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Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner


Covid-19 Impfung - Nicht benötigt


19/04/2021: With the test; not older than 7 days; it is possible to visit: - retail stores; shopping centres; - establishments; body care facilities; such as hairdressers; in limited mode also hotel facilities; - museums; galleries; libraries; zoological and botanical gardens; - driving school courses; - swimming pools and sports grounds; - individual recreation of members of a common household; - travel abroad (except for a trip for recreation abroad - the ban on foreign holidays still applies); - permitted mass event; - job interview; selection procedure; and others; - fitness centres; - restaurant and café terraces. 14/06/2021: In the case of mass events; where all participants have a negative test for COVID-19 not older than 12 hours; in addition to antigen and RT-PCR tests; the LAMP test can also be used; 14/03/2022: lifting of restrictions.


Persons with proof of recovering from COVID-19 not older than 3 months are exempted from the movement restriction measure and can enter all public and private buildings and structures; including public authority buildings; operated for both commercial and non-commercial purposes (e.g. shops; school facilities; place of employment). 14/06/2021: In the case of mass events; where all participants have a negative test for COVID-19 not older than 12 hours; in addition to antigen and RT-PCR tests; the LAMP test can also be used; 28/06/2021: An antigen test is not required for a) persons who are at least 21 days but not more than 90 days after the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine with a two-dose schedule; unless the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine has been administered b) persons who are at least 21 days but not more than 12 months after the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine with a two-dose schedule if the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine has been administered c) persons who are at least 21 days but not more than 12 months after a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine with a single-dose COVID-19 vaccine schedule d) persons who are at least 21 days old and not more than 12 months after the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine; if the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine has been administered within 180 days of the COVID-19 disease d) persons who have overcome COVID-19 in the period not more than 180 days ago e) persons under 10 years of age; 14/03/2022: lifting of restrictions.


Geimpfte Personen sind von der häuslichen Isolation ausgenommen; 07.09.2021: Geimpfte mit mindestens der Erstdosis müssen sich nicht in häusliche Isolation begeben; 19.07.2021: Vollständig geimpfte Personen und Personen im Alter von 12 bis 18 Jahren (sofern keine Person im gemeinsamen Haushalt von der häuslichen Isolation erfasst ist) sind von der häuslichen Isolation ausgenommen. Der Erlass ändert auch die Definition einer vollständig geimpften Person. Als vollständig geimpft gelten: a) eine Person mindestens 14 Tage, aber nicht mehr als 12 Monate nach Erhalt einer zweiten Dosis des COVID-19-Impfstoffs mit einem Zwei-Dosen-Impfschema b) eine Person mindestens 21 Tage, aber nicht mehr als 12 Monate nach Erhalt der ersten Dosis des COVID-19-Impfstoffs mit einem Einzeldosisschema c) eine Person mindestens 14 Tage und nicht mehr als 12 Monate nach Erhalt der ersten Dosis des COVID-19-Impfstoffs; wenn die erste Dosis der COVID-19-Impfung innerhalb von 180 Tagen nach Überwindung von COVID-19 verabreicht wurde; 01.03.2021 Personen, die mindestens 14 Tage zuvor mit einer zweiten Impfdosis gegen COVID-19 geimpft wurden, sind von der Bewegungsbeschränkungsmaßnahme ausgenommen und können alle öffentlichen und privaten Gebäude und Strukturen betreten; einschließlich öffentlicher Gebäude; sowohl zu kommerziellen als auch zu nichtkommerziellen Zwecken betrieben werden (z. B. Geschäfte; Schuleinrichtungen; Arbeitsstätte).; 23.12.2021: Personen mit einer Kontraindikation für eine Impfung gegen COVID-19 wurden in das OP-Regime (Impfung / Überwindung) aufgenommen. Jedoch; Bedingung ist ein 72 Stunden gültiger PCR-Test oder ein 48 Stunden gültiger Ag-Test; 26.02.2022: Der Zutritt zu den Einrichtungen ist allen Personen gestattet; kein Nachweis einer COVID-19-Impfung; Prüfung oder Überwindung ist erforderlich.


Proof of vaccination completed 14 days after receiving the full vaccination (2-dose) and 21 days (1-dose). Double dose and single dose vaccines are valid for 9 months. All types of vaccines are valid.


19/04/2021: With the test; not older than 7 days; it is possible to visit: - retail stores; shopping centres; - establishments; body care facilities; such as hairdressers; in limited mode also hotel facilities; - museums; galleries; libraries; zoological and botanical gardens; - driving school courses; - swimming pools and sports grounds; - individual recreation of members of a common household; - travel abroad (except for a trip for recreation abroad - the ban on foreign holidays still applies); - permitted mass event; - job interview; selection procedure; and others; - fitness centres; - restaurant and café terraces. 14/06/2021: In the case of mass events; where all participants have a negative test for COVID-19 not older than 12 hours; in addition to antigen and RT-PCR tests; the LAMP test can also be used.


Persons with proof of recovering from COVID-19 not older than 3 months are exempted from the movement restriction measure and can enter all public and private buildings and structures; including public authority buildings; operated for both commercial and non-commercial purposes (e.g. shops; school facilities; place of employment). 14/06/2021: In the case of mass events; where all participants have a negative test for COVID-19 not older than 12 hours; in addition to antigen and RT-PCR tests; the LAMP test can also be used; 28/06/2021: An antigen test is not required for a) persons who are at least 21 days but not more than 90 days after the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine with a two-dose schedule; unless the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine has been administered b) persons who are at least 21 days but not more than 12 months after the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine with a two-dose schedule if the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine has been administered c) persons who are at least 21 days but not more than 12 months after a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine with a single-dose COVID-19 vaccine schedule d) persons who are at least 21 days old and not more than 12 months after the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine; if the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine has been administered within 180 days of the COVID-19 disease d) persons who have overcome COVID-19 in the period not more than 180 days ago e) persons under 10 years of age.


In the case of social services facilities; restrictions do not apply to visits of persons who prove upon entry into the facility a negative result of RT-PCR test for COVID-19 disease not older than 72 hours; negative result of antigen test for COVID-19 disease; not older than 24 hours; or a certificate of overcoming COVID-19 disease.

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