to category B and C according the classification of Cyprus government are required to undergo a diagnostic test for COVID-19 on arrival in Cyprus or have a negative RT-PCR certificate with a negative result no later than 72 hours before departure. Since 16 January 2021 travellers from a Category B country; or who have stayed in a Category B country in the 14 days before arrival to Cyprus; have to provide a document showing a negative PCR result for COVID-19 conducted within 72 hours before entering the country. In case of travellers from a Category C country; or who have stayed in a Category C country in the 14 days before arrival to Cyprus; there are specific categories which are allowed to enter the territory. These categories have the possibility either to provide a document showing a negative PCR result for COVID-19 conducted within 72 hours before entering the country or to be tested upon arrival at their own expenses. As of 1 March 2021; Cyprus implements the commonly agreed EU 'traffic lights' approach to travel restrictions. Travellers from 'green' countries are required to undergo a PCR test upon arrival; the cost of which will be covered by the Republic of Cyprus. Travellers from 'orange' countries have to provide a document showing a negative result of a PCR test taken within 72 hours before entering the country and some categories of them may also be tested upon arrival. Travellers from 'red' countries have to undergo a double testing procedure; showing a negative result of a PCR test taken within 72 hours before entering the country and carrying out another PCR test upon arrival. As of 1 April 2021; all passengers from countries of the 'Green Category' are not required to hold a Covid-19 test certificate and to self-isolate.Travellers from 'Orange Category' countries are subject to the requirement for a pre-departure negative PCR test within 72 hours prior to arrival. Some categories of travellers may also be tested upon arrival. Travellers from 'Red Category' countries are subject to the requirement for a pre-departure negative PCR test within 72 hours prior to arrival. Additionally; these travellers are subject to a second test upon their arrival. Since 10 of May passengers; holding a valid vaccination certificate will be able to travel to the Republic of Cyprus without being subject to isolation or test requirement. At the moment only vaccinated people with vaccines approved by EMA and Sputnic V are excluded from the obligation of test and isolation.


National movement restrictions: Partially banned

Restrictive measures mandatory between 05 November 2020 to 21 May 2020

The movement of citizens is banned from 11 at night until 5 in the morning of the following day, excluding movement for emergency medical reasons (to/from a pharmacy, hospital) or for work purposes by presenting a relevant certification or documentation. New measures for COVID-19 in the occupied areas. Mandatory quarantining for those who travel to the occupied areas will be extended until October 1 (included) whilst until then bars, which were allowed to operate conditionally, will be closed it was announced on Monday. The maximum number of persons allowed to attend social gatherings at home and/or in public places (physical presence in the same premises/installation regardless of indoor and outdoor areas), increases from 150 to 250 persons for outdoor spaces and from 75 to 100 persons in indoor spaces. More than 2 1/2 months following its implementation, the special hours set at supermarkets and pharmacies for vulnerable groups are no longer in effect as of today, June 9, as per the Health Ministry’s latest decree. The Cyprus Association of Retail Trade Enterprises said on Tuesday in an announcement that “based on the latest decree by the competent ministry, the measure to exclusively provide service to vulnerable groups, people aged 60 and above and people with disabilities from 7 am to 10 am no longer applies as of today, June 9, 2020. The limit of 10 persons for gatherings continues to be in place. As of 24 June until 6 July, gatherings will be allowed of up to 50 people indoors or up to 100 people outdoors The Republic of Cyprus is ready as of 8 June 2020 to allow the movement from and to the areas controlled by the Republic of Cyprus, for the following categories of persons, provided that they will present on the first time they cross, a negative certificate of molecular examination for the COVID-19 disease, with prior validity of up to 72 hours. Thereafter, random sample tests would be performed on the following: Turkish Cypriot, Greek Cypriot workers, Turkish Cypriot pupils/students, enclaved people, as well as resettled Greek Cypriots and Maronites, residing permanently in the occupied areas, Cypriot citizens who reside in the occupied areas and receive medicinal or medical care at the Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre, Institute of Neurology and Genetics and Public or Private Hospitals in the free areas. – All restrictions of the movement of citizens are lifted – scrapping of SMS requirement and scrapping of 10 pm to 6 am curfew (from May 21) – Gatherings of up to 10 people permitted (from May 21) The epidemiological situation permitting, May 21 will see the lifting of all restrictions on movement of citizens. From 4 May the number of permitted movements within a day by sending SMS increase to three. Ban on movement remains in place from 10.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. Movement over Easter: All events, gatherings organized as part of Easter traditions are prohibited as are any events or gatherings in the surrounding areas of places of worship. The illegal regime in Turkish-held northern Cyprus decided on a one-week entry ban through checkpoints to UK peacekeepers and foreign diplomats. The lockdown in Cyprus is to be extended until the end of April. Furthermore, as from 31st March 2020 at 6 a.m.: Gatherings of people at any residence are prohibited, other than of permanent residents. Any movement of persons from 9.00 p.m. until 6.00 a.m. is prohibited, except for those holding a Confirmation of Movement of an Employee certificate (Form A). The use of the certificate of a citizen?s movement in exceptional cases, in accordance with the provisions of Form B, is limited to only once a day, after permission has been obtained by sending an SMS message to 8998. A written declaration for the movement of citizens in exceptional cases, which falls within the provisions of Form B, shall be used only by persons over 65 years of age.Only people who have secured permission to leave the house will be allowed on public transport, the Transport Ministry has clarified. The above measures have immediate effect until their withdrawal from the Minister of Transport. Prohibit all unnecessary movement from 6 pm on March 24 to April 13. Exceptions are to get to work, purchase basic items, visit the doctor or pharmacy, go to the bank, help those who cannot care for themselves, go to ceremonies such as weddings, funerals or christenings if relatives to the first and second degree and with a maximum of 10 people, exercise or walk a dog if not more than two people and if in the vicinity of the house. All must carry an ID or passport and the necessary documentation.As regards the crossing points between the free and the occupied areas, entry will be permitted only to persons falling into the following categories: ? Cypriot citizens, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. ? Legal residents in the free areas. ? Nationals of countries who are in a designated diplomatic service.

