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Pre-travel testing (vaccinated): Keiner
Pre-travel testing (unvaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (vaccinated): Keiner
Test on arrival (unvaccinated): Keiner

Schließung von Schulen/Universität:


01/06/2021: Secondary schools may be open to a limited extent.; 01/07/2021: The summer holidays started on 1/7/2020 and despite school closures; this measure was still active.; 02/09/2021 all schools are now open.


Schooling suspended from 30 March 2020 until further notice; 01/06/2020: classes in primary schools resume.


Primary school facilities may open if so decided by the establisher.


Suspension of education in primary schools; including those for pupils with special educational needs; 16/11/2020: School education in primary schools in small groups for pupils from socially disadvantaged backgrounds resumes.


School teaching resumes in primary schools in small groups for pupils from socially disadvantaged backgrounds; 07/12/2020: teaching resumes in primary schools.


Teaching is exceptionally interrupted and students will be provided with distance learning. ;08/02/2021: teaching resumes in primary schools.


For districts wuth 'Black color warning level': closed schools. ;12/04/2021: teaching resumes in primary schools.


Teaching is suspended in secondary schools; 08/02/2021: teaching resumes in certain secondary schools.


Teaching is suspended in secondary schools; 08/02/2021: teaching resumes in certain secondary schools; 15/02/2021: For Black color warning level districts: closed schools; 12/04/2021: teaching resumes in certain secondary schools; 17/05/2021: teaching resumes in all schools.


Secondary schools are closed; 01/06/2020: classes resume.


High schools may reopen for facilitating the exams (school leaving exams; entrance exams etc.).


Secondary schools are closed; 16/11/2020: resumption of teaching in secondary schools in small groups for pupils from socially disadvantaged backgrounds.


School teaching resumes in secondary schools in small groups for pupils from socially disadvantaged backgrounds; 07/12/2020: teaching resumes in secondary schools.


Für Kindergärten gilt die Anwesenheit nach der Schulampel auf Grund einer schriftlichen Symptomatikerklärung; primär; Real- und Kunstschulen oder Gymnasien; Kantinen. Präsenz mit Einschränkung: Universitäten bis 20 Personen bzw. bis 40 Personen mit OTP; oder 120 Personen vollständig geimpft. Wohnheime stehen nur Schülern und Studenten mit Vollzeitunterricht mit dringend empfohlenem OTP zur Verfügung; 25.11.2021: eingeschränkter Vollzeitunterricht für Grundschule; Schüler der Sekundar- und Hochschule; 29.11.2021: Kunstgrundschulen; Freizeitzentren; Sprachschulen und außerschulische Aktivitäten nehmen am Fernunterricht teil; 01.10.2022:Kindergärten und Sonderkindergärten; Grundschulen und Sondergrundschulen; Sekundarschulen (einschließlich 8-jähriger Gymnasien) und Sonderschulen; praktische Schulen; Berufsschulen und Internate werden nach der SCHOOL SEMAFOR betrieben. Sprachschulen; primäre Kunstschulen; Freizeitzentren; Bildungs- und Präventionsschuleinrichtungen dürfen ab dem 10. Januar den Vollzeitunterricht und -betrieb wieder aufnehmen; 14.03.2022: alle Operationen; zusätzlich zum Betrieb im Basismodus; können ohne Kapazitäts- oder Öffnungszeitenbeschränkung geöffnet werden.


From 12/10/2020 until 15/11/2020 High school education and the second level of primary school education moved to distance mode; as well as lessons in language schools. Provision of educational activities; accommodation and meals in school dormitories for secondary school pupils is interrupted.; 16/11/2020 School education in secondary special schools; vocational schools and practical schools as well as in primary and secondary schools in small groups for pupils from socially disadvantaged backgrounds has been resumed. Provision of educational activities; accommodation and meals in school dormitories for secondary school pupils has resumed. Update 08/02/2021: re-opening of primary schools linked to the four levels of the 'COVID automat'. Fourth warning level (worst): schools remain closed; lessons takes place only in a distance form. Third warning level: nurseries are open; as well as primary schools if the regional public health authorities approve; pupils don't need to present negative test. Second warning level: nurseries are open; as well as primary schools and first level of secondary schools if the regional public health authorities approve; pupils of secondary schools and their guardians need a negative test not older than 7 days. First warning level: all educational institutions are open without restrictions. Teachers and employees of school facilities must have a negative result of RT-PCR or antigen test not older than 7 days; the test is not needed when a person has overcome COVID-19 and has a proof not older than three months; or if this person has been vaccinated against COVID-19 with a second dose of vaccine and at least 14 days have passed since this vaccination; or a person whose medical condition or contraindication does not allow a COVID-19 test to be performed - valid from 8.2.2021 (exception is 4th level where schools are closed).


