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Menschen vollständig
% vollständig
Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner



The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic recommends that Slovak citizens not travel to the region of South Africa due to the new variant of the coronavirus SARS-CoV2 B. 1.1.529. This applies to the following countries: South Africa; Namibia; Lesotho; Eswatini; Zimbabwe; Botswana and Mozambique; 22/02/2022: The state of emergency ends.


Only citizens of Slovakia and persons with permanent and temporary residence in Slovakia are allowed to enter; and all are required to undergo 14-day quarantine. Borders closed to all other nationals; except for truck drivers ensuring maintenance of supply chains; diplomatic corps; medical staff and certain categories of short-term cross-border workers; 09/06/2020: Entry of foreigners through the internal air border; if flying from a country not listed as a 'safe country“ is not allowed.


Persons arriving in Slovakia from 25 health-safe countries can enjoy unrestricted crossing of borders. Persons arriving in Slovakia from countries other than health-safe countries continue to be required to prove themselves by a 96-hour-old negative test for COVID-19; 20/07/2020: updated list of health-safe countries; 04/08/2020: those entering Slovakia must complete a registration form and present negative COVID-19 test not older than 96 hours upon arrival. In case of arrival at Vienna International Airport; the negative COVID-19 test must not be older than 72 hours; 16/11/2020: Slovakia adopts the ECDC methodology to deem countries risky or less risky. All EU borders are now considered red. Those arriving from red zones are required to present a negative PCR test no older than 72 hours; register with the government website and self-isolate; 11/01/2021: When returning from EU countries; Iceland; Norway; Liechtenstein and Switzerland - obligation to undergo home isolation or isolation in a quarantine accommodation facility. Isolation ends by a) receiving a negative RT-PCR test for COVID-19; or b)by completing its 10th day without symptoms appearing. Exceptions: to prove a negative RT-PCR test results no older than 72 hours performed in laboratories outside the territory of the Slovak Republic; or a negative result of an antigen test from Austria or the Czech Republic; not older than 72 hours. When returning from other high-risk countries: home isolation with members of the common household; registration at and at the earliest on the 5th day pass the test for COVID-19; 08/02/2021: Slovakia adopts the COVID-19 Traffic Light System; 17/02/2021: People who have visited exclusively EU countries; Iceland; Norway; Liechtenstein; Switzerland; tand the UK in the last 14 days can undergo the RT-PCR test on day 8 of isolation. Exceptions apply. Upon entry; a negative result of an antigen or RT-PCR test not older than 7 days is needed. Travellers from more distant EU countries; Norway; Liechtenstein; Switzerland; Iceland and the UK; people who have recovered from COVID-19 and people vaccinated with a second dose of the vaccine more than 14 days ago: upon entry; they must present an antigen or RT-PCR test not older than 48 hours; 01/03/2021: A negative test for COVID-19 not older than 7 days is required to travel abroad and return home; 22/03/2021: People who have recovered from COVID-19 or have been vaccinated with a second dose of the vaccine more than 14 days ago must undergo a RT-PCR test at the 8th day after entry; 19/04/2021: People who wish to enter Slovakia and have only been in countries of the EU; Iceland; Norway; Lichtenstein; Switzerland or the UK in the previous 14 days; can do so if they have been fully vaccinated or if they have recovered from the disease; 21/06/2021: The obligation of home quarantine for a person who came from a green country does not apply if upon arrival in Slovakia can prove a negative RT-PCR test result no older than 72 hours. For arrival from black countries; exemptions from quarantine are given to vaccinated persons who have a permanent or temporary residence in Slovakia; 19/07/2021: All unvaccinated people entering Slovakia must enter self-isolation; which ends; in case of asymptomatic course and without testing on the 14th day. Fully vaccinated people have to be able to prove their vaccination status. With the proof of vaccination and no COVID-like symptoms they do not need to enter a mandatory self-isolation; 15/10/2021: Travellers coming from lower-risk countries do not need to have a negative 72 hour old PCR test; but travellers from other countries; are required to prove a negative 72-hour PCR test; 01/01/2022: Travellers entering Slovakia are divided into to two groups: 'fully vaccinated' and 'unvaccinated'. All eligible travellers must register online in advance at Fully vaccinated travellers do not need to quarantine; however; they must carry proof of vaccination. Unvaccinated and partially-vaccinated travellers must self-quarantine for 10 days or apply for a COVID-19 test on the 5th day of quarantine; and if the test result is negative the self-quarantine can end; 06/04/2022: all COVID-19 requirements for entry to Slovakia are cancelled; regardless of vaccination status.


