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Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner



The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs advises against all non-essential travels to other countries.


Third-country nationals can no longer enter the territory of the Grand Duchy for a renewable period of one month. Exempt from temporary travel restrictions are citizens of the EU; the UK; countries associated with the Schengen area; as well as their family members; for the purpose of returning to their homes; 21/08/2020: the ban on the entry of third-country nationals into the territory of Luxembourg is extended to 15/09/2020. Exceptions apply; 17/10/2020: measure extended to 31/12/2020; 01/01/2021: measure extended to 31/03/2021; 07/02/2021: Citizens of the EU and of the countries associated with the Schengen area; as well as citizens of San Marino; Andorra; Monaco and the Vatican/Saint See; are free to enter the territory of the EU; regardless of the purpose of the stay and not only to return to their homes; 25/05/2021: the ban on the entry of third-country nationals into the territory of Luxembourg is extended to 30/06/2021; 15/06/2021: measure extended to 30/09/2021; 08/10/2021: measure extended to 31/12/2021; 16/11/2021: third-country nationals with a certificate proving a complete vaccination schedule issued by Georgia; Moldova; New Zealand and Serbia will be allowed to enter the territory of the Great- Duchy of Luxembourg; including for non-essential trips; 31/01/2022: Third-country citizens with residence in Argentina; Australia or Canada are no longer allowed to enter the territory of Luxembourg for non-essential travel; 22/04/2022: Third country nationals are allowed to enter the Grand Duchy in certain cases.


Third-country nationals seeking to enter Luxembourg by air; whose travel does not originate from an EU member country or one of the countries exempted by the EU (Australia; Canada; China; Georgia; Japan; New Zealand; Rwanda; Korea from the South; Thailand; Tunisia and Uruguay); must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test at the time of boarding; having been administered less than 48 hours before the flight; 29/01/2021: Anyone; regardless of nationality; aged 6 or over; wishing to travel by air to Luxembourg; must present upon boarding the negative result of a test that detects SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid; or of a rapid antigen test; performed up to 72 hours before the flight; 07/06/2021: Additional sanitary measures are applicable for the UK and India; 15/06/2021: For any person authorised to enter Luxembourg; it is compulsory to present; before boarding; either a vaccination or a recovery certificate or the negative result of a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT); 16/11/2021: the certificates issued by the authorities of Georgia; Moldova; New Zealand and Serbia are to be considered as equivalent; 16/12/2021: health measures for people entering Luxembourg by air are extended until February 28; 2022 inclusive. Also; until January 14; 2022 inclusive; any person (regardless of nationality and age) who has stayed in South Africa; Botswana; Eswatini; Lesotho; Mozambique; Namibia or Zimbabwe in the 14 days preceding their arrival on Luxembourg territory must undergo as soon as possible a test nucleic acid amplification (NAAT) for the detection of the viral RNA of SARS-CoV-2 (PCR; TMA or LAMP methods); indicating to the laboratory that he has stayed in one or more of these countries; 22/04/2022: travellers are no longer required to present a vaccination or recovery certificate or the negative result of a nucleic acid amplification test upon boarding. Even if the obligation to present one of the three documents is no longer applicable for entries by air; the presentation of a vaccination certificate or a certificate of recovery remains one of the means of proving the right to enter Luxembourg under the temporary restrictions that apply to third-country nationals; 01/07/2022: extension of measures till 30/09/2022.


