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Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner

Schließung von Schulen/Universität:


All schools are switching to distance learning for one week (till 08/01/2021).


Closure of schools till 29/03; 18/03/2020: The resumption of activities has been postponed to 20/04; 15/04/2020: Reopening of secondary schools on 11/05. For senior classes the schools open on 4th May. The rest will resume to school 11th or 26th of May. Internships and practical work at BTS and university level will also be allowed from 4/05. Classes will take weekly turns to avoid to much people in the schools at the same time. End date is tentative and can be changed if considered necessary.


Closure of schools till 29/03; 18/03/2020: The resumption of activities has been postponed to 20/04; 15/04/2020: Repopening of primary schools on 25/05.


All activities in basic; secondary and higher education structures will be suspended for two weeks from Monday; March 16; 2020. Reopening 25 May 2020.


All activities in basic; secondary and higher education structures will be suspended for two weeks from Monday; March 16; 2020. Reopening 25 May 2020.


Das Tragen einer Maske ist für schulische Aktivitäten obligatorisch; einschließlich außerschulischer Aktivitäten, wenn diese in Innenräumen stattfinden, sowie während des gesamten Verkehrs im Schulgebäude. Diese Verpflichtung gilt für lehrendes und nicht lehrendes Personal sowie Studierende aus dem 2. Zyklus der Grundbildung oder der entsprechenden Bildungsstufe in privaten Bildungseinrichtungen. Treffen mit den Eltern von Schülern finden entweder per Videokonferenz oder im Rahmen des sogenannten „2G“-Regimes statt (Vorlage eines Impfpasses oder einer Genesungsbescheinigung); 01.07.2022: neue Maßnahmen zur Isolierung und Quarantäne von Studierenden; 01.10.2022: Alle Schülerinnen und Schüler der Sekundarstufe können dreimal pro Woche einen Schnelltest im Gymnasium ablegen; 02.09.2022: allgemeine Maskenpflicht; sowie eine regelmäßige Prüfung der Klassen; werden nach positivem Kontakt verstärkt. Jede Klasse wird dreimal pro Woche an der Schule getestet; mit Zyklus 1 in der Grundschule, wo die Tests zu Hause abgelegt werden; 03.11.2022: Gesundheitsmaßnahmen im Zusammenhang mit COVID-19 aufgehoben.


School closure from 28 Dec to 10 Jan. Distance learning between 4-8 January


Schools/Univ. closure: Open

Restrictive measures mandatory between 25 May 2020 to TBD

On September 2020, schools fully open with restictive measures (Port du masque obligatoire sur le chemin de l’école (transport compris) et à l’intérieur du bâtiment scolaire pour les élèves âgés de plus de 6 ans. Port du masque facultatif en classe et dans la cour de récréation pour l’enseignement fondamental. Port du masque obligatoire dans la cour de récréation pour l’enseignement secondaire. Au choix du lycée: port du masque obligatoire dans la salle de classe.) On May 4 senior classes of secondary education will resume. On May 11 classes, secondary schools will reopen for all other students (classes 7ième to 2ième) and on May 25, fundamental schools, day-care centres and out of school centres will reopen. Closure extended up to 4 May 2020. From 4 May, students in the senior classes will resume courses, followed on 11 May by all other classes in secondary education and vocational training, as well as the Advanced Technician's Certificate (Brevet de technicien supérieur - BTS). Trainees will be able to return to their apprenticeship positions in companies in sectors that have been deconfined. From 25 May, the children will once again be able to attend elementary education and the childcare facilities and parental assistants will be able to resume their work. Class sizes have been halved, teachers teach the same lessons during two weeks. The students receive home-work and assignments to work on during the week they are not in school.


For senior classes the schools open on 4th May. The rest will resume to school 11th or 26th of May. Internships and practical work at BTS and university level will also be allowed from 4/05. Classes will take weekly turns to avoid to much people in the schools at the same time. End date is tentative and can be changed if considered necessary.


Repoenning the 25th May. Reduced number of attendees


For senior classes the schools open on 4th May. The rest will resume to school 11th or 26th of May 2020. Internships and practical work at 'BTS' and university level will also be allowed from 4/05/2020 Classes will take weekly turns to avoid to much people in the schools at the same time. End date is tentative and can be changed if considered necessary.


All activities in basic; secondary and higher education structures will be suspended for two weeks from Monday; March 16; 2020. Reopeniing 25 May 2020.

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