Das Ministerium für auswärtige Angelegenheiten und europäische Angelegenheiten der Slowakischen Republik empfiehlt slowakischen Staatsbürgern, aufgrund der neuen Variante des Coronavirus SARS-CoV2 B. 1.1.529 nicht in die Region Südafrika zu reisen. Dies gilt für folgende Länder: Südafrika; Namibia; Lesotho; Eswatini; Zimbabwe; Botswana und Mosambik.


17.03.20: Einreiseverbot für andere Personen als Bürger aus Ländern der Europäischen Union; Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum; und Vereinigtes Königreich; Langzeitaufenthalter und Personen mit langfristigen Visa oder Aufenthaltsgenehmigungen; Familienangehörige von EU- und EWR-Bürgern; medizinisches Personal und Personen, die für den Transport von Gütern verantwortlich sind.; 01.03.2022: Die Europäische Union empfiehlt ihren Mitgliedsstaaten, alle nicht unbedingt notwendigen Reiseverbote für geimpfte Touristen, die aus Drittländern anreisen, ab dem 1. März aufzuheben; 2022.


Einführung vorübergehender Grenzkontrollen mit allen Nachbarstaaten außer der Republik Polen. Alle drei internationalen Flughäfen in der Slowakei werden geschlossen. Auch der internationale Bus- und Bahnverkehr wird eingestellt. LKW-Transporte sind erlaubt. Die Grenzkontrollen beginnen am Freitag, den 13.03.2020; 06.04.2020: Die Einreise von Ausländern in das Hoheitsgebiet der Slowakischen Republik ist nicht erlaubt (es gelten Ausnahmen) und vorübergehende Wiedereinführung von Grenzkontrollen; 18.04.2020: Wiedereinführung von Grenzkontrollen an den Binnengrenzen der Slowakischen Republik zur Republik Österreich; Ungarn; der Tschechischen Republik und der Republik Polen sowie auf internationalen Flughäfen wird erweitert; 08.05.2020: Wiedereinführung der Grenzkontrolle an den Binnengrenzen der Slowakischen Republik mit der Republik Österreich; Ungarn; der Tschechischen Republik und der Republik Polen sowie auf internationalen Flughäfen wird erweitert; 28.05.2020: Die Grenzkontrolle an den Binnengrenzen der Slowakischen Republik mit der Republik Polen und an internationalen Flughäfen wird erneuert.


17.02.2021: Die Liste weniger riskanter Länder und die Möglichkeit des Grenzübertritts mit einem 72-Stunden-RT-PCR-Test wird abgeschafft. Personen, die ausschließlich EU-Länder besucht haben; Island; Norwegen; Liechtenstein; Schweiz; t und Großbritannien in den letzten 14 Tagen können sich dem RT-PCR-Test am 8. Tag der Isolierung unterziehen. Ausnahmen gelten. Bei der Einreise; ein negatives Ergebnis eines Antigen- oder RT-PCR-Tests, der nicht älter als 7 Tage ist, ist erforderlich. Reisende aus weiter entfernten EU-Ländern; Norwegen; Liechtenstein; Schweiz; Island und Großbritannien; Personen, die sich von COVID-19 erholt haben, und Personen, die vor mehr als 14 Tagen mit einer zweiten Dosis des Impfstoffs geimpft wurden: bei der Einreise; sie müssen einen Antigen- oder RT-PCR-Test vorlegen, der nicht älter als 48 Stunden ist; 01.03.2021: Ein negativer Test auf COVID-19, der nicht älter als 7 Tage ist, ist erforderlich, um ins Ausland zu reisen und nach Hause zurückzukehren; 22.03.2021: Personen, die sich von COVID-19 erholt haben oder vor mehr als 14 Tagen mit einer zweiten Dosis des Impfstoffs geimpft wurden, müssen sich am 8. Tag nach der Einreise einem RT-PCR-Test unterziehen; 19.04.2021: Personen, die in die Slowakei ankommen und ausschließlich EU-Länder besucht haben; Island; Norwegen; Liechtenstein; In der Schweiz oder im Vereinigten Königreich muss während der letzten 14 Tage ein negatives Ergebnis eines Antigentests, der nicht älter als 48 Stunden ist, oder eines RT_PCR-Tests, der nicht älter als 72 Stunden ist, bestätigt werden. 26.04.2021: Pendler aus Nachbarländern und Bürger der Slowakei, die in einem Nachbarstaat leben, müssen einen negativen Antigen- oder RT-PCR-Test haben, der nicht älter als 7 Tage ist; 21.06.2021: Für Personen aus Ländern der Grünen Liste; keine Quarantäne erforderlich ist, wenn: a) bei der Ankunft; sie belegen ein negatives Ergebnis des RT-PCR-Tests, der nicht älter als 72 Stunden ist; b) sie stammen aus Nachbarländern der Grünen Liste und haben ein negatives Antigentestergebnis, das nicht älter als 24 Stunden ist. Personen, die aus Ländern der Roten und Schwarzen Liste kommen, müssen sich einer häuslichen Quarantäne unterziehen; 15.10.2021: Reisende aus Ländern mit geringerem Risiko müssen keinen negativen 72 Stunden alten PCR-Test haben; aber Reisende aus anderen Ländern; müssen einen negativen 72-Stunden-PCR-Test nachweisen; 02.04.2022: Einreisende in die Slowakei; Ausübung des Status einer vollständig geimpften Person oder einer Person, die die COVID-19-Krankheit überwunden hat; verpflichtet sind, sich gegenüber einem Angehörigen der Polizei auszuweisen; durch Vorlage einer COVID-EU-Karte oder offizieller COVID-19-Impf- oder Kontrolldokumente, die in EU-Mitgliedstaaten oder Drittstaaten ausgestellt wurden.