Returning travelers have access to a free test at Luxembourg airport. Starting 17/08/2020; those returning by other means of transport will have the option to take a free test by first registering at; 12/10/2020; Luxembourg State offers; under certain conditions; a free COVID-19 test to cross-border workers after a trip or stay abroad. Thus; this offer is no longer limited to Luxembourg residents only. To benefit from this free test as a cross-border worker; you must: reside in Germany; Belgium or France; and have a Luxembourg social security number (CNS) (13-digit matricule); and be returning from a trip or tourist stay abroad; 12/01/2021: Nationals of an EU country or one of the Schengen Area associated countries are free to enter Luxembourg; irrespective of the purpose of their stay and not only to return to their home. These people do not need to produce a negative Test before arrival. Third-country nationals may no longer enter the territory of Luxembourg until 31/03/2021. Exemption for persons and nationals from the following third-countries: Australia; China; Hong Kong and Macao; Japan; New Zealand; Ruanda; Singapore; South Korea; Thailand: For these exceptions; an obligation to present a negative test before entering Luxembourg applies; 22/06/2021: For any person authorised to enter Luxembourg (regardless of nationality); it is compulsory to present; before boarding a flight to Luxembourg either a vaccination/recovery certificate or the negative result (on paper or electronically) of a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT). This applies to all departures to Luxembourg; including those from Member States of the European Union or the Schengen area. Additional sanitary measures are applicable until 15/07/2021 for the United Kingdom and for India; regardless of the means of transport; 16/11/2021: the certificates issued by the authorities of Georgia; Moldova; New Zealand and Serbia are to be considered as equivalent; 16/12/2021: health measures for people entering Luxembourg by air are extended until February 28; 2022 inclusive. Also; until January 14; 2022 inclusive; any person (regardless of nationality and age) who has stayed in South Africa; Botswana; Eswatini; Lesotho; Mozambique; Namibia or Zimbabwe in the 14 days preceding their arrival on Luxembourg territory must undergo as soon as possible a test nucleic acid amplification (NAAT) for the detection of the viral RNA of SARS-CoV-2 (PCR; TMA or LAMP methods); indicating to the laboratory that he has stayed in one or more of these countries.; 31/01/2022: Arrivals from these countries subject to the same restrictions as other third country nationals; 22/04/2022: travelers are no longer required to present a vaccination certificate; a certificate of recovery or the negative result of a nucleic acid amplification test upon boarding. Even if the obligation to present one of the three documents is no longer applicable for entries by air; the presentation of a vaccination certificate or a certificate of recovery remains one of the means of proving the right to enter Luxembourg under the temporary restrictions that apply to third-country nationals; 01/07/2022: extension of measures till 30/09/2022.


Reiserückkehrer haben Zugang zu einem kostenlosen Test am Flughafen Luxemburg. Ab 17.08.2020; Personen, die mit anderen Verkehrsmitteln zurückkehren, haben die Möglichkeit, einen kostenlosen Test zu absolvieren, indem sie sich zuerst auf registrieren; 10.12.2020; Angebote des luxemburgischen Staates; unter bestimmten Bedingungen; ein kostenloser COVID-19-Test für Grenzgänger nach einer Reise oder einem Auslandsaufenthalt. Daher; Dieses Angebot ist nicht mehr nur auf in Luxemburg ansässige Personen beschränkt. Um von diesem kostenlosen Test als Grenzgänger zu profitieren; Sie müssen: in Deutschland wohnen; Belgien oder Frankreich; und über eine luxemburgische Sozialversicherungsnummer (CNS) (13-stellige Matrikel) verfügen; und von einer Auslandsreise oder einem touristischen Aufenthalt zurückkehren; 01.12.2021: Staatsangehörige eines EU-Landes oder eines der assoziierten Länder des Schengen-Raums können frei nach Luxemburg einreisen; unabhängig vom Zweck ihres Aufenthalts und nicht nur zur Rückkehr an ihren Wohnort. Diese Personen müssen vor der Einreise keinen negativen Test vorlegen. Drittstaatsangehörige dürfen bis zum 31.03.2021 nicht mehr in das Hoheitsgebiet Luxemburgs einreisen. Befreiung für Personen und Staatsangehörige aus folgenden Drittstaaten: Australien; China; Hongkong und Macao; Japan; Neuseeland; Ruanda; Singapur; Südkorea; Thailand: Für diese Ausnahmen; es besteht die Verpflichtung, vor der Einreise nach Luxemburg einen negativen Test vorzulegen; 22.06.2021: Für alle zur Einreise nach Luxemburg berechtigten Personen (unabhängig von der Staatsangehörigkeit); es ist zwingend vorzulegen; vor dem Einsteigen in einen Flug nach Luxemburg entweder eine Impf-/Genesungsbescheinigung oder das negative Ergebnis (auf Papier oder elektronisch) eines Nukleinsäure-Amplifikationstests (NAAT). Dies gilt für alle Abflüge nach Luxemburg; einschließlich derjenigen aus Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union oder des Schengen-Raums. Für das Vereinigte Königreich und für Indien gelten bis zum 15.07.2021 zusätzliche Hygienemaßnahmen; unabhängig vom Transportmittel; 16.11.2021: die von den Behörden Georgiens ausgestellten Bescheinigungen; Moldawien; Neuseeland und Serbien sind als gleichwertig anzusehen; 16.12.2021: Gesundheitsmaßnahmen für Personen, die auf dem Luftweg nach Luxemburg einreisen, werden bis zum 28. Februar verlängert; 2022 inklusive. Ebenfalls; bis 14. Januar; 2022 einschließlich; jede Person (unabhängig von Nationalität und Alter), die sich in Südafrika aufgehalten hat; Botswana; Eswatini; Lesotho; Mosambik; Namibia oder Simbabwe müssen sich in den 14 Tagen vor ihrer Ankunft auf luxemburgischem Hoheitsgebiet so bald wie möglich einer Test-Nukleinsäureamplifikation (NAAT) zum Nachweis der viralen RNA von SARS-CoV-2 (PCR; TMA- oder LAMP-Methoden) unterziehen; dem Labor mitteilen, dass er sich in einem oder mehreren dieser Länder aufgehalten hat; 31.01.2022: Einreisende aus diesen Ländern unterliegen den gleichen Beschränkungen wie andere Drittstaatsangehörige; 22.04.2022: Reisende müssen keinen Impfpass mehr vorlegen; eine Genesungsbescheinigung oder das negative Ergebnis eines Nukleinsäure-Amplifikationstests beim Einsteigen. Auch wenn die Pflicht zur Vorlage eines der drei Dokumente bei Einreisen auf dem Luftweg entfällt; Die Vorlage eines Impfpasses oder einer Genesungsbescheinigung bleibt eines der Mittel, um das Recht nachzuweisen, im Rahmen der vorübergehenden Beschränkungen, die für Drittstaatsangehörige gelten, nach Luxemburg einzureisen.