International movement restrictions: Partially banned

Restrictive measures mandatory between 12 June 2020 to TBD

The Health Ministry on Tuesday issued a revised list of countries regarding their epidemiological risk as regards coronavirus for travel purposes, moving Serbia from Group B to Group C and Australia from Group A to Group B. The new list is effective as of July 16. The Foreign Ministry is advising Cypriot citizens to avoid non-essential travel except in the case of the 40 countries listed in the current Group A and Group B. For Group A and B countries, its advice is to exercise caution. With airports now in the second phase of their operation, the deputy tourism ministry has updated its COVID-19 destination protocol. Turkish Cypriot regime opens five checkpoints From 12 June avoid non- essential travel to all Countries except those listed in Categories A (Malta, Greece, Bulgaria, Norway, Austria, Finland, Slovenia, Hungary, Denmark, Germany, Slovakia, Lithuania, Croatia, Estonia, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Latvia, Luxembourg) and B (Israel, Poland, Romania), according to the epidemiological risk assessment conducted by the Ministry of Health. The lockdown in Cyprus is to be extended until the end of April. Prohibiting all passenger flights. Anyone entering the Republic of Cyprus (in addition to the conditions announced on 13 March) will need to be in possession of a certificate that they have been tested for COVID-19. The certificate should have been issued in the last four days before their arrival to Cyprus. Even in this case, everyone entering the Republic will be placed in quarantine for 14 days at government-administered facilities.


Travellers from at risk areas who belong to categories B and C according the classification of Cyprus government.


Travellers from affected areas: screening travelers that comimg from China.


Closure of 4 check point for the northern occupied part of the island.


A national lockdown will be enforced from 24 March to at least 13 April. All residents and citizens are required to stay home. # Any movement of persons from 9.00 p.m. until 6.00 a.m. is prohibited; except for those holding a Confirmation of Movement of an Employee certificate . Exceptions: Transfer to and from the workplace; supplies of basic necessities; Visit to doctor or transit to a pharmacy; Visit to a bank if electronic transactions are not possible. v. Transit with the purpose to aid fellow; First and second degree relatives going to ceremonies; such as funerals; weddings and christenings; not exceeding ten people; Transit for physical exercise or for the needs of a pet; provided they are not more than two people and they remain limited in areas adjacent to their residence. partial curfew will be in place for 14 days. Individuals may only leave their residences to seek goods and services from essential personnel and businesses. All public sector employees except for the police force; fire department; health; civil aviation; finance and similar services will be under administrative leave until March 27; 2020. Private sector businesses except those which provide basic needs such as groceries; bakeries; gas stations; pharmacies; etc.; will also be closed until at least March 27. All business hours are restricted from 07:00 to 18:00.

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