Higher education institutions can partially re-open; however distance learning methods in those subjects for which it is possible is recommended. Update 08/02/2021: re-opening of primary schools linked to the four levels of the 'COVID automat'. Fourth warning level (worst): schools remain closed; lessons takes place only in a distance form. Third warning level: nurseries are open; as well as primary schools if the regional public health authorities approve; pupils don't need to present negative test. Second warning level: nurseries are open; as well as primary schools and first level of secondary schools if the regional public health authorities approve; pupils of secondary schools and their guardians need a negative test not older than 7 days. First warning level: all educational institutions are open without restrictions. Teachers and employees of school facilities must have a negative result of RT-PCR or antigen test not older than 7 days; the test is not needed when a person has overcome COVID-19 and has a proof not older than three months; or if this person has been vaccinated against COVID-19 with a second dose of vaccine and at least 14 days have passed since this vaccination; or a person whose medical condition or contraindication does not allow a COVID-19 test to be performed - valid from 8.2.2021 (exception is 4th level where schools are closed).


School education in secondary special schools; vocational schools and practical schools as well as in primary and secondary schools in small groups for pupils from socially disadvantaged backgrounds has been resumed. Provision of educational activities; accommodation and meals in school dormitories for secondary school pupils has resumed. Update 7/12/2020: Operation of school facilities can be renewed if pupils have negative results of the test for COVID-19 not older than 2 weeks. 08/02/2021: re-opening of primary schools linked to the four levels of the 'COVID automat'. Fourth warning level (worst): schools remain closed; lessons takes place only in a distance form. Third warning level: nurseries are open; as well as primary schools if the regional public health authorities approve; pupils don't need to present negative test. Second warning level: nurseries are open; as well as primary schools and first level of secondary schools if the regional public health authorities approve; pupils of secondary schools and their guardians need a negative test not older than 7 days. First warning level: all educational institutions are open without restrictions. Teachers and employees of school facilities must have a negative result of RT-PCR or antigen test not older than 7 days; the test is not needed when a person has overcome COVID-19 and has a proof not older than three months; or if this person has been vaccinated against COVID-19 with a second dose of vaccine and at least 14 days have passed since this vaccination; or a person whose medical condition or contraindication does not allow a COVID-19 test to be performed - valid from 8.2.2021 (exception is 4th level where schools are closed). From 01/06/2021; secondary or language schools may be open to a limited extent. Reasons when these schools can be opened: commission exams; examinations for completion of education; language exams; entrance exams; state language exams. Temporary opening of these schools will be possible under the condition of compliance with anti-epidemiological measures of the National Public Health Institute of the Slovak Republic. ; 02/09/2021 all schools are now open.


Closure of all schools and school facilities.


Daycare; nursery facilities may open if so decided by the establisher.


From Monday; 16 March 2020; all kindergartens; primary and secondary schools; universities and all leisure facilities and premises will be closed for 14 days.


Schooling suspended from 30 March 2020 until further notice.


Primary school facilities may open if so decided by the establisher.


Schooling suspended from 30 March until further notice.


High schools may reopen for facilitating the exams (school leaving exams; entrance exams etc.).


High school education and the second level of primary school education moved to distance mode; as well as lessons in language schools. Provision of educational activities; accommodation and meals in school dormitories for secondary school pupils is interrupted.


Schools/Univ. closure: Partially closed

Restrictive measures mandatory between 26 October 2020 to 27 November 2020

Update of 23 October: all school closed except of first grade and maternity schools Update of 12 October: Secondary schools closed, all after school activities banned Update of 14 August: Obligatory face masks for all students from second grade onward. Parents will be requested to provide auto-certification stating that since 17 August children did not leave the country or participate in mass gathering. Update of 22 June: some communes in norther part of Slovakia temporarily closing schools Parents can still decide to keep the children at home.

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