Empfehlung zur Vermeidung unnötiger Reisen.; 05.04.2022: Lockdown endet.


17.03.2020: Drittstaatsangehörige dürfen nicht mehr einreisen. Staatsangehörige außerhalb des Schengen-Raums. Das Einreiseverbot für Drittstaatsangehörige in das Hoheitsgebiet Luxemburgs wird bis zum 15.09.2020 verlängert; 01.07.2020: Drittstaatsangehörige, die in einem der folgenden Länder ansässig sind, dürfen in das Hoheitsgebiet Luxemburgs einreisen: Algerien; Australien; Kanada; China (vorbehaltlich der Bestätigung der Gegenseitigkeit auf EU-Ebene); Georgia; Japan; Marokko; Neuseeland; Ruanda; Südkorea; Thailand; Tunesien; Uruguay.; 01.01.21 Drittstaatsangehörige dürfen bis zum 31. März 2021 nicht mehr in das Hoheitsgebiet des Großherzogtums einreisen. Ausgenommen von dieser Regel sind Personen und Staatsangehörige aus einer Liste von Drittstaaten, die regelmäßig überprüft wird. Personen aus Drittstaaten können befreit werden, wenn Arbeitnehmer; Familienbesuche; etc. ; 22.07.2021: Bürger der Europäischen Union und der mit dem Schengen-Raum assoziierten Länder; sowie Bürger von San Marino; Andorra; Monaco und der Vatikan/Saint See; das Hoheitsgebiet des Großherzogtums Luxemburg betreten dürfen; unabhängig vom Zweck des Aufenthalts und nicht nur zur Rückkehr in ihre Wohnung. Drittstaatsangehörige dürfen bis zum 31.12.2021 nicht mehr in das Hoheitsgebiet des Großherzogtums einreisen; 16.11.2021: Drittstaatsangehörige mit einer von Georgien ausgestellten Bescheinigung über einen vollständigen Impfplan; Moldawien; Neuseeland und Serbien wird die Einreise in das Hoheitsgebiet des Großherzogtums Luxemburg gestattet; einschließlich für nicht unbedingt notwendige Reisen.; 01.03.2022: Die Europäische Union empfiehlt ihren Mitgliedsstaaten, alle nicht unbedingt notwendigen Reiseverbote für geimpfte Touristen, die aus Drittländern anreisen, ab dem 1. März aufzuheben; 2022.


30/10/2020: Curfew 23:00 to 06:00. Movements of people in public space are prohibited; with certain exceptions: visits to the doctor; going to work or walking your dog a maximum distance of 1 km from home. Fines are applied for breaching the law.; 26/12/2020: Curfew 21:00 to 06:00.; 11/01/2021: Curfew 23:00 to 06:00.; 16/05/2021: Curfew 00:00 to 06:00.; 13/06/2021: Curfew has been lifted.


ECDC leaflet distributed.