Curfew from 8pm to 5am. Exceptions apply.


The Government of the Slovak Republic restricts freedom of movement until the 9th of December 2021.


From 01/01/2021 curfew from 05:00 to 01:00 the following day applies; with minimum exceptions e.g. journey to and from employment; travel in order to meet necessary needs; trip to a medical establishment for the purpose of urgent medical care or to take COVID-10 RT-PCR test. From 08/02/2021 curfew from 05:00 to 01:00 the following day applies; with relaxation and exceptions according to the new COVID AUTOMAT system. Districts are divided according to the current epidemiological risk into 4 levels of warning. A negative exemption from the curfew requires a negative PCR result or antigen test for COVID-19 that is not older than seven days. An updated division of districts based on the COVID AUTOMAT will be published by the Ministry of Health every Tuesday. From 03/03/2021 the curfew continues to apply from 05:00 until 01:00 but stricter conditions are introduced during the night from 20:00 to 01:00. On 15/05/2021 the state of emergency is lifted and curfew is abolished.


Travel to work by public transport; regional bus or train is allowed only with a negative test for COVID-19; not older than 7 days. Update 03/03/2021: If travel to work is necessary; it's necessary to prove it with a certificate from the employer specifying the working hours and place of work.


Crossing without restrictions applies to people arriving from safe countries. When returning from risky EU countries: Option 1 - to stay in domestic isolation with members of the common household and register on the website A SARS-CoV-2 test is taken on the fifth day; or if there are no symptoms of the disease; home isolation after 10 days even without the test. Option 2 - to provide a negative RT-PCR test result not older than 72 hours when entering the territory of the Slovak Republic When returning from risky countries outside the EU: Domestic isolation with members of the common household; registration at and at the earliest on the fifth day test for COVID-19. Update 8/12/2020: Persons older than 7 years who regularly cross the borders of Slovakia (Slovak and foreign commuters; Slovak citizens living at the borders of neighbouring countries; pupils and students; people caring for their close ones; people who manage land to 10 km from the border; artists and other workers in the cultural sector) who are exempt from home isolation and testing will need to be able to demonstrate a negative RT-PCR test result not older than 2 weeks or a negative antigen test result; also not older than 2 weeks. Update 18/12/2020: When returning from EU countries; Iceland; Norway; Liechtenstein and Switzerland: Option 1 - domestic isolation with members of the common household and registration on the website At the earliest on the fifth day to pass the test for Covid-19; or if there are no symptoms of the disease; home isolation can be terminated after 10 days without test. Option 2 - to prove a negative RT-PCR test results no older than 72 hours performed in laboratories outside the territory of the Slovak Republic; or a negative result of an antigen test from Austria or the Czech Republic; not older than 72 hours. When returning from other high-risk countries: home isolation with members of the common household; registration at and at the earliest on the fifth day pass the test for COVID-19. Update 11/01/2021: When returning from EU countries; Iceland; Norway; Liechtenstein and Switzerland - obligation to undergo home isolation or isolation in a quarantine accommodation facility. Isolation ends by a) receiving a negative RT-PCR test for COVID-19; or b)by completing its 10th day without symptoms appearing. Exceptions: to prove a negative RT-PCR test results no older than 72 hours performed in laboratories outside the territory of the Slovak Republic; or a negative result of an antigen test from Austria or the Czech Republic; not older than 72 hours. When returning from other high-risk countries: home isolation with members of the common household; registration at and at the earliest on the fifth day pass the test for COVID-19. Update 08/02/2021: When returning from EU countries; Iceland; Norway; Liechtenstein and Switzerland - obligation to undergo home isolation or isolation in a quarantine accommodation facility. Isolation ends by a) receiving a negative RT-PCR test for COVID-19; or b)by completing its 14th day without symptoms appearing. Exceptions: to prove a negative RT-PCR test results no older than 72 hours performed in laboratories outside the territory of the Slovak Republic; or a negative result of an antigen test from Austria or the Czech Republic; not older than 72 hours. When returning from other high-risk countries: home isolation with members of the common household; registration at and at the earliest on the eighth day pass the test for COVID-19.