National movement restrictions: Partially banned

Restrictive measures mandatory between 24 July 2020 to TBD

As of 25 Sept 2020, masks must be worn for all activities in closed spaces, open to the public, and on public transport (except for the driver when a distance of 2m is respected or a separation panel separates him from the passengers). Gatherings of people at home or on the occasion of private events, in a closed space or in the open air, are limited to 10 persons. At public gatherings of more than 10 people, people must be assigned a seat with a distance of 2m. If the distance of 2m cannot be maintained, a mask must be worn. The conditions of distancing and the mask do not apply either to minors under 6 years of age or to cohabitants. In the event of infringements of these measures, the person risks a fine of up to 500€. Visits of a private nature organized at home. Six people max., in addition to the people living in the same household. Outdoor gatherings in a public place for a maximum number of twenty people. Try to keep a distance of 2m to others at all times. Wearing a mask is mandatory. Previously, Reopening of construction sites (tentative date 20 April 2020) The first phase thus covers the following activities: Reopening of construction sites; Educational aid and assistance activities (Services in child and family aid, Competence centres in special psycho-pedagogical care and measures to benefit children who are on the verge of dropping out of school); Activities of gardeners and landscapers; Businesses whose main activity is do-it-yourself; Reopening of recycling centres. Phase 3 - resumption of fundamental education as well as the reopening of crèches and childcare facilities (tentative date 25 May 2020) This will be followed - in later phases - by the resumption of commercial activities and the reopening of the HORECA sector. At this stage, however, it is premature to give a detailed assessment of the lifting of restrictions in this sector. A final decision will be taken in due course by the Government Council on the basis of an analysis of the situation. Companies, businesses and administrations are generally encouraged to continue to promote teleworking throughout the transition period out of confinement. Up to 20 April, working from home can be imposed as a preventive measure for employees whose nature of work allows it. If employees are quarantined because they are sick or came back from an infected area or have been in direct contact with a person infected with the coronavirus, they have to produce a medical certificate. Establishments receiving the public, activities of a cultural, social, festive, sporting and recreational nature are suspended. Playgrounds are closed. As a general rule, the gathering of people on public roads is not permitted. Individuals may pursue outdoor leisure activities as long as they remain alone. Otherwise, they must respect the requirement of a distance of two metres between people. A group of people living under the same roof can also pursue outdoor leisure activities. These people in the same household do not need to distance themselves from each other. Thus, parents and children can e.g. walk around holding hands, parents can carry their child across the street. On the other hand, they must all respect the two-metre distance from people who do not live with them. When parents are separated and have visitation and accommodation rights and alternate custody of their children, they are not bound by the travel restrictions for the public. This applies to the duration of trips from one household to another. Owners of pets, e.g. cats, dogs, horses, can travel to ensure their well-being. Thus, when these animals are not at home, they can go to the premises to take care of them. However, here again, no gathering of people is allowed, the distance of at least 2 metres must be respected. Establishments in the cultural, recreational and sports sectors, as well as restaurants and caf?s, are closed. The same applies to company canteens, except where an interpersonal distance of two metres is respected. The prohibition does not apply to take-away, drive-in and home delivery services. The prohibition does not apply to hotels. However, hotel restaurants and bars, with the exception of room service and take-out, are closed

International movement restrictions: Partially banned

Restrictive measures mandatory between 14 August 2020 to 31 December 2020

Since 14 August 2020, the Luxembourg State offers residents the possibility to undergo a free test upon their return from a journey abroad. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the ban on the entry of third-country nationals into the territory of Luxembourg is valid until 31 December 2020. Furthermore, the following persons are currently authorised to enter the territory of Luxembourg, eg. third-country nationals who have long-term resident status as well as any other persons with a right of residence or holding a national long-term visa issued by an EU Member State or a Schengen country;


The general population was recommended to stay at home and isolate. Traffic on public roads is restricted to the following activities: purchase of food; pharmaceuticals and basic necessities; visit of health services; travel to the workplace of professional or commercial activity; assistance and care for the elderly; minors; dependent people; disabled people or particularly vulnerable people; travel to financial and insurance institutions in the event of an emergency; due to a case of force majeure or a situation of necessity. Short individual walks outside of the home are allowed provided that an interpersonal distance of 2 metres is respected. Gatherings are prohibited. Compliance with the rules will be monitored by the police. Failure to do so is punishable by fines and imprisonment.

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