The movement restriction does not apply from 1.00 am to 5.00 am; it does not apply to persons with a negative PCR test or a COVID-19 antigen test performed in a nationwide test. (Art. 5 par. 3 letter g) of the Constitutional Act no. 227/2002 Coll. on security State in time of war; state of war; state of emergency and state of emergency).


National movement restrictions: Partially banned

Restrictive measures mandatory between 24 October 2020 to 01 November 2020

exceptions: from 1:00 to 5:00 in the morning; travel to work; accompany children to school; nearest shop, doctor, pharmacy; family care, post, bank insurance, auto repair, petrol station or COVID testing facility,

International movement restrictions: Partially banned

Restrictive measures mandatory between 16 September 2020 to TBD

Update of 11 Sept: RED regions includes: Austria(Vienna, Tyrol, Vorarlberg); Czech Republic (Prague, Central Bohemian Region, South Bohemian Region, South Moravian Region, Karlovy Vary Region, Vysočina Region, Hradec Králové Region, Liberec Region, Pardubice Region, Pilsen Region); Hungary (Budapest, Fejér, Hajdú-Bihar, Pest); Poland (województwo małopolskie); Slovakia (Bratislava region), Bulgaria ( Blagoevgrad, Dobrich, Smolyan); Italy (Campania, Liguria, Sardinia, Trento); United Kingdom (England: North East, North West, West Midlands, Yorkshire and the Humber, Northern Ireland, Scotland: Greater Glasgow And Clyde, Wales: Aneurin Bevan, Cwm Taf); Ireland (Dublin, Mid-West); Sweden (Hallands Lan); Denmark (Hovedstaden); Estonia (Ida-Viru Maakond, Võru Maakond); Lithuania (Tauragės Apskritis) Update of 28 August: from 1 September the list of RED countries includes Croatia, France, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Malta Update of 17/7: - Safe countries: Australia, Belgium, Cypress, Czech Republic, China, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Greece, Croatia, Netherlands, Republic of Ireland, Iceland, Japan, Korea, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Malta, Monaco, Germany, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Austria, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, UK - Higher-risk countries extended to: Bulgaria and Montenegro (upon arrival 5 days quarantine then PCR Covid test) Update of 19/6: Free movement between Slovakia and Poland from 20/6 Update of 16/6: Poland is opening the borders but free travels from Slovakia are allowed for up to 48 hours (COVID test must be provided for longer stays) Update of 9/06: Free movement to Germany, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Iceland Monaco and Montenegro. Update of 05/06: Free movement to Hungary, Czech Republic and Austria Update of 03/06: Free movement to Hungary and Czech Republic for people having a temporary residence (necessary to provide at least 2 documents to prove it) Update of 19/05: Travelling allowed for trips not exceeding 24hours to all neighbouring EU countries and Croatia, Slovenia, Switzerland and Germany. No quarantine nor testing obligation upon return. Update 28/04: Exception for cross border workers within 30km (NO obligation to provide negative test for COVID). Update of 6 April: All Slovak citizens returing from abroad will stay in state controlled isolation until they can be tested for COVID and then home isolation for a total of 14 days. There are some expceptions from this rule (e.g. pregnant, persons with medical issues, disabled, over 75, etc. )

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